

Collective Dynamics of Firms (Spring 2012) by Frank Schweitzer at ETH Zürich

source: CosmoLearning         2017年8月5日
Course: ETH - Collective Dynamics of Firms (Spring 2012)

 Lec 05. Data and Empirics V: Time Dependence, Entry, & Exit Dynamics (22/03/2012)
1:33:51 Lec 07. Stochastic Growth Models II: Gibrat's vs Yule Simon Model (05/04/2012)
1:31:21 Lec 03. Data and Empirics III: Size and Growth of Firms (08/03/2012)
1:32:04 Lec 06. Stochastic Growth Models I (29/03/2012)
1:28:30 Lec 02. Data and Empirics II: Distributions (01/03/2012)
55:41 Lec 12. Course Evaluation and Summary (31/05/2012)
1:34:50 Lec 11. Competition and Cooperation IV: Adoption of Behavior (10/05/2012)
1:33:52 Lec 10. Competition and Cooperation III: Strategic Network Formation (03/05/2012)

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