

American Contract Law (Fall 2017) by Ian Ayres at Yale University

source: YaleCourses     2017年8月10日

12:52 1 Intro Hamer v Sidway (just say no)
12:00 2 Intro Ricketts v Scothorn (foregoing employment)
7:34 3 Intro Bolin Farms v American Cotton Shippers Assoc (expensive cotton)
16:04 4 Intro Williams v Walker Thomas Furniture (installment loan)
15:24 6 Intro Jacob & Youngs v Kent (reading pipe)
22:06 7 Intro Sullivan v O'Conner (nose job)
11:54 8 I Kirksey v Kirksey (moving inconvenience)
11:03 9 I Langer v Superior Steel (repudiated pension)
13:39 10 I Nominal Consideration: The Seal and the Model Written
10 11:19 11 I Cohen v Cowles Media Co (journalist’s source)
11 8:12 12 I Apfel v Prudential Bache Securities (worthless computer technique)
12 16:52 14 I Alaska Packers’ Association v Domenico (sailors’ salary increase)
13 7:19 15 I McMichael v Price (sand requirements contract)
14 10:01 16 I Wood v Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon
15 18:21 17 I Bailey v West (Bascom’s folly)
16 9:29 18 I Mills v Wyman (moral obligation)
17 9:43 19 I Allegheny College v Nat Chautauqua County Bank
18 13:49 20 I Statute of Frauds
19 13:21 21 II Manifestation of Mutual Assent
20 7:53 22 II Lucy v Zehmer (joking offer)
21 8:49 23 II Lefkowitz v Great MN Surplus Store (ambiguous offer)
22 12:21 24 II Leonard v Pepsico (Harrier Jet ad)
23 12:38 25 II Ever-Tite Roofing Corp. v Green (performance as acceptance)
24 9:47 26 II Carlil v Carbolic Smoke Ball (medical warrantee)
25 9:13 27 II Ammons v Wilson & Co (K.C. shortening)
26 16:22 28 II Beneficial National Bank USA v Obie Payton (unilateral credit card change)
27 17:53 29 II Adams v Lindsell (misdirected missive)
28 10:28 30 II Minneapolis & St Louis Railway Co v Columbus Rolling Mill
29 14:31 31 II Textile Unlimited Inc v A BMH and Company (yarn battle of forms)
30 9:08 32 II Hill v Gateway 2000 (acceptance by non-return)
31 13:31 33 II Sprecht v Netscape (no “clickwrap”)
32 13:43 34 II Drennan v Star Paving (mistaken bid)
33 8:44 35 II Raffles v Wichelhaus (Peerless ships)
34 15:08 36 II Hoffman v Red Owl Stores (promised store)
35 12:12 37 II Dixon v Wells Fargo (unfulfilled mortgage modification)
36 6:57 38 III Capacity to Contract
37 10:41 39 III Sherwood v Walker (pregnant cow)
38 10:50 40 III Lenawee County Board of Health v Messerly (dance ripoff)
39 12:47 41 III Laidlaw v Organ
40 10:35 42 III Vokes v Murray
41 13:24 43 III Hill v Jones
42 12:18 44 III Comment: Promissory Fraud
43 11:36 45 III Austin Instrument v Loral
44 12:21 46 III Fleet v US Consumer Council
45 11:26 47 III Ferguson v Countrywide Credit Industries
46 13:21 48 III Illegality
47 12:33 49 III Noncompete Data Management Inc v Greene
48 9:16 50 III Watts v Watts
49 11:02 51 III Kass v Kass
50 11:54 52 III Wallis v Smith
51 10:39 53a IV Alaska Northern Dev Inc v Alyeska Pipeline Service Co
52 13:40 53b IV Alaska Northern Dev Inc v Alyeska Pipeline Service Co
53 8:41 54 IV Pacific Gas & Electric v Thomas Drayage
54 7:39 55 IV Frigaliment Importing Co v BNS International Sales Corp
55 14:59 56 IV Centronics Corp v Genicom Corp
56 13:42 57 IV Market Street Associates Limited Partnership v Frey
57 7:33 58 IV Zapatha v Dairy Mart
58 10:31 59 IV Feld v Henry S Levy & Sons
59 15:37 60 IV Warranties and Representations of Fact
60 14:37 61 IV re Carter Express Conditions
61 15:02 62 IV Clark v West
62 9:04 63 IV Ferguson v Phoenix Assurance
63 12:56 64 IV US v Wegematic Corp
64 9:04 65 IV Taylor v Caldwell
65 9:21 66 IV Krell v Henry
66 7:28 67 V Hochster v De La Tour
67 11:05 68 V Taylor v Johnston
68 13:43 69 V AMF v McDonalds
69 8:44 70 V American Mechanical Corp v Union of Lynn
70 10:48 71 V Bernstein v Nemeyer
71 9:29 72a V Locks v Wade
72 7:49 72b V Locks v Wade
73 11:01 73 V Reliance Cooperage Corp v Treat
74 10:36 74 V Peevyhouse v Garland Coal & Mining Co
75 13:40 75 V American Standard v Schectman
76 15:11 76 V Hadley v Baxendale
77 13:50 77 V Mental Anguish and Punitive Damages
78 6:49 78 V Northern Indiana Public Service Co v Carbon County Coal
79 13:17 79 V Liquidated Damages and Settlements
80 15:41 80 VI Assignment, Delegation, and Third Party Beneficiaries

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