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Parameterized Complexity (2017)
source: matsciencechannel 2017年1月5日
1 1:27:08 Lecture 01
2 1:38:35 Lecture 02
3 1:24:13 Lecture 03
4 1:29:50 Lecture 04
5 1:31:48 Lecture 05
6 1:32:14 Lecture 06
7 1:10:07 Lecture 07
8 1:24:29 Lecture 08
9 1:21:17 Lecture 09
10 1:22:24 Lecture 10
11 1:25:49 Lecture 11
12 1:21:47 Lecture 12
13 1:15:56 Lecture 13 Iterated Compression 1
14 1:21:29 Lecture 14 Iterated Compression 2
15 1:10:09 Lecture 15 Iterated Compression 3
16 1:13:35 Lecture 16 Randomized FPT Algorithms
17 1:18:00 Lecture 17
18 1:24:57 Lecture 18
19 2:33:37 Lecture 19
20 1:24:20 Lecture 20
21 1:12:40 Lecture 21
22 1:22:05 Lecture 22
23 1:16:28 Lecture 23
24 1:16:28 Lecture 23
25 1:24:07 Lecture 24
26 1:28:41 Lecture 25
27 1:21:24 Lecture 26
28 1:23:53 Lecture 27
Science at the Sabha 2017
source: matsciencechannel 2017年2月28日
1 37:05 How understanding tiger genomes can help save a species by Uma Ramakrishnan
2 53:58 Securing Information in the internet Era by Amritanshu Prasad
3 47:00 Reaching out to the stars by Yashwant Gupta
4 47:50 Of molecular shapes and functions: the Madras contribution by S.Krishnaswamy
5 18:06 Question & Answer Session
Mathematical and Computational Biology - Computers, programming and biology - Rahul Siddharthan
source: matsciencechannel 2017年1月11日
NNMCB Course on Mathematical and Computational Biology - Computers, programming and biology - Rahul Siddharthan
1 1:02:46 The Unix environment and standard tools
2 51:58 Computer Programming
3 38:36 Algorithms
4 46:20 Bioinformatic tasks and software
Algorithm Design and Analysis (2016)
source: matsciencechannel 2016年8月8日
1 1:13:07 Lecture 01
2 1:23:17 lecture 2
3 1:23:19 Lecture 3
4 1:04:19 Lecture 04
5 1:05:08 9.8.2016
6 1:18:06 11.08.2016
7 1:26:35 18.08.2016
8 1:42:05 25.08.2016
9 1:31:34 30.08.2016
10 1:19:50 06.09.2016
11 1:13:31 15.09.2016
12 47:39 16.09.2016
13 1:20:48 12.09.2016
14 1:19:49 20.09.2016
15 1:20:55 22.09.2016
16 1:20:53 27.09.2016
17 1:27:12 29.09.2016
18 1:20:54 04.10.2016
19 1:19:58 25.10.2016
20 1:31:35 27.10.2016
21 1:34:46 01.11.2016
22 1:24:39 17.11.2016
23 1:26:29 22.11.2016
Mathematics program for College Teachers 2012
source: matsciencechannel 2013年3月3日
1 59:52 Differential Equations by S. Kesavan
2 52:24 Linear Algebras - Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors by S. Viswanath
3 55:26 Linear Algebra - Geometric definition of determinants by Amritanshu Prasad
4 1:04:41 Topology by Jaya Iyer
5 56:07 Real Analysis by V.S. Sunder
6 1:59:34 Algebra - Abelian groups by Vijay Kodiyalam
7 55:54 Linear Algebra by S, Viswanath
8 1:00:31 Complex Analysis by Anirban Mukhopadhyay
9 1:12:05 Algebra by K.N. Raghavan
International Workshop on the Economy as a Complex System IV November 13- 14 2017
source: matsciencechannel 2017年12月22日
1 39:51 The Logical Foundations and Policy Design Implications of Complex Adaptive Systems
2 31:37 Financial markets as evolving complex systems: Correlations and co-movements
3 43:10 Crashing the (In)Efficient Market (Hypothesis)
4 37:52 Two different flavours of complexity in financial data
5 36:40 Big Data and Bottom-Up Agent-Based Simulations of Economies
6 32:16 Economics as a physical science - Robustness check and an example
7 27:40 Spectral distribution of high dimensional covariance matrix for non-synchronous financial data
8 1:04:18 Network anatomy of innovation: Growth and creative destruction in an evolutionary model
9 41:56 Financial markets modelling : Do data make it more physical?
10 40:04 Data-driven discovery of circadian rhythms of urban people - Are we like fruit flies?
11 [private video]
12 39:18 Fat tailed distributions for deaths in conflicts and disasters
13 49:12 Aggregation: From wisdom of the crowds to collective rationality
14 41:11 Study of early warning indicators of financial crisis
15 40:55 Correlation, similarity and random matrix perspective
16 39:18 Revisiting the rationality of Homo-economicus using co-action
Advances in Price Theory
source: BFIVideos 2016年1月14日
1 57:48 Who’s Getting Globalized? The Size and Implications of Intranational Trade Costs
2 55:30 Does Privatized Medicare Benefit Patients or Producers?
3 53:52 Worst-Case Bounds on R&D and Pricing Distortions
4 1:05:11 Sales Mechanisms in Online Markets: What Happened to Internet Auctions?
5 1:08:24 Perfect Competition in Markets with Adverse Selection
6 1:05:50 Information Frictions and the Welfare Consequences of Adverse Selection
7 58:54 Optimal Financial Transaction Taxes
8 47:41 The Bidder Exclusion Effect
Interactions: Bringing Together Econometrics and Applied Microeconomics
source: BFIVideos 2015年10月22日
1 50:06 Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Estimation Under Monotonicity
2 46:23 Partial Identification by Extending Subdistributions
3 49:41 IV Quantile Regression for Group-Level Treatments
4 54:26 Simultaneous First-Price Auctions with Preferences over Combinations
5 53:43 The Maximum and Minimum Response to an Impulse in SVARs
6 52:58 Heterogeneous Peer Effects and Rank Concerns
7 54:54 A Distributional Framework for Matched Employer Employee Data
8 50:07 Testing for Rank Invariance or Similarity in Program Evaluation
9 51:28 Partial Identification in Regression Discontinuity Designs with Manipulated Running Variables
3rd Annual Formal Theory and Comparative Politics Conference
source: BFIVideos 2015年9月30日
1 52:08 A Dynamic Duverger’s Law
2 1:00:42 Internal Politics of Non-state Groups and the Challenges of Foreign Policy
3 50:02 Electoral Redistricting and Conflict
4 59:10 Seasonality and Armed Conflict
5 53:55 Local Agency Costs of Political Centralization
6 1:04:03 Mass Purges
7 1:00:31 A Theory of Minimalist Democracy
2015 CITE Conference
source: BFIVideos 2015年9月3日
1 44:45 Optimal Policies with Robust Concerns
2 51:18 Sets of Models and Prices of Uncertainty
3 52:25 Leverage and Disagreement
4 53:09 Payments, Credit and Asset Prices
5 44:05 Asset Pricing Implications of Labor Market Event Risk
6 41:24 Credit Risk and Interdealer Networks
7 [private video]
8 42:22 Inflation Expectations and Consumption Expenditure