Ben Brooks - Information design and robust predictions Ben Brooks (University of Chicago) - Information design and robust predictions
Emir Kamenica - Persuasion vs. incentives Emir Kamenica (University of Chicago) - Persuasion vs. incentives
Sylvain Chassang - Data-Driven Policy Design Sylvain Chassang (New York University) - Data-Driven Policy Design
Opening words: Gur Yaari Opening words: Gur Yaari (Faculty of Engineering, Bar Ilan University)
Balazs Szentes - Dynamic Contracts with Evolving Types, Part II Balazs Szentes (London School of Economics) - Dynamic Contracts with Evolving Types, Part II
Elchanan Ben-Porath - Mechanisms with Evidence: Robustness and Commitment Elchanan Ben-Porath (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - Mechanisms with Evidence: Robustness and Commitment
Balazs Szentes - Dynamic Contracts with Evolving Types, Part I Balazs Szentes (London School of Economics) - Dynamic Contracts with Evolving Types, Part I
Sylvain Chassang - Robust Dynamic Contracting Sylvain Chassang (New York University) - Robust Dynamic Contracting
Eddie Dekel - Evidence in Games and Mechanism Design Eddie Dekel (Tel Aviv University) - Evidence in Games and Mechanism Design
Ariel Rubinstein - A Model of Persuasion with a Boundedly Rational Agent Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University) - A Model of Persuasion with a Boundedly Rational Agent
Eric Maskin - Introduction to Mechanism Design: Quasi-linear Preferences Eric Maskin (Harvard University) - Introduction to Mechanism Design: Quasi-linear Preferences
Eric Maskin - Introduction to Mechanism Design: General Preferences Eric Maskin (Harvard University) - Introduction to Mechanism Design: General Preferences
Session 16: Chair - Kim Jacobson Effects of Immune History on Immune Responses to Influenza Vaccines
Tomer Hertz, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Relationships and Transitions Between B and
Plasma cell Populations in S...
Session 15: Chair - Tomer Hertz Inferring the Dynamics and Topology of Immune Cell
Differentiation Pathways
Thomas Höfer, German Cancer Research Center
The Role of Histone-moifying Complexes in Regulating B cell Programs to ...
Session 14: Chair - Ron Gartenhaus Structural Diversity Narrowing Leads to Repertoire overlap in Population
Yoram Louzoun, Bar Ilan University
GARDing the secretory pathway via Golgi quality control
Yifat Merbl, Weizmann Institute ...
Keynote Speaker: Hybrid Multiscale Models for Simulating Functional Motion in Macromole.. Michael Levitt, Stanford University
Tutorial: Multiscale modeling in multicellular systems Kenneth Buetow, Arizona State University
Session 13: Chair - Shai Shen-or TCR Repertoire Features That Define Specificity in Pathogens and
Paul G. Thomas, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Immune Stimulation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Roi Gazit, Ben-Gurion ...
Session 12: Chair - Yoram Louzoun How T cell cross-reactivity helps the immune system learn self-nonself discrimination
Johannes Textor, Radboud University Medical Centre
MNKs Switch the Cellular Translatome by Regulating eIF4E1-e...
Session 11: Chair - Michal Or-Guil Navigating the Diversity of Regulatory T cell TCR Repertoire
David Klatzmann, Pierre and Marie Curie University
Clonal Evolution of Human Memory B cell Responses
Hedda Wardemann, German Cancer Res...
Eighth Session: Women's Words Identity and Voice Chair: Oded Zinger
Anabella Esperanza, Multiple Sources of a Woman's Essay -
Cultural Capital in Transition (Istanbul, 1871)
Elisa Martin Ortega, Identity and Writing: The Case of Eastern Sephard...
Seventh Session: Representations of Women Chair: Paola Tartakoff
Ruth Lamdan, Jewish Women as Reflected in Eulogies and Sermons of Ottoman Sages in the 16th–17th Centuries
Susan Nashman Fraiman, “La belle Juive et la belle a rabe” —
Sixth session: Women and the Establishment: From the Ottoman Empire to Morocco and the Yishuv Chair: Efrat Aviv
Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald, The Status of 16th Century Jewish Women in the Ottoman Empire According to Seder Nashim and
Shulḥan Hapanim in Ladino
Michal Ben-Ya’akov, Using Cul...
Fifth session: Education and Identity: Libya, Tunisia , Turkey Chair: Claudia Rosenzweig
Rachel Simon, Libyan Jewish Women’s Lore: From Home Schooling to Formal Education
Joy A. Land, Creating Cultural Capital: The Education of Jewish Females at the Alliance I...
Session 10: Chair - Bartlomiej Swiatczak The Abrahamic Nature of Shark Antigen Receptors
Martin Flajnik, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Three time scales in the coevolution of influenza and human immunity
Sarah Cob...
Session 9 Chair Gur Yaari Ecological Regulation of Immune Self-Tolerance
Uri Nevo, Sackler School of Medicine
Exploiting functional B cellrepertoire covergence to determine vaccination elicited B cell receptor sequences i...
Session 8: Chair - Uri Hershberg B cell Selection in Development, What Does Repertoire Tell Us?
Deborah Dunn-Walters, University of Surrey
Exploring Antibody Recognition Using High Throughput Binding Data
Michal Or-Gui...
Tutorial: Inferring cellular dynamics from labeling data Rob de Boer, Utrecht University
Session 7: Chair - Yanay Ofran Maximum-entropy Description of Repertoire Sequencing Data
Andrea Pagnani, Politecnico di Torino
Generation, Selection and Maturation of Healthy Immune Repertoires
Thierry Mora, Ecole normale sup...
Session 6: Chair - Andrew Collins All Models Are Wrong, Some Are Useful:
Designing Antibodies Based on Inaccurate Models
Yanay Ofran, Bar Ilan University
Inferring Population Frequency and Dynamics of T-cells Specific to Common an...
Tutorial: Repertoire Analysis Repertoire Analysis
Jason Vander Heiden, Yale School of Medicine
Session 5: Chair - Uri Hershberg Quantifying the balance of predtermination and stochasticity in the diversity of immune repertoires
Victor Greiff, ETH
Individualized Immunoglobulin Germline Database Production in Multiple Specie...
Session 4: Chair - Gur Yaari IMGT®: Immunoinformatics Bridges for The Adaptive Immune Responses
Marie-Paule Lefranc, Montpellier University and CNRS
Repertoire Development: It May Be Stochastic, But Nothing Is Left to Chance!...
Session 3: Chair - Sol Efroni Predicting Who Does and Who Does Not Become Infected with HIV
Daniel Douek, National Institutes of Health
Creating Value from Antibody/B-cell and T-cell Repertoire Data: the AIRR Community Initiat...
Keynote Speaker: A Stochastic Caclus for T and B Lymphocyte Phil Hodgkin, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical
Session 2: Chair - Nir Friedman Analysis of B Cell Antibody Reptoires from Next-Generation Sequencing in Multiple Sclerosis Other Diseases
Steven H. Kleinstein, Yale School of Medicine
Updating Ideas About the Evolution of Lif...
Session 1: Chair - Steven Kleinstein Signaling and Selection in the Germinal Center
Mark Shlomchik, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
B cell Repertoire Responses in Vaccination and Infection
Scott D Boyd, Stanford University
Fourth Session: Women’s Piety Between East and West Chair: Moshe Rosman
Eve Krakowski and Elisheva Baumgarten: A Dialogue
Third Session: Medieval Gender Boundaries Chair: Shira Wolosky
Sharon Koren, The Redemption of Leah in the Zohar
Rebecca Winer, Breastmilk and Community: Gender Boundaries and Wet Nursing Practices
among Muslims in al-Andalus and Jews, Chr...
Second Session: Some Geniza Women Slaves and Converts Chair: Renée Levine Melammed
Moshe Yagur, Manumitted Female Slaves and Their (Lack of) Cultural Capital
Craig Perry, Jewish Women and Their Slaves in the Cairo Geniza Documents
Uriel Simonsohn, Jew...
First Session: Cultural Capital in Geniza Sources Greetings
Moshe Rosman, Research Group Leader: Jewish Women’s Cultural Capital
First Session, Cultural Capital in Geniza Sources
Chair: Ruth Karras