
Introduction to Computer Science I by David Malan (Harvard U)

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source: Asim Ali    2014年5月11日
This is first lecture from the series of course "Introduction to Computer Science I", Harvard OpenCourseWare with Instructor David J. Malan.
The Instructor is just awesome and this course is most taken, most awaited. Surely it will make you better understand Computers and Computer science.
The topics covered in this lecture are: Intro to Binary. ASCII. Algorithms. Pseudocode. Source code. Compiler. Object code. Scratch. Statements. Boolean expressions. Conditions. Loops. Variables. Functions. Arrays. Threads. Events.

Lecture 0 - Introduction to Computer Science I 50:39
Lecture 0, Continued - Introduction to Computer Science I 53:09
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Computer Science I 49:40
Lecture 1, Continued - Introduction to Computer Science I 49:57
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Computer Science I 51:33
Lecture 2, Continued - Introduction to Computer Science I 50:20
Lecture 3 - Introduction to Computer Science I 51:27
Lecture 3, Continued - Introduction to Computer Science I 42:18
Lecture 4 - Introduction to Computer Science I 51:02
Lecture 4, Continued - Introduction to Computer Science I 49:43
Lecture 5 - Introduction to computer Science I 51:25
Lecture 5, Continued - Introduction to Computer Science I 51:42
Week 7 46:20
Week 7, continued 50:41
Week 8 47:32
Week 8, continued 49:03
Week 9 1:19:17
Week 9, continued 1:17:38
Week 10 54:25
Week 10, continued 49:19

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