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source: Simons Institute 2017年5月1日
The aim of this workshop is to bring together a broad set of researchers looking at algorithmic questions that arise in machine learning. The primary target areas will be large-scale learning, including algorithms for Bayesian estimation and variational inference, nonlinear and nonparametric function estimation, reinforcement learning, and stochastic processes including diffusion, point processes and MCMC. While many of these methods have been central to statistical modeling and machine learning, recent advances in their scope and applicability lead to basic questions about their computational efficiency. The latter is often linked to modeling assumptions and objectives. The workshop will examine progress and challenges and include a set of tutorials on the state of the art by leading experts.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/machinelearning2017-3
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
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source: Simons Institute 2015年5月18日
Theoretically Speaking is a new lecture series highlighting exciting advances in theoretical computer science for a broad general audience. Events are held at the David Brower Center in Downtown Berkeley, and are free and open to the public. No special background is assumed. http://simons.berkeley.edu/events/the...
Theoretically Speaking is produced by the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, with sponsorship from the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) and Berkeley City College. These presentations are supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
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source: GreshamCollege 2016年12月19日
The English Civil Wars of 1642-8 began as the last of Europes wars of religion and ended as the first modern revolution. http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Parliamentarians had been fighting for the chance to finish Englands Reformation, but the experience of war convinced some of them that thr mere reshaping of the establishment was not enough. To be true to their religious vision, something more searching and profound was needed. This restless spirit manifested itself in various sects and fellowships, united by a loathing of complacency and hypocrisy, which both supported and helped to undermine the republican experiment.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently over 1,900 lectures free to access or download from the website.
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 1:31:02 David Mukamel: Steady states and long range correlations in driven systems - Lecture 1 Abstract : In these three lectures steady states and dynamical properties of nonequilibrium systems will be discussed.
Systems driven out of thermal equilibrium often reach a steady state which und... 1:29:33 David Mukamel: Steady states and long range correlations in driven systems - Lecture 2 Abstract : In these three lectures steady states and dynamical properties of nonequilibrium systems will be discussed.
Systems driven out of thermal equilibrium often reach a steady state which und... 1:27:54 Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 2 Abstract : Lecture 1. Collective dynamics and self-organization in biological systems : challenges and some examples.
Lecture 2. The Vicsek model as a paradigm for self-organization : from particl... 32:40 Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 3 Abstract : Lecture 1. Collective dynamics and self-organization in biological systems : challenges and some examples.
Lecture 2. The Vicsek model as a paradigm for self-organization : from particl... 53:59 Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 1 Abstract : Lecture 1. Collective dynamics and self-organization in biological systems : challenges and some examples.
Lecture 2. The Vicsek model as a paradigm for self-organization : from particl... 52:24 Andrea Pulita: An overview on some recent results about p-adic differential equations ... Abstract: I will give an introductory talk on my recent results about p-adic differential equations on Berkovich curves, most of them in collaboration with J. Poineau. This includes the continuity ... 54:58 Vladimir Berkovich: de Rham theorem in non-Archimedean analytic geometry Abstract: In my work in progress on complex analytic vanishing cycles for formal schemes, I have defined integral "etale" cohomology groups of a compact strictly analytic space over the field of La... 54:37 Charles Favre: Explosion of Lyapunov exponents using non-Archimedean geometry Abstract: We consider a meromorphic family of endomorphisms of the complex projective space parameterized by the unit disk, and show that the blow-up of the Lyapunov exponent near the origin is con... 55:26 Tomoyuki Abe: Arithmetic D-modules and existence of crystalline companion Abstract: We will show that there exists a correspondence between smooth l-adic sheaves and overconvergent F-isocrystals over a curve preserving the Frobenius eigenvalues. Moreover, we show the exi... 57:34 Hélène Esnault: D-modules and p-curvatures Abstract: We show relations between rigidity of connections in characteristic 0 and nilpotency of their p-curvatures (a consequence of a conjecture by Simpson and of a generalization of Grothendiec... 1:12:50 Guillaume Fertin : Le problème Graph Motif - Partie 2 Résumé : Le problème Graph Motif est défini comme suit : étant donné un graphe sommet colorié G=(V,E) et un multi-ensemble M de couleurs, déterminer s'il existe une occurrence de M dans G, c'est-à-... 1:08:54 Guillaume Fertin : Le problème Graph Motif - Partie 1 Résumé : Le problème Graph Motif est défini comme suit : étant donné un graphe sommet colorié G=(V,E) et un multi-ensemble M de couleurs, déterminer s'il existe une occurrence de M dans G, c'est-à-... 28:48 Cécile Mailler : Processus de Pólya à valeur mesure Résumé : Une urne de Pólya est un processus stochastique décrivant la composition d'une urne contenant des boules de différentes couleurs. L'ensemble des couleurs est usuellement un ensemble fini {... 1:01:41 Sophie Schbath : Une histoire de mots inattendus et de génomes Résumé : Dans une première partie, je présenterai différentes problématiques liées à des statistiques d'occurrences de mots dans des génomes et décortiquerai plus en détail la question de savoir co... 58:18 Juanjo Rué : Random cubic planar graphs revisited Abstract: We analyze random labelled cubic planar graphs according to the uniform distribution. This model was analyzed first by Bodirsky et al. in a paper from 2007. Here we revisit and extend the...
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source: The New School 2017年5月26日
Sponsored by Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students (http://www.newschool.edu/public-engag...) and the Creative Writing Program (http://www.newschool.edu/public-engag...) at The New School (http://newschool.edu/).
The keynote address will be delivered by novelist and critic, Vince Passaro.
The conference title, "The Body Artist," refers not specifically to DeLillo’s 2001 novel, but to DeLillo himself, an artist who has spent a career dramatizing personal encounters with impersonal systems, the human body facing the inhuman machine. The event will feature panels and presentations predominantly by literary artists, fiction writers thinking about this fiction writer’s work—what it is, what it has meant, and what it means now.
- Vince Passaro, author of Violence, Nudity, Adult Content: A Novel
The conference will consider not only DeLillo's themes—paranoia, global terrorism, underground conspiracies, consumerism, digital technology, media, gender, and race—but also his craft, humor, language, style, spirituality and Catholicism, Italian-American identity, and his representations of New York, the city in which the conference will take place.
The New School | http://newschool.edu
Location: The Auditorium, Alvin Johnson/J.M. Kaplan Hall
66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011
Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
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source: The New School 2017年5月24日
An international symposium co-sponsored by: MA Design Studies (http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/ma-d...), Parsons School of Art and Design History and Theory (http://www.newschool.edu/parsons/art-...), The Global Studies Program at the New School (http://www.newschool.edu/lang/global-...), The Transregional Center for Democratic Studies (http://blogs.newschool.edu/tcds/), New School for Social Research (http://www.newschool.edu/nssr/).
Our cultural, political and physical geographies proliferate with wounded places: sites of conflict and natural disasters; places marked by layers of turmoil and conquests; impromptu refuge locations that become permanent. “Making home” in these places, seldom a choice, becomes simultaneously a material and symbolic endeavor, involving both design and memory practices.Wounded places are scarred with collective memory of what had happened: they contain markers of the past, which may or may not be legible to those who make home there. Mnemonic activities, whether vernacular (informal) or officially imposed, can either facilitate or constrain the making of home in wounded places.
The New School | newschool.edu
Opening Remarks
- Susan Yelavich, Associate Professor/Director, Design Studies MA, Parsons: Design as Damage, Erasure, Repair, and (or) Renewal.
- Małgorzata Bakalarz-Duverger, PhD candidate, Sociology, NSSR: Spaces of Collective Memory, (Mis)Remembered Places.
This international symposium “Making Home in Wounded Places: Memory, Design, and the Spatial” is conceived as a polyphonic intervention engaging the realms of design studies, art, and the social sciences. We propose the following questions to inform our discussions:
How to make home in wounded places?
What is the role of memory tensions in this process?
How does the (re)design of wounded places impact their users?
How are wounded places appropriated by the politics of memory?
What are the strategies for navigating through wounded places — as individuals, as communities, as societies?
Kellen Auditorium, Parsons School of Design, 66 Fifth Ave, NYC
Friday, March 3, 2017 at 9:30 am to 8:00 pm
# playlist of the 26 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2009年1月7日 HIST 3363/3394 Title: Pirates, Smugglers, and the Modern World Professor: Thomas O'Brien Description: Explores piracy and smuggling from the early modern world to the present. Topics include Caribbean and Indian Oceans and pirates, social history, and piracy and smuggling in the age of globalization.
# playlist of the 28 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2009年8月17日 HIST 4328/4395 Title: The Vikings Professor: Sally Vaughn Description: History, culture, and religion of Vikings from their Indo-European roots and migration to Scandinavia through their invasions of Europe, excursions to North America, and trade with the Byzantine and Muslim worlds: state-building and impact on world history.