

Modern Physics (Fall 2012) by Alexander Maloney at McGill University

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist 

source: Alexander Maloney     2014年12月7日
The course syllabus is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
The written notes for this lecture are available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~maloney...
# Lectures 2, 16, 20 and 33 were guest lectures on special topics that were not recorded.

Lecture 1: Introduction. Dimensional Analysis 52:27
Lecture 3: Dimensional Analysis 51:30
Lecture 4: Special Relativity. Postulates of Relativity. 52:48
Lecture 5: Special Relativity. Time Dilation. Length Contraction. 49:24
Lecture 6: Special Relativity. Reference Frames. Inertial Observers. 48:16
Lecture 7: Special Relativity. Lorentz Transformations. 49:03
Lecture 8: Special Relativity. Velocity Addition. Examples. 53:08
Lecture 9: Special Relativity. Doppler Effect. Space-time. 52:14
Lecture 10: Special Relativity. Geometry of Space-time. Causality. 52:08
Lecture 11: Special Relativity. Minkowski Space. Lorentz Transformations. 55:09
Lecture 12: Relativistic Kinematics. Energy and Momentum. 48:23
Lecture 13: Relativistic Kinematics. Mass and Energy. Examples. 52:32
Lecture 14: Relativistic Kinematics. Four-vectors. 47:06
Lecture 15: Relativistic Kinematics. Forces and Acceleration. 52:21
Lecture 18: General Relativity. Space-time Curvature. 51:59
Lecture 19: General Relativity. The Equivalence Principle. 45:26
Lecture 21: General Relativity. Gravitational Redshift & Time Dilation. 49:10
Lecture 22: Black Holes. 47:59
23: Tests of General Relativity. Gravitational Lensing. 46:49
Lecture 24: Gravity Waves. 52:09
Lecture 25: Cosmology. Olbers' Paradox. Hubble's Law. 48:38
Lecture 26: Cosmology. FRW Model. 51:52
Lecture 27: Cosmology. FRW Model 50:22
Lecture 28: Big Bang Cosmology. Cosmological Structure. 53:58
Lecture 29: Wave/Particle Duality. Double Slit Experiment. 40:34
Lecture 30: Wave/Particle Duality. Compton Scattering. Interference. 52:25
Lecture 31: Quantization. Wave Phenomena. The Bohr Model. 41:48
Lecture 32: Quantum Mechanics. The Wave Function. 52:34
Lecture 34: Quantum Mechanics. Schrodinger Equation. Plane Waves. 48:55
Lecture 35: Quantum Mechanics. Observables. Expectation Values. 49:59
Lecture 36: Quantum Mechanics. Observables. Heisenberg Uncertainty. 48:51
Lecture 37: Quantum Mechanics. Particle in a Box. Born Rule. 55:14
Lecture 38: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Measurements. Schrodinger's Cat. 50:51

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