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American Contract Law (Fall 2017) by Ian Ayres at Yale University
source: YaleCourses 2017年8月10日
1 12:52 1 Intro Hamer v Sidway (just say no)
2 12:00 2 Intro Ricketts v Scothorn (foregoing employment)
3 7:34 3 Intro Bolin Farms v American Cotton Shippers Assoc (expensive cotton)
4 16:04 4 Intro Williams v Walker Thomas Furniture (installment loan)
5 15:24 6 Intro Jacob & Youngs v Kent (reading pipe)
6 22:06 7 Intro Sullivan v O'Conner (nose job)
7 11:54 8 I Kirksey v Kirksey (moving inconvenience)
8 11:03 9 I Langer v Superior Steel (repudiated pension)
9 13:39 10 I Nominal Consideration: The Seal and the Model Written
10 11:19 11 I Cohen v Cowles Media Co (journalist’s source)
11 8:12 12 I Apfel v Prudential Bache Securities (worthless computer technique)
12 16:52 14 I Alaska Packers’ Association v Domenico (sailors’ salary increase)
13 7:19 15 I McMichael v Price (sand requirements contract)
14 10:01 16 I Wood v Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon
15 18:21 17 I Bailey v West (Bascom’s folly)
16 9:29 18 I Mills v Wyman (moral obligation)
17 9:43 19 I Allegheny College v Nat Chautauqua County Bank
18 13:49 20 I Statute of Frauds
19 13:21 21 II Manifestation of Mutual Assent
20 7:53 22 II Lucy v Zehmer (joking offer)
21 8:49 23 II Lefkowitz v Great MN Surplus Store (ambiguous offer)
22 12:21 24 II Leonard v Pepsico (Harrier Jet ad)
23 12:38 25 II Ever-Tite Roofing Corp. v Green (performance as acceptance)
24 9:47 26 II Carlil v Carbolic Smoke Ball (medical warrantee)
25 9:13 27 II Ammons v Wilson & Co (K.C. shortening)
26 16:22 28 II Beneficial National Bank USA v Obie Payton (unilateral credit card change)
27 17:53 29 II Adams v Lindsell (misdirected missive)
28 10:28 30 II Minneapolis & St Louis Railway Co v Columbus Rolling Mill
29 14:31 31 II Textile Unlimited Inc v A BMH and Company (yarn battle of forms)
30 9:08 32 II Hill v Gateway 2000 (acceptance by non-return)
31 13:31 33 II Sprecht v Netscape (no “clickwrap”)
32 13:43 34 II Drennan v Star Paving (mistaken bid)
33 8:44 35 II Raffles v Wichelhaus (Peerless ships)
34 15:08 36 II Hoffman v Red Owl Stores (promised store)
35 12:12 37 II Dixon v Wells Fargo (unfulfilled mortgage modification)
36 6:57 38 III Capacity to Contract
37 10:41 39 III Sherwood v Walker (pregnant cow)
38 10:50 40 III Lenawee County Board of Health v Messerly (dance ripoff)
39 12:47 41 III Laidlaw v Organ
40 10:35 42 III Vokes v Murray
41 13:24 43 III Hill v Jones
42 12:18 44 III Comment: Promissory Fraud
43 11:36 45 III Austin Instrument v Loral
44 12:21 46 III Fleet v US Consumer Council
45 11:26 47 III Ferguson v Countrywide Credit Industries
46 13:21 48 III Illegality
47 12:33 49 III Noncompete Data Management Inc v Greene
48 9:16 50 III Watts v Watts
49 11:02 51 III Kass v Kass
50 11:54 52 III Wallis v Smith
51 10:39 53a IV Alaska Northern Dev Inc v Alyeska Pipeline Service Co
52 13:40 53b IV Alaska Northern Dev Inc v Alyeska Pipeline Service Co
53 8:41 54 IV Pacific Gas & Electric v Thomas Drayage
54 7:39 55 IV Frigaliment Importing Co v BNS International Sales Corp
55 14:59 56 IV Centronics Corp v Genicom Corp
56 13:42 57 IV Market Street Associates Limited Partnership v Frey
57 7:33 58 IV Zapatha v Dairy Mart
58 10:31 59 IV Feld v Henry S Levy & Sons
59 15:37 60 IV Warranties and Representations of Fact
60 14:37 61 IV re Carter Express Conditions
61 15:02 62 IV Clark v West
62 9:04 63 IV Ferguson v Phoenix Assurance
63 12:56 64 IV US v Wegematic Corp
64 9:04 65 IV Taylor v Caldwell
65 9:21 66 IV Krell v Henry
66 7:28 67 V Hochster v De La Tour
67 11:05 68 V Taylor v Johnston
68 13:43 69 V AMF v McDonalds
69 8:44 70 V American Mechanical Corp v Union of Lynn
70 10:48 71 V Bernstein v Nemeyer
71 9:29 72a V Locks v Wade
72 7:49 72b V Locks v Wade
73 11:01 73 V Reliance Cooperage Corp v Treat
74 10:36 74 V Peevyhouse v Garland Coal & Mining Co
75 13:40 75 V American Standard v Schectman
76 15:11 76 V Hadley v Baxendale
77 13:50 77 V Mental Anguish and Punitive Damages
78 6:49 78 V Northern Indiana Public Service Co v Carbon County Coal
79 13:17 79 V Liquidated Damages and Settlements
80 15:41 80 VI Assignment, Delegation, and Third Party Beneficiaries
Women and Public Policy Program | Harvard Kennedy School
source: Harvard University 2017年10月16日
1 1:19:41 Discussing Diversity with Ashley Martin
2 1:17:34 Fathers and Work Family Balance
3 1:12:54 Quotas Matter: The Impact of Gender Quota Laws on Work-Family Policies with Ana Catalano Weeks
4 [已刪除影片]
5 1:17:15 Linking Non-Cognitive Skills & Educational Achievement to Girls in Developing Societies.
6 1:14:36 How to Elect More Women: Gender and Candidate Success in a Field Experiment
7 1:19:35 Consequences of Value Threat
8 1:02:31 The Right to Rule and the Rights of Women in Victorian Britain
9 1:16:30 Blurring the Boundaries Between the Social and Commercial Sectors
10 1:17:24 Protection from Gender Violence as a Civil Right
11 1:03:09 The Long-run Effect of Maternity Leave Benefits on Mental Health: Evidence from European Countries
12 1:09:12 Can Professionally-employed Mothers Have It All?
13 1:20:57 Laboratory Evidence of the Effects of Sponsorship on the Competitive Preferences of Men and Women
14 1:19:34 Designing Symbolic Awards to Motivate Knowledge Workers in Gender-Typed Fields
15 1:17:49 The Girls of War in 1914 and 2014: The Evolution of the Protection Racket
16 1:18:43 The Influence of Decision Contexts and Role Models on Women's Risk Preference
17 1:13:18 The Biases that Blind Us: How Gender Stereotypes Constrain Opportunities for Women in STEM
18 1:16:46 Reserving Time for Daddy: The Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Fathers' Quotas
19 1:15:47 What Works: Gender Equality, By Design
20 1:11:33 Cross-National Effects of Non-Traditional Gender Role Models on Gender Inequalities at Work and Home
21 1:14:55 Competing At All Costs: Dysfunctional Competition and Gender
22 1:15:56 Women's Career Negotiations
23 1:14:45 All-Female Contingents on the Front Lines of Peace and Conflict
24 1:16:07 From Sexual Harassment to Selective Mistreatment: The Regulation of Gender at Work
25 1:15:04 Voice and Agency: Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity
26 1:14:20 Gender and Ethnicity in Parliamentary Representation
27 1:15:01 Feminism Triumphant and Tamed: The Politics of Knowledge in Gender and Development
28 1:12:10 Rebel Queens and Black Diamonds: Gender Politics in African Armed Groups, and more upcoming events
29 1:13:44 Progress and Policies to Achieve Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship
30 56:11 Risk in the background: How Men and Women Respond
31 1:14:58 Sarah Iqbal, Program Manager for Women, Business and the Law, The World Bank
32 1:20:33 The Work-Family Narrative as a Social Defense: Explaining the Persistence of Gender Inequality
33 1:13:32 Diversity on a Deadline: How We Created Everyone's 2012 Olympics | WAPPP
34 18:58 Broken Homes and Broken Promises: Making the Case for Comprehensive Domestic Violence Policy Reform
35 1:12:00 Lowest-Low Fertility: A Theory of Normative Rigidity and Economic Context | WAPPP
36 1:13:21 WAPPP Seminar: Social Perception at the Crossroads
37 56:05 Gender Equality in Elected Office: Applying the Six Step Action Plan to the Egyptian case
38 48:45 WAPPP Seminar: Gender Equality Nudges
39 18:43 Gender Equality: The Smart Thing To Do
40 7:52 Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School
41 2:04 Iris Bohnet on Gender Gaps in the Workplace
42 1:11:14 Item Title: Women, Business and the Law 2012: Removing Barriers to Economic Inclusion
43 1:05:53 Shortchanged: Understanding the Women's Wealth Gap
44 1:19:37 Gender Differences in Willingness to Guess and the Implications for Test Scores
45 1:07:54 Educational Choices and Subjective Expectations of Returns - Woman and Public Policy Program
46 1:19:50 WAPPP Seminar: A Transatlantic Perspective on the Strauss Kahn Affair, French Feminism Reexamined
47 1:10:01 Entrepreneurial Women? Exploring the Role of Gender in Short-Term and Long-Term Entrepreneurship
Technology & Democracy
source: CRASSH Cambridge 2017年6月9日
1 1:33:54 Outnumbered! Statistics, Data and the Public Interest - Session One
2 1:28:08 Outnumbered! Statistics, Data and the Public Interest - Session Two
3 1:29:30 Tim O'Reilly - The WTF Economy
4 1:41:12 The Power Switch - Panel One: Corporate Power
5 1:33:23 The Power Switch - Panel Two: Media Power
6 1:18:28 The Power Switch - Panel Three: State Power
7 1:23:01 The Power Switch - Panel Four: Algorithmic Power
8 1:13:30 Frank Pasquale - Humane Automation; The Political Economy of Working with Machines
9 47:17 Christina Nippert-Eng - Social Camouflage: From Face-to-Face to Digital Deception
10 1:05:43 Shehar Bano - Characterization of Internet Censorship from Multiple Perspectives
11 1:37:10 Bruno Latour: Reset Modernity - the limit of a method
12 1:14:20 Christena Nippert-Eng - Keynote: Why Privacy?
13 1:30:28 Why Privacy? - Panel 1: The Private Life; Individual Privacy, Self and Subject
14 1:30:01 Why Privacy? - Panel 2: The Private Life; The State and Public Sphere
15 1:17:54 Why Privacy? - Panel 3: The Business of Privacy; Commerce and the Private Sector
16 27:27 Why Privacy? - Panel 4: Reflections and Lessons
17 11:18 Emily Bell - Interview
18 1:22:17 Emily Bell In Conversation with Professor Mary Beard
19 1:26:51 Emily Bell - The End of the News as We Know It: How Facebook Swallowed Journalism
20 12:38 John Naughton - 19 January 2016 - Symposium Welcome and Context
21 38:26 Gerard de Vries - 19 January 2016 - Colonisation by computers: roles for politics and expertise
22 48:55 Daniel Susskind - 19 January 2016 - After the professions - what?
23 1:04:03 Willy Brown - 19 January 2016 - Labour power, consumer power, and the degradation of work
24 46:26 Robert Madelin - 19 January 2016 - Masters of our Fate? Visions for work beyond a Tech Tsunami
25 12:03 David Runciman - 19 January 2016 - Symposium Concluding Remarks
26 1:27:40 David Vincent - Conspiracy and the beginning of the democratic state in Britain 1830 - 1860
27 1:25:21 Rasmus Kleis Nielsen - Digital Technologies and Democracy
28 1:10:50 Paul Mason - Postcapitalism
29 1:02:45 Dan Schiller - Digital Capitalism : Stagnation and Contention?
30 55:41 Dan Schiller in Conversation
31 1:45:28 Professor John Naughton - Corporate Power in a Digital World
The Arts and Humanities: Endangered Species?
source: CRASSH Cambridge 2012年12月4日
Over the course of one morning, ten eminent speakers from across the Arts and Humanities offered a seven-minute perspective on their relationship to the Arts and Humanities, both professionally and personally. The event was introduced by Professor Michael Kenny, recent Visiting Fellow at CRASSH, whose research - What are Universities for? Interrogating the Assumptions of Current and Future Higher Education Policy in the UK - informed the debate.
1 7:51 Richard Drayton
2 6:27 Raymond Geuss
3 8:45 Fenella Cannell
4 5:57 Stefan Collini
5 7:30 Simon Szreter
6 6:51 Martin Crowley
7 7:41 Peter de Bolla
8 7:18 Julia Swindells
9 11:17 Mary Jacobus
10 10:44 Georgina Born
11 8:43 Jen Harvie
12 21:49 Michael Kenny
(italiano / in Italian) Impianti elettrici industriali by Pietro Varilone
source: Unicas - Ingegneria 2017年3月31日
Impianti elettrici industriali / Industrial electrical systems
1. Introduzione al corso: gli impianti elettrici industriali.
國家與社會發展 State and Societal Development/李碧涵
source: GET 臺灣通識網General Education TW-開放式課程 2017年6月14日
CH1. 導論:國家與社會發展之基本概念 30:00
CH2. 國家決策過程之理論與實際-核四決策之國際與國內面向 51:10
CH3. 國家決策過程的理論與實際 57:02
CH4. 資訊科技、企業競爭優勢 與工作彈性 43:35
CH5. 資訊科技、企業競爭優勢與工作彈性-全球化與勞動體制發展 39:59
CH6. 市場與國家(I):新自由主義與經濟自由化政策:全球與台灣-自由市場的架構工程 54:48
7 1:00:31 CH7. 市場與國家(I):新自由主義與經濟自由化政策:全球與台灣
8 57:16 CH8. 市場與國家(II):市場、國家與制度安排
9 42:58 CH9. 市場與國家(III)國際資金移動與金融和社會政治危機-1997年亞洲金融危機
10 41:27 CH10. 市場與國家(III):國際資金移動與金融和社會政治危機
11 41:39 CH11. 全球化與民族國家空洞化?
12 41:44 CH12. 新自由主義全球化與 社會分配不平等
13 28:44 CH13. 全球公民思維與在地社群行動
科技與社會 Science, Technology and Society / 林文源
source: GET 臺灣通識網General Education TW-開放式課程 2016年8月25日
藉由既有科技與社會研究 (science, technology and society studies, 簡稱 STS) 的研究取徑與案例,本課程探討科技的研發、推廣、使用,與社會影響層面,以及其中牽扯的科學家、工程師、廠商、政府、民眾等各種團體的關連。這種思考下,課程 - 開始由工程師與科學家的活動所建構出的科技世界與視界出發,探討發明、創新活動背後的複雜歷程,再由思考科學知識與技術物
1 1:03:36 CH 1. 分析科技與社會的方法
2 1:36:53 CH 2. 科學社群、典範與不可共量
3 1:31:49 CH 3. 發明家/工程師的多元技術
4 1:00:16 CH 4. 調查方法
5 1:54:36 CH 5. 科技與「再現政治」
6 1:10:11 CH 6. 知識的社會脈絡
7 1:40:52 CH 7. 另類知識與實作
8 1:23:26 CH 8. 物的政治性
9 1:20:12 CH 9. 標準化的科技物體制
10 1:05:22 CH 10. 科技世界的隱秩序
公共政策與公民生活 Public Policy and Civic Life / 李慶賢
source: GET 臺灣通識網General Education TW-開放式課程 2016年8月30日
CH 1. 公共政策導論 34:45
CH 2. 公共政策模式 23:13
CH 3. 政策問題形成 30:26
CH 4. 問題認定程序 24:16
CH 5. 政策規劃理論 23:16
CH 6. 政策決策途徑 37:29
CH 7. 政策方案預測 41:43
CH 8. 政策合法化理論 35:26
CH 9. 政策合法化過程 48:49
CH 10. 政策執行模式 39:45
CH 11. 政策執行實施 28:42
CH 12. 政策評估 33:06
CH 13. 政策評估實施 38:55
CH 14. 政策變遷 30:59
CH 15. 政策終止 35:05
CH 16. 民意 34:29
CH 17. 利益團體 40:08
CH 18. 非營利組織 31:12
網路法與網路倫理 Cyberlaw and Ethics / 徐振雄
source: GET 臺灣通識網General Education TW-開放式課程 2016年8月25日
1 1:08:33 CH 1. 資訊隱私權與資訊社會
2 42:16 CH 2. 個人資料保護法與網路人肉搜索的倫理思考
3 42:19 CH 4. 網路著作權與公共資源的道德使用
4 16:56 CH 5. 電子商務與電子簽章認證機制
5 24:36 CH 6. 電子商務與消費者權
6 35:20 CH 7. 網域名稱、商標與網路蟑螂
7 38:17 CH 8. 網域名稱的保護機制
8 38:16 CH 9. 電腦網路犯罪(一)
9 33:28 CH 10. 電腦網路犯罪(二)
[Lectures in English] 全球衛生 Essentials of Global Health / Chang-Chuan Chan,Yawen Cheng,Hsien-Ho Lin 詹長權
source: GET 臺灣通識網General Education TW-開放式課程 2016年8月25日
This introduction of global health program is designed for undergraduate students, including those who will devote to public health field, as well as those students who has never been involved with the public health field and will not study any other publi...
1 19:53 CH 1. INTRODUCTION / 詹長權,林先和,鄭雅文
5 36:02 CH 5. GLOBAL CHAT / TAS
12 2:13:24 CH 12. MALAWI EXPERIENCE / 余廣亮
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