

Gender Studies by Archana Prasad & Inayat Chaudhary (University of Delhi)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist 

source: Cec Ugc    2016年3月20日

Lecture 1 : Understanding Gender 58:08
Lecture 2 : Feminist Thoughts & Theory 1:01:09
Gender and Caste 58:50
Gender and Ethnicity 56:30
Gender and Class 59:44
Gender across Disciplines 1:00:49
Gender Across Sciences 1:01:38
Gender and Economy 1:00:15
Gender and Law 59:29
Gender and Migration 57:35
Gender and Media 57:53
Gender and Health 56:23
Gender and Religion 55:00
Gender and Environment 57:53
Gender, Conflicts and Violence 1:00:30
Feminists and their Lives 58:53
Women's Movement 59:46

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