Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
Andras Vasy: Microlocal analysis for Kerr-de Sitter black holes Abstract: In this lecture I will describe a framework for the Fredholm analysis of non-elliptic problems both on manifolds without boundary and manifolds with boundary, with a view towards wave pro...
David Borthwick: Asymptotics of resonances for hyperbolic surfaces Abstract: After a brief introduction to the spectral theory of hyperbolic surfaces, we will focus on the problem of understanding the asymptotic distribution of resonances for hyperbolic surfaces. ...
Gabriel Rivière: Correlation spectrum of Morse-Smale flows Abstract: I will explain how one can get a complete description of the correlation spectrum of a Morse-Smale flow in terms of the Lyapunov exponents and of the periods of the flow. I will also disc...
Anke Pohl: Isomorphisms between eigenspaces of slow and fast transfer operators Abstract: Over the last few years I developed (partly jointly with coauthors) dual 'slow/fast' transfer operator approaches to automorphic functions, resonances, and Selberg zeta functions for cert...
Peter Hintz: The stability of Kerr-de Sitter black holes Abstract: In this lecture I will discuss Kerr-de Sitter black holes, which are rotating black holes in a universe with a positive cosmological constant, i.e. they are explicit solutions (in 3+1 dim...
Daniel Remenik: The KPZ fixed point - Part 2 Abstract: In these lectures I will present the recent construction of the KPZ fixed point, which is the scaling invariant Markov process conjectured to arise as the universal scaling limit of all m...
Daniel Remenik: The KPZ fixed point - Part 1 Abstract: In these lectures I will present the recent construction of the KPZ fixed point, which is the scaling invariant Markov process conjectured to arise as the universal scaling limit of all m...
Timo Seppäläinen: Variational formulas, Busemann functions, and fluctuation exponents - Part 3 Abstract: Kardar-Parisi-Zhang fluctuation exponent for the last-passage value of the two-dimensional corner growth model with exponential weights. We sketch the proof of the fluctuation exponent fo...
Timo Seppäläinen: Variational formulas, Busemann functions, and fluctuation exponents - Part 2 Abstract: Busemann functions for the two-dimensional corner growth model with exponential weights. Derivation of the stationary corner growth model and its use for calculating the limit shape and p...
Timo Seppäläinen: Variational formulas, Busemann functions, and fluctuation exponents - Part 1 Abstract: Variational formulas for limit shapes of directed last-passage percolation models. Connections of minimizing cocycles of the variational formulas to geodesics, Busemann functions, and sta...
Yanqi Qiu: Palm equivalence and quasi-symmetries of determinantal point processes associated Abstract: Two important examples of the determinantal point processes associated with the Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions are the Ginibre point process and the set of zeros of the Gaussian ...
Alexander Shamov : Conditioned determinantal processes are determinantal Recording during the thematic meeting: "Random Matrices and Determinantal Process" the February 27, 2017 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guil...
Kurt Johansson: The Airy point process in the two-periodic Aztec diamond Abstract: The two-periodic Aztec diamond is a dimer or random tiling model with three phases, solid, liquid and gas. The dimers form a determinantal point process with a somewhat complicated but ex...
Andrey Dymov: A functional limit theorem for the sine-process Abstract: It is well-known that a large class of determinantal processes including the sine-process satisfies the Central Limit Theorem. For many dynamical systems satisfying the CLT the Donsker In...
They talk about Cirm... #Happy :-)
Sylvain Crovisier: Singular hyperbolicity and homoclinic tangencies of 3-dimensional flows Abstract: The notion of singular hyperbolicity for vector fields has been introduced by Morales, Pacifico and Pujals in order to extend the classical uniform hyperbolicity and include the presence ...
Ian Melbourne: Mixing and rates of mixing for infinite measure flows Abstract: We obtain results on mixing and rates of mixing for infinite measure semiflows and flows. The results on rates of mixing rely on operator renewal theory and a Dolgopyat-type estimate. The...
Mark Pollicott: Central limit theorems for circle packings Abstract: Given the Apollonian Circle packing, or something similar, one can consider the distribution of the logarithms of the radii. These can be shown to satisfy a Central Limit Theorem. The met...
Yves Coudène: Generic properties of the geodesic flow in nonpositive curvature Abstract: I will survey recent results on the generic properties of probability measures invariant by the geodesic flow defined on a nonpositively curved manifold. Such a flow is one of the early e...
Carlangelo Liverani: Fast-Slow partially hyperbolic systems: an example Abstract: I will discuss the simplest possible (non trivial) example of a fast-slow partially hyperbolic system with particular emphasis on the problem of establishing its statistical properties....
Interview Pascal Hubert Pascal HUBERT est mathématicien, professeur au sein d'Aix-Marseille Université et directeur de la FRUMAM.
Il parle ici de son grand-père, qui lui a donné le goût des mathématiques, de ses recherch...
Alexander Wright: Totally geodesic submanifolds of Teichmuller space and moduli space Abstract: We consider "higher dimensional Teichmüller discs", by which we mean complex submanifolds of Teichmüller space that contain the Teichmüller disc joining any two of its points. We prove re...
Giovanni Forni: Limits of geodesic push-forwards of horocycle measures Abstract: We prove a couple of general conditional convergence results on ergodic averages for horocycle and geodesic subgroups of any continuous SL(2,ℝ)- action on a locally compact space. These r...
Ursula Hamenstadt: Simplicity of the Lyapunov spectrum revisited Abstract: We give an algebraic proof of the simplicity of the Lyapunov spectrum for the Teichmüller flow on strata of abelian differentials. This proof extends to the Kontsevich Zorich cocycle over...
Kasra Rafi: Unique ergodicity of geodesic flow in an infinite translation surface Abstract: The behaviour of infinite translation surfaces is, in many regards, very different from the finite case. For example, the geodesic flow is often not recurrent or is not even defined for i...
Diana Davis: Interval exchange transformations from tiling billiards Abstract: Tiling billiards is a dynamical system where beams of light refract through planar tilings. It turns out that, for a regular tiling of the plane by congruent triangles, the light trajecto...
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