

Strings 2008 (Talks held at the CERN, Aug18-23, 2008)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: GraduatePhysics      2014年3月22日
Event website: http://ph-dep-th.web.cern.ch/ph-dep-th/content2/workshops...

Timo Weigand - D brane instantons in Type II orientifolds 35:02
Sunil Mukhi - Multiple membrane dynamics 31:59
Steven Gubser - The gauge string duality and QCD at finite temperature 1:03:30
Stephan Stieberger - Superstring amplitudes formal progress and implications for LHC 35:51
Simeon Hellerman - Cosmological unification of string theories 30:20
Shiraz Minwalla - Nonlinear fluid dynamics from gravity 41:55
Ron Donagi - Heterotic standard models 29:21
Romuald Janik - 4 loop perturbative Konishi from AdS5xS5 string sigma model 30:34
Renata Kallosh - String theory and cosmology 30:50
Oliver Buchmuller - The search for new physics at the LHC 50:53
Neil Lambert - Lagrangians for multiple M2 branes 29:30
Nathan Jacob Berkovits - Fermionic T duality 35:28
Michael Green - Maximal supersymmetry, duality and scattering amplitudes 40:07
Matthias Staudacher - Integrability of the AdS:CFT system 35:07
Marcos Marino Beiras - Remodeling the topological string, perturbatively and nonperturbatively 37:52
Lyn Evans - LHC machine status 40:53
Luis Ibanez - String phenomenology on the eve of the LHC 56:41
Luis Fernando Alday - Scattering amplitudes via AdS/CFT 28:12
Lance Dixon - Unveiling the structure of amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity 1:02:15
Juan Maldacena - N=6 Chern Simons matter theories, M2 branes and supergravity 29:26
Jos Engelen - Status of the LHC detectors: design, construction, commissioning 42:07
Johannes Walcher - Tadpole cancellation in the topological string 38:40
Hiroshi Ooguri - Summary (Strings 2008) 14:29
Herman Verlinde - Holographic gauge mediation 34:38
Gregory Moore - Developments in BPS wall crossing 33:22
Gabriele Veneziano - Forty years of high energy string collisions 57:47
Freddy Cachazo - What is the simplest quantum field theory? 41:00
Emery Sokatchev - Dual superconformal symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM 33:30
Davide Gaiotto - S duality and boundary conditions in N=4 SYM 29:23
David Shih - General gauge mediation 35:22
David Gross - Outlook (Strings 2008) 34:06
Cumrun Vafa - F theory, GUTs, and the weak scale 41:01
Carlo Rovelli - Loop quantum gravity 43:37
Boris Pioline - BPS black holes and topological strings, a review 52:01
Ashoke Sen - Extremal black holes and AdS_2/CFT_1 correspondence 37:45
Andrew Strominger - Quantum gravity in three dimensions 37:04
Andrei Starinets - Holographic recipes at finite density and low temperature 27:08
Alessandro Tomasiello - A new infinite class of anti de Sitter flux vacua 30:04

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