# playlist: click the video's upper-left icon
source: Institute for Advanced Study 2017年6月1日
1 1:02:22 Random groups I - Goulnara Arzhantseva
2 50:18 Walking on groups: a distance formula for outer automorphism - Funda Gultepe
3 49:46 Free and hyperbolic groups II - Olga Kharlampovich
4 1:00:59 Random groups II - Goulnara Arzhantseva
5 1:03:39 Random groups IV - Goulnara Arzhantseva
6 49:49 Graph coloring problem and fibering right angled Coxeter groups - Kasia Jankiewicz
7 1:02:39 Free and hyperbolic groups - Olga Kharlampovich
8 1:00:33 Examples of non-positively curved groups - Kim Ruane
9 42:52 Acylindrically hyperbolic structures on groups - Balasubramanya
10 39:45 Algorithms for groups of homeomorphisms - Susan Hermiller
11 1:01:51 Examples of non-positively curved groups II - Kim Ruane
12 1:00:25 Examples of non-positively curved groups III - Kim Ruane
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
(русский / in Russian) Избранные главы теории потоков | Максим Бабенко (Selected chapters of the theory of flows | Maxim Babenko)
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Лекториум 2017年5月18日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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source: Лекториум 2017年5月18日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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(русский / in Russian) Лекторий Cultura
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Лекториум 2016年3月10日
Подписывайтесь на канал: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxAGk...
Следите за новостями: https://vk.com/openlektorium https://www.facebook.com/openlektorium
Подробнее о Лектории Cultura: http://www.culturaclub.ru/
1 5:51 Вадим Максимов о Лектории Cultura
2 56:46 Немецкое искусство XVII–XVIII веков | Юлия Арутюнян
3 1:24:23 Гёте и музыка | Алексей Аствацатуров
4 1:42 О Лектории Cultura | Вадим Максимов, Юлиана Каминская, Анастасия Гроховская
5 1:05:11 История эксперимента в немецком театре | Екатерина Ткачева
6 54:53 Картины и судьбы художниц немецкого авангарда | Анастасия Гроховская
7 1:07:10 Живопись и графика немецких писателей: А.Кубин, Г.Гессе, Г.Грасс | Анастасия Гроховская
8 8:32 Наш годовалый Лекторий | Анастасия Гроховская | Лекторий Cultura
9 9:13 DER HAMMER | Юлиана Каминская | Лекторий Cultura
10 22:17 Поэзия как перевод: от стихов к стихам | Юлиана Каминская | Лекторий Cultura
11 1:09:45 История немецкого костюма в контексте европейской традиции | Юлия Арутюнян
12 1:38:49 Драма и театр немецкого экспрессионизма | Вадим Максимов
13 1:53:53 Немецкий экспрессионизм на украинской и русской сценах | Вадим Максимов
14 1:39:45 Основные художественные направления в немецком... | Вадим Максимов
15 1:04:01 История кабаре | Юлиана Каминская
16 1:28:04 Психология гения: Гете и Толстой в интерпретации Томаса Манна | Алексей Жеребин
17 30:02 «Я = не-Я». Автопортреты художников в ландшафтной живописи XIX–XX веков
18 47:27 «Я и Каминский. Я и Каминская. Я и ?». Искусство и художник в прозе Даниэля Кельмана
19 1:13:45 Художественная религия в раннем немецком романтизме | Алексей Вольский
20 48:52 Портретное творчество гамбургского художника Филиппа Отто Рунге в традиции немецкого романтизма
21 1:26:11 Пейзажи Каспара Давида Фридриха: «...на пороге как бы двойного бытия»
22 1:57:19 "... пучок света в шумах ..." — пьеса Хуго Балля и ее постановки | Юлиана Каминская
23 1:44:28 Театральная концепция Фридриха Ницше | Вадим Максимов
24 1:53:46 Два искусства 1933–1945. Немецкое искусство в период тоталитаризма | Павел Дейнека
25 1:16:46 «Шум моды». Некоторые закономерности использования звука в костюме
26 1:56:06 Институт кураторства в современном искусстве | Олеся Туркина
source: Лекториум 2016年3月10日
Подписывайтесь на канал: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxAGk...
Следите за новостями: https://vk.com/openlektorium https://www.facebook.com/openlektorium
Подробнее о Лектории Cultura: http://www.culturaclub.ru/
1 5:51 Вадим Максимов о Лектории Cultura
2 56:46 Немецкое искусство XVII–XVIII веков | Юлия Арутюнян
3 1:24:23 Гёте и музыка | Алексей Аствацатуров
4 1:42 О Лектории Cultura | Вадим Максимов, Юлиана Каминская, Анастасия Гроховская
5 1:05:11 История эксперимента в немецком театре | Екатерина Ткачева
6 54:53 Картины и судьбы художниц немецкого авангарда | Анастасия Гроховская
7 1:07:10 Живопись и графика немецких писателей: А.Кубин, Г.Гессе, Г.Грасс | Анастасия Гроховская
8 8:32 Наш годовалый Лекторий | Анастасия Гроховская | Лекторий Cultura
9 9:13 DER HAMMER | Юлиана Каминская | Лекторий Cultura
10 22:17 Поэзия как перевод: от стихов к стихам | Юлиана Каминская | Лекторий Cultura
11 1:09:45 История немецкого костюма в контексте европейской традиции | Юлия Арутюнян
12 1:38:49 Драма и театр немецкого экспрессионизма | Вадим Максимов
13 1:53:53 Немецкий экспрессионизм на украинской и русской сценах | Вадим Максимов
14 1:39:45 Основные художественные направления в немецком... | Вадим Максимов
15 1:04:01 История кабаре | Юлиана Каминская
16 1:28:04 Психология гения: Гете и Толстой в интерпретации Томаса Манна | Алексей Жеребин
17 30:02 «Я = не-Я». Автопортреты художников в ландшафтной живописи XIX–XX веков
18 47:27 «Я и Каминский. Я и Каминская. Я и ?». Искусство и художник в прозе Даниэля Кельмана
19 1:13:45 Художественная религия в раннем немецком романтизме | Алексей Вольский
20 48:52 Портретное творчество гамбургского художника Филиппа Отто Рунге в традиции немецкого романтизма
21 1:26:11 Пейзажи Каспара Давида Фридриха: «...на пороге как бы двойного бытия»
22 1:57:19 "... пучок света в шумах ..." — пьеса Хуго Балля и ее постановки | Юлиана Каминская
23 1:44:28 Театральная концепция Фридриха Ницше | Вадим Максимов
24 1:53:46 Два искусства 1933–1945. Немецкое искусство в период тоталитаризма | Павел Дейнека
25 1:16:46 «Шум моды». Некоторые закономерности использования звука в костюме
26 1:56:06 Институт кураторства в современном искусстве | Олеся Туркина
(русский / in Russian) Математический анализ (часть 2) | Сергей Кисляков [Mathematical analysis (part 2) | Sergey Kislyakov]
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Лекториум 2016年9月28日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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source: Лекториум 2016年9月28日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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(русский / in Russian) Геометрия и топология | Сергей Иванов (Geometry and topology | Sergey Ivanov)
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Лекториум 2016年2月4日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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source: Лекториум 2016年2月4日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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(русский / in Russian) Динамические системы | Сергей Пилюгин (Dynamic Systems | Sergey Pilyugin)
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Лекториум 2016年9月29日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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source: Лекториум 2016年9月29日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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Christopher Hogwood--Music - The Making of a Masterpiece
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: GreshamCollege 2011年11月3日
Professor Christopher Hogwood's second series of lectures as Gresham Professor of Music deals with the Masterpiece. Professor Hogwood presents a how-to guide and discusses the key features of the greatest musical works in history. This series also features performances by artists from the Royal Academy Music.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website.
59:20 Keep It Short: J.S. Bach's Magnificat
The art of being succinct is not one always associated with the works of Bach; in his compact setting of the Magnificat he employs economy and symbolism to illustrate each verse in a few minutes of music which challenge the reader of "de-code" the full message.
54:24 The Joy of Six: Brahms and Strauss
54:12 Remember Me: Pachelbel, Purcell and Fauré
53:28 Is it possible? - Mozart's Oboe Quartet in F major, K.370
55:02 The Opening Salvo: Beethoven's String Quartet in F major - Christopher Hogwood & the Wilhelm Quartet
1:01:21 The Challenge of the Solo: The Baroque Violin - Christopher Hogwood & Pavlo Beznosiuk
source: GreshamCollege 2011年11月3日
Professor Christopher Hogwood's second series of lectures as Gresham Professor of Music deals with the Masterpiece. Professor Hogwood presents a how-to guide and discusses the key features of the greatest musical works in history. This series also features performances by artists from the Royal Academy Music.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website.
59:20 Keep It Short: J.S. Bach's Magnificat
The art of being succinct is not one always associated with the works of Bach; in his compact setting of the Magnificat he employs economy and symbolism to illustrate each verse in a few minutes of music which challenge the reader of "de-code" the full message.
54:24 The Joy of Six: Brahms and Strauss
54:12 Remember Me: Pachelbel, Purcell and Fauré
53:28 Is it possible? - Mozart's Oboe Quartet in F major, K.370
55:02 The Opening Salvo: Beethoven's String Quartet in F major - Christopher Hogwood & the Wilhelm Quartet
1:01:21 The Challenge of the Solo: The Baroque Violin - Christopher Hogwood & Pavlo Beznosiuk
Christopher Hogwood--Music - Aspects of Authenticity
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: GreshamCollege 2011年8月12日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website.
49:46 The Past is a Foreign Country
In its passage from manuscript composition to audible performance, a musical work passes through the hands of editors, teachers, interpreters, recording engineers and many others, all of whom make decisions, often based on personal choices, and have to satisfy the tastes and needs of a changing public. With over a century of recorded sound as evidence, we can now assess the options and expectations of the modern performer, and measure these against the evidence available to the interpreter today, and the range of choices to be made.
57:39 St. Cecilia and Music: True or false?
1:00:00 Classical Music: Fakes, Completions and the Art of Borrowing
1:09:57 The Authenticity of Genius - Christopher Hogwood with players from the Royal Academy of Music
56:58 From Composer to Printed Page
1:02:15 From Printed Page to Performance - Christopher Hogwood, Emma Kirkby and Jakob Lindberg
source: GreshamCollege 2011年8月12日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website.
49:46 The Past is a Foreign Country
In its passage from manuscript composition to audible performance, a musical work passes through the hands of editors, teachers, interpreters, recording engineers and many others, all of whom make decisions, often based on personal choices, and have to satisfy the tastes and needs of a changing public. With over a century of recorded sound as evidence, we can now assess the options and expectations of the modern performer, and measure these against the evidence available to the interpreter today, and the range of choices to be made.
57:39 St. Cecilia and Music: True or false?
1:00:00 Classical Music: Fakes, Completions and the Art of Borrowing
1:09:57 The Authenticity of Genius - Christopher Hogwood with players from the Royal Academy of Music
56:58 From Composer to Printed Page
1:02:15 From Printed Page to Performance - Christopher Hogwood, Emma Kirkby and Jakob Lindberg
Belinda Jack--Rhetoric - The Mysteries of Writing Novels and Poems (2014-15)
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: GreshamCollege 2014年10月22日
Literature of any merit has its ambiguities and this allows for different readings, giving rise to different interpretations and so, literary critical debate. This series of lectures will focus on four novels and two poems in order to focus on these ‘Mysteries of Writing’. Works have been selected for their popularity or, contrariwise, their relative obscurity, to offer historical range, and to include both English and non-English texts. In analysing a few works in detail, methods of reading will be identified which can be used to unlock from all texts some of their abiding and powerful relevance to human life.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
1 56:30 The Novel & Morality: Samuel Johnson's 'Rasselas'
The first in a series of of lecture unpinning the mysteries of Novels and Poetry:http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The Morality of Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas. Dr Johnson was one of the most vigorous intellectuals of the eighteenth century. He was also exceptionally kind, humble and constantly battling against self-doubt. For anyone feeling fed up with life, Rasselas may be the answer.
2 54:05 The Novel as Political History: Stendhal's 'Le rouge et le Noir'
An Examination of the possibilities and problems in using novels to inform our understanding of history: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Can a novel tell us something about political history that can’t be gleaned from other sources? Stendhal’s famous Le rouge et le noir (The Red and the Black) provides vivid insights into both the secret and overt machinations of the aristocracy and clergy of his day. How historically accurate can a novel be?
3 51:56 The Novel & Idealism: George Sand's 'Francois le champi'
An examination of gender, idealism and social commentary in the work of George Sand: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries saw the rapid ascendancy of the novel over all other genres. The other marked change was the sudden rise of women novelists. George Sand, like other ‘Georges’ was a woman, the most famous woman novelist of her age. Was her idealism peculiarly feminine?
4 54:17 The Novel and Psychology: Edith Wharton's 'Age of Innocence'
A critical examination of the Pulitzer prize winning work of Edith Wharton: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Written between the two World Wars, Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence is in part about a peculiarly modern phenomenon - the experience of outliving the age that formed us. As life expectancy continues to rise, how do we live feeling somewhat out of kilter? What does the novel tell us about the psychology of ageing?
5 47:13 Poetry & Remembrance: Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
A critical examination of one of the greatest works of British Poetry: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
There are two versions of Gray’s famous ‘Elegy written in a Country Churchyard’. They are both about how we may be remembered, a thought that often comes to us when we’re in a graveyard reading gravestones. But the poem is also about more common experiences, of isolation, of family, of ambition. Why did Gray write two versions?
6 49:45 Poetry and Immortality: John Keats' 'Ode to a Nightingale'
What is Keats' poem about, and why is it one of the greatest poems ever written? http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
‘Thou wast not born for Death! immortal bird/ No hungry generations tread thee down.’
Keats’ ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ contains these curious lines. How can a bird be ‘immortal’? The poem is partly about immortality, but how does its complex poetic web work?
source: GreshamCollege 2014年10月22日
Literature of any merit has its ambiguities and this allows for different readings, giving rise to different interpretations and so, literary critical debate. This series of lectures will focus on four novels and two poems in order to focus on these ‘Mysteries of Writing’. Works have been selected for their popularity or, contrariwise, their relative obscurity, to offer historical range, and to include both English and non-English texts. In analysing a few works in detail, methods of reading will be identified which can be used to unlock from all texts some of their abiding and powerful relevance to human life.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
1 56:30 The Novel & Morality: Samuel Johnson's 'Rasselas'
The first in a series of of lecture unpinning the mysteries of Novels and Poetry:http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The Morality of Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas. Dr Johnson was one of the most vigorous intellectuals of the eighteenth century. He was also exceptionally kind, humble and constantly battling against self-doubt. For anyone feeling fed up with life, Rasselas may be the answer.
2 54:05 The Novel as Political History: Stendhal's 'Le rouge et le Noir'
An Examination of the possibilities and problems in using novels to inform our understanding of history: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Can a novel tell us something about political history that can’t be gleaned from other sources? Stendhal’s famous Le rouge et le noir (The Red and the Black) provides vivid insights into both the secret and overt machinations of the aristocracy and clergy of his day. How historically accurate can a novel be?
3 51:56 The Novel & Idealism: George Sand's 'Francois le champi'
An examination of gender, idealism and social commentary in the work of George Sand: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries saw the rapid ascendancy of the novel over all other genres. The other marked change was the sudden rise of women novelists. George Sand, like other ‘Georges’ was a woman, the most famous woman novelist of her age. Was her idealism peculiarly feminine?
4 54:17 The Novel and Psychology: Edith Wharton's 'Age of Innocence'
A critical examination of the Pulitzer prize winning work of Edith Wharton: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Written between the two World Wars, Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence is in part about a peculiarly modern phenomenon - the experience of outliving the age that formed us. As life expectancy continues to rise, how do we live feeling somewhat out of kilter? What does the novel tell us about the psychology of ageing?
5 47:13 Poetry & Remembrance: Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
A critical examination of one of the greatest works of British Poetry: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
There are two versions of Gray’s famous ‘Elegy written in a Country Churchyard’. They are both about how we may be remembered, a thought that often comes to us when we’re in a graveyard reading gravestones. But the poem is also about more common experiences, of isolation, of family, of ambition. Why did Gray write two versions?
6 49:45 Poetry and Immortality: John Keats' 'Ode to a Nightingale'
What is Keats' poem about, and why is it one of the greatest poems ever written? http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
‘Thou wast not born for Death! immortal bird/ No hungry generations tread thee down.’
Keats’ ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ contains these curious lines. How can a bird be ‘immortal’? The poem is partly about immortality, but how does its complex poetic web work?
JDG 2017 at Harvard University
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Harvard Math 2017年6月10日
This is the opening of JDG 2017 on Friday April 28, 2017.
1 30:35 JDG 2017: Friday: Introduction by ST Yau, HD Cao
2 47:44 JDG 2017: Cliff Taubes, The behavior of sequence of solutions to the Vafa-Witten equations
3 51:57 JDG 2017: Melissa Liu: Mirror Symmetry and Topological Recursion
4 41:51 JDG 2017: Dan Freed, Complex Chern-Simons Invariants of 3-Manifolds and Abelianization
5 53:33 JDG 2017: Mina Aganagic: Mathematical Applications of Little String Theory.
6 51:00 JDG 2017: Caucher Birkar: Singularities and Fano Varieties in Birational Geometry
7 48:45 JDG 2017: Duong Phong: Supersymmetric string vacua with torsion and geometric flows
8 49:27 JDG 2017: Richard Schoen: The Einstein Constraint Equations
9 51:39 JDG 2017: Fernando Coda Marques: Space of cycles, Weyl's law and Morse index estimates
10 50:59 JDG 2017: Ciprian Manolescu: Homology cobordism and triangulations
11 47:13 JDG 2017: Cumrun Vafa: String Theory and Homological Invariants for 3-manifolds
12 54:24 JDG 2017: Frances Kirwan: Variation of non-reductive geometric invariant theory.
13 49:20 JDG 2017: Jun Li: Recursive Relation for GW of quintic CY via Mixed-Spin-P fields
14 50:14 JDG 2017: Si Li: Vertex algebras, quantum master equation and mirror symmetry
15 52:19 JDG 2017: Yuiiro Kawamata: Birational geometry and derived categories
16 49:58 JDG 2017: Alena Pirutka: Irrationality Problems.
17 46:20 JDG 2017: Mu-Tao Wang: Linear stability of Schwarzschild black hole: the Cauchy problem
18 43:01 JDG 2017: Jean-Pierre Demailly: L^2 Extension Theorem
19 1:00:37 JDG 2017: Bong Lian: Riemann-Hilbert problem for period integrals
20 1:02:45 JDG 2017: Steve Zelditch: Local and global analysis of nodal sets
21 1:01:24 JDG 2017: Huai-Dong Cao: Geometry and Stability of Ricci Solitons
22 52:38 JDG 2017: Larry Guth: Efficiently contracting contractible maps
23 53:54 JDG 2017: Simon Donaldson: Variational Problems Related to Special Holonomy
24 48:21 JDG 2017: Blaine Lawson: Lagrangian potential theory and Lagrangian equation of Monge Ampere type
25 57:59 JDG 2017: William Meeks: Recent Progress in the Theory of CMC Surfaces in 3-Manifolds
26 57:52 JDG 2017: Camille de Lellis: The Onsager Theorem
27 48:13 JDG 2017: Denis Auroux: Speculations about Homological Mirror Symmetry for Affine Hypersurfaces
28 52:43 JDG 2017: William Minicozzi: Level set method for motion by mean curvature
29 49:28 JDG 2017: John Pardon: Liouville sectors and local open-closed map
30 51:34 JDG 2017: Kenji Fukayua: Equivariant Floer Homology
31 45:17 JDG 2017: David Gabai: The 4-Dimensional light bulb problem
32 56:26 JDG 2017: Artan Sheshmani: Hilbert Schemes, Donaldson-Thomas Theory, Vafa-Witten and Seiberg Witten
33 45:35 JDG 2017: Tristan Collins: The deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills equation
source: Harvard Math 2017年6月10日
This is the opening of JDG 2017 on Friday April 28, 2017.
1 30:35 JDG 2017: Friday: Introduction by ST Yau, HD Cao
2 47:44 JDG 2017: Cliff Taubes, The behavior of sequence of solutions to the Vafa-Witten equations
3 51:57 JDG 2017: Melissa Liu: Mirror Symmetry and Topological Recursion
4 41:51 JDG 2017: Dan Freed, Complex Chern-Simons Invariants of 3-Manifolds and Abelianization
5 53:33 JDG 2017: Mina Aganagic: Mathematical Applications of Little String Theory.
6 51:00 JDG 2017: Caucher Birkar: Singularities and Fano Varieties in Birational Geometry
7 48:45 JDG 2017: Duong Phong: Supersymmetric string vacua with torsion and geometric flows
8 49:27 JDG 2017: Richard Schoen: The Einstein Constraint Equations
9 51:39 JDG 2017: Fernando Coda Marques: Space of cycles, Weyl's law and Morse index estimates
10 50:59 JDG 2017: Ciprian Manolescu: Homology cobordism and triangulations
11 47:13 JDG 2017: Cumrun Vafa: String Theory and Homological Invariants for 3-manifolds
12 54:24 JDG 2017: Frances Kirwan: Variation of non-reductive geometric invariant theory.
13 49:20 JDG 2017: Jun Li: Recursive Relation for GW of quintic CY via Mixed-Spin-P fields
14 50:14 JDG 2017: Si Li: Vertex algebras, quantum master equation and mirror symmetry
15 52:19 JDG 2017: Yuiiro Kawamata: Birational geometry and derived categories
16 49:58 JDG 2017: Alena Pirutka: Irrationality Problems.
17 46:20 JDG 2017: Mu-Tao Wang: Linear stability of Schwarzschild black hole: the Cauchy problem
18 43:01 JDG 2017: Jean-Pierre Demailly: L^2 Extension Theorem
19 1:00:37 JDG 2017: Bong Lian: Riemann-Hilbert problem for period integrals
20 1:02:45 JDG 2017: Steve Zelditch: Local and global analysis of nodal sets
21 1:01:24 JDG 2017: Huai-Dong Cao: Geometry and Stability of Ricci Solitons
22 52:38 JDG 2017: Larry Guth: Efficiently contracting contractible maps
23 53:54 JDG 2017: Simon Donaldson: Variational Problems Related to Special Holonomy
24 48:21 JDG 2017: Blaine Lawson: Lagrangian potential theory and Lagrangian equation of Monge Ampere type
25 57:59 JDG 2017: William Meeks: Recent Progress in the Theory of CMC Surfaces in 3-Manifolds
26 57:52 JDG 2017: Camille de Lellis: The Onsager Theorem
27 48:13 JDG 2017: Denis Auroux: Speculations about Homological Mirror Symmetry for Affine Hypersurfaces
28 52:43 JDG 2017: William Minicozzi: Level set method for motion by mean curvature
29 49:28 JDG 2017: John Pardon: Liouville sectors and local open-closed map
30 51:34 JDG 2017: Kenji Fukayua: Equivariant Floer Homology
31 45:17 JDG 2017: David Gabai: The 4-Dimensional light bulb problem
32 56:26 JDG 2017: Artan Sheshmani: Hilbert Schemes, Donaldson-Thomas Theory, Vafa-Witten and Seiberg Witten
33 45:35 JDG 2017: Tristan Collins: The deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills equation