

2015 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School

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source: ITAMP Physics    2015年2月12日
Introduction of 2015 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School January 6-13, 2015, "Hybrid Quantum Systems". Organized by Pierre Meystre, Regents Professor of Physics and Optical Sciences, University of Arizona and Hossein Sadeghpour, Senior Scientist and Director of ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian CFA.

introduction to 2015 ITAMP/B2 AMO Physics Winter Graduate School 11:01
Lecture I: January 7, 2015 Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:12:35
January 7, 2015 Lecture I Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 56:48
January 7, 2015 Lecture I Michael Koehl, UBonn 29:00
January 7 2015 Lecture I Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:06:32
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:13:37
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Michael Koehl, UBonn 1:15:58
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Klemens Hammerer, Leibniz 59:08
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:08:04
January 8, 2015 Lecture II Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 55:23
January 9 2015 Lecture III Paola Cappellaro, MIT 1:05:31
January 9, 2015 Lecture III Klemens Hammerer, Leibniz 1:02:42
January 9, 2015 Lecture I Keith Schwab, Caltech 52:29
January 9, 2015 Lecture III Michael Koehl, UBonn 57:05
January 10, 2015 Lecture I Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:01:56
January 10, 2015 Lecture II Keith Schwab, Caltech 1:09:46
January 10, 2015 Lecture III Jorg Schmiedmayer, TU Wien 1:05:59
January 10, 2015 Lecture III Greg Fuchs, Cornell University 1:07:07
January 10, 2015 Lecture I Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:14:36
January 11, 2015 Lecture II Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:15:00
January 11, 2015 Lecture II Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:08:21
January 12, 2015 Lecture III Mukund Vengalattore, Cornell University 1:11:51
January 12, 2015 Lecture III Markus Aspelmayer, University of Vienna 1:32:17

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