
(Español / in Spanish) Deducción de la Radiación del Cuerpo Negro by Javier Garcia

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source: Javier Garcia    2016年1月25日
Deducción de la Radiación del Cuerpo Negro

1.- Distribución de Boltzmann y Función de Partición 1:21:30
Este es el primero de una lista de vídeos que culminará con el cálculo de la radiación térmica del Cuerpo Negro.
En este primer vídeo explico desde cero cómo deducir la distribución de Boltzmann y su postulado de máxima entropía.
A partir de aquí llegamos a la función de partición que nos permitirá calcular las magnitudes más relevantes de la Termodinámica.
2.- Aproximación de series con integrales 10:37
3.- Espacio de Fases y Función de Partición de un Gas Ideal (1D) 25:51  
4.- Función de Partición de un Gas Ideal (3D) 27:51
5.- Ecuación de estado y Entropía de un Gas Ideal 12:06
6.- Oscilador armónico en equilibrio térmico. Catástrofe Ultravioleta 28:22
7.- Oscilador Cuántico. Hipótesis de Planck 20:09
8.- Deducción de la energía de radiación: Ley de Stefan-Boltzmann 27:51
9.- Desplazamiento de Wien y Stefan Boltzmann 16:09

(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist. 

source: İsem Yayıncılık    2017年2月21日
2017 KPSS - A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku / Execution and Bankruptcy Law

01) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - İcra dairesi - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 42:03
02) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - İcra Mahkemesi - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 43:20
03) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - Şikayet - Genel Haciz Yolu Giriş - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 43:23
04)A Grubu-İcra ve İflas Hukuku -Genel Haciz Yolu-İmzaya ve Borca İtiraz-Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 45:25
05)A Grubu-İcra ve İflas Hukuku-İtirazınİptali-Menfi Tespit-İstirdat Davaları-Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU(2017) 41:26
06) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - Haciz -1- Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 43:01
07) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - Haciz -2- Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 40:36
08)A Grubu-İcra ve İflas Hukuku-Hacze İştirak-İstihkak Davası-Taksitlendirme-Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 38:23
09) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - Taşınır ve Taşınmaz İhalesi (Satış) - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 31:10
10)A Grubu-İcra ve İflas Hukuku-İhale Feshi-Sıra Cetveli-Kambiyo Senetleri-Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 41:36
11) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - İlanlı İcra - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 41:05
12) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - İflasa Giriş - TABLO - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 38:43
13) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku - İflasa Tabii Olanlar - İflas Kararı - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 36:31
14) A Grubu - İcra ve İflas Hukuku -Rehin Ve İhtiyati haciz - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 35:50
15) A Grubu-İcra ve İflas Hukuku -İflas İdaresi ,1 -2 alacaklar toplanması - Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 41:35
16) A Grubu-İcra ve İflas Hukuku -İflasta Sıra Cetveli- Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 38:28
17) A Grubu-İcra ve İflas Hukuku -İflas Ertelmesi ve Konkordato- Ebru ÇORBACIOĞLU (2017) 39:58

Hommage/Tribute - Claude Shannon - Nov 2016

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source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques   2016年11月4日

Hommage à Claude Shannon - Christophe Ritzenthaler & Gabriel Peyré 1:07:02
Hommage à Claude Shannon, le père de la théorie de l'information
A l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance de Claude Shannon, la SMF, la SMAI et le CIRM organisent, à l'issue de la conférence SIGMA, une après-midi d'exposés grand public autour de l'oeuvre scientifique de Claude Shannon, de la théorie de l'information et de ses applications.
Cette après-midi est ouverte à un large public et aux lycéens.
14:00-14:30 : Caroline Chaux (CNRS et Aix-Marseille Université) :
14:30-15:00 : Jalal Fadili (ENSI Caen):
La compression de données
(Lire l'article de Gabriel Peyré "CLAUDE SHANNON ET LA COMPRESSION DES DONNÉES" sur Images des Maths)
Pause café
15:30-16:00: Christophe Ritzenthaler (Univ. Rennes) :
Les codes correcteurs
16:00-16:30: ​Gabriel Peyré (CNRS et Ecole Normale Supérieure) :
L'échantillonnage compressé
Hommage à Claude Shannon - Caroline Chaux & Jalal Fadili 1:20:53
Jalal Fadili : L'échantillonnage compressé 35:09
Christophe Ritzenthaler : Les codes correcteurs 32:14
Gabriel Peyré : La compression de données 28:39
Caroline Chaux : L'échantillonnage 29:30

(Español / in Spanish) Efecto Compton explicado desde cero by Javier Garcia

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source: Javier Garcia    2016年1月28日
Efecto Compton explicado desde cero
1.- Cuadrimomento relativista. Deducción desde cero. 35:56
2.- Cuadrimomento de un fotón 6:42
3.- Deducción con detalle de la dispersión Compton 26:11


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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2017年4月19日
20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This joint program is co-sponsored by ICTS and SAMSI (as part of the SAMSI yearlong program on Astronomy; ASTRO). The primary goal of this program is to further enrich the international collaboration in the area of synoptic time domain surveys and time series analysis of gravitational wave data. The participants will focus on advancing the current understanding of these research topics by incorporating expertise of researchers from India and US who are working on identifying electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave sources. In essence, this program would enable US researchers to learn from the expertise of Indian researchers and also enable US researchers to exchange and share the methodologies developed by two of the five working groups of the SAMSI ASTRO program.
The program will begin with a few overview lectures designed to familiarize attendees with current trends in time domain astronomy and modern methodologies in statistics and applied mathematics. The subsequent part of the program will follow with specialized research lectures on the existing subgroups, panel discussions about collaboration possibilities between different groups with specific end-points in mind through collaborative research sessions.
Participation in this program is by invitation only and will involve about 35-40 participants only. If you are interested to participate, please contact one of the organizers.
CONTACT US: tassgw2017@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/TASSG...

Scientific Aims by Ashish Mahabal 6:09
Challenges for Real-time and Archival Time domain astronomy by Ashish Mahabal 34:01
GW astronomy: Overview by Archana pai 32:30
Statistics in astronomy and the SAMSI ASTRO Program by G Jogesh Babu 24:09
Building a training set for an automatic LSST light curve classifier by Rafael Martinez Galarza 26:16
Searching for ultraviolet transients with Ultra Violet imaging Telescope by Koshy George 7:51
Issues in time domain astronomy by Matthew Graham 37:27
Challenges in Source Parameter Estimation in GW Astronomy by Rajesh Nayak 28:32
Compact binaries, sky localization & all that by Sukanta Bose 33:59
Observing facilities in india by Varun Bhalerao 25:42
The Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts to GW sources by Varun Bhalerao 29:30
Transient noise in the LIGO detectors by Jessica Mclver 24:34
The Physical, statistical, and computational challenges of Pulsar Timing by Justin Ellis 26:08
Robust and accurate inference via a mixture of Gaussian and terrors by Hyungsuk Tak 32:51
Gamma Ray Bursts & Associated Supernovae by Kuntal Misra 23:57
A hybrid geometric-random template placement by Anand Sengupta 12:50
Bayesian model selection of population synthesismodels of CBCs by Sumit Kumar 9:53
Two Statistical Challenges in Classification of Variable Sources by James long 29:31

Dynamics of Complex Systems - 2017

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2017年5月31日
DATES: 10 May 2017 to 08 July 2017
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
This Summer Program on Dynamics of Complex Systems is second in the series. The theme for the program this year is Mathematical Biology.
Over the past decades, the focus of many of those working in nonlinear science, in India as well as internationally, has increasingly shifted towards problems in biology. The emergence of network science, of systems biology, of computational neuroscience, and of physical biology as vibrant areas of research have greatly contributed to this. The purpose of this summer program is to nucleate collaborative interdisciplinary activities, and to bring together researchers located in diverse institutions, especially in India, to a common forum, to discuss problems of interest and to address contemporary issues in computational systems biology and modeling.
The program has two major parts: a two-week long Summer School on mathematical biology from 10 to 25 May, 2017 and a two-week long Workshop on Physical and Systems Biology (WPSB) from 11 to 25 June, 2017.
The major themes of the School will be pedagogical lectures on
Ecology, epidemiology, and disease modeling
Biochemical networks, graph theory, and flux balance analysis
Modeling electrically active cells and neuronal networks
The School is open largely to applicants pursuing Masters or PhD in related areas. Instruction will include theory lectures as well as hands-on sessions.
While the topics to be covered during the Workshop are broad-based, it will focus on two, in particular:
Cell and tissue morphogenesis
Neurobiology and computational neuroscience
The Workshop will include presentations and discussions on related problems by researchers working broadly in these areas. The emphasis will be mainly on the conceptual and methodological issues, exploring further challenges and open questions. We aim to have colleagues from diverse fields in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Engineering addressing questions related to complex dynamics in biological systems. Along with presentations, discussions would be a major part of this meeting.
The Workshop will have participants consisting of advanced graduate students, postdocs, and faculty, from mathematics, physics, and biological sciences. To register for workshop click here (Deadline: 21 April 2017)
In addition to the School and WPSB, a select number of participants will be encouraged to spend a longer time (around two months) at ICTS to work on a research problem together with a faculty mentor.
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/DCS2017

Single neuron models - I by Bard Ermentrout 1:26:07
Single neuron models -II by Bard Ermentrout 1:25:39
Neural oscillations, weak coupling and networks by Bard Ermentrout 1:24:31
Neural oscillations and networks - II by Bard Ermentrout 1:31:58
Adventures in Super-Resolution Imaging by Daniel Coombes 1:04:11
Oscillatory networks and the Ott Antonsen theory by Bard Ermentrout 1:26:03
Oscillatory networks - II by Bard Ermentrout 1:24:45
Firing rate models - networks by Bard Ermentrout 1:26:43
Spatiotemporal dynamics, waves, pattern formation by Bard Ermentrout 1:20:43
Degeneracy in hippocampal physiology & plasticity by Rishikesh Narayanan 1:02:22
Ecological Modelling: Population Dynamics and Ecological Interactions by Somdatta Sinha 1:25:41
Metapopulation dynamics and heterogeneity by Somdatta Sinha 2:03:04
Compartmental models in Epidemiology by Somdatta Sinha 1:39:29
Case study: Modelling Malaria by Somdatta Sinha 1:42:30
Collective behavior in animal groups:evolution and stochastic dynamics by Vishwesha Guttal 57:45
Within-host modeling of viral diseases - basic model with examples by Daniel Coombs 59:46
Stochastic models for early infection and treated infection by Daniel Coombs 41:14
Within-host modelling and stochastic models - II by Daniel Coombs 1:18:54
Epidemiological case studies on Dengue and HIV by Daniel Coombs 46:04
Pathogens Cross-talks-Mechanisms, Models and Dynamical implications by Samit Bhattacharyya 1:02:53
Combining within and between host information: Evolution of virulence by Daniel Coombs 34:38
Drug treatment and evolution of resistance by Daniel Coombs 58:09
Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Subversion of the Interferon Response by Narendra Dixit 1:03:01
Systems Biology: Linking Genotype to Phenotype by K V Venkatesh 1:26:25
Biochemical Networks by K V Venkatesh 1:21:51
Dynamical models of membrane traffic: toward “Statistical Cell biology” by Mukund Thattai 1:09:44
Introduction to Graph Theory by Karthik Raman 1:24:16
Modelling Gene Regulatory Networks by K V Venkatesh 1:26:59
Modelling Gene Regulatory Networks - II by K V Venkatesh 1:23:50
Lab: Gene Regulatory Networks by K V Venkatesh 48:50
Introduction to Constraint-based Modelling by Karthik Raman 1:12:52
Network Biology: Network Topologies / Parameters by Karthik Raman 1:26:34
The physics of birdsong by Gabriel Mindlin 1:01:55
Determining Physical Properties of the Cell Cortex by Arnab Saha 36:47
Understanding the basis of diversity in cytoskeleton... by Ramanujan Srinivasan 40:17
To be or not to be afraid: computing what is safe or dangerous by Sumantra Chattarji 1:06:43

ICTS SUMMER COURSE 2017 - A journey through the Universe by G Srinivasan

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2017年6月22日
Venue: Ramanujan Lecture Hall / Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Campus, Bangalore
This summer course aims to give a broad perspective on gravity, astrophysics and cosmology and is suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in physics and astronomy. Professor G Srinivasan is a specialist in Condensed matter Physics and Astrophysics and is an excellent teacher. After acquiring his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1970, he had a distinguished career as a scientist and teacher at the IBM Research Laboratory, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Cambridge, and Raman Research Institute. He has done pioneering work in condensed matter physics and astrophysics, and is the author of the best selling popular science books “What Are The Stars?” and “Can Stars Find Peace?”.
Topics: L1 : Einstein's Theory of Relativity L 2 : Principles of Radiative Transfer L 3 : What are the stars? L 4 : The solar neutrino puzzle. L 5 : White Dwarfs as Quantum stars. L 6 : Neutron Stars. L 7 : Pulsars L 8 : Black Holes I L 9 : Black Holes II L 10 : Between the stars. L 11 : Supernovae L 12 : Contemporary Cosmology I L 13 : Contemporary Cosmology II
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/courses/summe...

Principles of Radiative Transfer (Lecture - 02) by G Srinivasan 1:41:43
What are the stars? (Lecture - 03) by Professor G Srinivasan 1:51:39
The case of the missing neutrinos (Lecture - 04) by G Srinivasan 1:30:01
Quantum stars (Lecture - 05) by Professor G Srinivasan 1:33:09
Supernovae and Neutron Stars (Lecture - 06) by Professor G Srinivasan 1:46:25
Journey to the centre of a Neutron Star (Lecture - 07) by G Srinivasan 1:54:25
PULSARS (Leture - 08) by Professor G Srinivasan 1:51:55
Black Holes (Lecture - 09) by Professor G Srinivasan 1:49:33
Between the stars (Lecture - 10) by Professor G Srinivasan 1:44:23
Galaxies (Lecture - 11) by Professor G Srinivasan 2:10:11

Universität Göttingen (videos of July 2017)

source: Universität Göttingen
3:39 HASCO Summer School 2017 The main objectives of the hadron collider physics school (HASCO) are introductory topics in elementary particle physics, in particular in hadron collider physics as relevant for research at the La...
1:02:12 Lichtenbergs Tagebücher Prof. Dr. Ulrich Joost, Darmstadt: „In den Calender wurde nun eingetragen …“ –
Lichtenbergs Tagebücher. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ringvorlesung "G. C. Lichtenberg - Schriftsteller, Physike...
1:00:17 Ein Experimentalvortrag nach Art von Lichtenberg Dr. Daniel Steil, Göttingen: „Ein physikalischer Versuch der knallt ist allemal mehr werth als
ein stiller“ – Ein Experimentalvortrag nach Art von Lichtenberg. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ri...
14:05 Science Me! 2017: 3-2-1 Fire - Physics + Chemistry Matthias De Bot + Marlie Van Gils, Belgium.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in H...
13:55 Science Me! 2017: Akademi Physics Show - Physics Nicki Kallmann + Mikael Nyberg, Finland.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in Hano...
10:42 Science Me! 2017: Freezing Physics - Physics DaanFuldner + Camille DeValk, Netherlands.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in Ha...
7:21 Science Me! 2017: Dimensions - Mathematics Adelie Garin + Laura Grave de Peralta, Switzerland.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came toget...
11:51 Science Me! 2017: Rockstars of Science - Physics Raid Vellerind + Mats Mikkor, Estonia.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in Hanove...
10:26 Science Me! 2017: Physikshow Uni Bonn - Physics Christoph Schurmann + Laura Weber, Germany.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in H...
12:05 Science Me! 2017: The Chemical Orchestra. Chemistry Jacob Olchowka + BasAen Neel, Switzerland.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in Ha...
11:20 Science Me! 2017: Science Skips Class. Physics + Informatics + Chemistry + Mathematics Kenneth Tuul + Helen Sepman, Estonia.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in Hanover...
11:37 Science Me! 2017: Zauberhafte Physik - Physics Amelie Schulte + Maria Mironova, Germany.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in Han...
13:49 Science Me! 2017: Under Pressure - Physics Sven Dražan + Ondřej Herzan, Czech Republic.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in ...
12:19 Science Me! 2017: Vacuum Bazookas - Physics David Ansell, United Kingdom.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in Hanover during ...
18:12 Science Me! 2017: The Mysteries of Materials - Physics Margherita Boselli + Irene Cucchi, Switzerland.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together ...
1:15:55 Science Me! 2017: Finals Under Pressure - Czech Republic.
Rockstars of Science - Estonia.
The Mysteries of Material - Switzerland
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science M...
2:58 Science Me! 2017 11-13 June 2017, Hanover, Germany.
Science is exciting! Science is big and Science is fun!
During the 2nd edition of Science Me, Science-Show-Teams from all over Europe came together in Hanover du...
2:29 Wie greife ich auf eine Online-Version einer Zeitschrift im Göttinger Universitätskatalog zu? Dieses Video erklärt, wie sie auf die Online-Version einer Zeitschrift im Göttinger Universitätskatalog zugreifen.
► Weitere Informationen zur Ausleihe an der SUB: https://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de...
2:07 Wie finde ich Zeitschriften im Göttinger Universitätskatalog? Dieses Video erklärt, wie sie Zeitschriften im Göttinger Universitätskatalog finden.
► Weitere Informationen zur Ausleihe an der SUB: https://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/ausleihen-verlaengern/a......
3:08 Wie leihe ich Zeitschriften online über die Webseite der SUB Göttingen aus? Dieses Video erklärt, wie sie Zeitschriften online über die Webseite der SUB Göttingen ausleihen.
► Weitere Informationen zur Ausleihe an der SUB: https://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/ausleihen-verlae...
42:32 Naturwissenschaftler zwischen Kinderglauben und Pantheismus Prof. Dr. Markus Matthias, Amsterdam - Groningen: „o lieber Gott etwas aufs Zettulchen“ – Naturwissenschaftler
zwischen Kinderglauben und Pantheismus. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ringvorlesu...
52:23 Aufschreibesystem des Exzerptors Lichtenberg Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg von Arburg, Lausanne: „Ja über alles seine Meinung [aufzuschreiben] mit so vielen
Zusätzen von neuem als möglich“ – Aufschreibesystem des
Exzerptors Lichtenberg. Vortrag im Rah...

BBVA Foundation (videos of July 2017)

source: BBVA Foundation
6:28 Interview subtitled in english with Salvatore Sciarrino, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Music The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Contemporary Music category goes in this fourth edition to Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino for renewing the possibilities of instrume...
8:53 Gene Likens:"It worries me greatly that the science of climate change is questioned by many people" Interview with Gene Likens, 2016 Frontiers of Knowledge Award Laureate in Ecology and Conservation Biology.
7:14 Emmanuelle Charpentier: "The challenge is to develop CRISPR/Cas9 as a therapy for genetic disorders" Interview with Emmanuelle Charpentier, 2016 Frontiers of Knowledge Award Laureate in Biomedicine jointly with Francisco Martínez Mojica and Jennifer Doudna.
9:33 Interview with Ciro de Quadros, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Development Cooperation The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Development Cooperation category goes in this fourth edition to the Brazilian epidemiologist Ciro de Quadros for leading the efforts to el...
5:12 David Cox: "In today's world, we scientists must do our best to propagate a search for the truth" Interview with David Cox, winner of the 2016 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Science, jointly with Bradley Efron.
6:22 Interview with Salvatore Sciarrino, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Contemporary Music The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Contemporary Music category goes in this fourth edition to Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino for renewing the possibilities of instrume...
4:49 Interview with Isaac Held, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the category of Climate Change goes in this fourth edition to Isaac Meyer Held, for his fundamental and pioneering contributions to our understan...
18:05 Interview with Didier Queloz y Michael Mayor, Frontiers of Knowlege Award in Basic Sciences The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Basic Sciences category has gone in this fourth edition to Swiss astrophysicists Michel G. E. Mayor and Didier Queloz, for their pathbreak...
5:14 Interview with Daniel Janzen, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Ecology and Conservation Biology category goes in this fourth edition to the U.S. ecologist and naturalist Daniel Janzen, for his pioneering ...
3:34 Interview with Carver Mead, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in ICT The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the category of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) goes in this fourth edition to U.S. electrical engineer Carver A. Mead, for b...
3:05 Interview with Angus Deaton, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the category of Economics, Finance and Management goes in this fourth edition to British economist Angus Deaton, for his fundamental contribut...
4:09 Interview with Alexander Varshavsky, Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Biomedicine category goes in this fourth edition to Alexander Varshavsky, for discovering the mechanisms involved in protein degradation and ...
6:13 Francisco Martínez Mojica: "CRISPR can also be used, hopefully, for the direct cure of diseases" Interview with Francisco Martínez Mojica, 2016 Frontiers of Knowledge Award Laureate in Biomedicine with Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna.

Cambridge University (videos of July 2017)

source: Cambridge University
6:01 Professor Andrew Balmford - Department of Zoology Cambridge University has produced a series of films about five of this year’s Pilkington Prize winners. These films go behind the scenes to show Cambridge teaching in action as well as inviting win...
6:30 Dr James Moultrie - Department of Engineering Cambridge University has produced a series of films about five of this year’s Pilkington Prize winners. These films go behind the scenes to show Cambridge teaching in action as well as inviting win...
1:28 Snip, snip, cure: correcting defects in the genetic blueprint Gene editing using ‘molecular scissors’ that snip out and replace faulty DNA could provide an almost unimaginable future for some patients: a complete cure. Cambridge researchers like Dr Alasdair R...
1:53 Biomedicine and the law Dr Kathy Liddell, who leads the Cambridge Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences, explains why it’s important to understand how the law can help advance – and help control – new biomedical tech...
5:27 Dr Mónica Moreno Figueroa - Department of Sociology Cambridge University has produced a series of films about five of this year’s Pilkington Prize winners. These films go behind the scenes to show Cambridge teaching in action as well as inviting win...
1:08 The self-defence force awakens An army of cells constantly patrols within us, attacking anything it recognises as foreign, keeping us safe from invading pathogens. Among these, T-cells are the body’s serial killers, patrolling, ...

American Society for Microbiology (videos of July 2017)

source: American Society for Microbiology
2:19 N Limitation Effects on Prochlorococcus SS120 Proteome - mSystems® Prochlorococcus is the most abundant photosynthetic organism on Earth, contributing significantly to global primary production and playing a prominent role in biogeochemical cycles. Here we study t...
3:04 2017 ASM Award Winners Congratulations to the 2017 ASM Award Winners! The winners were recognized at ASM Microbe 2017, which took place June 1-5 in New Orleans, LA.
The ASM Awards honor scientists in all fields of the m...
37:53 Food Safety (not) a Laughing Matter by Thomas Montville, PhD Thomas Montville, PhD, Rutgers University, examines the culpability of consumers who neglect the simplest food safety practices. This contrasts with microbiologists who often look for the wrong thi...

(русский / in Russian) Разработка Windows Store приложений на HTML/JavaScript

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ     2017年1月8日
Разработка Windows Store приложений на HTML/JavaScript
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...

Лекция 1: Windows 8.1 – возможности для пользователя и разработчика 32:17
Лекция 2: WinRT API в Windows 8.1 – обзор доступного, обновленного и нового API 26:11
Лекция 3: Дизайн приложений для Windows 8.1 35:56
Лекция 4: Структура приложения, стандартные шаблоны, шаблон Hub и обработка разных представлений 33:35
Лекция 5: Навигация и команды в приложении 17:39
Лекция 6: ListView, GridVew и связывание данных 23:28
Лекция 7: Работа с контрактами: Sharing, Search, Print. поиск: SearchButton и SearchBox 29:39
Лекция 8: Живые плитки, оповещение и взаимодействие с Windows Azure Mobile Services 35:42
Лекция 9: Основы отладки и оптимизации приложений 29:14
Лекция 10: Сессия вопросов и ответов 24:48

(русский / in Russian) Основы видеомонтажа в Adobe Premiere CS3

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist. 

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ     2014年1月25日
Основы видеомонтажа в Adobe Premiere CS3
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/634/490/info
Автор: Дмитрий Кирьянов
Курс представляет собой практическое руководство по видеомонтажу в программе Adobe Premiere Pro CS3.
Рассмотрены основы работы с этой программой, проблемы осуществления видеозахвата, управление проектами и клипами, основные приемы видеомонтажа, настройка спецэффектов, техника создания титров и особенности аудиомонтажа. Ознакомившись с курсом, слушатель освоит методику создания собственных фильмов, включая добавление спецэффектов и титров.

Лекция 1: Введение 5:51
Лекция 2: Начало работы 20:50
Лекция 3: Интерфейс 20:05
Лекция 4: Проекты и клипы 12:12
Лекция 5: Монтаж 16:53
Лекция 6: Эффекты 12:54
Лекция 7: Эффекты (продолжение) 8:25
Лекция 8: Монтаж аудио 15:23
Лекция 9: Титры 19:57

(русский / in Russian) Основы резервного копирования и восстановления информации на примере HP Data Protector

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist. 

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ    2014年1月25日
Основы резервного копирования и восстановления информации на примере HP Data Protector
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/632/488/info
Автор: Павел Стаценко
Продукт HP Data Protector предоставляет опытным пользователям и администраторам информационных систем полный функционал по резервированию и что более важно восстановлению информации в случае сбоя.
В данном курсе вы изучите терминологию, познакомитесь с основными инструментами и функционалом продукта. Вы научитесь управлять средой резервного копирования, изучите основные шаги по созданию задачи резервного копирования, а также сможете наблюдать процесс восстановления данных.

Лекция 1: Введение 17:51
В данной лекции рассказывается о резервном копировании и восстановлении информации с его помощью, о продукте HP Data Protector и изучается основная терминология.
Лекция и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 3: Менеджер ячейки 14:50
Лекция 4: Управление устройствами 17:47
Лекция 5: Настройка клиентов 24:05
Лекция 6: Управление резервным копированием файлов 9:01
Лекция 7: Управление резервным копированием VMware 22:19
Лекция 8: Дополнительные возможности 18:47
Лекция 9: Заключение 2:06

(русский / in Russian) Применение ГОСТ 34 в проектах создания современных автоматизированных систем

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist. 

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ     2014年1月25日
Применение ГОСТ 34 в проектах создания современных автоматизированных систем
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/620/476/info
Автор: Игорь Щетинин
В курсе рассматриваются практические аспекты создания автоматизированных систем в соответствии с рекомендациями ГОСТ серии 34.
Как и любой стандарт, ГОСТ-34 - это подход, доказавший свою применимость в реализации АС разного назначения, в разное время, в разных местах, разными исполнителями и коллективами. Применение проверенной методологии обеспечивает: необходимый технический уровень, качество и эффективность функционирования создаваемых АС; сокращение затрат и сроков создания АС; типизацию и унификацию в проектах создания АС, внедрение промышленных технологий создания АС и их составных частей.

Лекция 1: Особенности проектов создания АС 36:57
Описываются особенности проектов создания АС -- как на основе платформы, так и современных (интеграционных). Выделяются основные риски (социальные, технические, лингвистические и др.), присущие интеграционным проектам; также анализируются причины, вызывающие эти риски.
Лекция 2: Экологическая ниша ГОСТ 34 в проектах создания современных АС 49:58
Лекция 3: Стадии и этапы создания АС по ГОСТ 18:30
Лекция 4: Состав работ и выпускаемые документы 30:47
Лекция 5: Краткий анализ 30:45
Лекция 6: Работа по ГОСТ: практические рекомендации и типичные ошибки 51:11