
Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad (2013-14) by Paul Hegarty at Stanford U)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Instreamia     2014年7月2日

Lecture 1 Class Logistics, Overview of iOS, 59:46
Lecture 2 - Xcode 5 1:15:18
Lecture 3 - Objective C 1:08:45
Lecture 4 - Foundation and Attributed Strings 1:11:55
Lecture 5 - View Controller Lifecycle 1:09:45
Lecture 6 - Polymorphism with Controllers, UI 1:15:14
Lecture 7 - Views and Gestures 1:19:57
Lecture 8 - Protocols, Blocks, and Animation 1:16:50
Lecture 9 - Animation and Autolayout 1:09:23
Lecture 10 - Multithreading, Scroll View 1:14:48
Lecture 11 - Table View and iPad 1:29:50
Lecture 12 - Documents and Core Data 1:17:14
Lecture 13 - Core Data and Table View 1:12:23
Lecture 14 - UIApplication, Network Activity 1:15:10
Lecture 15 - MapKit and Embed Segue 1:17:16
Lecture 16 - Modal Segues, Text Fields, Alert 1:20:01
Lecture 17 - Camera, Core Motion, Application 1:12:39
Lecture 18 - Localization, Adding UI to Setti 1:07:50

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