

General Relativity (Winter 2011) by Alexander Maloney at McGill University

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source: Alexander Maloney   2014年12月7日
The course syllabus is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The written notes for this lecture are available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...

Lecture 1: Introduction, Space-time 1:21:39
Lecture 2: Special Relativity & Space-time 1:00:32
Lecture 3: The Equivalence Principle, Manifolds. 1:21:06
Lecture 4: Manifolds and Tensors 1:25:40
Lecture 5: Tensors 1:21:38
Lecture 6: Tensors. Differential Forms. 1:17:19
Lecture 7: Differential Forms, Integration, Metrics. 1:23:12
Lecture 8: Metrics, Geodesics and Geometry. 1:22:59
Lecture 9: Covariant Derivatives, Integration. 1:20:13
Lecture 10: Curvature. Riemann Tensor. Ricci Tensor. 1:18:33
Lecture 11: Curvature. The Minimal Coupling Principal. 1:21:07
Lecture 12: General Relativity. Einstein's Equations. 1:20:34
Lecture 13: Einstein's Equation. Stress Tensors. Lagrangian Formulation. 1:21:40
Lecture 14: Lagrangian Formulation. Cosmological Constant. 1:20:48
Lecture 15: Einstein-Scalar and Einstein-Maxwell theory. 1:24:37
Lecture 16: Symmetries and Killing Vectors. 1:22:49
Lecture 17: The Schwarzschild Solution. 1:19:08
Lecture 18: Tests of GR. Precession of the Perihelion of Mercury. 1:24:15
Lecture 19: Tests of GR. Gravitational Lensing & Redshift. 1:23:30
Lecture 20: The Schwarzschild Black Hole. 1:20:57
Lecture 21: Black Holes. 1:24:07
Lecture 22: Cosmology, FRW Universes. 1:18:39
Lecture 23: FRW Model. Big Bang Cosmology. 1:23:28
Lecture 24: Gravity Waves. Linearized General Relativity. 1:18:54
Lecture 25: Gravity Waves. 1:10:50

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