
Immunology with Hematology (Fall 2013)--David A. Fruman / UC Irvine

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source: UCIrvineOCW     上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
Biological Sciences M121: Immunology with Hematology (Fall 2013)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/biosci_m12...
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Description: UCI BioSci M121 covers the following topics: Antibodies, antigens, antigen-antibody reactions, cells and tissues of lymphoreticular and hematopoietic systems, and individual and collective components of cell-mediated and humoral immune response.

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Course Introduction. 51:47
Lecture 02. The Immune System & Host Defense 48:20
Lecture 03. Innate Immunity. 50:27
Lecture 04. Innate Immunity. 49:15
Lecture 05. Principles of Adaptive Immunity. 52:20
Lecture 06. Antibody Structure & B-Cells. 50:21
Lecture 07. Antibody Structure & B-Cells. 50:50
Lecture 08. Function of Antibodies. 50:54
lecture 09. Antibody Function and B Cell Dev. 52:02
Lecture 10. B Cell Development. 51:41
Lecture 11. Antigen Recognition by T cells. 51:30
Lecture 12. Antigen Processing & MHC Genetics. 51:16
Lecture 13. Development of T lymphocytes. 49:55
Lecture 14. Development of T lymphocytes. 49:50
Lecture 15. Immunity by B Cells & Antibodies. 50:43
Lecture 16. T Cell-Mediated Immunity. 50:56
Lecture 17. T Cell-Mediated Immunity. 50:52
Lecture 18. Bodily Defense Against Infection. 51:33
Lecture 19. Bodily Defense Against Infection. 50:07
Lecture 20. Failures of the Body's Defenses. 49:10
Lecture 21. Failures of the Body's Defenses. 51:22
Lecture 22. Immune System Over-Reactions. 48:46
Lecture 23. Immune System Over-Reactions. 49:16
Lecture 24. Autoimmune Diseases. 47:45
Lecture 25. Autoimmune Diseases: Vaccines 50:22
Lecture 26. Transplantation and Alloimmunity 51:44
Lecture 27. Final Review Session 51:38