

Technology & Democracy

source: CRASSH Cambridge      2017年6月9日

1:33:54 Outnumbered! Statistics, Data and the Public Interest - Session One
1:28:08 Outnumbered! Statistics, Data and the Public Interest - Session Two
1:29:30 Tim O'Reilly - The WTF Economy
1:41:12 The Power Switch - Panel One: Corporate Power
1:33:23 The Power Switch - Panel Two: Media Power
1:18:28 The Power Switch - Panel Three: State Power
1:23:01 The Power Switch - Panel Four: Algorithmic Power
1:13:30 Frank Pasquale - Humane Automation; The Political Economy of Working with Machines
47:17 Christina Nippert-Eng - Social Camouflage: From Face-to-Face to Digital Deception
10 1:05:43 Shehar Bano - Characterization of Internet Censorship from Multiple Perspectives
11 1:37:10 Bruno Latour: Reset Modernity - the limit of a method
12 1:14:20 Christena Nippert-Eng - Keynote: Why Privacy?
13 1:30:28 Why Privacy? - Panel 1: The Private Life; Individual Privacy, Self and Subject
14 1:30:01 Why Privacy? - Panel 2: The Private Life; The State and Public Sphere
15 1:17:54 Why Privacy? - Panel 3: The Business of Privacy; Commerce and the Private Sector
16 27:27 Why Privacy? - Panel 4: Reflections and Lessons
17 11:18 Emily Bell - Interview
18 1:22:17 Emily Bell In Conversation with Professor Mary Beard
19 1:26:51 Emily Bell - The End of the News as We Know It: How Facebook Swallowed Journalism
20 12:38 John Naughton - 19 January 2016 - Symposium Welcome and Context
21 38:26 Gerard de Vries - 19 January 2016 - Colonisation by computers: roles for politics and expertise
22 48:55 Daniel Susskind - 19 January 2016 - After the professions - what?
23 1:04:03 Willy Brown - 19 January 2016 - Labour power, consumer power, and the degradation of work
24 46:26 Robert Madelin - 19 January 2016 - Masters of our Fate? Visions for work beyond a Tech Tsunami
25 12:03 David Runciman - 19 January 2016 - Symposium Concluding Remarks
26 1:27:40 David Vincent - Conspiracy and the beginning of the democratic state in Britain 1830 - 1860
27 1:25:21 Rasmus Kleis Nielsen - Digital Technologies and Democracy
28 1:10:50 Paul Mason - Postcapitalism
29 1:02:45 Dan Schiller - Digital Capitalism : Stagnation and Contention?
30 55:41 Dan Schiller in Conversation
31 1:45:28 Professor John Naughton - Corporate Power in a Digital World

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