

Cambridge University (videos of July 2017)

source: Cambridge University
6:01 Professor Andrew Balmford - Department of Zoology Cambridge University has produced a series of films about five of this year’s Pilkington Prize winners. These films go behind the scenes to show Cambridge teaching in action as well as inviting win...
6:30 Dr James Moultrie - Department of Engineering Cambridge University has produced a series of films about five of this year’s Pilkington Prize winners. These films go behind the scenes to show Cambridge teaching in action as well as inviting win...
1:28 Snip, snip, cure: correcting defects in the genetic blueprint Gene editing using ‘molecular scissors’ that snip out and replace faulty DNA could provide an almost unimaginable future for some patients: a complete cure. Cambridge researchers like Dr Alasdair R...
1:53 Biomedicine and the law Dr Kathy Liddell, who leads the Cambridge Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences, explains why it’s important to understand how the law can help advance – and help control – new biomedical tech...
5:27 Dr Mónica Moreno Figueroa - Department of Sociology Cambridge University has produced a series of films about five of this year’s Pilkington Prize winners. These films go behind the scenes to show Cambridge teaching in action as well as inviting win...
1:08 The self-defence force awakens An army of cells constantly patrols within us, attacking anything it recognises as foreign, keeping us safe from invading pathogens. Among these, T-cells are the body’s serial killers, patrolling, ...

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