

Dynamics of Complex Systems - 2017

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2017年5月31日
DATES: 10 May 2017 to 08 July 2017
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
This Summer Program on Dynamics of Complex Systems is second in the series. The theme for the program this year is Mathematical Biology.
Over the past decades, the focus of many of those working in nonlinear science, in India as well as internationally, has increasingly shifted towards problems in biology. The emergence of network science, of systems biology, of computational neuroscience, and of physical biology as vibrant areas of research have greatly contributed to this. The purpose of this summer program is to nucleate collaborative interdisciplinary activities, and to bring together researchers located in diverse institutions, especially in India, to a common forum, to discuss problems of interest and to address contemporary issues in computational systems biology and modeling.
The program has two major parts: a two-week long Summer School on mathematical biology from 10 to 25 May, 2017 and a two-week long Workshop on Physical and Systems Biology (WPSB) from 11 to 25 June, 2017.
The major themes of the School will be pedagogical lectures on
Ecology, epidemiology, and disease modeling
Biochemical networks, graph theory, and flux balance analysis
Modeling electrically active cells and neuronal networks
The School is open largely to applicants pursuing Masters or PhD in related areas. Instruction will include theory lectures as well as hands-on sessions.
While the topics to be covered during the Workshop are broad-based, it will focus on two, in particular:
Cell and tissue morphogenesis
Neurobiology and computational neuroscience
The Workshop will include presentations and discussions on related problems by researchers working broadly in these areas. The emphasis will be mainly on the conceptual and methodological issues, exploring further challenges and open questions. We aim to have colleagues from diverse fields in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Engineering addressing questions related to complex dynamics in biological systems. Along with presentations, discussions would be a major part of this meeting.
The Workshop will have participants consisting of advanced graduate students, postdocs, and faculty, from mathematics, physics, and biological sciences. To register for workshop click here (Deadline: 21 April 2017)
In addition to the School and WPSB, a select number of participants will be encouraged to spend a longer time (around two months) at ICTS to work on a research problem together with a faculty mentor.
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/DCS2017

Single neuron models - I by Bard Ermentrout 1:26:07
Single neuron models -II by Bard Ermentrout 1:25:39
Neural oscillations, weak coupling and networks by Bard Ermentrout 1:24:31
Neural oscillations and networks - II by Bard Ermentrout 1:31:58
Adventures in Super-Resolution Imaging by Daniel Coombes 1:04:11
Oscillatory networks and the Ott Antonsen theory by Bard Ermentrout 1:26:03
Oscillatory networks - II by Bard Ermentrout 1:24:45
Firing rate models - networks by Bard Ermentrout 1:26:43
Spatiotemporal dynamics, waves, pattern formation by Bard Ermentrout 1:20:43
Degeneracy in hippocampal physiology & plasticity by Rishikesh Narayanan 1:02:22
Ecological Modelling: Population Dynamics and Ecological Interactions by Somdatta Sinha 1:25:41
Metapopulation dynamics and heterogeneity by Somdatta Sinha 2:03:04
Compartmental models in Epidemiology by Somdatta Sinha 1:39:29
Case study: Modelling Malaria by Somdatta Sinha 1:42:30
Collective behavior in animal groups:evolution and stochastic dynamics by Vishwesha Guttal 57:45
Within-host modeling of viral diseases - basic model with examples by Daniel Coombs 59:46
Stochastic models for early infection and treated infection by Daniel Coombs 41:14
Within-host modelling and stochastic models - II by Daniel Coombs 1:18:54
Epidemiological case studies on Dengue and HIV by Daniel Coombs 46:04
Pathogens Cross-talks-Mechanisms, Models and Dynamical implications by Samit Bhattacharyya 1:02:53
Combining within and between host information: Evolution of virulence by Daniel Coombs 34:38
Drug treatment and evolution of resistance by Daniel Coombs 58:09
Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Subversion of the Interferon Response by Narendra Dixit 1:03:01
Systems Biology: Linking Genotype to Phenotype by K V Venkatesh 1:26:25
Biochemical Networks by K V Venkatesh 1:21:51
Dynamical models of membrane traffic: toward “Statistical Cell biology” by Mukund Thattai 1:09:44
Introduction to Graph Theory by Karthik Raman 1:24:16
Modelling Gene Regulatory Networks by K V Venkatesh 1:26:59
Modelling Gene Regulatory Networks - II by K V Venkatesh 1:23:50
Lab: Gene Regulatory Networks by K V Venkatesh 48:50
Introduction to Constraint-based Modelling by Karthik Raman 1:12:52
Network Biology: Network Topologies / Parameters by Karthik Raman 1:26:34
The physics of birdsong by Gabriel Mindlin 1:01:55
Determining Physical Properties of the Cell Cortex by Arnab Saha 36:47
Understanding the basis of diversity in cytoskeleton... by Ramanujan Srinivasan 40:17
To be or not to be afraid: computing what is safe or dangerous by Sumantra Chattarji 1:06:43

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