


# click to view videos at  A. (subjects)-Humanities-Cultural/Interdisciplinary Theories-Marxism
(*As academic studies/theories nowadays are mostly interdisciplinary, it may be more effective to house relevant videos at a specific place together for cross reference and extensive study.) 

Karl Marx 馬克思
Georg Lukács 盧卡奇
Bertolt Brecht 布萊希特
Frankfurt School 法蘭克福學派
         --Theodor Adorno 阿多諾
         --Walter Benjamin  本雅明
         --Herbert Marcuse
         --Max Horkheimer
Raymond Williams 威廉斯
Terry Eagleton 伊格頓
Fredric Jameson 詹明信
Lucien Goldmann 高德曼
Louis Althusser 阿圖塞
Pierre Macherey 馬修萊

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