

JDG 2017 at Harvard University

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Harvard Math             2017年6月10日

This is the opening of JDG 2017 on Friday  April 28, 2017.

30:35 JDG 2017: Friday: Introduction by ST Yau, HD Cao
47:44 JDG 2017: Cliff Taubes, The behavior of sequence of solutions to the Vafa-Witten equations
51:57 JDG 2017: Melissa Liu: Mirror Symmetry and Topological Recursion
41:51 JDG 2017: Dan Freed, Complex Chern-Simons Invariants of 3-Manifolds and Abelianization
53:33 JDG 2017: Mina Aganagic: Mathematical Applications of Little String Theory.
51:00 JDG 2017: Caucher Birkar: Singularities and Fano Varieties in Birational Geometry
48:45 JDG 2017: Duong Phong: Supersymmetric string vacua with torsion and geometric flows
49:27 JDG 2017: Richard Schoen: The Einstein Constraint Equations
51:39 JDG 2017: Fernando Coda Marques: Space of cycles, Weyl's law and Morse index estimates
10 50:59 JDG 2017: Ciprian Manolescu: Homology cobordism and triangulations
11 47:13 JDG 2017: Cumrun Vafa: String Theory and Homological Invariants for 3-manifolds
12 54:24 JDG 2017: Frances Kirwan: Variation of non-reductive geometric invariant theory.
13 49:20 JDG 2017: Jun Li: Recursive Relation for GW of quintic CY via Mixed-Spin-P fields
14 50:14 JDG 2017: Si Li: Vertex algebras, quantum master equation and mirror symmetry
15 52:19 JDG 2017: Yuiiro Kawamata: Birational geometry and derived categories
16 49:58 JDG 2017: Alena Pirutka: Irrationality Problems.
17 46:20 JDG 2017: Mu-Tao Wang: Linear stability of Schwarzschild black hole: the Cauchy problem
18 43:01 JDG 2017: Jean-Pierre Demailly: L^2 Extension Theorem
19 1:00:37 JDG 2017: Bong Lian: Riemann-Hilbert problem for period integrals
20 1:02:45 JDG 2017: Steve Zelditch: Local and global analysis of nodal sets
21 1:01:24 JDG 2017: Huai-Dong Cao: Geometry and Stability of Ricci Solitons
22 52:38 JDG 2017: Larry Guth: Efficiently contracting contractible maps
23 53:54 JDG 2017: Simon Donaldson: Variational Problems Related to Special Holonomy
24 48:21 JDG 2017: Blaine Lawson: Lagrangian potential theory and Lagrangian equation of Monge Ampere type
25 57:59 JDG 2017: William Meeks: Recent Progress in the Theory of CMC Surfaces in 3-Manifolds
26 57:52 JDG 2017: Camille de Lellis: The Onsager Theorem
27 48:13 JDG 2017: Denis Auroux: Speculations about Homological Mirror Symmetry for Affine Hypersurfaces
28 52:43 JDG 2017: William Minicozzi: Level set method for motion by mean curvature
29 49:28 JDG 2017: John Pardon: Liouville sectors and local open-closed map
30 51:34 JDG 2017: Kenji Fukayua: Equivariant Floer Homology
31 45:17 JDG 2017: David Gabai: The 4-Dimensional light bulb problem
32 56:26 JDG 2017: Artan Sheshmani: Hilbert Schemes, Donaldson-Thomas Theory, Vafa-Witten and Seiberg Witten
33 45:35 JDG 2017: Tristan Collins: The deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills equation

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