# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Cec Ugc 2016年3月20日
Lecture 1 : Understanding Gender 58:08
Lecture 2 : Feminist Thoughts & Theory 1:01:09
Gender and Caste 58:50
Gender and Ethnicity 56:30
Gender and Class 59:44
Gender across Disciplines 1:00:49
Gender Across Sciences 1:01:38
Gender and Economy 1:00:15
Gender and Law 59:29
Gender and Migration 57:35
Gender and Media 57:53
Gender and Health 56:23
Gender and Religion 55:00
Gender and Environment 57:53
Gender, Conflicts and Violence 1:00:30
Feminists and their Lives 58:53
Women's Movement 59:46
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
2015 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: ITAMP Physics 2015年2月12日
Introduction of 2015 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School January 6-13, 2015, "Hybrid Quantum Systems". Organized by Pierre Meystre, Regents Professor of Physics and Optical Sciences, University of Arizona and Hossein Sadeghpour, Senior Scientist and Director of ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian CFA.
introduction to 2015 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School 11:01
Lecture I: January 7, 2015 Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:12:35
January 7, 2015 Lecture I Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 56:48
January 7, 2015 Lecture I Michael Koehl, UBonn 29:00
January 7 2015 Lecture I Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:06:32
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:13:37
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Michael Koehl, UBonn 1:15:58
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Klemens Hammerer, Leibniz 59:08
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:08:04
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 55:23
January 9 2015 Lecture III Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:05:31
January 9, 2015 Lecture III Klemens Hammerer, Leibniz 1:02:42
January 9, 2015 Lecture I Keith Schwab, Caltech 52:29
January 9, 2015 Lecture III Michael Koehl, UBonn 57:05
January 10, 2015 Lecture I Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:01:56
January 10, 2015 Lecture II Keith Schwab, Caltech 1:09:46
January 10, 2015 Lecture III Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:05:59
January 10, 2015 Lecture III Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 1:07:07
January 10, 2015 Lecture I Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:14:36
January 11, 2015 Lecture II Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:15:00
January 11, 2015 Lecture II Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:08:21
January 12, 2015 Lecture III Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:11:51
January 12, 2015 Lecture III Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:32:17
source: ITAMP Physics 2015年2月12日
Introduction of 2015 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School January 6-13, 2015, "Hybrid Quantum Systems". Organized by Pierre Meystre, Regents Professor of Physics and Optical Sciences, University of Arizona and Hossein Sadeghpour, Senior Scientist and Director of ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian CFA.
introduction to 2015 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School 11:01
Lecture I: January 7, 2015 Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:12:35
January 7, 2015 Lecture I Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 56:48
January 7, 2015 Lecture I Michael Koehl, UBonn 29:00
January 7 2015 Lecture I Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:06:32
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:13:37
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Michael Koehl, UBonn 1:15:58
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Klemens Hammerer, Leibniz 59:08
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:08:04
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 55:23
January 9 2015 Lecture III Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:05:31
January 9, 2015 Lecture III Klemens Hammerer, Leibniz 1:02:42
January 9, 2015 Lecture I Keith Schwab, Caltech 52:29
January 9, 2015 Lecture III Michael Koehl, UBonn 57:05
January 10, 2015 Lecture I Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:01:56
January 10, 2015 Lecture II Keith Schwab, Caltech 1:09:46
January 10, 2015 Lecture III Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:05:59
January 10, 2015 Lecture III Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 1:07:07
January 10, 2015 Lecture I Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:14:36
January 11, 2015 Lecture II Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:15:00
January 11, 2015 Lecture II Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:08:21
January 12, 2015 Lecture III Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:11:51
January 12, 2015 Lecture III Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:32:17
Quantitative Systems Biology (2013, ICTP-ICTS Winter School)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2014年1月23日
DATES: Monday 09 Dec, 2013 - Friday 20 Dec, 2013
VENUE: Biological Sciences auditorium, IISc Campus, Bangalore
PROGRAM LINK http://www.icts.res.in/program/QSB2013
Biology is undergoing a revolution. Advances in experimental techniques are providing data of unprecedented quality and detail on the mechanisms that operate in living systems, at scales ranging from molecules and molecular networks, to organisms, populations and ecosystems. It is clear that new theoretical and mathematical approaches are required if we are to learn from this flood of data. In response to this need, a large number of researchers from mathematics, physics and engineering are growing interested in biological problems. However, biology presents high barriers to entry: the sheer breadth of biological phenomenology, the rapid progress of the field, and a language of scientific discourse often inaccessible to the outsider. The ICTP-ICTS Winter School in Quantitative Systems Biology 2013, targeted at participants with quantitative backgrounds, is intended to help overcome these barriers.
Both ICTP and ICTS have a successful track record of providing researchers access to the forefront of scientific research. The Winter School will build on the shared experience of both institutions. Targeting young researchers, particularly those at the PhD and post-doctoral level with quantitative backgrounds, the School will give participants a broad introduction to open problems in modern biology, and provide pedagogical instruction on new quantitative approaches being used to address those problems. Lectures by internationally-recognized leaders in the field will be supplemented by tutorials on basic topics, and hands-on sessions designed to extend the pedagogical material.
Mukund Thattai - Prokaryotic genetic networks 1:20:19
Edward Cox - Cell motion and cooperation I 1:27:28
Mukund Thattai - Eukaryotic intracellular traffic networks 1:30:54
Boris Shraiman - Statistical genetics and evolution I 1:27:44
Edward Cox - Cell motion and cooperation II 1:29:15
Robert Phillips - A feeling for the numbers in Biology 1:26:24
Boris Shraiman - Statistical genetics and evolution II 1:27:20
Boris Shraiman - Statistical genetics and evolution III 1:09:58
Robert Phillips - Theory Experiment interactions in biology 57:37
Robert Phillips - Napoleon is in equilibrium 1:20:25
Arthur Lander - Pattern formation 1:38:08
Edward Cox - Cell motion and cooperation III 1:34:43
Arthur Lander - Control of Growth 1:39:58
Robert Phillips - Signaling and biology's greatest model 1:30:04
Arthur Lander - Special challenges of big data in biology 1:46:15
Michele Vendruscolo - Protein function and disfunction I 1:37:34
Antonio Celani - Chemosensing 1:34:41
Michele Vendrus - coloProtein function and disfunction II 1:46:41
Michele Vendruscolo - Protein function and disfunction III 1:21:57
Antonio Celani - Chemotaxis I 1:37:05
Eytan Domany - Outcome prediction in Breast Cancer 1:41:09
Anirvan Sengupta - Model selection for large datasets I 1:37:50
Antonio Celani - Chemotaxis II 1:31:03
Antonio Celani - Chemotaxis III 1:25:16
Eytan Domany - Dynamics of transcriptional response 1:09:39
Anirvan Sengupta - Model selection for large datasets II 1:18:54
Eytan Domany - Moving from Physics to Biology 1:42:46
Anirvan Sengupta - Model selection for large datasets III 1:22:41
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2014年1月23日
DATES: Monday 09 Dec, 2013 - Friday 20 Dec, 2013
VENUE: Biological Sciences auditorium, IISc Campus, Bangalore
PROGRAM LINK http://www.icts.res.in/program/QSB2013
Biology is undergoing a revolution. Advances in experimental techniques are providing data of unprecedented quality and detail on the mechanisms that operate in living systems, at scales ranging from molecules and molecular networks, to organisms, populations and ecosystems. It is clear that new theoretical and mathematical approaches are required if we are to learn from this flood of data. In response to this need, a large number of researchers from mathematics, physics and engineering are growing interested in biological problems. However, biology presents high barriers to entry: the sheer breadth of biological phenomenology, the rapid progress of the field, and a language of scientific discourse often inaccessible to the outsider. The ICTP-ICTS Winter School in Quantitative Systems Biology 2013, targeted at participants with quantitative backgrounds, is intended to help overcome these barriers.
Both ICTP and ICTS have a successful track record of providing researchers access to the forefront of scientific research. The Winter School will build on the shared experience of both institutions. Targeting young researchers, particularly those at the PhD and post-doctoral level with quantitative backgrounds, the School will give participants a broad introduction to open problems in modern biology, and provide pedagogical instruction on new quantitative approaches being used to address those problems. Lectures by internationally-recognized leaders in the field will be supplemented by tutorials on basic topics, and hands-on sessions designed to extend the pedagogical material.
Mukund Thattai - Prokaryotic genetic networks 1:20:19
Edward Cox - Cell motion and cooperation I 1:27:28
Mukund Thattai - Eukaryotic intracellular traffic networks 1:30:54
Boris Shraiman - Statistical genetics and evolution I 1:27:44
Edward Cox - Cell motion and cooperation II 1:29:15
Robert Phillips - A feeling for the numbers in Biology 1:26:24
Boris Shraiman - Statistical genetics and evolution II 1:27:20
Boris Shraiman - Statistical genetics and evolution III 1:09:58
Robert Phillips - Theory Experiment interactions in biology 57:37
Robert Phillips - Napoleon is in equilibrium 1:20:25
Arthur Lander - Pattern formation 1:38:08
Edward Cox - Cell motion and cooperation III 1:34:43
Arthur Lander - Control of Growth 1:39:58
Robert Phillips - Signaling and biology's greatest model 1:30:04
Arthur Lander - Special challenges of big data in biology 1:46:15
Michele Vendruscolo - Protein function and disfunction I 1:37:34
Antonio Celani - Chemosensing 1:34:41
Michele Vendrus - coloProtein function and disfunction II 1:46:41
Michele Vendruscolo - Protein function and disfunction III 1:21:57
Antonio Celani - Chemotaxis I 1:37:05
Eytan Domany - Outcome prediction in Breast Cancer 1:41:09
Anirvan Sengupta - Model selection for large datasets I 1:37:50
Antonio Celani - Chemotaxis II 1:31:03
Antonio Celani - Chemotaxis III 1:25:16
Eytan Domany - Dynamics of transcriptional response 1:09:39
Anirvan Sengupta - Model selection for large datasets II 1:18:54
Eytan Domany - Moving from Physics to Biology 1:42:46
Anirvan Sengupta - Model selection for large datasets III 1:22:41
Thermalization: From Glasses to Black Holes (2013, US-India Advanced Studies Institute)
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2013年8月19日
ICTS Program: US-India Advanced Studies Institute on Thermalization: From Glasses to Black Holes
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/ASIT2013
DATES: Monday 10 Jun, 2013 - Friday 21 Jun, 2013
VENUE: Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore
The study of thermalization has become an especially hot topic of research in the past several years, and there are multiple advanced workshops on the subject. However, these have been aimed at experts in the field. There is a clear need for an instructional program targeted at educating junior researchers across the disciplines including statistical mechanics, hard and soft condensed-matter physics, biophysics, nuclear physics, string theory, and quantum information theory. This program, in the format of a school, aims at promoting an intensive discussion of thermalization ranging from its conceptual foundations to modern-day applications in complex condensed matter systems, quantum information theory, and string theory. Such a school will serve multiple purposes. First, it will train a cohort of junior researchers to approach the open problems in the field from an interdisciplinary perspective. Second, by bringing together speakers and researchers who work on various aspects of thermalization, it will accelerate progress in our understanding of the subject by consolidating knowledge across different disciplines.
The school is partitioned into the following six modules:
1.Fundamentals of Classical Equilibration
2.Fluctuations and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
3.Broken ErUS-India Advanced Studies Institute on Thermalization: From Glasses to Black Holesgodicity and Glassy Dynamics
4.Quantum Information and Thermalization
5.Quantum Ergodicity and Quantum Quenches
6.Holography and Equilibration
The primary pedagogical activities of the school will be lectures, a subsequent tutorial, and lunch discussions among smaller groups. Each lecturer will present three lectures. Two of these will be extended blackboard talks that give the participants the basic tools of the theoretical framework at hand. A third talk will be in the form of a short informal seminar that will aim to give a pedagogical presentation of the current research activities in the field, followed by a question-and-answer period of length comparable to the seminar itself.
Abhishek Dhar - Fluctuations 1 1:29:17
Amit Dutta - Quantum quenches 1 1:29:31
Henk van Beijeren - Classical equilibration 1 1:29:23
Amit Dutta - Quantum quenches 2 1:31:46
Abhishek Dhar - Fluctuations 2 1:35:11
Abhishek Dhar - Fluctuations 3 1:29:49
Jorge Kurcha - Glass transitions 2 1:24:00
Amit Dutta - Quantum quenches 3 1:28:20
Udo Seifert - Stochastic thermodynamics 1 1:14:48
Laurence Yaffe- Non--Abelian plasma thermalization 1 1:39:31
Jorge Kurchan - Glass transitions 3 1:00:09
Laurence Yaffe - Non Abelian plasma thermalization 2 1:35:46
Henk van Beijeren - 1D Hydrodynamics 1:23:12
Non-Abelian plasma thermalization 1 - Laurence Yaffe 1:39:33
Henk van Beijeren - KPZ equation 52:34
Udo Seifert - Stochastic thermodynamics 3 1:20:37
Laurence Yaffe - NonAbelian plasma thermalization 3 1:41:06
Alessandro Silva - Quantum quenches 1 1:33:52
Leticia Cugliandolo - Coarsening and thermal quenches 1 1:36:01
Anatoli Polkovnikov - Quantum ergodicity 1 1:38:11
Leticia Cugliandolo - Coarsening and thermal quenches 2 1:26:10
Alessandro Silva - Quantum quenches 2 1:29:20
Anatoli Polkovnikov - Quantum ergodicity 2 1:35:47
Patrick Hayden - Quantum information and black holes 1 1:38:40
Sumit Das - Holography and Quantum Quenches 1 1:38:21
Anatoli Polkovnikov - Quantum ergodicity 3 1:31:39
Leticia Cugliandolo - Coarsening and thermal quenches 3 1:35:09
Sumit Das - Holography and Quantum Quenches 2 1:40:18
Patrick Hayden - Quantum information and black holes 2 1:32:09
Alessandro Silva - Quantum quenches 3 1:09:45
Patrick Hayden - Quantum information and black holes 3 1:28:30
Sumit Das - Holography and Quantum Quenches 3 1:39:57
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2013年8月19日
ICTS Program: US-India Advanced Studies Institute on Thermalization: From Glasses to Black Holes
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/ASIT2013
DATES: Monday 10 Jun, 2013 - Friday 21 Jun, 2013
VENUE: Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore
The study of thermalization has become an especially hot topic of research in the past several years, and there are multiple advanced workshops on the subject. However, these have been aimed at experts in the field. There is a clear need for an instructional program targeted at educating junior researchers across the disciplines including statistical mechanics, hard and soft condensed-matter physics, biophysics, nuclear physics, string theory, and quantum information theory. This program, in the format of a school, aims at promoting an intensive discussion of thermalization ranging from its conceptual foundations to modern-day applications in complex condensed matter systems, quantum information theory, and string theory. Such a school will serve multiple purposes. First, it will train a cohort of junior researchers to approach the open problems in the field from an interdisciplinary perspective. Second, by bringing together speakers and researchers who work on various aspects of thermalization, it will accelerate progress in our understanding of the subject by consolidating knowledge across different disciplines.
The school is partitioned into the following six modules:
1.Fundamentals of Classical Equilibration
2.Fluctuations and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
3.Broken ErUS-India Advanced Studies Institute on Thermalization: From Glasses to Black Holesgodicity and Glassy Dynamics
4.Quantum Information and Thermalization
5.Quantum Ergodicity and Quantum Quenches
6.Holography and Equilibration
The primary pedagogical activities of the school will be lectures, a subsequent tutorial, and lunch discussions among smaller groups. Each lecturer will present three lectures. Two of these will be extended blackboard talks that give the participants the basic tools of the theoretical framework at hand. A third talk will be in the form of a short informal seminar that will aim to give a pedagogical presentation of the current research activities in the field, followed by a question-and-answer period of length comparable to the seminar itself.
Abhishek Dhar - Fluctuations 1 1:29:17
Amit Dutta - Quantum quenches 1 1:29:31
Henk van Beijeren - Classical equilibration 1 1:29:23
Amit Dutta - Quantum quenches 2 1:31:46
Abhishek Dhar - Fluctuations 2 1:35:11
Abhishek Dhar - Fluctuations 3 1:29:49
Jorge Kurcha - Glass transitions 2 1:24:00
Amit Dutta - Quantum quenches 3 1:28:20
Udo Seifert - Stochastic thermodynamics 1 1:14:48
Laurence Yaffe- Non--Abelian plasma thermalization 1 1:39:31
Jorge Kurchan - Glass transitions 3 1:00:09
Laurence Yaffe - Non Abelian plasma thermalization 2 1:35:46
Henk van Beijeren - 1D Hydrodynamics 1:23:12
Non-Abelian plasma thermalization 1 - Laurence Yaffe 1:39:33
Henk van Beijeren - KPZ equation 52:34
Udo Seifert - Stochastic thermodynamics 3 1:20:37
Laurence Yaffe - NonAbelian plasma thermalization 3 1:41:06
Alessandro Silva - Quantum quenches 1 1:33:52
Leticia Cugliandolo - Coarsening and thermal quenches 1 1:36:01
Anatoli Polkovnikov - Quantum ergodicity 1 1:38:11
Leticia Cugliandolo - Coarsening and thermal quenches 2 1:26:10
Alessandro Silva - Quantum quenches 2 1:29:20
Anatoli Polkovnikov - Quantum ergodicity 2 1:35:47
Patrick Hayden - Quantum information and black holes 1 1:38:40
Sumit Das - Holography and Quantum Quenches 1 1:38:21
Anatoli Polkovnikov - Quantum ergodicity 3 1:31:39
Leticia Cugliandolo - Coarsening and thermal quenches 3 1:35:09
Sumit Das - Holography and Quantum Quenches 2 1:40:18
Patrick Hayden - Quantum information and black holes 2 1:32:09
Alessandro Silva - Quantum quenches 3 1:09:45
Patrick Hayden - Quantum information and black holes 3 1:28:30
Sumit Das - Holography and Quantum Quenches 3 1:39:57
Dr. Sadler's Philosophical Development and Committments
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlsit
source: Gregory B. Sadler 2013年8月12日/ 上次更新日期:2017年2月8日
Videos about my own development as a philosopher. I had to go through quite a few "phases" before settling upon the figures and approaches that I found most productive for my own work as a philosopher
My Interest in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition - Philosophical Development and Commitments 28:08
Why I Am Interested in Maurice Blondel - Philosophical Development and Commitments 30:35
How I Became an Anselm Scholar - Philosophical Development and Commitments 58:25
My "Logicist Phase" - Philosophical Development and Commitments 28:16
My "Sartreian Phase" - Philosophical Development and Commitments 27:58
My "Nietzschean Phase" - Philosophical Development and Commitments 30:38
My "Wittgenstein Phase" - Philosophical Development and Commitments 31:17
My Interest in Stoic Philosophy - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 25:30
How I Became A Hobbes Scholar (of sorts) - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 12:14
My "Derridian" Phase - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 28:24
My Interest in G.W.F. Hegel's Philosophy - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 24:51
Why I Keep Going Back To Plato - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 20:19
My "Thomist" Phase- Philosophical Developments and Commitments 21:28
source: Gregory B. Sadler 2013年8月12日/ 上次更新日期:2017年2月8日
Videos about my own development as a philosopher. I had to go through quite a few "phases" before settling upon the figures and approaches that I found most productive for my own work as a philosopher
My Interest in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition - Philosophical Development and Commitments 28:08
Why I Am Interested in Maurice Blondel - Philosophical Development and Commitments 30:35
How I Became an Anselm Scholar - Philosophical Development and Commitments 58:25
My "Logicist Phase" - Philosophical Development and Commitments 28:16
My "Sartreian Phase" - Philosophical Development and Commitments 27:58
My "Nietzschean Phase" - Philosophical Development and Commitments 30:38
My "Wittgenstein Phase" - Philosophical Development and Commitments 31:17
My Interest in Stoic Philosophy - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 25:30
How I Became A Hobbes Scholar (of sorts) - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 12:14
My "Derridian" Phase - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 28:24
My Interest in G.W.F. Hegel's Philosophy - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 24:51
Why I Keep Going Back To Plato - Philosophical Developments and Commitments 20:19
My "Thomist" Phase- Philosophical Developments and Commitments 21:28
Developmental Biology by Charu Dogra Rawat & Varunendra Singh Rawat (University of Delhi)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Cec Ugc 2016年8月16日
Metamorphosis 54:12
Gametogenesis - II 54:10
Early Development in Amphibians 58:58
Embryonic Induction and Neurulation 57:35
Cell Cycle 48:19
Early Development in Birds: up to Gastrulation 56:49
Teratogenesis 59:22
Fate of Germ Layers and Extraembryonic Membranes 1:00:06
Infertility 57:48
Implantation and Placentation 1:00:11
source: Cec Ugc 2016年8月16日
Metamorphosis 54:12
Gametogenesis - II 54:10
Early Development in Amphibians 58:58
Embryonic Induction and Neurulation 57:35
Cell Cycle 48:19
Early Development in Birds: up to Gastrulation 56:49
Teratogenesis 59:22
Fate of Germ Layers and Extraembryonic Membranes 1:00:06
Infertility 57:48
Implantation and Placentation 1:00:11
GLF Marrakesh 2016 - Discussion Forums
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) 2016年11月23日
Watch this Discussion Forum from the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum: Climate Action for Sustainable Development in Marrakesh, Morocco, alongside UNFCCC COP22.
Join the movement to reach 1 billion people: #ThinkLandscape
large-scale investment for smallholder farmers, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:29:23
Turning landscape approaches into action, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:16:44
Role of youth in rural-urban migration, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:00:00
How sustainable are production landscapes? GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:18:31
Policy learning from REDD+ for zero deforestation and restoration initiatives, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:27:45
4 big restoration wins for landscapes & climate, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:14:53
Climate goals and gender realities, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:19:32
From research to policy against hunger & climate change, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:01:39
Tomorrow’s technology 24:18
source: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) 2016年11月23日
Watch this Discussion Forum from the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum: Climate Action for Sustainable Development in Marrakesh, Morocco, alongside UNFCCC COP22.
Join the movement to reach 1 billion people: #ThinkLandscape
large-scale investment for smallholder farmers, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:29:23
Turning landscape approaches into action, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:16:44
Role of youth in rural-urban migration, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:00:00
How sustainable are production landscapes? GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:18:31
Policy learning from REDD+ for zero deforestation and restoration initiatives, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:27:45
4 big restoration wins for landscapes & climate, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:14:53
Climate goals and gender realities, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:19:32
From research to policy against hunger & climate change, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:01:39
Tomorrow’s technology 24:18
2016 Global Landscapes Forum, Marrakesh
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
More than 5,000 people from 95 countries connected in person and online at the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) in Marrakesh to forge solutions to the planet’s greatest climate and development challenges through sustainable land use. In the closing plenary, the German government and GLF partners committed their support to the long-term future of the Forum and its vision of reaching one billion people.
State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 7:49
Peter Holmgren - Opening Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 5:39
Erik Solheim - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 14:55
Opening plenary – Climate meets landscape, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:45:59
Peter Holmgren - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 4:56
Kuntoro Mangkusubroto - GLF 2016 Marrakech 10:36
Natalia Cisneros - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 7:56
Panel discussion: Non-state actors and the new climate goals – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:21:51
Where the rubber hits the road for achieving climate goals – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:28:49
Anne Larson: What we know about global climate goals and local realities – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 6:18
Simon Rietbergen: Restoration, resilience and climate action – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 11:55
Minister Hassan Hilal: Solving resource conflicts through restoration – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 9:33
Julia Bucknall: Commitments and ideas for regreening Africa’s drylands – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 6:08
Minister Josh Frydenberg - Opening Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 12:14
Harrison Karnwea: How Liberia fights climate change by planting trees – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 4:32
Felicity Yameogo: Sustainable production, from the bottom up – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 4:48
Regreening heritage landscapes and revitalizing communities – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:33:52
Mamadou Diakhite: It takes a region…Coordinating landscape restoration in Africa– GLF 2016 Marrakesh 5:06
Paul Elvis Tangem: A great, green wall for Africa– GLF 2016 Marrakesh 6:50
Credit Suisse endorses Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion 6:39
IFPRI endorses Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion 3:43
CIAT endorses Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion 1:58
Credit Suisse, CIAT and IFPRI endorse Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion 4:27
Unlocking private finance in forests, sustainable land use and restoration - GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:14:28
Closing Plenary, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 49:31
Ibrahim Thiaw – Financing restoration to close emissions gap, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 6:34
large-scale investment for smallholder farmers, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:29:23
Turning landscape approaches into action, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:16:44
Role of youth in rural-urban migration, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:00:00
How sustainable are production landscapes? GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:18:31
4 big restoration wins for landscapes & climate, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:14:53
Climate goals and gender realities, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:19:32
From research to policy against hunger & climate change, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:01:39
Policy learning from REDD+ for zero deforestation and restoration initiatives, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:27:45
Tomorrow’s technology 24:18
source: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
More than 5,000 people from 95 countries connected in person and online at the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) in Marrakesh to forge solutions to the planet’s greatest climate and development challenges through sustainable land use. In the closing plenary, the German government and GLF partners committed their support to the long-term future of the Forum and its vision of reaching one billion people.
State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 7:49
Peter Holmgren - Opening Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 5:39
Erik Solheim - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 14:55
Opening plenary – Climate meets landscape, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:45:59
Peter Holmgren - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 4:56
Kuntoro Mangkusubroto - GLF 2016 Marrakech 10:36
Natalia Cisneros - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 7:56
Panel discussion: Non-state actors and the new climate goals – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:21:51
Where the rubber hits the road for achieving climate goals – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:28:49
Anne Larson: What we know about global climate goals and local realities – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 6:18
Simon Rietbergen: Restoration, resilience and climate action – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 11:55
Minister Hassan Hilal: Solving resource conflicts through restoration – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 9:33
Julia Bucknall: Commitments and ideas for regreening Africa’s drylands – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 6:08
Minister Josh Frydenberg - Opening Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh 12:14
Harrison Karnwea: How Liberia fights climate change by planting trees – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 4:32
Felicity Yameogo: Sustainable production, from the bottom up – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 4:48
Regreening heritage landscapes and revitalizing communities – GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:33:52
Mamadou Diakhite: It takes a region…Coordinating landscape restoration in Africa– GLF 2016 Marrakesh 5:06
Paul Elvis Tangem: A great, green wall for Africa– GLF 2016 Marrakesh 6:50
Credit Suisse endorses Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion 6:39
IFPRI endorses Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion 3:43
CIAT endorses Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion 1:58
Credit Suisse, CIAT and IFPRI endorse Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion 4:27
Unlocking private finance in forests, sustainable land use and restoration - GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:14:28
Closing Plenary, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 49:31
Ibrahim Thiaw – Financing restoration to close emissions gap, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 6:34
large-scale investment for smallholder farmers, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:29:23
Turning landscape approaches into action, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:16:44
Role of youth in rural-urban migration, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:00:00
How sustainable are production landscapes? GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:18:31
4 big restoration wins for landscapes & climate, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:14:53
Climate goals and gender realities, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:19:32
From research to policy against hunger & climate change, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:01:39
Policy learning from REDD+ for zero deforestation and restoration initiatives, GLF 2016 Marrakesh 1:27:45
Tomorrow’s technology 24:18
(Hebrew) תורת ההסתברות - פרופ' רוס פינסקי (Probability Theory)
# playlist of the 41 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: Technion 2011年8月14日
תורת ההסתברות -
מרצה: פרופ' רוס פינסקי
פקולטה: מתמטיקה
מס קורס: 104222
Probability Theory
source: Technion 2011年8月14日
תורת ההסתברות -
מרצה: פרופ' רוס פינסקי
פקולטה: מתמטיקה
מס קורס: 104222
Probability Theory
(Hebrew) מבוא להסתברות ח- פרופ/ח מאיר-וולף (Introduction to Probability)
# playlist of the 39 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)
source: Technion 2011年6月6日
מבוא להסתברות ח -
מרצה: פרופ' חבר אדוארדו מאיר-וולף
פקולטה: מתימטיקה
מס קורס: 104034
Introduction to Probability H
source: Technion 2011年6月6日
מבוא להסתברות ח -
מרצה: פרופ' חבר אדוארדו מאיר-וולף
פקולטה: מתימטיקה
מס קורס: 104034
Introduction to Probability H
ITAMP/HQOC Joint Quantum Sciences Seminar Series
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: ITAMP Physics 2016年5月11日
ITAMP/HQOC Joint Quantum Sciences Seminar Series
Inaugural Alexander Dalgarno Lecturer, Prof. Tilman Pfau, Universität Stuttgart 1:03:41
Inaugural Alexander Dalgarno Lecturer Prof. Tilman Pfau-lecture II 1:09:11
Inaugural Alexander Dalgarno Lecturer Prof. Tilman Pfau 1:07:51
Eric Akkermans, Technion 1:15:45
Thomas Killian 59:55
Jack Harris, Yale University 1:00:17
Ralf Rohlsberger 59:45
Ralf Rohlsberger, Questions and Answers 6:23
David DeMille 1:11:13
Martin Zwierlein 1:04:12
Herwig Ott 1:05:45
Jeroen van den Brink 1:12:51
Franco Nori, Riken 1:04:45
Jelena Vuckovic, Stanford University 1:08:12
Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler 1:05:46
Mete Atature 1:03:23
Immanuel Bloch 59:52
source: ITAMP Physics 2016年5月11日
ITAMP/HQOC Joint Quantum Sciences Seminar Series
Inaugural Alexander Dalgarno Lecturer, Prof. Tilman Pfau, Universität Stuttgart 1:03:41
Inaugural Alexander Dalgarno Lecturer Prof. Tilman Pfau-lecture II 1:09:11
Inaugural Alexander Dalgarno Lecturer Prof. Tilman Pfau 1:07:51
Eric Akkermans, Technion 1:15:45
Thomas Killian 59:55
Jack Harris, Yale University 1:00:17
Ralf Rohlsberger 59:45
Ralf Rohlsberger, Questions and Answers 6:23
David DeMille 1:11:13
Martin Zwierlein 1:04:12
Herwig Ott 1:05:45
Jeroen van den Brink 1:12:51
Franco Nori, Riken 1:04:45
Jelena Vuckovic, Stanford University 1:08:12
Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler 1:05:46
Mete Atature 1:03:23
Immanuel Bloch 59:52
2016 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: ITAMP Physics 2016年4月6日
2016 ITAMP/B2 Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics Winter Graduate School. Held at the B2 Institute, January 4-12, 2016.
Philip Bucksbaum 1:00:02 Philip Bucksbaum, Stanford PULSE Institute, Stanford University, “Lecture 2: X-ray free electron laser basics, and especially how they produce femtosecond to attosecond pulses and the highest focust electromagnetic fields”. Saturday, January 9, 2016
Ken schaffer 3 1:20:34
Lars Madsen, Friday, January 8, 2016 1:00:02
Esry lecture2 Friday 1:10:38
Pcorkum lecture3 Friday 1:22:59
Anthony Starace Lecture II 1:00:02
Margaret Murnane Thursday Lecture 3 - 2016 52:47
B Esry Thursday Lecture 2016 1:08:22
Buckbaum Lecture1 1:00:02
Kenneth SchaferLecture II 1:00:02
Margaret Murnane Lecture 2 44:58
Margaret Murnane Lecture 1 1:00:02
Paul Corkum lecture 2 1:12:33
Linda Young I 1:00:02
Kenneth Schafer Lecture I 1:25:45
Paul Corkum-lecture 1 1:19:41
Philip Bucksbaum 1:14:18
Brett Esry Monday Lecture 1 -2016 1:00:02
Esry Monday continued 25:13
Lars Madsen 1:00:02
CorkumLect1Part1 30:01
CorkumLect1Part2 30:01
CorkumLect1Part3 19:40
SchaferLect1Part1 30:01
SchaferLect1Part2 30:01
SchaferLect1Part3 25:43
StaraceLect1Part2 30:01
MadsenLect1Part1 30:01
MadsenLect1Part2 30:01
YoungLecture1Part1 30:01
YoungLect1Part2 30:01
MurnaneLect1Part1 30:01
MurnaneLect1Part2 30:01
CorkumLect2Part1 30:01
CorkumLect2part2 30:01
CorkumLect2Part3 12:31
YoungLect2Part1 30:01
YoungLect2Part2 24:44
MurnaneLect2Part1 30:01
MurnaneLect2Part2 14:57
SchaferLect2Part1 30:01
SchaferLect2Part2 30:01
EsryLect1Part1 30:01
EsryLect1Part2 30:01
EsryLect1Part3 8:20
StaraceLect2Part1 30:01
StaraceLect2Part2 30:01
MurnaneLect3Part1 30:01
MurnaneLect3Part2 22:46
BucksbaumLect1Part1 30:01
BuckbaumLect1Part2 30:01
SchaferLect3Part1 30:01
SchaferLect3Part2 30:01
SchaferLect3Part3 20:33
CorkumLect3Part1 30:01
CorkumLect3Part2 30:01
CorkumLect3Part3 22:57
MadsenLect2Part1 30:01
MadsenLect2Part2 30:01
EsryLect2Part1 30:01
EsryLect2Part2 30:01
EsryLect2Part3 10:36
BucksbaumLect2Part1 30:01
BucksbaumLect2Part2 30:01
MadsenLect3Part1 30:01
MadsenLect3Part2 29:29
StaraceLect3Part1 30:01
StaraceLect3Part2 19:09
YoungLect3Part1 30:01
YoungLect3Part2 21:13
BucksbaumLect3Part1 30:01
BucksbaumLect3Part2 30:01
BucksbaumLect3Part3 14:16
EsryLect3Part1 30:01
EsryLect3Part2 30:01
source: ITAMP Physics 2016年4月6日
2016 ITAMP/B2 Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics Winter Graduate School. Held at the B2 Institute, January 4-12, 2016.
Philip Bucksbaum 1:00:02 Philip Bucksbaum, Stanford PULSE Institute, Stanford University, “Lecture 2: X-ray free electron laser basics, and especially how they produce femtosecond to attosecond pulses and the highest focust electromagnetic fields”. Saturday, January 9, 2016
Ken schaffer 3 1:20:34
Lars Madsen, Friday, January 8, 2016 1:00:02
Esry lecture2 Friday 1:10:38
Pcorkum lecture3 Friday 1:22:59
Anthony Starace Lecture II 1:00:02
Margaret Murnane Thursday Lecture 3 - 2016 52:47
B Esry Thursday Lecture 2016 1:08:22
Buckbaum Lecture1 1:00:02
Kenneth SchaferLecture II 1:00:02
Margaret Murnane Lecture 2 44:58
Margaret Murnane Lecture 1 1:00:02
Paul Corkum lecture 2 1:12:33
Linda Young I 1:00:02
Kenneth Schafer Lecture I 1:25:45
Paul Corkum-lecture 1 1:19:41
Philip Bucksbaum 1:14:18
Brett Esry Monday Lecture 1 -2016 1:00:02
Esry Monday continued 25:13
Lars Madsen 1:00:02
CorkumLect1Part1 30:01
CorkumLect1Part2 30:01
CorkumLect1Part3 19:40
SchaferLect1Part1 30:01
SchaferLect1Part2 30:01
SchaferLect1Part3 25:43
StaraceLect1Part2 30:01
MadsenLect1Part1 30:01
MadsenLect1Part2 30:01
YoungLecture1Part1 30:01
YoungLect1Part2 30:01
MurnaneLect1Part1 30:01
MurnaneLect1Part2 30:01
CorkumLect2Part1 30:01
CorkumLect2part2 30:01
CorkumLect2Part3 12:31
YoungLect2Part1 30:01
YoungLect2Part2 24:44
MurnaneLect2Part1 30:01
MurnaneLect2Part2 14:57
SchaferLect2Part1 30:01
SchaferLect2Part2 30:01
EsryLect1Part1 30:01
EsryLect1Part2 30:01
EsryLect1Part3 8:20
StaraceLect2Part1 30:01
StaraceLect2Part2 30:01
MurnaneLect3Part1 30:01
MurnaneLect3Part2 22:46
BucksbaumLect1Part1 30:01
BuckbaumLect1Part2 30:01
SchaferLect3Part1 30:01
SchaferLect3Part2 30:01
SchaferLect3Part3 20:33
CorkumLect3Part1 30:01
CorkumLect3Part2 30:01
CorkumLect3Part3 22:57
MadsenLect2Part1 30:01
MadsenLect2Part2 30:01
EsryLect2Part1 30:01
EsryLect2Part2 30:01
EsryLect2Part3 10:36
BucksbaumLect2Part1 30:01
BucksbaumLect2Part2 30:01
MadsenLect3Part1 30:01
MadsenLect3Part2 29:29
StaraceLect3Part1 30:01
StaraceLect3Part2 19:09
YoungLect3Part1 30:01
YoungLect3Part2 21:13
BucksbaumLect3Part1 30:01
BucksbaumLect3Part2 30:01
BucksbaumLect3Part3 14:16
EsryLect3Part1 30:01
EsryLect3Part2 30:01
Advanced Dynamical Core Modeling for Atmospheric (ICTS Program)
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2013年8月11日
ICTS Program
Prof A Jayaraman, Director, NARL, India - Inaugural Session Welcome Address 26:37
Padmavibhushan Prof.Roddam Narasimha - Inaugral Address 1:09:50
Dr. Hann-Ming Henry Juang(Henry) - Advanced Dynamical Core Modeling for Atmosphere: c 48:45
Dr. Jimy Dudhia - The global nonhydrostatic atmospheric model MPAS 54:18
Panel Discussion and Valedictory session 1:26:27
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2013年8月11日
ICTS Program
Prof A Jayaraman, Director, NARL, India - Inaugural Session Welcome Address 26:37
Padmavibhushan Prof.Roddam Narasimha - Inaugral Address 1:09:50
Dr. Hann-Ming Henry Juang(Henry) - Advanced Dynamical Core Modeling for Atmosphere: c 48:45
Dr. Jimy Dudhia - The global nonhydrostatic atmospheric model MPAS 54:18
Panel Discussion and Valedictory session 1:26:27
Mathematical Perspectives on Clouds, Climate, and Tropical Meteorology (2013)
# click the upper-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2013年5月2日
ICTS Discussion Meeting
Opening 31:44
Stratocumulus, Towering Cumulus during Undisturbed Weather - T N Krishnamurti 45:02
Perspective Of Progress in Monsoon Meteorology and Prospects in the next two Decades- D.R. Sikka 45:41
Stochastic and Deterministic Models for Tropical Convection - Boualem Khouider 59:31
Convective momentum transport and multiscale models - Samuel Stechmann 46:12
A review of recent laboratory and numerical simulations of cumulus cloud flows - R. Narasimha 53:47
Thermodynamic Constraints on the ITCZ - J Srinivasan 47:26
Seasonal Prediction of Indian Monsoon: Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling - Ravi Nanjundiah 36:50
Vertical distribution of Clouds over the Indian Monsoon Region - M. Rajeevan 40:57
Medium-range Forecast Error: Air-sea Coupling, Clouds- Arindam Chakraborty 41:30
Climate Science, Waves, and PDE's for the Tropics ( 1 ) - Andrew J. Majda 2:03:51
Understanding the Indian monsoon and its variability - Sulochana Gadgil 56:09
Moisture gradients and low-frequency variability in the tropics - Jai Sukhtame 34:15
Interactions between planetaryscale flow - Olivier Pauluis 55:33
Tropical Convection in Global Context: The YOTC Project - Mitchell Moncrieff 56:01
Clouds: Some observed features - G S Bhat 48:35
Applied Math Perspectives on Stochastic Climate Models ( 2 ) - Andrew J. Majda 1:29:23
Turbulence-microphysics interactions in boundary layer clouds - Wojciech Grabowski 59:50
Nonlinearity and stability in Lagrangian data assimilation - Amit Apte 49:01
Sequential and Variational Assimilation for Predicting Loop Current - Ibrahim Hoteit 47:40
The peculiar behavior of stationary and accelerating vortices - Robert Breidenthal 51:18
Data Driven Methods for Complex Turbulent Systems ( 3 ) - Andrew J. Majda 1:31:17
Link between convection and meridional gradient of sea in the Bay of Bengal - D Shankar 53:50
Test models for filtering and prediction of moisture-coupled tropical waves - John Harlim 49:02
Balance and tropical data assimilation - Nedjeljka Zagar 51:14
Moist Rayleigh-Benard convection in a conditionally unstable environment - Jörg Schumacher 53:26
A linear sea breeze model relevant for the tropical regions - A S Vasudeva Murthy 25:31
Applied Math Perspectives on Stochastic Climate Models ( 2 ) - Andrew J. Majda 1:29:23
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2013年5月2日
ICTS Discussion Meeting
Opening 31:44
Stratocumulus, Towering Cumulus during Undisturbed Weather - T N Krishnamurti 45:02
Perspective Of Progress in Monsoon Meteorology and Prospects in the next two Decades- D.R. Sikka 45:41
Stochastic and Deterministic Models for Tropical Convection - Boualem Khouider 59:31
Convective momentum transport and multiscale models - Samuel Stechmann 46:12
A review of recent laboratory and numerical simulations of cumulus cloud flows - R. Narasimha 53:47
Thermodynamic Constraints on the ITCZ - J Srinivasan 47:26
Seasonal Prediction of Indian Monsoon: Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling - Ravi Nanjundiah 36:50
Vertical distribution of Clouds over the Indian Monsoon Region - M. Rajeevan 40:57
Medium-range Forecast Error: Air-sea Coupling, Clouds- Arindam Chakraborty 41:30
Climate Science, Waves, and PDE's for the Tropics ( 1 ) - Andrew J. Majda 2:03:51
Understanding the Indian monsoon and its variability - Sulochana Gadgil 56:09
Moisture gradients and low-frequency variability in the tropics - Jai Sukhtame 34:15
Interactions between planetaryscale flow - Olivier Pauluis 55:33
Tropical Convection in Global Context: The YOTC Project - Mitchell Moncrieff 56:01
Clouds: Some observed features - G S Bhat 48:35
Applied Math Perspectives on Stochastic Climate Models ( 2 ) - Andrew J. Majda 1:29:23
Turbulence-microphysics interactions in boundary layer clouds - Wojciech Grabowski 59:50
Nonlinearity and stability in Lagrangian data assimilation - Amit Apte 49:01
Sequential and Variational Assimilation for Predicting Loop Current - Ibrahim Hoteit 47:40
The peculiar behavior of stationary and accelerating vortices - Robert Breidenthal 51:18
Data Driven Methods for Complex Turbulent Systems ( 3 ) - Andrew J. Majda 1:31:17
Link between convection and meridional gradient of sea in the Bay of Bengal - D Shankar 53:50
Test models for filtering and prediction of moisture-coupled tropical waves - John Harlim 49:02
Balance and tropical data assimilation - Nedjeljka Zagar 51:14
Moist Rayleigh-Benard convection in a conditionally unstable environment - Jörg Schumacher 53:26
A linear sea breeze model relevant for the tropical regions - A S Vasudeva Murthy 25:31
Applied Math Perspectives on Stochastic Climate Models ( 2 ) - Andrew J. Majda 1:29:23
Virtual Espionage: GCHQ and NSA Take on MMOs
source: Stanford 2017年1月30日
From the Interactive Media & Games Seminar Series; Peter Krapp, Professor of Film & Media / Visual Studies and a member of the Departments of English and of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine examines massively multiplayer online games and virtual worlds to see if they are potential havens for activities that require a response in the name of national security.
source: Harvard University 2017年1月12日
John Ashbery’s biographer Karin Roffman presents selections from the Poetry Room’s 2014 oral history on the making of the short film, PRESENTING JANE (1952). Recently recovered after disappearing over 60 years ago, PRESENTING JANE was donated to the Woodberry Poetry Room/Harvard Film Archive by its creator Harrison Starr and featured the young John Ashbery, Jane Freilicher, Frank O’Hara and James Schuyler.
Outtakes and excerpts from the 1952 film are shown during the event, overlaid with commentary recorded at the 2014 oral history. Roffman also reads excerpts from her much-anticipated biography, THE SONGS WE KNOW BEST: JOHN ASHBERY’S EARLY LIFE (FSG, 2017).
For additional information, visit hcl.harvard.edu/poetryroom.
Chris Bailey: "The Productivity Project" | Talks At Google
source: Talks at Google 2017年1月17日
Chris Bailey is on a mission to share his journey of exploring his passion: productivity. For a full year he tried everything to become more productive, conducting dozens of productivity experiments on himself. Since then and over the last decade, Bailey has researched and experimented with every technique under the sun to discover what works and what doesn’t. His best selling book, "The Productivity Project," offers insights and best practices that will help everyone accomplish mo
Teaching Tomorrow’s Citizens | RSA Replay
source: The RSA 2017年1月19日
Schools are generally recognised as playing a crucial role in developing citizens of the future, helping to equip young people with the ability to debate and deliberate, to question, critique and understand differences in their communities. But with an already crowded curriculum, do we have to accept that the responsibility for citizenship education can’t – and indeed, shouldn’t - lie solely with schools?
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Sartre on the Transcendental Ego (Joel Smith)
source: Philosophical Overdose 2017年1月17日
Joel Smith discusses some of the central ideas contained within Sartre’s notion of the Transcendence of the Ego and considers their continued relevance for contemporary accounts of conscious experience. This is from the Forum for European Philosophy public lecture at LSE...
This might be of interest to anyone with an interest in Phenomenology, The Self, Consciousness, Philosophy of Mind, etc.
A World of Tactile illusions And What We Can Do With Them
source: SchAdvStudy 2013年3月6日
17-12-12 Institute of Philosophy
Professor Vincent Hayward (McGill) -- A World of Tactile illusions And What We Can Do With Them