Philosophical Overdose
Moral Realism & Animals Are there objective moral truths? Or is morality merely relative to individual or cultural standards (relativism), or perhaps not even in the game of truth or falsity at all (non-cognitivism)? Afte...
René Descartes Bernard Williams discusses the thought of Descartes with Bryan Magee. Descartes was a French rationalist philosopher and mathematician, and is often considered the father of modern philosophy. Amon...CC
Space and Time - Substances or Relations? Are space and time absolute entities or mere relations between entities? Professor Frank Arntzenius introduces this philosophical issue, which is an old debate between Newton and Leibniz carried on...
Consciousness & Computability - Roger Penrose A brief discussion with Professor Sir Roger Penrose on the idea of artificial intelligence and whether consciousness can be replicated by a computer - a discussion which may take us closer to expla...
An Atheist's God Beth Lord discusses Spinoza with Alan Saunders in an episode of the Philosopher's Zone from a few years back. Baruch Spinoza, one of the greatest philosophers of his day, was expelled from the Amst...CC
Why Naïve Realism? Much of the discussion of Naive Realism about veridical experience has focused on a consequence of adopting it—namely, disjunctivism about perceptual experience. However, the motivations for being ...
Rawls' Theory of Justice After discussing the detrimental influence of logical positivism on the public understanding of ethical and political discourse, Jonathan Wolff goes on to explain John Rawls' famous contractarian c...
Ockham's Nominalism Ockham uses his razor principle to shave away any unnecessary existing beings, including universals. Who needs relations and common natures anyway? This is an episode of Peter Adamson's History of ...
Frege, Russell, & Modern Logic Bryan Magee and A. J. Ayer discuss the work of Frege and Russell on logic, language, and knowledge. This interview is from 1987.
Scotus on Being, Universals & Individuation Duns Scotus's attack on the proposal of Aquinas and Henry of Ghent that being is subject to analogy is discussed, as well as Scotus's famous "univocity of being" (i.e. the idea that there's only on...
Heidegger and Technology Robert Harrison discusses the thought of Heidegger with guest Thomas Sheehan in this episode of Entitled Opinions, a KZSU Stanford University program. (Note, I edited out the music).
A History of the Infinite Adrian Moore journeys through philosophical thought on infinity over the last two and a half thousand years in this BBC Radio 4 program.
Richard Rorty Interview An interview with Richard Rorty back in 2005, two years before his death. He discusses analytic philosophy, distinguishing between the naturalists and quietists, and then between reformers and revo...
The Illusion of Sense From bats to beetles, animals sense the world differently in order to survive. Yet we think seeing and feeling tell us how things really are. Might our senses be radically limited? Are science and ...
Anarchism - No Gods, No Masters Mark Lance discusses anarchism in an episode of Elucidations, a philosophy podcast from the University of Chicago. Mark Lance is a Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Justice and Peace at Geor...
Avicenna on Existence & God Peter Adamson discusses some of the views of Avicenna (Ibn-Sīnā), one of the most important thinkers in the medieval Islamic tradition. This is from a couple of episodes of Adamson's podcast: The H...
Zeno's Paradoxes Peter Adamson briefly discusses Zeno of Elea, Melissus of Samos, and the famous Eleatic paradoxes of motion and multiplicity, which are in many ways still unresolved. Zeno's Paradoxes were describe...
The Problem of Political Authority - New Books in Philosophy The philosopher Robert Nozick once claimed that the most basic question of Political Philosophy is “Why not Anarchy?” Political philosophers pose this question often with the intent of demonstratin...
The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Dr. David Wallace briefly discusses the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and why it's the most straightforward interpretation of the theory as a theory about the universe. This is fr...
Disagreement in the Political Philosophy of Spinoza & Rancière Beth Lord gives an Aristotelian Society talk. She is Reader in Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. She works on history of philosophy in the continental tradition, with a particular focus on ...
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