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Benjamin H. Bratton. The Question of 'Sensing'. 2016
source: European Graduate School Video Lectures 2016年11月21日
http://www.egs.edu Benjamin H. Bratton, is an American theorist, sociologist and professor of visual arts, contemporary social and political theory, philosophy, and design. Professor of Philosophy at The European Graduate School / EGS.
The Question of 'Sensing'. Public open lecture for the for the students of the Division of Philosophy, Art & Critical Thought at the European Graduate School EGS. Saas-Fee Switzerland and Valetta/Malta. June 30 2016.
Benjamin Bratton's research deals with computational media and infrastructure, design research management & methodologies, classical and contemporary sociological theory, architecture and urban design issues, and the politics of synthetic ecologies and biologies.
Bratton completed his doctoral studies in the sociology of technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and was the Director of the Advanced Strategies Group at Yahoo! before expanding his cross-disciplinary research and practice in academia. He taught in the Department of Design/Media Art at UCLA from 2003-2008, and at the SCI Arc (Southern California Institute of Architecture) for a decade, and continues to teach as a member of the Visiting Faculty. While at SCI Arc, Benjamin Bratton and Hernan Diaz-Alonso co-founded the XLAB courses, which placed students in laboratory settings where they could work directly and comprehensively in robotics, scripting, biogenetics, genetic codification, and cellular systems. Currently, in addition to his professorship at EGS, Bratton is an associate professor of Visual Arts at the University of California, San Diego, where he also directs the Center for Design and Geopolitics, partnering with the California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology.
In addition to his formal positions, Benjamin H. Bratton is a regular visiting lecturer at numerous universities and institutions including: Columbia University, Yale University, Pratt Institute, Bartlett School of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania, University of Southern California, University of California, Art Center College of Design, Parsons The New School for Design, University of Michigan, Brown University, The University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Bauhaus- University, Moscow State University, Moscow Institute for Higher Economics, and the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London.
Bratton's current projects focus on the political geography of cloud computing, massively- granular universal addressing systems, and alternate models of ecological governance. In his most recent book, The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty (MIT Press, 2015), Bratton asks the question, "What has planetary-scale computation done to our geopolitical realities?" and in response, offers the proposition "that smart grids, cloud computing, mobile software and smart cities, universal addressing systems, ubiquitous computing, and other types of apparently unrelated planetary-scale computation can be viewed as forming a coherent whole—an accidental megastructure called The Stack that is both a computational apparatus and a new geopolitical architecture."
Other more recent texts include the following: Some Trace Effects of the Post-Anthropocene: On Accelerationist Geopolitical Aesthetics, On Apps and Elementary Forms of Interfacial Life: Object, Image, Superimposition, Deep Address, What We Do is Secrete: On Virilio, Planetarity and Data Visualization, Geoscapes & the Google Caliphate: On Mumbai Attacks, Root the Earth: On Peak Oil Apophenia and Suspicious Images/ Latent Interfaces (with Natalie Jeremijenko), iPhone City, Logistics of Habitable Circulation (introduction to the 2008 edition of Paul Virilio’s Speed and Politics). As well, recent online lectures include: 2 or 3 Things I Know About The Stack, at Bartlett School of Architecture, University of London, and University of Southampton;Cloud Feudalism at Proto/E/Co/Logics 002, Rovinj, Croatia; Nanoskin at Parsons School of Design; On the Nomos of the Cloud at Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, École Normale- Superiore, Paris, and MOCA, Los Angeles; Accidental Geopolitics at The Guardian Summit, New York; Ambivalence and/or Utopia at University of Michigan and UC Irvine, and Surviving the Interface at Parsons School of Design.
PACOS (International Symposium on Particle, Strings and Cosmology) 2015
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: GraduatePhysics 2015年9月23日
Lectures at the PACOS (International Symposium on Particle, Strings and Cosmology) 2015 held at ICTP, June 29-July 03. Event website: http://pascos2015.ictp.it
L. Covi - Gravitino and decaying Dark Matter at LHC 33:42
M. Luty - Induced Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and SUSY Naturalness 32:40
A. Wulzer - Higgs Compositeness at the LHC and Beyond 33:47
J.P. Conlon - Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes 35:57
M.M. Jabbari - Phase Space and Symplectic Symmetry Algebra for Near Horizon Extremal Geometries 33:30
Y. Nomura - Black Hole Information and Constituents of Spacetime 39:33
F.A. Cachazo - S-Matrix Theory 38:02
S. Dimopoulos - Experiments Big and Small 47:44
R. Kallosh - Supersymmetric KKLT and the Nilpotent Goldstino in Cosmology 37:21
A. Arvanitaki - The highs and lows of the QCD axion 38:14
F. Quevedo - Welcome (International Symposium on Particle, Strings and Cosmology 2015) 5:17
U. Seljak - Theoretical and observational progress in Large Scale Structure 35:47
J. Dunkley - Cosmology from Planck 39:47
M. Lisanti - Unresolved Point Sources and the GeV Excess 33:53
D. Baumann - From Wires to Cosmology 37:08
K. Zurek - Superconducting Detectors for Super Light Dark Matter 4:09
G. Shiu - Inflation in String Theory 30:55
A. Smirnov - Neutrino properties from the hidden sector 37:02
G.A. Burdman - Natural Theories with Colorless Top Partners 35:06
A. Linde - Cosmological attractors: Inflation, dark energy and SUSY breaking 33:54
W. Buchmüller - Split Supersymmetry from Magnetized Extra Dimensions 34:28
L. Senatore - The Effective Field Theory of Cosmological Large Scale Structures 38:01
L. E. Ibanez - Higgs-otic Inflation and String Theory 32:30
J. Thaler - Unsafe but Calculable 35:42
M. Corradi - Overview of Higgs results at LHC 43:40
S. Rajendran - Cosmological Relaxation of the Electroweak Scale 35:09
M. Felcini - Supersymmetry and dark matter searches at the LHC 53:04
L.T. Wang - Probing new physics at colliders, LHC and beyond 32:16
source: GraduatePhysics 2015年9月23日
Lectures at the PACOS (International Symposium on Particle, Strings and Cosmology) 2015 held at ICTP, June 29-July 03. Event website: http://pascos2015.ictp.it
L. Covi - Gravitino and decaying Dark Matter at LHC 33:42
M. Luty - Induced Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and SUSY Naturalness 32:40
A. Wulzer - Higgs Compositeness at the LHC and Beyond 33:47
J.P. Conlon - Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes 35:57
M.M. Jabbari - Phase Space and Symplectic Symmetry Algebra for Near Horizon Extremal Geometries 33:30
Y. Nomura - Black Hole Information and Constituents of Spacetime 39:33
F.A. Cachazo - S-Matrix Theory 38:02
S. Dimopoulos - Experiments Big and Small 47:44
R. Kallosh - Supersymmetric KKLT and the Nilpotent Goldstino in Cosmology 37:21
A. Arvanitaki - The highs and lows of the QCD axion 38:14
F. Quevedo - Welcome (International Symposium on Particle, Strings and Cosmology 2015) 5:17
U. Seljak - Theoretical and observational progress in Large Scale Structure 35:47
J. Dunkley - Cosmology from Planck 39:47
M. Lisanti - Unresolved Point Sources and the GeV Excess 33:53
D. Baumann - From Wires to Cosmology 37:08
K. Zurek - Superconducting Detectors for Super Light Dark Matter 4:09
G. Shiu - Inflation in String Theory 30:55
A. Smirnov - Neutrino properties from the hidden sector 37:02
G.A. Burdman - Natural Theories with Colorless Top Partners 35:06
A. Linde - Cosmological attractors: Inflation, dark energy and SUSY breaking 33:54
W. Buchmüller - Split Supersymmetry from Magnetized Extra Dimensions 34:28
L. Senatore - The Effective Field Theory of Cosmological Large Scale Structures 38:01
L. E. Ibanez - Higgs-otic Inflation and String Theory 32:30
J. Thaler - Unsafe but Calculable 35:42
M. Corradi - Overview of Higgs results at LHC 43:40
S. Rajendran - Cosmological Relaxation of the Electroweak Scale 35:09
M. Felcini - Supersymmetry and dark matter searches at the LHC 53:04
L.T. Wang - Probing new physics at colliders, LHC and beyond 32:16
Quantum Gravity Foundations: UV to IR (2015)
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: GraduatePhysics 2015年11月20日
Lectures at the Quantum Gravity Foundations: UV to IR held at KITP, Mar 30-Jun 19.
Event website: http://qgravity15.wikispaces.com/
Tom Banks - Quick overview of Holographic Space-Time 1:39:18
Leonardo Senatore - Issues in inflation and de Sitter space 1:13:16
Ben Freivogel, Steve Giddings, Ted Jacobson, Juan Maldacena - The Problem of Quantum Gravity 1:24:45
Observables (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:52:04
Daniel Kabat - An update on the construction of local bulk observables 1:13:34
Daniel Harlow - Bulk Locality and Quantum Error Correction in AdS/CFT 1:20:58
Alexander Zhiboedov - Looking for a bulk point 1:07:11
Decoding Problem (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:09:39
Douglas Stanford - A bound on chaos 1:23:24
Duality, Error correction (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:25:07
Guilherme Pimentel - the role of the WdW equation II 1:19:36
IR Effects in Inflation (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:29:18
Juan Maldacena - the role of the WdW equation 1:25:44
Leonardo Senatore - IR issues in inflation and de Sitter space II 1:16:30
Sara Shandera - IR modes in the multi-field inflationary landscape 47:25
Liam Fitzpatrick - AdS/CFT and the Holographic S Matrix 1:00:58
Bianca Dittrich - What can we know and what can we observe in quantum gravity 1:20:28
Ben Freivogel - Eternal Inflation in Quantum Gravity 1:16:35
Atsushi Higuchi, Shun Pei Miao, Tomislav Prokopec - Issues in Inflationary cosmology 1:49:31
Don Marolf - Information and Holography in Quantum Gravity 1:10:04
Eva Silverstein - Quantum gravity, large field inflation, and CMB/LSS observations 1:24:55
Don Marolf - Observables and their algebras in quantum gravity 1:17:41
Carlo Rovelli - Afraid of entering quantum spacetime? 1:08:03
Mark Van Raamsdonk - Holographic constraints on spacetimes and entanglement structure 1:15:22
Henriette Elvang - Recent Developments on Gravitational Scattering Amplitudes 1:18:45
Observables and IR Issues (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:02:07
Black Hole Information (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:05:37
Quantifying Obervables of Cosmological QFT (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:31:21
Stefan Hollands - Operator Product Expansion 44:30
Steven Giddings - Decoding the hologram 1:08:45
Ted Jacobson - Entanglement, equilibrium, and the Einstein equation 1:11:27
Tom Banks - Unofficial lecture on holographic spacetime II 1:06:47
Tom Banks - Unofficial lecture on holographic spacetime I 1:16:55
Vladimir Rosenhaus - Bulk/boundary duality, precursors, and gauge invariance 1:11:15
Thomas Hertog - Remarks on Eternal Inflation 1:30:17
William Donnelly - Diff-invariant observables and nonlocality 1:26:50
Lionel Mason - Ambitwistor strings and gravitational scattering 1:22:45
Steve Giddings & Gabriele Veneziano - Scattering, from perturbative to nonperturbative 1:29:47
Zvi Bern - Unexplained magic in gravity amplitudes 1:11:02
Gabriele Veneziano - Causality constraints on short distance modifications of gravity 1:07:25
Gilad Lifschytz - Bulk equations of motion from CFT correlators 1:24:03
D O'Connell & JJ Carrasco - Gravity = Yang Mills^2 1:09:50
Joe Polchinski - Chaos in the black hole S-matrix 1:18:25
Nonperturbative aspects of scattering (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:19:50
Kyriakos Papadodimas - Reconstructing the black hole interior from the CFT, an update 1:23:22
John Donoghue - Nonlocality in the effective field theory of gravity 1:13:39
Tom Banks - Unofficial lecture on holographic spacetime III 1:27:07
Netta Engelhardt - A New Area Law in General Relativity 1:05:02
Adam Brown - Hot Bubbles of Nothing 44:31
Ted Jacobson - Firewall evasion by diffeomorphism constraints 1:25:23
Vyacheslav Lysov - Subleading soft theorems and asymptotic symmetries 1:08:53
Andy Strominger - Memory, Symmetries and Soft Theorems 1:23:59
Alexander Maloney - String Universality and 3D Quantum Gravity 45:56
Ben Freivogel - Quantifying the Firewall Conflict 47:32
Nima Arkani-Hamed - Holographic Polytopes 1:51:47
Cliff Burgess - Self tuning under the microscope 1:01:53
Steve Giddings - Nonviolent unitarization: overview, questions, opportunities 1:26:22
Harlow, Marolf, Raju, Verlinde - State dependence, bulk observables, black hole interiors 2:01:03
Daniel Litim - Asymptotic safety: from gauge theories to gravity 1:32:53
Daniel Litim - Asymptotic safety, black holes and black hole thermodynamics 1:40:20
Donald Marolf - Hot multiboundary wormholes from local bipartite holographic entanglement 1:00:27
Edgar Shaghoulian - Modular invariance and black hole entropy 33:51
Herman Verlinde - Poking Holes in AdS/CFT Bulk Fields from Boundary States 1:24:09
James Sully - Tensor Networks from Kinematic Space 46:59
Martin Einhorn - Dimensional transmutation as the origin of mass in renormalizable gravity 1:12:03
Sergey Sibiryakov - Semiclassical S-matrix for black holes 1:12:24
Black Holes (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 final discussions) 1:19:21
Leonard Susskind - What I Learned from AMPS 1:08:37
Samir Mathur - A model with no firewall 1:39:15
source: GraduatePhysics 2015年11月20日
Lectures at the Quantum Gravity Foundations: UV to IR held at KITP, Mar 30-Jun 19.
Event website: http://qgravity15.wikispaces.com/
Tom Banks - Quick overview of Holographic Space-Time 1:39:18
Leonardo Senatore - Issues in inflation and de Sitter space 1:13:16
Ben Freivogel, Steve Giddings, Ted Jacobson, Juan Maldacena - The Problem of Quantum Gravity 1:24:45
Observables (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:52:04
Daniel Kabat - An update on the construction of local bulk observables 1:13:34
Daniel Harlow - Bulk Locality and Quantum Error Correction in AdS/CFT 1:20:58
Alexander Zhiboedov - Looking for a bulk point 1:07:11
Decoding Problem (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:09:39
Douglas Stanford - A bound on chaos 1:23:24
Duality, Error correction (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:25:07
Guilherme Pimentel - the role of the WdW equation II 1:19:36
IR Effects in Inflation (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:29:18
Juan Maldacena - the role of the WdW equation 1:25:44
Leonardo Senatore - IR issues in inflation and de Sitter space II 1:16:30
Sara Shandera - IR modes in the multi-field inflationary landscape 47:25
Liam Fitzpatrick - AdS/CFT and the Holographic S Matrix 1:00:58
Bianca Dittrich - What can we know and what can we observe in quantum gravity 1:20:28
Ben Freivogel - Eternal Inflation in Quantum Gravity 1:16:35
Atsushi Higuchi, Shun Pei Miao, Tomislav Prokopec - Issues in Inflationary cosmology 1:49:31
Don Marolf - Information and Holography in Quantum Gravity 1:10:04
Eva Silverstein - Quantum gravity, large field inflation, and CMB/LSS observations 1:24:55
Don Marolf - Observables and their algebras in quantum gravity 1:17:41
Carlo Rovelli - Afraid of entering quantum spacetime? 1:08:03
Mark Van Raamsdonk - Holographic constraints on spacetimes and entanglement structure 1:15:22
Henriette Elvang - Recent Developments on Gravitational Scattering Amplitudes 1:18:45
Observables and IR Issues (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:02:07
Black Hole Information (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:05:37
Quantifying Obervables of Cosmological QFT (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:31:21
Stefan Hollands - Operator Product Expansion 44:30
Steven Giddings - Decoding the hologram 1:08:45
Ted Jacobson - Entanglement, equilibrium, and the Einstein equation 1:11:27
Tom Banks - Unofficial lecture on holographic spacetime II 1:06:47
Tom Banks - Unofficial lecture on holographic spacetime I 1:16:55
Vladimir Rosenhaus - Bulk/boundary duality, precursors, and gauge invariance 1:11:15
Thomas Hertog - Remarks on Eternal Inflation 1:30:17
William Donnelly - Diff-invariant observables and nonlocality 1:26:50
Lionel Mason - Ambitwistor strings and gravitational scattering 1:22:45
Steve Giddings & Gabriele Veneziano - Scattering, from perturbative to nonperturbative 1:29:47
Zvi Bern - Unexplained magic in gravity amplitudes 1:11:02
Gabriele Veneziano - Causality constraints on short distance modifications of gravity 1:07:25
Gilad Lifschytz - Bulk equations of motion from CFT correlators 1:24:03
D O'Connell & JJ Carrasco - Gravity = Yang Mills^2 1:09:50
Joe Polchinski - Chaos in the black hole S-matrix 1:18:25
Nonperturbative aspects of scattering (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 discussions) 1:19:50
Kyriakos Papadodimas - Reconstructing the black hole interior from the CFT, an update 1:23:22
John Donoghue - Nonlocality in the effective field theory of gravity 1:13:39
Tom Banks - Unofficial lecture on holographic spacetime III 1:27:07
Netta Engelhardt - A New Area Law in General Relativity 1:05:02
Adam Brown - Hot Bubbles of Nothing 44:31
Ted Jacobson - Firewall evasion by diffeomorphism constraints 1:25:23
Vyacheslav Lysov - Subleading soft theorems and asymptotic symmetries 1:08:53
Andy Strominger - Memory, Symmetries and Soft Theorems 1:23:59
Alexander Maloney - String Universality and 3D Quantum Gravity 45:56
Ben Freivogel - Quantifying the Firewall Conflict 47:32
Nima Arkani-Hamed - Holographic Polytopes 1:51:47
Cliff Burgess - Self tuning under the microscope 1:01:53
Steve Giddings - Nonviolent unitarization: overview, questions, opportunities 1:26:22
Harlow, Marolf, Raju, Verlinde - State dependence, bulk observables, black hole interiors 2:01:03
Daniel Litim - Asymptotic safety: from gauge theories to gravity 1:32:53
Daniel Litim - Asymptotic safety, black holes and black hole thermodynamics 1:40:20
Donald Marolf - Hot multiboundary wormholes from local bipartite holographic entanglement 1:00:27
Edgar Shaghoulian - Modular invariance and black hole entropy 33:51
Herman Verlinde - Poking Holes in AdS/CFT Bulk Fields from Boundary States 1:24:09
James Sully - Tensor Networks from Kinematic Space 46:59
Martin Einhorn - Dimensional transmutation as the origin of mass in renormalizable gravity 1:12:03
Sergey Sibiryakov - Semiclassical S-matrix for black holes 1:12:24
Black Holes (KITP Quantum Gravity Foundations 2015 final discussions) 1:19:21
Leonard Susskind - What I Learned from AMPS 1:08:37
Samir Mathur - A model with no firewall 1:39:15
Networked Urbanism: Geographies of Information - Therese Tierney
source: Unit Fellows 2016年10月27日
The Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory at UIUC presents Therese Tierney on Networked Urbanism: Geographies of Information as part of the Fall 2016 Distinguished Faculty Lecture. The lecture was presented on October 24th in Gregory Hall, at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Mahmood Mamdani: “Beyond Criminal Justice: Learning from South Sudan”
source: Yale University 2016年10月27日
Mahmood Mamdani, an internationally renowned scholar on African history, politics, and society, and the Herbert Lehman Professor of Government at Columbia University, gave the annual Coca-Cola World Fund at Yale Lecture on “Beyond Criminal Justice: Learning from South Sudan,” Wednesday, Oct. 26. The lecture is sponsored by the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale.
Raj Chetty: Policies to Improve Upward Mobility
source: London School of Economics and Political Science 2016年10月27日
Date: Tuesday 25 October 2016
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building
Speaker: Professor Raj Chetty
Chair: Professor Robin Burgess
Professor Raj Chetty will give three lectures over three consecutive days in the 2016 Lionel Robbins Memorial Lecture series under the overarching theme of "Improving Equality of Opportunity: new lessons from big data" asking the question "How Can We Improve Economic Opportunities for Low-Income Children?" Raj Chetty will discuss findings from the Equality of Opportunity Project, which uses big data to develop new answers to this important and timely policy question. The presentation will show how children's opportunities to climb the income ladder vary substantially depending upon where they grow up. It will then identify factors that contribute to this geographic variation in opportunities for upward mobility. The talks will conclude by offering policy lessons for how social mobility and economic opportunity can be increased in the next generation.
Raj Chetty is a Professor of Economics at Stanford University. His research combines empirical evidence and economic theory to help design more effective government policies. His work on tax policy, unemployment insurance, and education has been widely cited in media outlets and Congressional testimony.
Robin Burgess is Professor of Economics at LSE and Director of the International Growth Centre.
The CEP (@CEP_LSE) is an interdisciplinary research centre at the LSE Research Laboratory. It was established by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in 1990 and is now one of the leading economic research groups in Europe.
The two other lectures that are part of this series are Monday 24 and Wednesday 26 October.
Heidegger: On The Way To Thinking (English Subtitles)
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Eidos84 2011年7月5日
Excerpts from the 1975 documentary "On The Way to Thinking". English Subtitles
Heidegger On Language and Poetry (English Subtitles) 1:44
In the first monologue from the 1975 documentary "On the Way to Thinking", Heidegger briefly discusses his notion of language. He contrasts average everyday speech, which is seen as simply an "instrument of information", with a more poetic saying which speaks of "deeper" relations.
Heidegger On the Question of Being (English Subtitles) 1:02
In the second brief monologue in "On the Way to Thinking" Heidegger returns to the perennial question of his philosophy: die Seinsfrage, the question of Being. Heidegger maintains that Being has today been forgotten, though it still continues to determine the "essence" of man.
Heidegger On the Task of Thinking (English Subtitles) 1:42
Heidegger discusses the task for thinking today, a new form of thinking requiring a "new method". At first, such a thinking will be accessible to few, though the rest of us might "indirectly" know it.
Heidegger On Marx (English Subtitles) 1:35
Heidegger discusses Marx's famous critique of philosophy: "the philosopher has hitherto interpreted the world. The point is, to change it." Heidegger argues that this statement is disingenuous, for any notion of "world change" is itself always dependent on a new interpretation of the world.
Heidegger On Religion (English Subtitles) 0:52
"Heidegger on Religion", a short excerpt from the 1975 documentary "On the Way to Thinking".
source: Eidos84 2011年7月5日
Excerpts from the 1975 documentary "On The Way to Thinking". English Subtitles
Heidegger On Language and Poetry (English Subtitles) 1:44
In the first monologue from the 1975 documentary "On the Way to Thinking", Heidegger briefly discusses his notion of language. He contrasts average everyday speech, which is seen as simply an "instrument of information", with a more poetic saying which speaks of "deeper" relations.
Heidegger On the Question of Being (English Subtitles) 1:02
In the second brief monologue in "On the Way to Thinking" Heidegger returns to the perennial question of his philosophy: die Seinsfrage, the question of Being. Heidegger maintains that Being has today been forgotten, though it still continues to determine the "essence" of man.
Heidegger On the Task of Thinking (English Subtitles) 1:42
Heidegger discusses the task for thinking today, a new form of thinking requiring a "new method". At first, such a thinking will be accessible to few, though the rest of us might "indirectly" know it.
Heidegger On Marx (English Subtitles) 1:35
Heidegger discusses Marx's famous critique of philosophy: "the philosopher has hitherto interpreted the world. The point is, to change it." Heidegger argues that this statement is disingenuous, for any notion of "world change" is itself always dependent on a new interpretation of the world.
Heidegger On Religion (English Subtitles) 0:52
"Heidegger on Religion", a short excerpt from the 1975 documentary "On the Way to Thinking".
"The End of Philosophy and The Task of Thinking", Heidegger's final monologue from the 1975 documentary "On the Way to Thinking". Heidegger discusses his contributuion to a future "thinking" which will supercede traditional philosophy and metaphysics.
The Health Burden of Stress: What We Can Do About It | The Forum at HSPH
source: Harvard University 2014年7月10日
For many of us, stress is an omnipresent and frequently overwhelming factor of day-to-day life. As we begin to better understand its toll on our health, this Forum at the Harvard School of Public Health event -- in connection with a new poll by HSPH, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and NPR -- shared the story of stress as perceived by many Americans. What are the biggest sources of stress? How can it affect our health? And what can we do in our homes, workplaces and communities to help us manage stress and to live calmer -- and healthier -- lives?
Presented July 9, 2014 in Collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and NPR.
Watch the entire series from The Forum at Harvard School of Public Health at www.ForumHSPH.org.
Advanced Materials Characterization Workshop
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: NanoBio Node 2016年11月4日
This workshop provides a critical, comparative and condensed overview of mainstream analytical techniques for materials characterization with emphasis on practical applications
1. [personal video]
2. Quantitative AM-FM Mode for Fast and Versatile Imaging of Nanoscale Elastic Modulus (Marta Kocun) 26:40
3. High Speed, High Resolution Nanoscale Tomography Measurements (Tom McNulty) 29:24
4. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Part 1 (Richard Haasch) 29:50
5. Quantitative Elastic Measurements of High Modulus Materials with Tapping/AM-FM Mode (Ted Limpoco) 16:41
6. Diffraction and Beyond: Thin Film Analysis by X-Ray Scattering... (Scott Speakman) 22:59
7. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Part 2 (Richard Haasch) 23:56
8. Introduction to Elemental Analysis by ED-XRF (Justin Masone) 21:25
9. Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (Tim Spila) 20:14
10. An Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy and Focused Ion Beam (Matthew Bresin) 59:39
11. Nano- and Micromechanics (Kathy Walsh) 26:09
12. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry / Rutherford Backscattering 58:24
13. X-ray Diffraction and Reflectometry 59:43
14. Technical Requirements for Successful Tip Enhanced Raman (TERS) imaging 27:22
15.AM-FM and Loss Tangent Imaging -- Two Tools for Quantitative Nanomechanical Property Mapping 26:16
16.Advanced AFM-Raman Setup: Towards the Spatial and Spectroscopic Resolution at Single Molecule Level 18:35
17. X-ray Electron Spectroscopy / Auger Electron Spectroscopy 1:02:30
18. Recent Developments in a Novel Dynamical Testing Technique 26:22
19. Nano-impact for investigation of low cycle fatigue 22:19
20. Nanofabrication of Plasmonic Devices in the Helium Ion Microscope 23:07
21. The Schmidt-Czerny-Turner Spectrograph 18:22
source: NanoBio Node 2016年11月4日
This workshop provides a critical, comparative and condensed overview of mainstream analytical techniques for materials characterization with emphasis on practical applications
1. [personal video]
2. Quantitative AM-FM Mode for Fast and Versatile Imaging of Nanoscale Elastic Modulus (Marta Kocun) 26:40
3. High Speed, High Resolution Nanoscale Tomography Measurements (Tom McNulty) 29:24
4. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Part 1 (Richard Haasch) 29:50
5. Quantitative Elastic Measurements of High Modulus Materials with Tapping/AM-FM Mode (Ted Limpoco) 16:41
6. Diffraction and Beyond: Thin Film Analysis by X-Ray Scattering... (Scott Speakman) 22:59
7. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Part 2 (Richard Haasch) 23:56
8. Introduction to Elemental Analysis by ED-XRF (Justin Masone) 21:25
9. Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (Tim Spila) 20:14
10. An Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy and Focused Ion Beam (Matthew Bresin) 59:39
11. Nano- and Micromechanics (Kathy Walsh) 26:09
12. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry / Rutherford Backscattering 58:24
13. X-ray Diffraction and Reflectometry 59:43
14. Technical Requirements for Successful Tip Enhanced Raman (TERS) imaging 27:22
15.AM-FM and Loss Tangent Imaging -- Two Tools for Quantitative Nanomechanical Property Mapping 26:16
16.Advanced AFM-Raman Setup: Towards the Spatial and Spectroscopic Resolution at Single Molecule Level 18:35
17. X-ray Electron Spectroscopy / Auger Electron Spectroscopy 1:02:30
18. Recent Developments in a Novel Dynamical Testing Technique 26:22
19. Nano-impact for investigation of low cycle fatigue 22:19
20. Nanofabrication of Plasmonic Devices in the Helium Ion Microscope 23:07
21. The Schmidt-Czerny-Turner Spectrograph 18:22
Modern Physics (Fall 2012) by Alexander Maloney at McGill University
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Alexander Maloney 2014年12月7日
The course syllabus is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The written notes for this lecture are available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
# Lectures 2, 16, 20 and 33 were guest lectures on special topics that were not recorded.
Lecture 1: Introduction. Dimensional Analysis 52:27
Lecture 3: Dimensional Analysis 51:30
Lecture 4: Special Relativity. Postulates of Relativity. 52:48
Lecture 5: Special Relativity. Time Dilation. Length Contraction. 49:24
Lecture 6: Special Relativity. Reference Frames. Inertial Observers. 48:16
Lecture 7: Special Relativity. Lorentz Transformations. 49:03
Lecture 8: Special Relativity. Velocity Addition. Examples. 53:08
Lecture 9: Special Relativity. Doppler Effect. Space-time. 52:14
Lecture 10: Special Relativity. Geometry of Space-time. Causality. 52:08
Lecture 11: Special Relativity. Minkowski Space. Lorentz Transformations. 55:09
Lecture 12: Relativistic Kinematics. Energy and Momentum. 48:23
Lecture 13: Relativistic Kinematics. Mass and Energy. Examples. 52:32
Lecture 14: Relativistic Kinematics. Four-vectors. 47:06
Lecture 15: Relativistic Kinematics. Forces and Acceleration. 52:21
Lecture 18: General Relativity. Space-time Curvature. 51:59
Lecture 19: General Relativity. The Equivalence Principle. 45:26
Lecture 21: General Relativity. Gravitational Redshift & Time Dilation. 49:10
Lecture 22: Black Holes. 47:59
23: Tests of General Relativity. Gravitational Lensing. 46:49
Lecture 24: Gravity Waves. 52:09
Lecture 25: Cosmology. Olbers' Paradox. Hubble's Law. 48:38
Lecture 26: Cosmology. FRW Model. 51:52
Lecture 27: Cosmology. FRW Model 50:22
Lecture 28: Big Bang Cosmology. Cosmological Structure. 53:58
Lecture 29: Wave/Particle Duality. Double Slit Experiment. 40:34
Lecture 30: Wave/Particle Duality. Compton Scattering. Interference. 52:25
Lecture 31: Quantization. Wave Phenomena. The Bohr Model. 41:48
Lecture 32: Quantum Mechanics. The Wave Function. 52:34
Lecture 34: Quantum Mechanics. Schrodinger Equation. Plane Waves. 48:55
Lecture 35: Quantum Mechanics. Observables. Expectation Values. 49:59
Lecture 36: Quantum Mechanics. Observables. Heisenberg Uncertainty. 48:51
Lecture 37: Quantum Mechanics. Particle in a Box. Born Rule. 55:14
Lecture 38: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Measurements. Schrodinger's Cat. 50:51
source: Alexander Maloney 2014年12月7日
The course syllabus is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The written notes for this lecture are available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
# Lectures 2, 16, 20 and 33 were guest lectures on special topics that were not recorded.
Lecture 1: Introduction. Dimensional Analysis 52:27
Lecture 3: Dimensional Analysis 51:30
Lecture 4: Special Relativity. Postulates of Relativity. 52:48
Lecture 5: Special Relativity. Time Dilation. Length Contraction. 49:24
Lecture 6: Special Relativity. Reference Frames. Inertial Observers. 48:16
Lecture 7: Special Relativity. Lorentz Transformations. 49:03
Lecture 8: Special Relativity. Velocity Addition. Examples. 53:08
Lecture 9: Special Relativity. Doppler Effect. Space-time. 52:14
Lecture 10: Special Relativity. Geometry of Space-time. Causality. 52:08
Lecture 11: Special Relativity. Minkowski Space. Lorentz Transformations. 55:09
Lecture 12: Relativistic Kinematics. Energy and Momentum. 48:23
Lecture 13: Relativistic Kinematics. Mass and Energy. Examples. 52:32
Lecture 14: Relativistic Kinematics. Four-vectors. 47:06
Lecture 15: Relativistic Kinematics. Forces and Acceleration. 52:21
Lecture 18: General Relativity. Space-time Curvature. 51:59
Lecture 19: General Relativity. The Equivalence Principle. 45:26
Lecture 21: General Relativity. Gravitational Redshift & Time Dilation. 49:10
Lecture 22: Black Holes. 47:59
23: Tests of General Relativity. Gravitational Lensing. 46:49
Lecture 24: Gravity Waves. 52:09
Lecture 25: Cosmology. Olbers' Paradox. Hubble's Law. 48:38
Lecture 26: Cosmology. FRW Model. 51:52
Lecture 27: Cosmology. FRW Model 50:22
Lecture 28: Big Bang Cosmology. Cosmological Structure. 53:58
Lecture 29: Wave/Particle Duality. Double Slit Experiment. 40:34
Lecture 30: Wave/Particle Duality. Compton Scattering. Interference. 52:25
Lecture 31: Quantization. Wave Phenomena. The Bohr Model. 41:48
Lecture 32: Quantum Mechanics. The Wave Function. 52:34
Lecture 34: Quantum Mechanics. Schrodinger Equation. Plane Waves. 48:55
Lecture 35: Quantum Mechanics. Observables. Expectation Values. 49:59
Lecture 36: Quantum Mechanics. Observables. Heisenberg Uncertainty. 48:51
Lecture 37: Quantum Mechanics. Particle in a Box. Born Rule. 55:14
Lecture 38: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Measurements. Schrodinger's Cat. 50:51
General Relativity (Winter 2011) by Alexander Maloney at McGill University
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Alexander Maloney 2014年12月7日
The course syllabus is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The written notes for this lecture are available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
Lecture 1: Introduction, Space-time 1:21:39
Lecture 2: Special Relativity & Space-time 1:00:32
Lecture 3: The Equivalence Principle, Manifolds. 1:21:06
Lecture 4: Manifolds and Tensors 1:25:40
Lecture 5: Tensors 1:21:38
Lecture 6: Tensors. Differential Forms. 1:17:19
Lecture 7: Differential Forms, Integration, Metrics. 1:23:12
Lecture 8: Metrics, Geodesics and Geometry. 1:22:59
Lecture 9: Covariant Derivatives, Integration. 1:20:13
Lecture 10: Curvature. Riemann Tensor. Ricci Tensor. 1:18:33
Lecture 11: Curvature. The Minimal Coupling Principal. 1:21:07
Lecture 12: General Relativity. Einstein's Equations. 1:20:34
Lecture 13: Einstein's Equation. Stress Tensors. Lagrangian Formulation. 1:21:40
Lecture 14: Lagrangian Formulation. Cosmological Constant. 1:20:48
Lecture 15: Einstein-Scalar and Einstein-Maxwell theory. 1:24:37
Lecture 16: Symmetries and Killing Vectors. 1:22:49
Lecture 17: The Schwarzschild Solution. 1:19:08
Lecture 18: Tests of GR. Precession of the Perihelion of Mercury. 1:24:15
Lecture 19: Tests of GR. Gravitational Lensing & Redshift. 1:23:30
Lecture 20: The Schwarzschild Black Hole. 1:20:57
Lecture 21: Black Holes. 1:24:07
Lecture 22: Cosmology, FRW Universes. 1:18:39
Lecture 23: FRW Model. Big Bang Cosmology. 1:23:28
Lecture 24: Gravity Waves. Linearized General Relativity. 1:18:54
Lecture 25: Gravity Waves. 1:10:50
source: Alexander Maloney 2014年12月7日
The course syllabus is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The written notes for this lecture are available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
Lecture 1: Introduction, Space-time 1:21:39
Lecture 2: Special Relativity & Space-time 1:00:32
Lecture 3: The Equivalence Principle, Manifolds. 1:21:06
Lecture 4: Manifolds and Tensors 1:25:40
Lecture 5: Tensors 1:21:38
Lecture 6: Tensors. Differential Forms. 1:17:19
Lecture 7: Differential Forms, Integration, Metrics. 1:23:12
Lecture 8: Metrics, Geodesics and Geometry. 1:22:59
Lecture 9: Covariant Derivatives, Integration. 1:20:13
Lecture 10: Curvature. Riemann Tensor. Ricci Tensor. 1:18:33
Lecture 11: Curvature. The Minimal Coupling Principal. 1:21:07
Lecture 12: General Relativity. Einstein's Equations. 1:20:34
Lecture 13: Einstein's Equation. Stress Tensors. Lagrangian Formulation. 1:21:40
Lecture 14: Lagrangian Formulation. Cosmological Constant. 1:20:48
Lecture 15: Einstein-Scalar and Einstein-Maxwell theory. 1:24:37
Lecture 16: Symmetries and Killing Vectors. 1:22:49
Lecture 17: The Schwarzschild Solution. 1:19:08
Lecture 18: Tests of GR. Precession of the Perihelion of Mercury. 1:24:15
Lecture 19: Tests of GR. Gravitational Lensing & Redshift. 1:23:30
Lecture 20: The Schwarzschild Black Hole. 1:20:57
Lecture 21: Black Holes. 1:24:07
Lecture 22: Cosmology, FRW Universes. 1:18:39
Lecture 23: FRW Model. Big Bang Cosmology. 1:23:28
Lecture 24: Gravity Waves. Linearized General Relativity. 1:18:54
Lecture 25: Gravity Waves. 1:10:50
Strings 2008 (Talks held at the CERN, Aug18-23, 2008)
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: GraduatePhysics 2014年3月22日
Event website: http://ph-dep-th.web.cern.ch/ph-dep-th/content2/workshops...
Timo Weigand - D brane instantons in Type II orientifolds 35:02
Sunil Mukhi - Multiple membrane dynamics 31:59
Steven Gubser - The gauge string duality and QCD at finite temperature 1:03:30
Stephan Stieberger - Superstring amplitudes formal progress and implications for LHC 35:51
Simeon Hellerman - Cosmological unification of string theories 30:20
Shiraz Minwalla - Nonlinear fluid dynamics from gravity 41:55
Ron Donagi - Heterotic standard models 29:21
Romuald Janik - 4 loop perturbative Konishi from AdS5xS5 string sigma model 30:34
Renata Kallosh - String theory and cosmology 30:50
Oliver Buchmuller - The search for new physics at the LHC 50:53
Neil Lambert - Lagrangians for multiple M2 branes 29:30
Nathan Jacob Berkovits - Fermionic T duality 35:28
Michael Green - Maximal supersymmetry, duality and scattering amplitudes 40:07
Matthias Staudacher - Integrability of the AdS:CFT system 35:07
Marcos Marino Beiras - Remodeling the topological string, perturbatively and nonperturbatively 37:52
Lyn Evans - LHC machine status 40:53
Luis Ibanez - String phenomenology on the eve of the LHC 56:41
Luis Fernando Alday - Scattering amplitudes via AdS/CFT 28:12
Lance Dixon - Unveiling the structure of amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity 1:02:15
Juan Maldacena - N=6 Chern Simons matter theories, M2 branes and supergravity 29:26
Jos Engelen - Status of the LHC detectors: design, construction, commissioning 42:07
Johannes Walcher - Tadpole cancellation in the topological string 38:40
Hiroshi Ooguri - Summary (Strings 2008) 14:29
Herman Verlinde - Holographic gauge mediation 34:38
Gregory Moore - Developments in BPS wall crossing 33:22
Gabriele Veneziano - Forty years of high energy string collisions 57:47
Freddy Cachazo - What is the simplest quantum field theory? 41:00
Emery Sokatchev - Dual superconformal symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM 33:30
Davide Gaiotto - S duality and boundary conditions in N=4 SYM 29:23
David Shih - General gauge mediation 35:22
David Gross - Outlook (Strings 2008) 34:06
Cumrun Vafa - F theory, GUTs, and the weak scale 41:01
Carlo Rovelli - Loop quantum gravity 43:37
Boris Pioline - BPS black holes and topological strings, a review 52:01
Ashoke Sen - Extremal black holes and AdS_2/CFT_1 correspondence 37:45
Andrew Strominger - Quantum gravity in three dimensions 37:04
Andrei Starinets - Holographic recipes at finite density and low temperature 27:08
Alessandro Tomasiello - A new infinite class of anti de Sitter flux vacua 30:04
source: GraduatePhysics 2014年3月22日
Event website: http://ph-dep-th.web.cern.ch/ph-dep-th/content2/workshops...
Timo Weigand - D brane instantons in Type II orientifolds 35:02
Sunil Mukhi - Multiple membrane dynamics 31:59
Steven Gubser - The gauge string duality and QCD at finite temperature 1:03:30
Stephan Stieberger - Superstring amplitudes formal progress and implications for LHC 35:51
Simeon Hellerman - Cosmological unification of string theories 30:20
Shiraz Minwalla - Nonlinear fluid dynamics from gravity 41:55
Ron Donagi - Heterotic standard models 29:21
Romuald Janik - 4 loop perturbative Konishi from AdS5xS5 string sigma model 30:34
Renata Kallosh - String theory and cosmology 30:50
Oliver Buchmuller - The search for new physics at the LHC 50:53
Neil Lambert - Lagrangians for multiple M2 branes 29:30
Nathan Jacob Berkovits - Fermionic T duality 35:28
Michael Green - Maximal supersymmetry, duality and scattering amplitudes 40:07
Matthias Staudacher - Integrability of the AdS:CFT system 35:07
Marcos Marino Beiras - Remodeling the topological string, perturbatively and nonperturbatively 37:52
Lyn Evans - LHC machine status 40:53
Luis Ibanez - String phenomenology on the eve of the LHC 56:41
Luis Fernando Alday - Scattering amplitudes via AdS/CFT 28:12
Lance Dixon - Unveiling the structure of amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity 1:02:15
Juan Maldacena - N=6 Chern Simons matter theories, M2 branes and supergravity 29:26
Jos Engelen - Status of the LHC detectors: design, construction, commissioning 42:07
Johannes Walcher - Tadpole cancellation in the topological string 38:40
Hiroshi Ooguri - Summary (Strings 2008) 14:29
Herman Verlinde - Holographic gauge mediation 34:38
Gregory Moore - Developments in BPS wall crossing 33:22
Gabriele Veneziano - Forty years of high energy string collisions 57:47
Freddy Cachazo - What is the simplest quantum field theory? 41:00
Emery Sokatchev - Dual superconformal symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM 33:30
Davide Gaiotto - S duality and boundary conditions in N=4 SYM 29:23
David Shih - General gauge mediation 35:22
David Gross - Outlook (Strings 2008) 34:06
Cumrun Vafa - F theory, GUTs, and the weak scale 41:01
Carlo Rovelli - Loop quantum gravity 43:37
Boris Pioline - BPS black holes and topological strings, a review 52:01
Ashoke Sen - Extremal black holes and AdS_2/CFT_1 correspondence 37:45
Andrew Strominger - Quantum gravity in three dimensions 37:04
Andrei Starinets - Holographic recipes at finite density and low temperature 27:08
Alessandro Tomasiello - A new infinite class of anti de Sitter flux vacua 30:04
Richard Swinburne - How Does Personal Identity Persist Through Time?
source: Closer To Truth 2016年10月12日
Think back 5, 10, 20 years—50 if you're old enough. Physically, you are completely different. Mentally, you feel pretty much the same. Decades roll by and every molecule of your body changes many times over. Yet you sense yourself the same—continuous, a unity. How can this be?
Click here to watch more interviews on personal identity http://bit.ly/2d7pXNI
Click here to watch more interviews with Richard Swinburne http://bit.ly/1DwpGcp
Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS
For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com
The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein (Subtitles Available)
source: Philosophical Overdose 2016年10月10日
Bryan Magee and Anthony Quinton discuss the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein.
This interview is from a 1978 BBC program. Subtitles/transcript are available.
Spiritual Implications of Medicinal Marijuana with Barbara Harris
source: New Thinking Allowed 2016年3月31日
Barbara Harris, RT, CMT, is author of The Secrets of Medical Marijuana: A Guide for Patients and Those Who Help Them. She is also author of many books, including The Natural Soul, Full Circle: The Near Death Experience and Beyond, Spiritual Awakenings: Insights of the NDE and Other Doorways to Our Soul, and Final Passage: Sharing the Journey as This Life Ends. She is a therapist in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia. She has been on the board of Directors for the Kundalini Research Network and was on the faculty of Rutgers University's Institute on Alcohol and Drug Studies for 12 years. She also spent six years researching the aftereffects of the near-death experience at the University of Connecticut Medical School. She is a consulting editor and contributor for the Journal of Near-Death Studies.
Here she describes her own use of medicinal marijuana to help cope with the anxiety of being in a body cast. She stresses the use of small doses. She also describes a number of ritual practices that can help to create a set and setting that enhance the effectiveness of marijuana. The discussion focuses on the long history of cannabis use in sacred contexts. She also describes Israeli research on cannabis and discoveries of the endo-cannabinoid system in the human body.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on March 1, 2016)
Mechanical - Manufacturing Processes - I (IIT Roorkee)
# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2009年7月22日
Mechanical - Manufacturing Processes - I by Prof. Inderdeep Singh, Prof. D. K. Dwivedi, Prof. Pradeep Kumar Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee.
Mod-1 Lec-1 Powder Metallurgy - 1 57:48
Mod-1 Lec-2 Powder Metallurgy - 2 54:28
Mod-1 Lec-3 Powder Metallurgy - 3 55:49
Mod-1 Lec-4 Metal Forming - Fundamentals 1:02:00
Mod-1 Lec-5 Forging 32:18
Mod-1 Lec-6 Swaging & Wire Drawing 57:25
Mod-1 Lec-7 Sheet Metal Operations 59:01
Mod-1 Lec-8 Sheet Metal Operations - 2 55:00
Mod-1 Lec-9 Sheet Metal Operations - 3 56:52
Mod-1 Lec-10 Sheet Metal Working - Presses 57:12
Mod-1 Lec-11 Sheet Metal Working - Equipment 57:57
Mod-1 Lec-12 High Energy Rate Forming Processes 55:14
Mod-1 Lec-13 Machining Fundamentals 54:34
Mod-1 Lec-14 Machining - I 58:31
Mod-1 Lec-15 Machining - II 58:14
Mod-1 Lec-16 Machining - III 58:33
Mod-2 Lec-1 Metal casting 56:46
Mod-2 Lec-2 Metal casting 53:02
Mod-2 Lec-3 Metal Casting 54:34
Mod-2 Lec-4 Metal Casting 53:38
Mod-2 Lec-5 Metal Casting 49:28
Mod-2 Lec-6 Metal Casting 51:09
Mod-2 Lec-7 Metal Casting 51:54
Mod-2 Lec-8 Metal Casting 56:38
Mod-2 Lec-9 Metal Casting 59:05
Mod-2 Lec-10 Metal Casting 56:27
Mod-3 Lec-1 Introduction 56:38
Mod-3 Lec-2 Welding Process Classification 52:04
Mod-3 Lec-3 Brazing Soldering&Braze Welding 56:38
Mod-3 Lec-4 Arc Welding Power Source Part-I 38:00
Mod-3 Lec-5 Arc Welding Power Source Part-2 58:10
Mod-3 Lec-6 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Part-1 56:00
Mod-3 Lec-7 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Part-2 57:51
Mod-3 Lec-8 Submerged Arc Welding 1:00:15
Mod-3 Lec-9 Gas Metal Arc Welding 52:58
Mod-3 Lec-10 Gas Metal Arc Welding 55:34
Mod-3 Lec-11 Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Part-1 1:00:59
Mod-3 Lec-12 Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Part-2 1:01:53
Mod-3 Lec-13 Resistance Welding Process 58:50
Mod-3 Lec-14 Reaction in Weld Region&Welding Defects 1:00:37
source: nptelhrd 2009年7月22日
Mechanical - Manufacturing Processes - I by Prof. Inderdeep Singh, Prof. D. K. Dwivedi, Prof. Pradeep Kumar Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee.
Mod-1 Lec-1 Powder Metallurgy - 1 57:48
Mod-1 Lec-2 Powder Metallurgy - 2 54:28
Mod-1 Lec-3 Powder Metallurgy - 3 55:49
Mod-1 Lec-4 Metal Forming - Fundamentals 1:02:00
Mod-1 Lec-5 Forging 32:18
Mod-1 Lec-6 Swaging & Wire Drawing 57:25
Mod-1 Lec-7 Sheet Metal Operations 59:01
Mod-1 Lec-8 Sheet Metal Operations - 2 55:00
Mod-1 Lec-9 Sheet Metal Operations - 3 56:52
Mod-1 Lec-10 Sheet Metal Working - Presses 57:12
Mod-1 Lec-11 Sheet Metal Working - Equipment 57:57
Mod-1 Lec-12 High Energy Rate Forming Processes 55:14
Mod-1 Lec-13 Machining Fundamentals 54:34
Mod-1 Lec-14 Machining - I 58:31
Mod-1 Lec-15 Machining - II 58:14
Mod-1 Lec-16 Machining - III 58:33
Mod-2 Lec-1 Metal casting 56:46
Mod-2 Lec-2 Metal casting 53:02
Mod-2 Lec-3 Metal Casting 54:34
Mod-2 Lec-4 Metal Casting 53:38
Mod-2 Lec-5 Metal Casting 49:28
Mod-2 Lec-6 Metal Casting 51:09
Mod-2 Lec-7 Metal Casting 51:54
Mod-2 Lec-8 Metal Casting 56:38
Mod-2 Lec-9 Metal Casting 59:05
Mod-2 Lec-10 Metal Casting 56:27
Mod-3 Lec-1 Introduction 56:38
Mod-3 Lec-2 Welding Process Classification 52:04
Mod-3 Lec-3 Brazing Soldering&Braze Welding 56:38
Mod-3 Lec-4 Arc Welding Power Source Part-I 38:00
Mod-3 Lec-5 Arc Welding Power Source Part-2 58:10
Mod-3 Lec-6 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Part-1 56:00
Mod-3 Lec-7 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Part-2 57:51
Mod-3 Lec-8 Submerged Arc Welding 1:00:15
Mod-3 Lec-9 Gas Metal Arc Welding 52:58
Mod-3 Lec-10 Gas Metal Arc Welding 55:34
Mod-3 Lec-11 Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Part-1 1:00:59
Mod-3 Lec-12 Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Part-2 1:01:53
Mod-3 Lec-13 Resistance Welding Process 58:50
Mod-3 Lec-14 Reaction in Weld Region&Welding Defects 1:00:37
Modern Construction Materials by Ravindra Gettu (IIT Madras)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: nptelhrd 2013年6月4日
Civil - Modern Construction Materials by Dr. Ravindra Gettu, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Mod1Lecture00Prologue 25:27
Mod1Lecture01Pt1IntroI 44:28
Mod1Lecture01Pt2IntroII 49:28
Mod2Lecture02Pt1BondsI 38:35
Mod2Lecture02Pt2BondsII 39:51
Mod2Lecture03Pt1StructureI 34:45
Mod2Lecture03Pt2StructureII 43:54
Mod2Lecture03Pt3StructureIII 35:22
Mod2Lecture04AtomMovement 45:24
Mod2Lecture05Pt1DevStructI 42:11
Mod2Lecture05Pt2DevStructII 51:53
Mod3Lecture06Surfaceproperties 56:52
Mod3Lecture07Pt1StressresponseI 50:22
Mod3Lecture07Pt2StressresponseII 48:30
Mod3Lecture07Pt3StressresponseIII 33:15
Mod3Lecture08Failuretheories 44:06
Mod3Lecture09Pt1FracturemechanicsI 38:16
Mod3Lecture09Pt2FracturemechanicsII 54:56
Mod3Lecture10Rheology 38:17
Mod3Lecture11Thermalproperties 35:26
source: nptelhrd 2013年6月4日
Civil - Modern Construction Materials by Dr. Ravindra Gettu, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Mod1Lecture00Prologue 25:27
Mod1Lecture01Pt1IntroI 44:28
Mod1Lecture01Pt2IntroII 49:28
Mod2Lecture02Pt1BondsI 38:35
Mod2Lecture02Pt2BondsII 39:51
Mod2Lecture03Pt1StructureI 34:45
Mod2Lecture03Pt2StructureII 43:54
Mod2Lecture03Pt3StructureIII 35:22
Mod2Lecture04AtomMovement 45:24
Mod2Lecture05Pt1DevStructI 42:11
Mod2Lecture05Pt2DevStructII 51:53
Mod3Lecture06Surfaceproperties 56:52
Mod3Lecture07Pt1StressresponseI 50:22
Mod3Lecture07Pt2StressresponseII 48:30
Mod3Lecture07Pt3StressresponseIII 33:15
Mod3Lecture08Failuretheories 44:06
Mod3Lecture09Pt1FracturemechanicsI 38:16
Mod3Lecture09Pt2FracturemechanicsII 54:56
Mod3Lecture10Rheology 38:17
Mod3Lecture11Thermalproperties 35:26
Suresh A Kartha: Advanced Hydraulics (IIT Guwahati)
# playlist of the 43 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: nptelhrd 2013年11月27日
Civil - Advanced Hydraulics by Dr. Suresh A Kartha, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction - advanced hydraulics & course structure 1:03:35
02 Various classifications of open channel flows 58:40
03 Flow classifications & velocity distribution 1:00:14
04 Pressure distribution 59:17
05 Equation of continuity & energy 58:30
06 Specific energy & critical flow 57:01
07 Energy, momentum & specific force 1:12:20
08 Computation of critical flow part -1 1:03:33
09 Critical flow computations 52:56
10 Introduction to uniform flow 53:51
11 Manning's equation and normal depth 50:10
12 Uniform Flow Computations - part 1 56:36
13 Uniform flow in compound sections, concept of normal slope 1:01:46
14 Uniform flow approximation for flood discharge 53:20
15 Design of channels for uniform flow 59:00
16 Design of channels using uniform flow 51:31
17 Design of erodible channels 1:09:55
18 Introduction to gradually varied flows 55:53
19 Gradually varied flow equations 58:30
20 Classification of gradually varied flow - part 1 56:37
21 Classification of gradually varied flow - part 2 58:56
22 Gradually varied flow profiles with change in bed slopes 1:00:32
23 GVF profile properties and transitional depths 56:39
24 Gradually varied flow computations - part 1 56:38
25 Gradually varied flow computations RK method - part 2 54:58
26 Standard step method for gradually varied flow computations 56:50
27 Spatially varied flow 58:46
28 Features on spatially varied flow 54:01
29 Rapidly varied flow - introduction 54:47
30 Theoretical aspects of hydraulic jump 57:40
31 Characteristics of jumps in rectangular channel 52:02
32 Features of hydraulic jumps 53:15
33 Jumps as energy dissipators 52:46
34 Jump controls 57:21
35 Surges (1) 55:38
36 Surges (2) 55:49
37 Channel transitions 57:29
38 Channel transitions - part 2 58:16
39 Channel transition - part 3 1:00:55
40 Application of momentum principles 59:07
41 Pumps - 1 58:15
42 Turbines - part 3 (pumps, turbines) 53:31
43 Turbines, cavitation 55:18
source: nptelhrd 2013年11月27日
Civil - Advanced Hydraulics by Dr. Suresh A Kartha, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
01 Introduction - advanced hydraulics & course structure 1:03:35
02 Various classifications of open channel flows 58:40
03 Flow classifications & velocity distribution 1:00:14
04 Pressure distribution 59:17
05 Equation of continuity & energy 58:30
06 Specific energy & critical flow 57:01
07 Energy, momentum & specific force 1:12:20
08 Computation of critical flow part -1 1:03:33
09 Critical flow computations 52:56
10 Introduction to uniform flow 53:51
11 Manning's equation and normal depth 50:10
12 Uniform Flow Computations - part 1 56:36
13 Uniform flow in compound sections, concept of normal slope 1:01:46
14 Uniform flow approximation for flood discharge 53:20
15 Design of channels for uniform flow 59:00
16 Design of channels using uniform flow 51:31
17 Design of erodible channels 1:09:55
18 Introduction to gradually varied flows 55:53
19 Gradually varied flow equations 58:30
20 Classification of gradually varied flow - part 1 56:37
21 Classification of gradually varied flow - part 2 58:56
22 Gradually varied flow profiles with change in bed slopes 1:00:32
23 GVF profile properties and transitional depths 56:39
24 Gradually varied flow computations - part 1 56:38
25 Gradually varied flow computations RK method - part 2 54:58
26 Standard step method for gradually varied flow computations 56:50
27 Spatially varied flow 58:46
28 Features on spatially varied flow 54:01
29 Rapidly varied flow - introduction 54:47
30 Theoretical aspects of hydraulic jump 57:40
31 Characteristics of jumps in rectangular channel 52:02
32 Features of hydraulic jumps 53:15
33 Jumps as energy dissipators 52:46
34 Jump controls 57:21
35 Surges (1) 55:38
36 Surges (2) 55:49
37 Channel transitions 57:29
38 Channel transitions - part 2 58:16
39 Channel transition - part 3 1:00:55
40 Application of momentum principles 59:07
41 Pumps - 1 58:15
42 Turbines - part 3 (pumps, turbines) 53:31
43 Turbines, cavitation 55:18