

Computational Physics (Spring 2017) by Ernazar Abdikamalov at Nazarbayev University

source: Ernazar Abdikamalov  2017年1月16日 / list compiled by CosmoLearning
These videos were created to accompany the course "Computational Physics (PHYS 270)" taught in the spring of 2017 at Nazarbayev University.

Lecture 2, Introduction to Python 42:17 In this lecture, we continue learning the basics of programming in the Python programming language. In particular, we learn "IF" and "WHILE" control statements as well as the concept of lists and NumPy arrays.
Lecture 3, Introduction to Python 33:11
Lecture 4, Introduction to Matplotlib 26:11
Lecture 5, Round-off and Truncation Errors 23:23
Lecture 6, Root Finding and Bracketing Methods. 34:21
Lecture 7, Open Methods for Root Finding. 34:05
Lecture 8, Comparison of Bracketing and Open Methods for Root Finding. 40:07
Lecture 9, Systems of Nonlinear Equations 27:22
Lecture 10, Gauss Elimination Method for Linear Systems 37:29
Lecture 11, LU Decomposition and Matrix Inversion 31:27
Lecture 12, Special Matrices and Gauss-Seidel 30:18
Lecture 13, One-Dimensional Unconstrained Optimization 31:03
Lecture 14, Multi-Dimensional Unconstrained Optimization 29:48
Lecture 15, Linear Regression 31:21
Lecture 16, General Linear Least Squares Regression and Non-Linear Regression 38:48
Lecture 17, Interpolation 40:36
Lecture 18, Fourier Series and Transform 44:26
Lecture 19, Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform 39:48
Lecture 20, Numerical Integration I 44:37
Lecture 21, Romberg Integration and Gauss Quadrature 38:44
Lecture 22, Numerical Integration of ODEs 37:32
Lecture 23, Runge-Kutta Methods 44:23
Lecture 24, Implicit Euler Method and Stiff ODEs. 23:29
Lecture 25, Boundary-Value Problem for ODEs 27:48
Lecture 26, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. 34:39
Lecture 27, Finite-Difference Methods for Parabolic PDEs 31:00

Multivariable Calculus with Linear Algebra (Fall 2013) by Scott Sutherland at Stony Brook University

source: CosmoLearning       2017年7月27日
Stony Brook: MAT 307 - Multivariable Calculus with Linear Algebra (Fall 2013)
Taken from: http://www.math.stonybrook.edu/~scott/mat307.fall13/Classes/
Unfortunately, Lecture 4 is not available due to technical difficulties.

Lec 1 2013 08 28 Vectors, lines, and planes 1:14:26
Lec 2 2013 09 04 Planes and the cross product 1:14:39
Lec 3 2013 09 09 Lines, planes, and linear systems of equations 1:17:25
Lec 5 2013 09 16 Matrix algebra, determinants 1:16:59
Lec 6 2013 09 18 Functions of one variable 1:13:32
Lec 7 2013 09 23 Several variables and partial derivatives 1:16:37
Lec 8 2013 09 25 Tangent planes, etc 1:14:53
Lec 9 2013 10 07 Limits and differentiability 1:14:49
Lec 10 2013 10 09 Directional derivatives, the derivative matrix 1:16:46
Lec 11 2013 10 14 Derivatives, gradient vector fields 1:16:16
Lec 12 2013 10 16 Gradient vector fields, Chain rule 1:16:22
Lec 13 2013 10 21 Implicit differentiation 1:14:33
Lec 14 2013 10 23 Extrema and Lagrange multipliers 1:17:51
Lec 15 2013 10 28 Second derivative test; coordinate systems 1:17:30
Lec 16 2013 11 04 Integration in other coordinates 1:18:26
Lec 17 2013 11 18 Improper integrals, line integrals 1:14:25
Lec 18 2013 11 20 FTC for line integrals, parameterization by arc length 1:13:48
Lec 19 2013 11 25 Curvature, divergence, curl 1:16:19
Lec 20 2013 12 02 Green's theorem 1:16:47
Lec 21 2013 12 04 Green, Gauss, and Stokes thm 1:13:57

Statistics and Probability Theory (Spring 2007) by Michael Havbro Faber at ETH Zürich

source: CosmoLearning          2017年8月2日
Statistics and Probability Theory for Civil Engineers (Spring 2007) from ETH Zürich

 Lec 01: Basic Probability Theory
1:33:09 Lec 02: Descriptive Statistics
1:32:54 Lec 03: Uncertainty Modelling
1:31:09 Lec 04: Uncertainty Modelling II
1:33:37 Lec 05: Estimation and Model Building
1:26:21 Lec 06: Estimation and Model Building II
49:02 Lec 07: Methods of Structural Reliability

Systems Dynamics and Complexity (Fall 2011) by Frank Schweitzer at ETH Zürich

source: CosmoLearning      2017年8月2日
Course: Systems Dynamics and Complexity (Fall 2011) from ETH Zurich.
Source: http://www.video.ethz.ch/lectures/d-m...

 Lecture 01. Overview, Problems, Basic Concepts (22/09/2011)
1:29:45 Lecture 02. Systems Engineering:Problem Solving Cycle (29/09/2011)
1:28:15 Lecture 03. Project Management I: Project Scheduling (06/10/2011)
1:32:46 Lecture 04. Project Management II: Quality Control (13/10/2011)
1:32:18 Lecture 05. Systems Dynamics I: Modelling (20/10/2011)
1:31:02 Lecture 06. Systems Dynamics II: Inventory Modelling (27/10/2011)
1:34:14 Lecture 07. Systems Dynamics III: Market Growth & Sales Modelling (03/11/2011)
1:34:12 Lecture 08. Nonlinear Dynamics I: Bifurcations and Chaos (10/11/2011)
1:36:09 Lecture 10. Economic Dynamics: Production Functions (24/11/2011)
1:32:29 Lecture 12. Nonlinear Dynamics of Economic Cycles II (08/12/2011)
1:32:13 Lecture 11. Nonlinear Dynamics of Economic Cycles (01/12/2011)
1:49:34 Lecture 13. Summary of the Course (15/12/2011)
1:30:19 Lecture 09. Nonlinear Dynamics II: Applications to Economics (17/11/2011)

Collective Dynamics of Firms (Spring 2012) by Frank Schweitzer at ETH Zürich

source: CosmoLearning         2017年8月5日
Course: ETH - Collective Dynamics of Firms (Spring 2012)

 Lec 05. Data and Empirics V: Time Dependence, Entry, & Exit Dynamics (22/03/2012)
1:33:51 Lec 07. Stochastic Growth Models II: Gibrat's vs Yule Simon Model (05/04/2012)
1:31:21 Lec 03. Data and Empirics III: Size and Growth of Firms (08/03/2012)
1:32:04 Lec 06. Stochastic Growth Models I (29/03/2012)
1:28:30 Lec 02. Data and Empirics II: Distributions (01/03/2012)
55:41 Lec 12. Course Evaluation and Summary (31/05/2012)
1:34:50 Lec 11. Competition and Cooperation IV: Adoption of Behavior (10/05/2012)
1:33:52 Lec 10. Competition and Cooperation III: Strategic Network Formation (03/05/2012)