

Uncertainty Assessment for Atomic and Molecular Data (July 7-9, 2014)

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source: ITAMP Physics 2014年7月9日
Joint Workshop with IAEA on Uncertainty Assessment for Atomic and Molecular Data. ITAMP. July 7-9, 2014.

"Introduction: Meeting Objectives" Hyun-Kyung Chung (IAEA) 15:37
"Uncertainty Estimates: A New Editorial Standard" Gordon Drake (Univ. of Windsor) 24:44
"Heavy-particle collisions involving many active electrons" Tom Kirchner (York University) 36:40
"Sensitivity, Error, and Uncertainty Quantification ..." Predrag Krstic (Stonybrook Univ) 44:12
"Uncertainties of electron capture cross sections in Be4+ + H(1s) collisions" Luis Méndez (Madrid) 30:30
"The propagation of correlated uncertainties from theoretical..." Connor Ballance (Auburn) 30:40
"Time Dependent Close Coupling Methods for Electron Atom/Molecule Scattering" James Colgan (LANL) 33:01
"Accuracy of the Relativistic Distorted Wave Approximation" Al Stauffer (York Univ.) 32:55
"Benchmark calculations for electron collisions with complex atoms" Oleg Zatsarinny (Drake) 34:06
"Convergent Close Coupling Calculations Electron Atom/Molecule ..." Dmitry Fursa (Curtin Univ.) 38:28
David Schultz, "Heavy Particle Collisions" 59:30
Attila G. Császár, "Uncertainties of Molecular Structural Parameters" 35:41
Daniel Haxton, "Calculation of dissociative electron attachment cross sections" 33:13
Jimena D. Gorfinkiel, "Calculations of electronmolecule scattering 39:20
Karel Houfek, Uncertainties in calculations... 38:26
Marco A. P. Lima, "Low energy electron scattering data for chemical plasma treatment of biomass" 34:38
Robert Lucchese, "Electron Collisions with Molecular Ions" 35:15
Viatcheslav Kokoouline, "Development of a procedure for the uncertain... 26:55
Detlev Reiter, "Status of A&M Database and Data Analysis for Fusion Edge Plasma Transport Studies" 41:53
[private video]
Alexander Kramida, "Assessing Uncertainties of Theoretical Atomic Transition ... 36:43

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