

Intro to Political Economy by Michael Munge at Duke University

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source: Duke University Department of Political Science    2016年2月9日
Michael Munger is Professor of Political Science and Director of the PPE Certificate Program at Duke University.
Introduction to Political Economy is a self-contained and nontechnical overview of the intellectual history of political economy, the logic of microeconomics, and the definitions used in macroeconomics. It introduces the notion of a political economy, emphasizing the moral and ethical problems that markets solve, and fail to solve.
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Produced by Shaun King, Duke University Department of Political Science Multimedia Specialist

Class Intro and Overview - Intro to Political Economy 15:51
Institutions and Revolutions - Intro to Political Economy 55:18
Property - Intro to Political Economy 1:02:18
Division of Labor - Intro to Political Economy 53:47
Entrepreneurship and Rent-Seeking - Intro to Political Economy 38:41
Entrepreneurship - Intro to Political Economy 56:54
Opportunity Cost, Price, and What Stuff is 'Worth' - Intro to Political Economy 58:10
Money, Banking, & Public Finance - Intro to Political Economy 1:09:05
Bitcoin - Intro to Political Economy 59:12
Morality & the Free Market - Intro to Political Economy 53:19
Choosing in Groups - Intro to Political Economy 57:47
Choosing in Groups II - Intro to Political Economy 57:57
Basics of Political Choice - Intro to Political Economy 52:06
Impossibility and Social Choice - Intro to Political Economy 56:45
Externalities and Market Failure - Intro to Political Economy 32:54
Pirates and the Theory of the Firm - Intro to Political Economy 52:20
Political Choice in Multiple Dimensions - Intro to Political Economy 57:26

Kenneth Benoit | The Brexit Debate through Social Media

source: London School of Economics and Political Science    2017年1月30日
A copy of the slides (pdf) can be downloaded here: http://www.lse.ac.uk/assets/richmedia...
Using over 35 million Tweets collected in the year before the Brexit referendum, we analyse the debate and campaign through social media to track the framing, the argumentation, and the patterns of communication about the issues and consequences of the vote.

Kenneth Benoit (@kenbenoit) is Professor of Quantitative Social Research Methods, and Head of the Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Sara Hobolt (@sarahobolt) is the Sutherland Chair in European Institutions at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Jennifer Jackson Preece is Associate Professor in Nationalism in Europe at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Jean-Christophe Plantin (@JCPlantin) is Assistant Professor at the Department of Media & Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science.

The Department of Methodology (@MethodologyLSE) is a national centre of excellence in methodology and the teaching of methodology. The Department was set up to coordinate and provide a focus for methodological activities at the School, in particular in the areas of graduate student (and, potentially, staff) training and of methodological research. The Department is an interdisciplinary group and its primary role is to facilitate collaboration between departments and to provide courses where appropriate. The Department is central to the LSE's Doctoral Training Centre.
LSE Works is a series of public lectures, that will showcase some of the latest research by LSE's academic departments and research centres. In each session, LSE academics will present key research findings, demonstrating where appropriate the implications of their studies for public policy. A list of all the LSE Works lectures can be viewed at LSE Works.
Keep up to date with what Brexit means for the UK and the wider world at LSE Brexit blog (@lsebrexitvote).

Media Production by Abbas Muzaffar

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source: Cec Ugc    2016年1月26日

Camera : Still Photography 58:01
Still Photography - II 1:00:22
Theatre Through Ages 56:34
Product Photography 58:12
Still Photography -V 58:16
TV Production 1:00:22
Video and TV Production 58:05
TV & Video Production - IV 59:38
TV & Video Production - III 58:29
Videography 58:46

The Left and Right of Capitalism with Jonathan Haidt

source: The RSA    2017年1月16日
The Left and Right of Capitalism with Jonathan Haidt. What we believe influences what we perceive far more than we would like to admit to. Renowned social psychologist Jonathan Haidt uses an optical illusion to demonstrate how our brains are influenced, and how most of us stick unswervingly to one of two persuasive stories about capitalism. He believes we must push ourselves beyond these entrenched narratives and develop a ‘third story’ – one that incorporates some of the objective truths of both, and abandons the gut-level assumptions on either side.
Watch Jonathan Haidt, social psychologist, in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event! Loved this snippet? Listen to the full podcast here: https://soundcloud.com/the_rsa/capita...
Follow the RSA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSAEvents
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Listen to RSA podcasts: https://soundcloud.com/the_rsa
See RSA Events behind the scenes: https://instagram.com/rsa_events/

Energies of the Subtle Body with Luis Minero

source: New Thinking Allowed      2017年1月11日
Luis Minero is president of the International Academy of Consciousness. He is also author of Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience.
Here he notes that, throughout the world, there are many designations for what he called “bioenergy”. These include prana, ch’i, ki, vital fluid, orgone, and etheric energy. Each of these is typically accompanied by a philosophy, as well as various cultural traditions and exercises. He maintains that an understanding of this energy is very useful for separating one’s consciousness from the physical body – and he describes an exercise for doing so. He also points out that out-of-body realms consist of various levels and are actually largely composed of “thosenes” or thought-forms.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is a past vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that Association for his contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on October 1, 2016)

(בעברית / in Hebrew) מבוא למדעי המחשב (Introduction to Computer Science)

# playlist of the 28 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Technion    2013年3月6日
מבוא למדעי המחשב
מרצה:פרופ/ח ראובן בר-יהודה
מס' קורס: 234111
פקולטה: מדעי המחשב

(בעברית / in Hebrew) מבוא למחשב - שפת סי (Introduction to Computer - C language)

# playlist of the 27 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Technion    2013年3月10日
מבוא למחשב - שפת סי
מרצה: פרופ/ח ראובן בר-יהודה
מס' קורס: 234112
פקולטה: מדעי המחשב

A Symposium on Science @ ITAMP (May 5-6, 2014)

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source: ITAMP Physics    2014年5月19日
A Symposium on Science @ ITAMP. May 5-6, 2014
A Celebration of Science @ ITAMP over 25 Years! (Cambridge, MA May 5-6, 2014)
We hope you enjoy these talks by former and current ITAMP Fellows and Associates describing their own work and ITAMP's impact on AMO science.
ITAMP is supported in part by grants from the NSF to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Harvard University.

N. Balakrishnan (UNLV) Discussion Leader: "Cold collisions" 10:21
Li You (Tsinghua) "Ultracold collisions in the presence of spin-orbit coupling" 38:57
Robin Côté (U. Connecticut) "Ultracold atom-ion collisions" 37:10
Zong-Chao Yan (U. New Brunswick Fredericton) Discussion Leader: "Structures and computation" 8:39
Jack Wells (ORNL) "Gigascale, terascale, now petascale ..." 35:45
Andrei Derevianko (U. Nevada - Reno) "Search for topological dark matter with atomic clocks" 37:49
Philip Stancil (U. Georgia) Discussion Leader: "Molecular collisions & astrophysics" 16:44
Roman Krems (UBC) "External field control of ... cold molecules" 40:21
Robert Forrey (Penn State Berks) "Sturmian theory of molecular formation" 31:18
Atac Imamoglu (ETH Zurich) Discussion Leader: "Quantum optics" 6:24
Jake Taylor (JQI-NIST/Maryland) "Matter and light: from H2+ to macroscopic quantum systems" 42:08
Peter Rabl (TU Wien) "Mechanical quantum technologies" 41:47
Seth Rittenhouse (W. Washington): Discussion Leader "Dynamics ultrashort pulses & ultracold atoms" 9:17
Brett Esry (Kansas State U.) "Making sense of carrier-envelope phase effects" 42:34
Thomas Pohl (MPI) "Some Insights on the many-body physics of slow-light Rydberg-polaritons" 37:59
Hendrik Weimer (Leibniz U) Discussion Leader: Quantum information processing 17:25
Maxim Olshanii (Olchanyi) (U. Mass. Boston) "Between Integrability and Ergodicity" 34:41
Paola Cappellaro (MIT) "Control of hybrid system for quantum computing and metrology" 41:21
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Uncertainty Assessment for Atomic and Molecular Data (July 7-9, 2014)

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source: ITAMP Physics 2014年7月9日
Joint Workshop with IAEA on Uncertainty Assessment for Atomic and Molecular Data. ITAMP. July 7-9, 2014.

"Introduction: Meeting Objectives" Hyun-Kyung Chung (IAEA) 15:37
"Uncertainty Estimates: A New Editorial Standard" Gordon Drake (Univ. of Windsor) 24:44
"Heavy-particle collisions involving many active electrons" Tom Kirchner (York University) 36:40
"Sensitivity, Error, and Uncertainty Quantification ..." Predrag Krstic (Stonybrook Univ) 44:12
"Uncertainties of electron capture cross sections in Be4+ + H(1s) collisions" Luis Méndez (Madrid) 30:30
"The propagation of correlated uncertainties from theoretical..." Connor Ballance (Auburn) 30:40
"Time Dependent Close Coupling Methods for Electron Atom/Molecule Scattering" James Colgan (LANL) 33:01
"Accuracy of the Relativistic Distorted Wave Approximation" Al Stauffer (York Univ.) 32:55
"Benchmark calculations for electron collisions with complex atoms" Oleg Zatsarinny (Drake) 34:06
"Convergent Close Coupling Calculations Electron Atom/Molecule ..." Dmitry Fursa (Curtin Univ.) 38:28
David Schultz, "Heavy Particle Collisions" 59:30
Attila G. Császár, "Uncertainties of Molecular Structural Parameters" 35:41
Daniel Haxton, "Calculation of dissociative electron attachment cross sections" 33:13
Jimena D. Gorfinkiel, "Calculations of electronmolecule scattering 39:20
Karel Houfek, Uncertainties in calculations... 38:26
Marco A. P. Lima, "Low energy electron scattering data for chemical plasma treatment of biomass" 34:38
Robert Lucchese, "Electron Collisions with Molecular Ions" 35:15
Viatcheslav Kokoouline, "Development of a procedure for the uncertain... 26:55
Detlev Reiter, "Status of A&M Database and Data Analysis for Fusion Edge Plasma Transport Studies" 41:53
[private video]
Alexander Kramida, "Assessing Uncertainties of Theoretical Atomic Transition ... 36:43

String Theory: Past and Present (2017, ICTS- Bengaluru)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences      2017年1月10日
11 January 2017 to 13 January 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru

String theory has come a long way, from its origin in 1970's as a possible model of strong interactions, to the present day where it sheds light not only on the original problem of strong interactions, but also on quantum gravity, black hole physics, hydrodynamics, condensed matter systems and particle physics, besides providing tools to explore new structures in quantum field theory and mathematics.
String theorists from India have played a major role in the development of the subject. The meeting will celebrate the ongoing journey of String theory in the form of exposition and discussion of developments at its frontier. There will be talks by the invited speakers from all around the world covering various frontier areas of string theory.

The talks will broadly cover the following areas:
Black hole physics
Formal developments in String theory
Applications of gauge gravity duality to non-equilibium physics
Supersymmetric quantum field theories
Quantum entanglement
Bose-Fermi dualities and application to condensed matter
Conformal field theory

There will be a special session to felicitate Spenta R. Wadia for his contribution to science and institution-building in India.
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...

Black Hole Dynamics at Large D by shiraz Minwalla 31:46
Scaling in Quantum Quench: from Holography to Lattices by Sumit Das 33:31
The Large SpeNta Limit by David Gross 39:32
Disordered Metals without Quasiparticles, and Charged Black Holes by Subir Sachdev 34:08
Random Tensor Models and Melonic Large N Limits by Igor Klebanov 31:22
Top Eeigenvalue of a Random Matrix: Tracy-Widom Distribution and Third Order... by Satya Majumdar 26:29
Physics at Different Length Scales by R Shankar 20:55
High-dimensional Statistics and Large-SpeNta Expansion (OR) One.. by Anirvan Sengupta 25:51
Spectral Sum Rules for Conformal Field Theories in Arbitrary Dimension by Justin David 24:12
A New Perspective on Holographic Entanglement by Matthew Headrick 31:56
Anisotropic Geometries, Viscosity and Cold Atoms by Sandip Trivedi 36:24
Conformal Symmetry of Flat Space Scattering by Andrew Strominger 46:44
The Information Paradox and Complementarity by Suvrat Raju 31:01
Cosets and Analogue Monsters in Rational CFT by Sunil Mukhi 33:14
On the Thermodynamic Stability of Black Holes by Bum-Hoon Lee 29:01
S-Matrix Theory for Massive Higher Spins and the Challenge of UV Completion by Nima Arkani Hamed 35:32
Conformal Bootstrap in Mellin Space by Aninda Sinha 29:50
On Nilpotent Superfields in IIB String Compactifications by Fernando Quevedo 30:37
Free Fermions, Strings, and the 1/N Expansion by Marcos Marino 34:27
The Large N Limit of Chern Simons Vector Models: Past and Present by Shiroman Prakash 31:31
A Holographic View of Singularities by Eliezer Rabinovici 33:59
Issues in Open EFT by R Loganayagam 35:54
Higher Dimensional Field Theories by Kimyeong Lee 27:17
Covariantized M(atrix) Theory by Tamiaki Yoneya 30:47
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Banquet Speeches and Reminiscences at SpentaFest 1:54:27
Reminiscences of Spenta 50:37
Exotic RG Flows from Holography by Elias Kiritsis 26:26
AdS from Path-integrals in CFT by Tadashi Takayanagi 35:47
Fun with K3 by Hirosi Ooguri 29:29
Non-Integrability in String Backgrounds by Pallab Basu 28:30
Growth Dynamics and Size Fluctuations of Bacterial Cells by Sanjay Jain 24:09
Scientific Contributions of Spenta Wadia by Avinash Dhar 30:17
The Story of Two $i\epsilon$ by Ashoke Sen 32:46
Weyl Anomalies and Cosmology by Atish Dabholkar 46:24
Coadjoint Orbits and Liouville Bulk Dual by Gautam Mandal 26:19
Hadronic Strings: Old and New by Michael Green 29:23
Real Topological String Amplitudes by K S Narain 29:26

Bangalore Area String Meeting, 2016 (ICTS, Bangalore)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences     2016年8月3日
URL: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
DATES: Monday 25 Jul, 2016 - Wednesday 27 Jul, 2016
VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore

This meeting is designed to bring together string theorists working in the Bangalore area. The meeting will have a set of short talks, which are designed to rapidly communicate the recent research interests of the speakers. The meeting will also feature a brief selection of interdisciplinary talks from other areas, and some longer talks from invited visitors.
ORGANIZERS: R. Loganayagam, Suvrat Raju

Holographic Quantum Quench by Pallab Basu 54:36
Wilson­-Fisher ala Polyakov via Mellin without Feynman by Aninda Sinha 51:44
The large D Black hole Membrane by Shiraz Minwalla 1:02:19
Breakdown of Perturbation theory and the Black Hole Information Problem by Sudip Ghosh 48:13
Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, Coadjoint orbits of Virasoro and Liouville Theory by Gautam Mandal 56:51
Wick Rotation in the Tangent Space by Joseph Samuel 45:44
The Scalar Field Propagator on a Causal Set by Sumati Surya 45:33
Yang-Mills Matrix Model Coupled to Fermions Superselection Sector... by Sachin Vaidya 1:02:58
Universal corrections to entanglement entropy of local quantum quenches by Surbhi Khetrapal 39:52
Hairy Black Holes in a Box by P. N. Balasubramanian 33:59
Exploring Perturbative CFTs in Mellin Space by Amin Ahmad Nizami 42:07
A New Poisson Bracket Identity for Gravity by Madhavan Varadarajan 56:30
Smooth Causal Patches for AdS Black Holes by Suvrat Raju 51:14
Schwinger Keldysh in Superspace by R. Loganayagam 50:55
Spectral sum rules in conformal field theories by Justin David 51:29
Large spin bootstrap by Apratim Kaviraj 29:30
A New Path Integral for Quantum Gravity by Chethan Krishnan 42:21

Advanced Strings School 2015 (ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences     2015年8月11日
TALKS URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/all/t...
PROGRAM URL: http://www.icts.res.in/program/SS2015
ORGANIZERS: Justin David, Chethan Krishnan and Gautam Mandal
DATES: Thursday 11 Jun, 2015 - Thursday 18 Jun, 2015
VENUE: Physics Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Strings School 2015 is intended to introduce a wide range of basic background material for the latest developments in String theory, Quantum Field Theory and Gravity to senior graduate students and young postdocs. Another purpose of the School is to prepare young researchers for the Strings 2015 conference which will take place in the same venue immediately following the School, and bring about interactions and exchange of ideas among young physicists at a global level.
The areas chosen for the School span most active areas of research in string theory over the last several years. The lectures will cover a selection of basic material as well as advanced topics at the forefront of current research. Leading physicists representing these areas of research will be giving lectures. The list of topics is given below:
Topics Precision studies of black holes Dynamical aspects of AdS/CFT Higher Spin AdS/CFT Exact results in SUSY gauge theories Entanglement entropy C-theorems in various dimensions Hydrodynamics String perturbation theory Conformal Bootstrap
Besides the lectures, the School will feature structured group discussions and lunch sessions with lecturers to achieve maximum interactions.

Welcome address by Spenta R Wadia 2:08
Conformal Bootstrap - I by David Simmons-Duffin 1:11:58
C-theorems in various dimensions - I by Zohar Komargodski 1:06:06
Exact results in SUSY gauge theories - I by Jaume Gomis 1:07:19
Gong Show on 11-June-2015 1:14:03
Discussion on 11-Jun-2015 1:07:04
Exact results in SUSY gauge theories - II by Jaume Gomis 36:21
C-theorems in various dimensions - II by Zohar Komargodski 1:13:24
Conformal Bootstrap - II by David Simmons-Duffin 1:10:09
Hydrodynamics - I by Mukund Rangamani 1:18:28
Discussion on 12-June-2015 1:01:00
Hydrodynamics - II by Mukund Rangamani 1:10:30
C-theorems in various dimensions - III by Zohar Komargodski 1:25:28
Exact results in SUSY gauge theories - III by Jaume Gomis 1:17:12
Conformal Bootstrap - III by David Simmons-Duffin 1:12:10
Tutorial on 13-June-2015 1:04:22
Dynamical aspects of AdS / CFT - I by Sumit Das 1:24:44
Entanglement Entropy - I by Marina Huerta 1:22:04
Hydrodynamics - III by Mukund Rangamani 1:14:39
Conformal Bootstrap - IV by David Simmons-Duffin 1:25:24
Gong Show on 14-June-2015 1:06:13
Higher Spin AdS / CFT - I by Matthias Gaberdiel 1:20:23
Entanglement Entropy - II by Marina Huerta 1:21:24
Dynamical aspects of AdS / CFT - II by Sumit Das 1:19:30
Poster Session on 15-June-2015 1:50
Discussion on 15-June-2015 1:22:55
Higher Spin AdS / CFT - II by Matthias Gaberdiel 1:19:39
Dynamical aspects of AdS / CFT - III by Sumit Das 1:26:45
Entanglement Entropy - III by Marina Huerta 1:05:38
Precision studies of black holes - I by Atish Dabholkar 1:14:18
String perturbation theory - I by Ashoke Sen 1:13:41
Higher Spin AdS / CFT - III by Matthias Gaberdiel 1:13:12
Precision studies of black holes - II by Atish Dabholkar 1:26:31
String perturbation theory - II by Ashoke Sen 1:16:04
Discussion on 17-June-2015 50:20
Precision studies of black holes -III by Atish Dabholkar 1:15:46
String perturbation theory - III by Ashoke Sen 1:18:58
Discussion on 18-June-2015 1:04:58

Extremal Black Holes in String Theory (1-3) by Ashok Sen

source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2013年4月1日
Speaker: Ashoke Sen ( Harish- Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India )
Date and Time: 10 Aug 2009, 04:00 PM
Venue: AG 66, TIFR, Mumbai
In these lectures Prof. Sen will review recent progress on understanding the entropy of black holes in the extremal limit, both from macroscopic and the microscopic points of view.

Applied String Theory (1-3) by Dam Thanh Son (U of Washington)

source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences     2013年3月28日
Speaker: Dam Thanh Son (University of Washington)
Date and Time: 21 Mar 2011, 04:00 PM
Venue: AG 66, TIFR, Mumbai
Gauge/gravity duality, discovered in string theory in 1997, has became a powerful theoretical tool in the study of quantum field theories at strong coupling. I will review recent attempts to use gauge/gravity duality to understand the physics of strongly interacting media, focusing on the quark gluon plasma and the cold atomic gases. In particular, I will describe how the method has helped the discovery of new effects in relativistic hydrodynamics that arise from triangle anomalies.

Ameen Haque: "The Art of Business Storytelling" | Talks At Google

source: Talks at Google     2017年1月12日
Ameen Haque, Founder of Storywallahs, is a storyteller, story coach and consultant. He trains leaders and entrepreneurs in storytelling, crafting narratives, and using story and story based frameworks to help organizations navigate change and inspire action along desired goals.
Formerly a Vice President at the ad agency Ogilvy & Mather, Ameen has over 20 years of experience in Advertising, Theatre & Consulting. A graduate in Business Administration, he has done a course in advertising from MICA. These experiences have exposed him to stories, human behavior, team dynamics, strategy and influence his storytelling work today.

Sellars on the Rationality of Empirical Inquiry

source: Philosophical Overdose    2017年1月15日
Danielle Macbeth gives a talk at Amherst College on Wilfrid Sellars...
Given that the aim of inquiry is to discover what is so, as contrasted with, for example, what merely seems to be so or what one would like to be so, inquiry, whether or not empirical, is rational just in the case it answers to what is. But what is it to answer to what is? In particular, what is it to answer to what is in the case of empirical inquiry? In Mind and World, McDowell suggests that what it is for empirical inquiry to answer to what is is for it to answer to the tribunal of experience. For McDowell, the rationality of empirical inquiry lies in the fact that experience serves as a tribunal to which empirical inquiry answers. In “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind” Sellars has a different idea insofar as he holds that "empirical knowledge...is rational, not because it has a foundation but because it is a self-correcting enterprise which can put any claim in jeopardy, though not all at once” (EPM § 38). For Sellars, empirical inquiry is rational, answerable to what is, not because it answers to the tribunal of experience, but because it is self-correcting. Danielle Macbeth develops and defends this Sellarsian idea.

"If I reject the framework of traditional empiricism, it is not because I want to say that empirical knowledge has no foundation. For to put it this way is to suggest that it is really 'empirical knowledge so-called', and to put it in a box with rumors and hoaxes. There is clearly some point to the picture of human knowledge as resting on a level of propositions -- observation reports -- which do not rest on other propositions in the same way as other propositions rest on them. On the other hand, I do wish to insist that the metaphor of 'foundation' is misleading in that it keeps us from seeing that if there is a logical dimension in which other empirical propositions rest on observation reports, there is another logical dimension in which the latter rest on the former. Above all, the picture is misleading because of its static character. One seems forced to choose between the picture of an elephant which rests on a tortoise (What supports the tortoise?) and the picture of a great Hegelian serpent of knowledge with its tail in its mouth (Where does it begin?). Neither will do. For empirical knowledge, like its sophisticated extension, science, is rational, not because it has a foundation but because it is a self-correcting enterprise which can put any claim in jeopardy, though not all at once."

Empowering Learning through Teaching, at Caltech and Beyond - 1/17/2017

source: caltech     2017年1月19日
TeachWeek (January 17 - 23, 2017) is a campus-wide celebration of teaching and learning, featuring events and discussions with Caltech faculty and students, as well as distinguished guest presenters. The theme for TeachWeek 2017 is Empowering Learning.
Learn more: http://teachlearn.caltech.edu/teachweek
Panelists include:
- Pamela J. Bjorkman, Centennial Professor of Biology
- Richard C. Flagan, Irma and Ross McCollum-William H. Corcoran Professor of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Science and Engineering
- Antonio Rangel, Bing Professor of Neuroscience, Behavioral Biology and Economics
- Gregg Wright (BS '69), Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Welcoming remarks and moderation by Cassandra Horii, director of the Caltech Center for Teaching, Learning, & Outreach.
Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2017 California Institute of Technology

The Unbearable Lightness of Seeing by Colin Blakemore

source: SchAdvStudy    2013年2月28日
11-12-12 Institute of Philosophy
Professor Colin Blakemore ( Director of the IP Centre for the Philosophy of the Senses, Neurons and Knowledge)
The Unbearable Lightness of Seeing