

Cultural Studies

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Cultural Studies
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

New historicism  新歷史主義
         --Stephen Greenblatt 葛林布萊特
         --Susan Bruce 布魯斯
         --Michel Foucault 傅科
British Cultural Materialism 英國文化唯物論
         --F.R. Leavis 李維斯
         --Raymond Williams  威廉斯
Stuart Hall  赫爾
Paul Gilroy  吉爾羅伊
John Guillory  紀洛里

Postcolonialism (後殖民主義)

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Postcolonialism
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Frantz Fanon 法農
Edward Said 薩伊德
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 史畢娃克
Homi K. Bhabha 霍米•巴巴


# click to view videos at  A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Marxism
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Karl Marx 馬克思
Georg Lukács 盧卡奇
Bertolt Brecht 布萊希特
Frankfurt School 法蘭克福學派
         --Theodor Adorno 阿多諾
         --Walter Benjamin  本雅明
         --Herbert Marcuse
         --Max Horkheimer
Raymond Williams 威廉斯
Terry Eagleton 伊格頓
Fredric Jameson 詹明信
Lucien Goldmann 高德曼
Louis Althusser 阿圖塞
Pierre Macherey 馬修萊

Deconstruction (解構)

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Deconstruction & Poststructuralism/Postmodernism
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Jacques Derrida 德希達--Click to view videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-(Jacques Derrida)

Paul de Man 保羅•德曼

J. Hillis Miller  J•希利斯•米勒


# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Deconstruction & Poststructuralism/Postmodernism
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Michel Foucault 傅科
Roland Barthes  (後期的)羅蘭•巴特
Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari 德勒茲與葛塔里
Julia Kristeva 克里絲蒂娃
Maurice Blanchot 白朗修

(Post)modernism (後現代主義)

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Deconstruction & Poststructuralism/Postmodernism
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Jürgen Habermas 哈伯瑪斯
Jean-François Lyotard 李歐塔
Jean Baudrillard 布迪亞
Donna Haraway哈洛維

Lesbian/Gay Theory (同志理論)

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Feminism & Gender Studies. 
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Gayle Rubin 魯賓
Paulina Palmer 寶琳娜•帕默
Bonnie Zimmerman 寶妮•紀默曼
Andrienne Rich 安德琳•莉琪
Queer Theory 酷兒理論
          --Judith Butler 巴特勒--Click to view videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-(Judith Butler)
          --Eve Sedgewick 賽菊克

Psychoanalytic Criticism (精神分析批評)

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Freudian/Lacanian Psychoanalysis.
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Sigmund Freud 佛洛伊德
Jacques Lacan 拉岡
Slavoj Zizek 紀傑克

Structuralism (結構主義)

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Semiotics/Semiology & Structuralism
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Ferdinand de Saussure
Vladimir Propp 普羅普
Roman Jakobson 傑克布森
Claude Lévi_Strauss 李維史陀
Roland Barthes (早期的) 羅蘭•巴特
Noam Chomsky 瓊士基

Phenomenology (現象學)

# Check out videos at  A. (subjects)-Humanities-Philosophy-Major Schools/Movements-Phenomenology
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Edmund Husserl 胡塞爾
Martin Heidegger  海德格
Hans-Georg Gadamer 葛達瑪
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Phenomenology (現象學)

Edmund Husserl (胡塞爾)
R. Ingarden (茵加登)
Edmund Husserl (胡塞爾)

Structuralism and Post_structuralism (結構與後結構主義)

(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

1. Click to view videos at  A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Semiotics/Semiology & Structuralism

2. Click to view videos at  A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Deconstruction & Poststructuralism/Postmodernism

New Criticism (新批評)

# Check out videos at ...

New Criticism (新批評)
W.K. Wimsatt 威姆塞特
F.R. Leavis 李維斯
John Crowe Ransom 藍森
Cleanth Brooks 布魯克斯
Robert Penn Warren 羅伯特•潘•華倫
Allen Tate 泰特
I.A. Richards 理查茲
William Empson 安普生
Réne Wellek 威利克

German hermeneutics (德國詮釋學)

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Hermeneutics.
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Friedrich Schleiermacher 史萊馬赫
Hans-Georg Gadamer 葛達瑪
Wilhelm Dilthey 狄爾泰
Erich Auerbach 奧爾巴哈
Martin Heidegger 海德格

Formalism (形式主義)

Russian Formalism (俄國形式主義)
# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Formalism.
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

          --Viktor Shklovsky 史克洛夫斯基
          --Vladimir Propp 普羅普
          --Jan Mukarovsky 穆卡拉夫斯基
          --Yury Tynyanov 提尼雅諾夫
          --Boris Eikhenbaum 艾克恩堡

New Criticism (新批評)# Check out videos at  A. (subjects)-Humanities-Literature-Theory-(New Criticism).
          --W.K. Wimsatt 威姆塞特
          --F.R. Leavis 李維斯
          --John Crowe Ransom 藍森
          --Cleanth Brooks 布魯克斯
          --Robert Penn Warren 羅伯特•潘•華倫
          --Allen Tate 泰特
          --I.A. Richards 理查茲
          --William Empson 安普生
          --Réne Wellek 威利克


# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Feminism & Gender Studies
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Virginia Woolf  吳爾芙
Simone de Beauvoir 西蒙•波娃
Kate Millett 凱特•米勒
Elaine Showalter 蕭娃特
French Feminism 法國女性主義
          --Julia Kristeva 克里絲蒂娃
          --Luce Irigaray 伊里格瑞
          --Hélène Cixous 西蘇

Karl Marx

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Marxism.
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

New Historicism & British Cultural Materialism

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-New Historicism.
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

New historicism  新歷史主義
         --Stephen Greenblatt 葛林布萊特
         --Susan Bruce 布魯斯
         --Michel Foucault 傅科
British Cultural Materialism 英國文化唯物論
         --F.R. Leavis 李維斯
         --Raymond Williams  威廉斯
Stuart Hall  赫爾
Paul Gilroy  吉爾羅伊

John Guillory  紀洛里

Emmanuel Levinas

# Check out videos at A. (subjects)-Humanities-Philosophy-(Emmanuel Levinas). 
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.)