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Simons Institute Open Lectures, Fall 2017
source: Simons Institute 2017年9月19日
The Simons Institute Open Lectures are aimed at a broad scientific audience and specialist seminars associated with particular programs.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/events/op....
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
1 49:53 Across the Watershed: Unifying Perspectives on Optimization
2 51:51 Lower Bounds on the Size of Linear Programs
3 53:56 Finding Low-Rank Matrices: From Matrix Completion to Recent Trends
4 54:26 Gradient Descent: The Mother of All Algorithms?
Representation, Coding and Computation in Neural Circuits
source: Simons Institute 2018年2月12日
The aim of this workshop is to shed light, at the level of cortical circuits, on issues of representation and coding such as sparsity and high-dimensionality, spikes and coding capacity in the presence of noise. It will also address questions related to how neurons compute: the role of dendritic nonlinearities and clustered plasticity, recurrent circuits, excitatory-inhibitory balance and models of cooperative computation (as opposed to single neuron computation).
For more information, please visit: https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops...
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
1 30:35 Pattern Separation and Completion in Subregions of the Hippocampus
2 42:52 Place-Cell Sequences in the Hippocampus
3 31:51 Active Dendrites in the Formation of Hippocampal Place Fields
4 33:29 Continuous 8 Hz Alternation between Divergent Representations in the Hippocampus
5 32:20 Coding of Space and Time in Cortical Structures
6 32:18 Decoding the Population Activity of Grid Cells for Spatial Localization and Goal-Directed Navigation
7 34:36 Recurrent Circuitry Implements Concentration-Invariant Odor Coding in Piriform Cortex
8 34:02 Basal Ganglia Architecture for Reinforcement Learning
9 33:49 Computational and Experimental Approaches to Study Dendritic Integration...
10 32:39 Synaptic Learning Rules Tuned to Functional Requirements
11 36:51 A View of Cortex from the Thalamus
12 31:31 Dissecting the Dynamics of Signal Transmission in Thalamocortical Circuits
13 46:04 Emergence of Direction Selectivity at the Convergence of Thalamo-Cortical Synapses in Visual Cortex
14 34:38 What Electric Signals Tell Us about the Brain Code
15 [private video]
16 37:31 How Fast Is a Neural "Winner-Take-All" When Deciding Between Many Noisy Options?
17 36:49 The Regime of Sensory Cortical Computation: Loose E/I Balance and Normalization
18 35:01 Precise Multimodal Control of Neural Ensemble Activity
19 33:50 What Are All Those Neurons in Foveal V1 Doing?
20 35:45 Detecting Object Boundaries in Natural Scenes Requires 'Incitatory' Cell-Cell Interactions
21 39:48 An Accurate Functional Model of Single Neurons in V1, V2 and V4
22 43:25 Emerging Dynamics and Cognition in the Global Brain
Applications in the Natural Sciences and Physical Systems
source: Simons Institute 2018年2月26日
We are entering an era of real-time discovery and inference from instruments such as astronomical telescopes, light sources, high-energy physics particle trackers, brain-machine interfaces, earthquake detectors and environmental sensors. Increasingly, however, such inferences from large volumes of complex data must be acted on with very little or no human cognition in the loop due to the real-time requirements of the experiment or feedback from the observations. This workshop will explore the computational requirements of such applications, with particular emphasis on new techniques for handling these challenges including workflow design, machine learning and novel computational architectures.
For more information please visit: https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops...
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
1 1:09:03 Alert Streams in the LSST Era: Challenges and Opportunities
2 1:07:53 Machine Learning for Time-Domain Astrophysics
3 1:06:43 Gravitational-Wave Astronomy with Advanced LIGO: Detections, Implications, and Future Prospects
4 1:03:15 Real-Time Response to Understand Our Dynamic Sky
5 54:28 Towards Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Spatio-Temporal Features: Blob-Filaments...
6 1:03:45 SPOT Suite: Scalable, Autonomous Data Management and Scientific Workflows for X-Ray Light Sources
7 1:05:39 Data Analytics for Free Electron Lasers
8 54:07 Quantum Pattern Recognition in High Energy Physics
9 1:04:20 "Real-time” Decisions at LHC Experiments: Discussion Points on...
10 49:44 Accelerating Data Collection and Processing at the Large Hadron Collider
11 1:02:08 The NOAA Warn-on-Forecast Program
12 1:16:35 Optimizing Robot Action Around and For People
13 1:05:31 High Performance Computing Solutions for Real-World Transportation Systems Understanding
14 1:01:19 Incentives and Games in Large Scale Mobility
15 51:36 The Challenge of Accurate, Fast Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Simulations
16 1:05:47 Designing Astronomical Projects for Real-Time Discovery, Operational Efficiency, and...
17 1:03:01 The Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS)
18 1:08:51 Tsunami Forecast: Connecting Science with Warning Operations
19 1:06:53 Automating Data Collection for Functional Genomics
Physics by Michel van Biezen
source: Michel van Biezen 2015年9月2日 / list compiled by CosmoLearning
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures!
Chapter 0: General Intro (1 of 20) Standard SI for Length, Mass, and Time 4:56 In this video I will introduce the system of standard units that are commonly used in physics and other sciences.
0: General Intro (2 of 20) Dimensional Analysis (Unit Analysis) 7:57
0: General Intro (3 of 20) How to Determine Significant Figures 5:56
0: General Intro (4 of 20) How to Determine Significant Figures in Operations 8:35
0: General Intro (5 of 20) Introduction to Uncertainty in Measurements 6:51
0: General Intro (6 of 20) Finding Area with Uncertainty in Measurements 5:44
0: General Intro (7 of 20) Adding with Uncertainties in Measurements 0:58
0: General Intro (8 of 20) Subtracting with Uncertainties in Measurements 2:26
0: General Intro (9 of 20) Multiplying with Uncertainties in Measurements 4:39
0: General Intro (10 of 20) Dividing with Uncertainties in Measurements 3:30
0: General Intro (11 of 20) Uncertainties in Measurements - Squares and Roots 4:24
0: General Intro (12 of 20) How to Convert "Feet" to "Meters" 4:26
0: General Intro (13 of 20) How to Convert 1 Unit to Another Unit 7:11
0: General Intro (14 of 20) How to Estimate Number of Teachers in US 3:15
0: General Intro (15 of 20) Estimate Number of Blades of Grass on Soccer Field 2:47
0: General Intro (16 of 20) Understanding Coordinate Systems and Directions 2:23
0: General Intro (17 of 20) Basic Trigonometry for Physics - The Triangle 5:49
0: General Intro (18 of 20) Basic Trig for Physics - The Triangle (Sine) 3:55
0: General Intro (19 of 20) Basic Trig for Physics - The Triangle (Cosine) 2:07
0: General Intro (20 of 20) Basic Trig for Physics - The Triangle (Tangent) 3:02
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (1 of 41) MKS (Meters, Kilograms, Seconds) 4:23
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (2 of 41) Length in MKS, Imperial, and Maritime 4:46
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (3 of 41) Maritime and Imperial Unit "Equivalence" 1 4:29
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (4 of 41) Maritime and Imperial Unit "Equivalence" 2 4:49
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (5 of 41) Standard Units in Mechanics 5:57
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (6 of 41) Standard Units: Rotational Motion 4:21
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (7 of 41) Stress and Strarin 2:51
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (8 of 41) Units and Fluid 4:20
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (9 of 41) The Wave Equation 5:03
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (10 of 41) Sound 8:39
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (11 of 41) Heat 3:19
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (12 of 41) Specific Heat and Molar Heat Capacity 2:39
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (13 of 41) Conduction, Thermal Conductivity, R-Rating 5:02
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (14 of 41) The Ideal Gas Law 6:13
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (15 of 41) Unit of Charge & Coulomb's Law 4:30
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (16 of 41) The Electric Field 2:47
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (17 of 41) Electric P.E. & Electrical Potential 6:24
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (18 of 41) Electric Flux 4:15
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (19 of 41) Capacitance 6:01
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (20 of 41) Current, Resistivity, & Ohm's Law 7:18
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (21 of 41) Magnetic Field 3:08
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (22 of 41) Magnetic Flux 3:48
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (23 of 41) Magnetic Field 2 7:18
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (24 of 41) Mutual & Self Inductance 3:45
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (25 of 41) Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field 4:33
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (26 of 41) Energy in a L-C Circuit 3:43
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (27 of 41) Reactance 6:23
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (28 of 41) Power Dissipated in a Resistor 3:46
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (29 of 41) Speed of Light 3:10
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (30 of 41) E & M Waves 2:05
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (31 of 41) The Poynting Vector 3:39
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (32 of 41) Momentum Density of E&M Waves 4:34
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (33 of 41) Flow Rate of E&M Momentum 4:33
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (34 of 41) Energy in Special Relativity 7:00
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (35 of 41) Energy & Momentum in a Photon 3:58
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (36 of 41) The de Broglie Wavelength 4:45
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (37 of 41) Planck Radiation (Black Body Radiation) 4:50
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (38 of 41) Stefan Boltzmann Law 5:09
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (39 of 41) What is an Electron Volt (eV)? 3:59
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (40 of 41) What is the Decay Rate? 2:44
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (41 of 41) What is the Atomic Mass Unit? 2:23
Mechanics: Vectors (1 of 21) What Is A Vector? 4:21
Mechanics: Vectors (2 of 21) Vector Notation 5:12
Mechanics: Vectors (3 of 21) Components And Magnitudes Of A Vector 5:31
Mechanics: Vectors (4 of 21) Finding The Components Of A Vector 5:19
Mechanics: Vectors (5 of 21) Adding Vectors Graphically - Parallelogram Method 2:15
Mechanics: Vectors (6 of 21) Adding Vectors Graphically - Tip-To-Toe Method 2:48
Mechanics: Vectors (7 of 21) Adding Vectors Numerically: Example 1 6:35
Mechanics: Vectors (8 of 21) Adding Vectors Numerically: Example 2 8:05
Mechanics: Vectors (9 of 21) Subtracting Vectors Graphically 1:44
Mechanics: Vectors (10 of 21) Subtracting Vectors Numerically 3:26
Mechanics: Vectors (11 of 21) Adding Force Vectors Numerically 6:14
Mechanics: Vectors (12 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Dot Product 5:58
Mechanics: Vectors (13 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Dot Product: Example 1 4:10
Mechanics: Vectors (14 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Dot Product: Example 2 5:52
Mechanics: Vectors (15 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Dot Product: Finding the Angle 5:55
Mechanics: Vectors (16 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Cross Product: Vector Product 9:04
Mechanics: Vectors (17 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Cross Product: Example 1 7:48
Mechanics: Vectors (18 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Cross Product: Example 2 5:33
Mechanics: Vectors (19 of 21) Finding The Direction Cosine 6:02
Mechanics: Vectors (20 of 21) Finding The Angle Between 2 Vectors 3:59
Mechanics: Vectors (21 of 21) Second Definition of the Dot Product 5:52
College Algebra by Dennis Allison at Utah Valley University
source: CosmoLearning 2017年8月1日
MATH1050: College Algebra by Dennis Allison at Utah Valley University
See full course at: https://cosmolearning.org/courses/col...
58:00 01) Review of Intermediate Algebra
58:00 02. Cartesian Formulas and Circles
58:00 03. Fundamental Graphs & Symmetry
58:00 04. Transformations and More
58:01 05. Models and Variations
58:01 06. Quadratic Functions
58:02 07. One to one and Inverse Functions
58:01 08. Study Guide for Exam 1
58:01 09. Polynomial Functions
58:01 10. Polynomial Theorems
58:01 11. Finding the Roots of a Polynomial
58:01 12. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
58:01 13. Rational Functions
57:24 14. More Rational Functions
55:02 15. Study Guide for Exam 2
57:32 16. Exponential Functions
58:01 17. Applications of Logarithms
58:01 18. Laws of Logarithms and Log Graphs
58:01 19 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
58:01 20 Applications of Exponential and Log Equations
58:01 21 Study Guide for Exam 3
58:07 22 Gaussian Elimination
58:04 23 The Gauss Jordan Method
58:04 24 The Algebra of Matrices
58:02 25 Determinants
58:03 26 Systems of Inequalities
58:01 27 Study Guide for Exam 4
58:01 28 Parabolas
58:02 29 Ellipses
58:01 30 Hyperbolas
58:01 31 Sequences and Series
58:01 32 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series
58:02 33 Annuities and Installment Buying
58:01 34 Study Guide for Exam 5
58:01 35 Mathematical Induction
58:06 36 The Binomial Theorem
58:07 37 Counting Principles
58:07 38 Probability
58:01 39 Study Guide for the Final Exam
Calculus II (Spring 2009) by John Griggs at NC State U
source: CosmoLearning 2017年8月14日
MA 241 - Calculus II (Spring 2009) by John Griggs at NC State U
49:52 Lct1 Course Introduction
52:18 2 Review of Additional Integration Techniques Trig Integrals, Partial Fractions
49:24 3 Table of Integrals
50:38 4 Approximate Integration: Trapezoidal Rule
49:40 5 Approximate Integration: Simpson's Rule Cont, Error Bound
51:04 6 Improper Integrals: Infinite Intervals
50:14 7 Improper Integrals: Discontinuous Integrands, Comparison Theorem
51:11 8 Area Between Curves, Area Enclosed by Parametric Curves
49:46 9 Volumes: Solids of Revolution
47:39 10 Volumes: Cylindrical Shells
49:18 11 Arc Length
44:38 12 Average Value of a Function, Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
49:39 13 Review for Test #1 Part 1
49:19 14 Review for Test #1 Part 2
49:05 15 Applications to Physics and Engineering: Hooke's Law
51:00 16 Applications to Physics and Engineering: Pressure and Pumping Problems I
47:47 17 Applications to Physics and Engineering: Pressure and Pumping Problems II
49:13 18 Applications to Physics and Engineering: Moments and Centers of Mass
45:15 19 Modeling with Differential Equations
49:25 20 Direction Fields and Euler’s Method
50:18 21 Euler's Method and Separable Differential Equations
49:52 22 Separable Differential Equations: Orthogonal Trajectories
49:17 23 Separable Differential Equations: Tank Problems