

Calculus II (Spring 2009) by John Griggs at NC State U

source: CosmoLearning        2017年8月14日
MA 241 - Calculus II (Spring 2009) by John Griggs at NC State U

 Lct1 Course Introduction
52:18 2 Review of Additional Integration Techniques Trig Integrals, Partial Fractions
49:24 3 Table of Integrals
50:38 4 Approximate Integration: Trapezoidal Rule
49:40 5 Approximate Integration: Simpson's Rule Cont, Error Bound
51:04 6 Improper Integrals: Infinite Intervals
50:14 7 Improper Integrals: Discontinuous Integrands, Comparison Theorem
51:11 8 Area Between Curves, Area Enclosed by Parametric Curves
49:46 9 Volumes: Solids of Revolution
47:39 10 Volumes: Cylindrical Shells
49:18 11 Arc Length
44:38 12 Average Value of a Function, Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
49:39 13 Review for Test #1 Part 1
49:19 14 Review for Test #1 Part 2
49:05 15 Applications to Physics and Engineering: Hooke's Law
51:00 16 Applications to Physics and Engineering: Pressure and Pumping Problems I
47:47 17 Applications to Physics and Engineering: Pressure and Pumping Problems II
49:13 18 Applications to Physics and Engineering: Moments and Centers of Mass
45:15 19 Modeling with Differential Equations
49:25 20 Direction Fields and Euler’s Method
50:18 21 Euler's Method and Separable Differential Equations
49:52 22 Separable Differential Equations: Orthogonal Trajectories
49:17 23 Separable Differential Equations: Tank Problems

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