

Interactions: Bringing Together Econometrics and Applied Microeconomics

source: BFIVideos            2015年10月22日

50:06 Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Estimation Under Monotonicity
46:23 Partial Identification by Extending Subdistributions
49:41 IV Quantile Regression for Group-Level Treatments
54:26 Simultaneous First-Price Auctions with Preferences over Combinations
53:43 The Maximum and Minimum Response to an Impulse in SVARs
52:58 Heterogeneous Peer Effects and Rank Concerns
54:54 A Distributional Framework for Matched Employer Employee Data
50:07 Testing for Rank Invariance or Similarity in Program Evaluation
51:28 Partial Identification in Regression Discontinuity Designs with Manipulated Running Variables

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