Philosophical Overdose
Hegel and Marx Peter Singer discusses the thought of Hegel and Marx with Bryan Magee in this 1987 television series. Transcript/Subtitles were added.
Hegel was an important and influential 19th century German ph...
Graham Harman on Objects Graham Harman discusses objects in philosophy in this interview. He is best known for the development of object-oriented ontology and the speculative realism trend in continental philosophy. This ...
Marx on Alienation One important reason Marx thought the revolution was inevitable was that in a capitalist society the labor force was alienated. But what is alienation? Jonathan Wolff briefly explains what Marx mea...
Nietzsche and Zarathustra Robert Harrison and Andrew Mitchell discuss Nietzsche and his work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". This is from an episode of Entitled Opinions, a KZSU Stanford podcast.
Locke & Berkeley's Empiricism Michael Ayers discusses the thought of the British empiricists Locke and Berkeley with Bryan Magee in an interview from 1987. Transcript/Subtitles were added.
Russell-Copleston Debate on God Bertrand Russell and Frederick Copleston discuss the so-called argument from contingency, a kind of cosmological argument for God's existence. This is only a few main parts, I'm not sure where to f...
Aristotle - Martha Nussbaum Martha Nussbaum discusses Aristotle with Bryan Magee in an interview from a 1987 BBC program.
Emotions & Moral Judgment - Jesse Prinz Interview Luke Muehlhauser interviews philosopher Jesse Prinz on emotions and moral judgement. Among other things, they discuss whether moral judgments are anything more than emotional responses, and if so, ...
Thomas Kuhn Speaking Thomas Kuhn speaking about his famous book 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' in an excerpt from: "an intellectual autobiography in the form of an interview, conducted by Aristides Baltas, K...
The Problem with "God is Mysterious" - Skeptical Theism Luke Muehlhauser interviews philosopher Scott Sehon about the “God is mysterious” response to the problem of evil/suffering (a position known as 'skeptical theism'). He argues that skeptical theism...
Hegel and his Heirs Robert Harrison and Adrian Daub discuss Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and his heirs in this episode of Entitled Opinions, a KZSU Stanford University program.
Nietzsche on Belief & Truth A few clips from a lecture by Rick Roderick from a series on Nietzsche and the Postmodern Condition.
Pragmatism with Rorty, Putnam, & Conant Richard Rorty, Hilary Putnam, and James Conant discuss Pragmatism with Gretchen Gretchen Helfrich in an episode of "Odyssey", WBEZ Chicago Public Radio 2002.
Concepts & Intuitions This is from a talk by Ray Monk on the philosophical landscape of 1905.
The Fear of Error - Hegel & Modern Epistemology J.M. Bernstein discussing the introduction of Hegel's Phenomenology and the assumptions of modern epistemology.
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