

A Symposium on Science @ ITAMP (May 5-6, 2014)

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source: ITAMP Physics    2014年5月19日
A Symposium on Science @ ITAMP. May 5-6, 2014
A Celebration of Science @ ITAMP over 25 Years! (Cambridge, MA May 5-6, 2014)
We hope you enjoy these talks by former and current ITAMP Fellows and Associates describing their own work and ITAMP's impact on AMO science.
ITAMP is supported in part by grants from the NSF to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Harvard University.

N. Balakrishnan (UNLV) Discussion Leader: "Cold collisions" 10:21
Li You (Tsinghua) "Ultracold collisions in the presence of spin-orbit coupling" 38:57
Robin Côté (U. Connecticut) "Ultracold atom-ion collisions" 37:10
Zong-Chao Yan (U. New Brunswick Fredericton) Discussion Leader: "Structures and computation" 8:39
Jack Wells (ORNL) "Gigascale, terascale, now petascale ..." 35:45
Andrei Derevianko (U. Nevada - Reno) "Search for topological dark matter with atomic clocks" 37:49
Philip Stancil (U. Georgia) Discussion Leader: "Molecular collisions & astrophysics" 16:44
Roman Krems (UBC) "External field control of ... cold molecules" 40:21
Robert Forrey (Penn State Berks) "Sturmian theory of molecular formation" 31:18
Atac Imamoglu (ETH Zurich) Discussion Leader: "Quantum optics" 6:24
Jake Taylor (JQI-NIST/Maryland) "Matter and light: from H2+ to macroscopic quantum systems" 42:08
Peter Rabl (TU Wien) "Mechanical quantum technologies" 41:47
Seth Rittenhouse (W. Washington): Discussion Leader "Dynamics ultrashort pulses & ultracold atoms" 9:17
Brett Esry (Kansas State U.) "Making sense of carrier-envelope phase effects" 42:34
Thomas Pohl (MPI) "Some Insights on the many-body physics of slow-light Rydberg-polaritons" 37:59
Hendrik Weimer (Leibniz U) Discussion Leader: Quantum information processing 17:25
Maxim Olshanii (Olchanyi) (U. Mass. Boston) "Between Integrability and Ergodicity" 34:41
Paola Cappellaro (MIT) "Control of hybrid system for quantum computing and metrology" 41:21
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