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Algebraic Topology for fun (Fall 2016) by James Cook at Liberty University

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source: James Cook       2016年9月1日
Algebraic Topology: for fun
Here I collect the discussions from a reading course on Algebraic Topology held at Liberty University in Fall 2016. We follow Rotman's text for the most part and assuredly all errors are very much my fault.

L1, fixed pt. Thm showcase, 8-30-16. Rotman, Chapter 0, pages 1-5. 49:12
L2, categorical terms, start of homotopy, 9-1-16, part 1 59:51
L2, categorical terms, start of homotopy , 9-1-16, part 2 6:04
L3, homotopy , 9-6-16 42:07
L4, homotopy and cones, connectedness, 9-8-16, part1 59:51
L4, homotopy and cones, connectedness, 9-8-16, part 2 13:04
L5, affine spaces, 9-13-16, part 1 59:51
L5, affine spaces, 9-13-16, part 2 11:09
L6, homotopy and fundamental group, 9-15-16, part 1 59:51
L6, homotopy and fundamental group, 9-15-16, part 2 18:32
L7, homotopy and fundamental group, 9-20-16, part 3 59:51
L7, homotopy and fundamental group, 9-20-16, part 4 20:07
L8, FTA via homotopy, Free Abelian Groups, 9-22-16, part 1 59:51
L8, FTA via homotopy, Free Abelian Groups, 9-22-16, part 2 12:07
L9, Singular Homology, 9-27-16, part 1 59:51
L9, Singular Homology, 9-27-16, part 2 7:33
L10, homology functor, 9-27-16, part 1 59:51
L10, homology functor, 9-27-16, part 2 8:04
L11, homology, 9-29-16, part 2 10:50
L12, homology, 10-4-16, part 1 59:51
L12, long exact sequences, 10-11-16, part 1 59:51
L12, long exact sequences, 10-11-16, part 2 28:20

Abstract Algebra II (Spring 2017) by James Cook

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source: James Cook      2017年1月16日

solution to cubic, 1-16-17 52:03 I intend to post videos of my Lectures from Math 422 in the Spring 2017 Semester at Liberty University. This is a continuation of Abstract Algebra I. We begin with a tour of classical Galois Theory guided by Rotman's introductory text on the topic. Then, I'll likely spend a week on Differential Galois Theory. At that point we have some classroom interaction (aka Test 1). Then, we'll transition to working through select parts of Dummit and Foote's Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 18.
splitting fields, mostly review on extension fields, 1-18-17 48:50
Galois group introduced, 1-20-17 53:08
Theorem 55, 56, elementary Galois group examples, 1-23-17 53:45
tower of Babel, roots of unity begins, 1-25-17 53:12
roots of unity section, 1-27-17 54:04
Galois reboot, 1-31-17 48:24
characters and fixed field theorems, 2-1-17 50:46
Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory, 2-3-17 48:26
splitting field x8-2, finite field overview, composite fields, 2-6-17 51:02
splitting field for general polynomial, 2-13-17 52:14
Insolvability of the Quintic etc. 2-17-17 53:58
Galois group example D4 part 1, 2-20-17 52:50
Galois group example D4 part 1, the conjugation trick, 2-20-17 52:19
from differential fields to elementary functions, 2-22-17 58:26
sketch of Differential Galois Theory, Takehome Test 1, 2-24-17 49:52
introduction to modules, 3-1-17 50:14
on modules and algebra basics, 3-3-17 52:55
module homomorphism basics, 3-6-17 51:44
direct sum of submodule theorem, 3-6-17 10:01
free module construction, extending scalars, 3-8-17 52:40
more on tensor and module homomorphisms, 3-10-17 52:39
tensor product of modules, 3-20-17 55:29
tensor product is associative, multilinear maps, 3-22-17 54:55
short exact sequence idea, tensor product on vectors, 3-24-17 56:25
on complexification and tensor algebra, 3-27-17 53:32
existence theorems of module over PID, 4-3-17 (no sound) 51:07
fundamental theorem of finitely generated Abelian groups example, 4-5-17 53:17
Smith Normal Form for Abelian Groups, 4-7-17 52:54
correction to Lecture on 4-7-17 0:57
smith normal form, start of rational canonical forms, 4-10-17 47:39
rational canonical form, 4-12-17 25:09
rational and Jordan form of matrix, 4-14-17 55:42
discussion of Jordan form, 4-19-17 40:31
representations of groups and algebras, basic ideas, 4-21-17 53:09
3 hyperbolic number fun, finite group reps, 4-24-17 49:23
a bit of representation theory, 4-26-17 53:42
proof of Mashke's Theorem, a word on Wedderburn, 4-28-17 48:07
how to use Smith Normal form to get rational form, 5-1-17 55:04
Final Exam Bonus Dance 0:23

Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2016) by James Cook

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source: James Cook     2016年8月30日
These are my lectures for Math 421 in Fall 2016. Our text is Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Joseph Gallian, 5th ed. I have a bunch of homeworks, tests and some solutions posted at: http://www.supermath.info/AbstractAlgebra.html

L1: a bit of history, definition of group, 8-29-2016 52:52 Incidentally, I meant to say "quintic" at the 10:30 or so time. That said, Galois theory has application to polynomials of any order.
L2, subgroups and modular examples, 8-31-16 51:16
practice problems, chapter 2 and 3 Gallian, 9-1-16 44:26
L3, center, centralizer, symmetries, dihedral groups, 9-2-16 54:44
L4, divisibility, gcd, euclid's extended algorithm, 9-5-16 52:23
practice problems 9-6-16, chapter 2 and 3 Gallian 41:46
L5, modular arithmetic foundations, 9-7-16 52:18
practice problems 9-8-16, chapter 3 Gallian 46:49
L6, cyclic groups part 1, 9-9-16 51:34
L7, cyclic groups part 2, 9-12-16 50:58
practice problems 9-13-16, chapter 4 Gallian 54:35
L8, permutations and cycle notation, 9-14-16 49:34
practice problems 9-15-16, chapter 5 Gallian 42:36
L9, even and odd permutations, 9-16-16 51:00
L10, homomorphism and isomorphism, 9-23-16 52:16
L11, properties of isomorphisms, 9-26-16 51:29
help session, 9-27-16 45:52
L12, cosets and Lagrange's Theorem, 9-28-16 4:37
L12, cosets part 2, 9-28-16 41:16
help session, 9-29-16 47:10
L13, how to divide or multiply groups, 9-30-16 48:28
L14, towards first isomorphism theorem, 10-3-16 52:24
L15, first isomorphism theorem and select applications, 10-5-16 53:08
help session on 10-4-16 46:53
L16, external and internal direct products, 10-10-16 51:41
L17, a little number theory, 10-12-16 52:46
L18, group action, 10-14-16 45:36
L19, orbit stabilizer theorem, 10-17-16 51:06
help session, solutions to Lecture 10,11 and 12 problems, 10-18-16 55:54
L20, Cauchy's Theorem, Sylow mention , 10-19-16 45:22
help session on 10-20-16 48:06
L21, Isomorphism Theorems, mention of finite simple group classification , 10-21-16 39:41
L22, First Isomorphism Theorem and Linear Algebra, Boolean group , 10-24-16 49:08
help session, 10-25-16 39:33
help session, 10-27-16 45:03
L23, rings and integral domains, 10-31-16 51:20
help session, 11-1-16 50:45
L24, ideals and factor rings, 11-2-16 51:01
L25, ring homomorphism, 11-4-16 52:21
L26, polynomials , 11-7-16 52:00
L27, F[x] is a PID, polynomial factoring I, 11-9-16 50:34
help session, 11-10-16, part 1 59:51
help session, 11-10-16, part 2 12:10
L28, factorization and divisibility, 11-11-16 51:44
L29, irreducible and prime, EDs, PIDs, UFDs, 11-14-16 52:48
help session, 11-15-16 56:03
L30, extension fields , 11-16-16 50:29
L32, extension fields and a word on algebraic closure, 11-28-16 52:49
help session, 11-29-16 52:20
L33: applications of algebra to number theory part 1, 11-30-16 50:00
help session, 12-1-16 34:39
L35, a discussion of algebraic integers, postmortem on Test 3, 12-2-16 maybe. 52:09
L34, review for final 47:52

Algorithms I (2014) by Bob Sedgewick at Princeton

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source: Algorithms and Data Structures     2014年8月13日

1 Union-Find-1. Course Introduction 9:18
1 Union-Find-2. Dynamic Connectivity 10:19
1 Union-Find-3. Quick Find 10:14
1 Union-Find-4. Quick Union 7:45
1 Union-Find-5. Quick Union Improvements 12:58
1 Union-Find-6. Union Find Applications 9:17
2 Analysis of Algorithms-1. Analysis of Algorithms Introduction 8:11
2 Analysis of Algorithms-2. Observations 10:01
2 Analysis of Algorithms-3. Mathematical Models 12:44
2 Analysis of Algorithms-4. Order of Growth Classifications 14:34
2 Analysis of Algorithms-5. Theory of Algorithms 11:31
2 Analysis of Algorithms-6. Memory 8:07
3 Stacks and Queues-1. Stacks 16:20
3 Stacks and Queues-2. Resizing Arrays 9:52
3 Stacks and Queues-3. Queues 4:30
3 Stacks and Queues-4. Generics 9:22
3 Stacks and Queues-5. Iterators 7:13
3 Stacks and Queues-6. Stack and Queue Applications 13:21
4 Elementary Sorts-1. Sorting Introduction 14:39
4 Elementary Sorts-2. Selection Sort 6:55
4 Elementary Sorts-3. Insertion Sort 9:25
4 Elementary Sorts-4. Shellsort 10:45
4 Elementary Sorts-5. Shuffling 7:36
4 Elementary Sorts-6. Convex Hull 13:47
5 Mergesort-1. Mergesort 23:50
5 Mergesort-2. Bottom up Mergesort 3:17
5 Mergesort-3. Sorting Complexity 9:02
5 Mergesort-4. Comparators 6:40
5 Mergesort-5. Stability 5:36
6 Quicksort-1. Quicksort 19:30
6 Quicksort-2. Selection 7:05
6 Quicksort-3. Duplicate Keys 11:21
6 Quicksort-4. System Sorts 11:46
7 Priority Queues-1. APIs and Elementary Implementations 12:49
7 Priority Queues-2. Binary Heaps 23:32
7 Priority Queues-3. Heapsort 14:26
7 Priority Queues-4. Event Driven Simulation 22:35
8 Elementary Symbol Tables-1. Symbol Table API 21:27
8 Elementary Symbol Tables-2. Elementary Implementations 9:00
8 Elementary Symbol Tables-3. Ordered Operations 6:22
8 Elementary Symbol Tables-4. Binary Search Trees 19:53
8 Elementary Symbol Tables-5. Ordered Operations in BSTs 10:28
8 Elementary Symbol Tables-6. Deletion in BSTs 9:49
9 Balanced Search Trees-1. Search Trees 16:51
9 Balanced Search Trees-2. Red Black BSTs 35:23
9 Balanced Search Trees-3. B Trees 10:33
10 Geometric Applications of BST-1. Range Search 8:48
10 Geometric Applications of BST-2. Line Segment Intersection 5:43
10 Geometric Applications of BST-3. Kd Trees 29:02
10 Geometric Applications of BST-4. Interval Search Trees 13:43
10 Geometric Applications of BST-5. Rectangle Intersection 8:07
11 Hash Tables-1. Hash Functions 18:09
11 Hash Tables-2. Separate Chaining 7:24
11 Hash Tables-3. Linear Probing 14:34
11 Hash Tables-4. Hash Table Context 10:06
11 Hash Tables-5. Symbol Table Applications Sets 4:59
11 Hash Tables-6. Symbol Table Applications Dictionary Clients 5:36
11 Hash Tables-7. Symbol Table Applications Indexing Clients 8:53
11 Hash Tables-8. Symbol Table Applications Sparse Vectors 7:36

Algorithms II (2014) by Bob Sedgewick at Princeton

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: Algorithms and Data Structures     2014年8月13日

1 Undirected Graphs-7. Graph Challenges 14:23
1 Undirected Graphs-6. Connected Components 18:51
1 Undirected Graphs-5. Breadth First Search 13:27
1 Undirected Graphs-4. Depth First Search 26:18
1 Undirected Graphs-3. Graph API 14:41
1 Undirected Graphs-2. Introduction to Graphs 9:26
1 Undirected Graphs-1. Course Introduction 9:17
2 Directed Graphs-5. Strong Components 20:16
2 Directed Graphs-4. Topological Sort 12:48
2 Directed Graphs-3. Digraph Search 20:51
2 Directed Graphs-2. Digraph API 4:51
2 Directed Graphs-1. Introduction to Digraphs 8:23
3 Minimum Spanning Trees-6. Minimum Spanning Trees Context 10:29
3 Minimum Spanning Trees-5. Prim's Algorithm 33:09
3 Minimum Spanning Trees-4. Kruskals Algorithm 12:23
3 Minimum Spanning Trees-3. Edge Weighted Graph API 11:10
3 Minimum Spanning Trees-2. Greedy Algorithm 11:55
3 Minimum Spanning Trees-1. Introduction to MSTs 3:59
4 Shortest Paths-5. Negative Weights 20:56
4 Shortest Paths-4. Edge Weighted DAGs 19:18
4 Shortest Paths-3. Dijkstras Algorithm 18:53
4 Shortest Paths-2. Shortest Path Properties 14:41
4 Shortest Paths-1. Shortest Paths APIs 10:46
5 Maximum Flow-6. Maxflow Applications 22:14
5 Maximum Flow-5. Java Implementation 14:24
5 Maximum Flow-4. Running Time Analysis 8:45
5 Maximum Flow-3. Maxflow Mincut Theorem 9:33
5 Maximum Flow-2. Ford Fulkerson Algorithm 6:27
5 Maximum Flow-1. Introduction to Maxflow 10:29
6 Radix Sorts-6. Suffix Arrays 19:19
6 Radix Sorts-5. 3 Way Radix Quicksort 7:17
6 Radix Sorts-4. Most Significant Digit First String Radix Sort 13:37
6 Radix Sorts-3. Least Significant Digit First String Radix Sort 14:55
6 Radix Sorts-2. Key Indexed Counting 12:01
6 Radix Sorts-1. Strings in Java 17:38
7 Tries-3. Character Based Operations 19:58
7 Tries-2. Ternary Search Tries 22:36
7 Tries-1. R Way Tries 32:13
8 Substring Search-5. Rabin-Karp 16:08
8 Substring Search-4. Boyer-Moore 8:31
8 Substring Search-3. Knuth-Morris Pratt 33:09
8 Substring Search-2. Brute-Force Substring Search 10:04
8 Substring Search-1. Introduction to Substring Search 6:37
9 Regular Expressions-5. Regular Expression Applications 20:04
9 Regular Expressions-4. Deterministic Finite Automatons (DFAs) Construction 11:37
9 Regular Expressions-3. Deterministic Finite Automatons (DFAs) Simulation 18:22
9 Regular Expressions-2. Regular Expressions and Deterministic Finite Automatons (DFAs) 13:12
9 Regular Expressions-1. Regular Expressions 20:02
10 Data Compression-4. Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) Compression 27:34
10 Data Compression-3. Huffman Compression 24:07
10 Data Compression-2. Run Length Coding 5:54
10 Data Compression-1. Introduction to Data Compression 22:19
11 Reductions-4. Classifying Problems 12:40
11 Reductions-3. Establishing Lower Bounds 9:18
11 Reductions-2. Designing Algorithms 8:08
11 Reductions-1. Introduction to Reductions 9:27
12 Linear Programming-4. Linear Programming Reductions 11:41
12 Linear Programming-3. Simplex Implementations 16:15
12 Linear Programming-2. Simplex Algorithm 11:44
12 Linear Programming-1. Brewer's Problem 21:10
13 Intractability-6. Coping with Intractability 13:56
13 Intractability-5. NP Completeness 12:33
13 Intractability-4. Classifying Problems 13:38
13 Intractability-3. P vs NP 16:25
13 Intractability-2. Search Problems 10:52
13 Intractability-1. Introduction to Intractability 16:54

(Español / in Spanish) Razonamiento Matemático

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source: Academia Internet     2015年1月14日
Blog Academia Internet: https://academiainternet.wordpress.com/
Donde encontrarás los vídeos organizados en capítulos y temas.

Conteo de figuras, triángulos, cuadrados, cuadriláteros, semicírculos, 23 ejercicios resueltos 1:38:16
Planteo de Ecuaciones 51:51
Cuatro Operaciones, Método del Rectángulo, Rombo, Cangrejo, Regla Conjunta 1:00:04
Móviles, tiempo de alcance, tiempo de encuentro, velocidad del sonido 40:49
Problemas sobre Edades 44:05
Cronometría, manecillas, calendarios, campanadas, tiempo transcurrido 1:39:42
Razonamiento Lógico, transmisiones, cerillas, parentesco, relación de tiempo, construcciones 21:52
Problemas sobre Certeza, Cortes y Estacas 42:09
Método Inductivo 23:29
Habilidad Operativa, última cifra, inducción, suma de cifras, potencia 46:10
Operadores Matemáticos, Elemento Neutro, Inverso, tablas, propiedades 39:47
Sucesiones, primer orden, cuadráticas, orden superior, término enésimo 1:07:30
Series, Sumatoria, Sumas Notables, Suma límite, Serie Aritmética, Geométrica, Cuadrática. 2:09:25
Fracciones, Equivalentes, Homogeneización, Operaciones, Fracción de Fracción 2:01:51
Porcentajes, aumentos y descuentos sucesivos, variación porcentual 1:58:24
Mezcla, Aleación, Ley, Kilate, Regla del aspa, Promedio Ponderado, Precio Medio 1:27:49
Análisis Combinatorio, Permutaciones, Combinaciones, número combinatorio 22:47
Probabilidades 1:08:35
Áreas de Regiones Sombreadas 1:07:38
Problemas sobre mínimo número de pesadas 14:10

(Türk / in Turkish) Hakkı Şahin 2017 YDS İngilizce Dersi Konu Anlatım Videoları

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: Benim Hocam      2016年12月16日
Hakkı Şahin 2017 YDS İngilizce Dersi Konu Anlatım Videoları
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.benimhocamyayinevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocamya...

2017 YDS İngilizce Dersi Tanıtım Videosu 2:27
1) İngilizce Cümle Yapısı ve Yds Soru Tipleri - I 1:15:46
2) İngilizce - İsim Cümleleri ve Fiil Cümleleri  1:09:41
3) İngilizce - Present Tenses  1:00:46
4) İngilizce - Past Tenses And Exercıses 1:00:31
5) İngilizce - Future Tenses 26:21
6) İngilizce - Modal Semı Modal Genel Tanıtım 37:52
7) Modal - Semı Modal Konu Anlatımı -II 1:00:04
8) Mod- Semı Modal Konu Anlatımı -III 42:42
9) Model Konu Anlatımı IV ve Close Nedir? 1:01:04
10) Passive 44:28
11) Modal - Semi Modal Gerund İnfinitive ve Diğer Yapılarda Passive- II 39:58
12) Tens ve Passive Sorularının Çözüm Yöntemi Causatıve 42:55
13) Pronouns 52:41
14) Pronouns -II, Other, Another, The Other, One Each Other 54:36
15) Clause Nedir?-Relatıve Clause - Adjective Clause 1:20:38
16) Relatıve Clause -II & Soru Çözümü 32:28
17) Grammar Overdose Tense Revision -I 36:21
18) Grammar Overdose Tense Revision -II 29:43
19) Grammar Overdose Tense Modal Test -II 31:06
20) Grammar Overdose Passive Test-II ve CausativesTest -I 49:13
21) Reduction Of Relative Clause 58:00
22) Noun Clause 54:15
23) Noun Clause - II 1:04
24) Subjunctıve / Wısh Clauses 51:27
25) If Clauses / Conditionals -I 58:33
26) If Clauses / Conditionals -II 24:51
27) Pdf Ödev Çözümü / Genel Tekrar  1:05:56
28) Overdose - Pronouns Soru Çözümü 29:41
29) Overdose - Relatıve Clause Soru Çözümü 30:38
30) Overdose - Noun Clauses Soru Çözümü 20:18
31) Partıcıple YÖKDİL-I 40:27
32) Conjunctions -Bağlaçlar -I 45:53
33) Conjunctions -Bağlaçlar -II 43:52
34) Conjunctions -Bağlaçlar -III 51:39
35) Bağlaçlar Soru Çözümü 22:32
36) Overdose - If Wısh Subjunctıve - Soru Çözümü  32:11
37) Gerund Infınıtıve - I  42:17
38) Gerund Infınıtıve - II  28:00
39) Gerund Infınıtıve - III 34:56
40) Overdose - Partıcıple - Soru Çözümü 26:48
41) Nouns - İsimler 31:15
42) Articles a An The  32:50
43) Quantıfıers - I 31:45
44) Quantıfıers - II 37:32
45) Yökdil YDS Karşılaştırma - Son Bir Ayda YDS 31:47
46) Grammar Overdose Gerund Infınıtıve - Soru Çözümü - I 35:03
47) Grammar Overdose Gerund Infınıtıve - Soru Çözümü - II 23:55
48) Gramer Overdose Quantıfıers Determıners - Soru Çözümü 29:10
49) Gramer Overdose Articles Determines Pronouns - Soru Çözümü 22:10
50) Cümle Tamamlama Soruları Çözüm Yöntemleri 51:56
51) Restatement Soruları Çözüm Tekniği ve Örnek Soru Çözümü 30:40
52) Restatement Soru Çözümü 21:11
53) Çeviri Soruları Çözüm Yöntemleri ve Soru Çözümü 20:09
54) Çeviri Soru Çözümü 17:38
55) TG Deneme Sınavı En Çok Sorulan 15 Soru Çözümü 33:45
56) Overdose Deneme 1 Çözümlemesi - I  1:23:13
57) Overdose Deneme 1 Çözümlemesi - II 1:15:25
58) Overdose Deneme Setı 2 Çözümlemesi - I 39:53
59) Overdose Deneme Setı 2 Çözümlemesi - II 37:49
60) Overdose Deneme Setı 3 Çözümlemesi - I 34:40
61) Overdose Deneme Setı 3 Çözümlemesi - II 28:47
62) Overdose Deneme Setı 4 Çözümlemesi - I 27:30
63) Overdose Deneme Setı 4 Çözümlemesi - II 29:37
64) Adjectives Adverbs - I  59:17
65) Adjectives Adverbs - II - Comparatives Superlatives 36:00
66) Adjectives Adverbs - III 18:01
67) Adjectives Adverbs - Grammar Overdose Soru Çözümü 24:34
68) Overdose Deneme Seti 5 - Çözüm Videosu 50:13
69) Overdose Deneme Seti 5 - Çözüm Videosu - II 45:25
70) Prepositions Edatlar - I  1:00:03
71) Prepositions Edatlar - II  32:22
72) Prepositions Edatlar - III 10:25
73) Preposition Edat Soru Çözümü - I 27:25
74) Preposition Edat Soru Çözümü - II 20:42
75) Preposition Edat Soru Çözümü - III  19:31
76) Overdose Karışık Grammar Soru Çözümü - I  53:03
77) Overdose Karışık Grammar Soru Çözümü - II 46:43
78) Overdose Karışık Grammar Soru Çözümü - III 43:34
79) Paragraf Tamamlama Soruları Nasıl Çözülmeli 34:41
80) Paragraf Tamamlama Soru Çözümü - I  34:01
81) Paragraf Tamamlama Soru Çözümü - II 34:13
82) Cümleden Atma Soruları Nasıl Çözülür 23:51

(Türk / in Turkish) Ramazan Yetgin 2017 KPSS Tarih Konu Anlatım Videoları

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: Benim Hocam      2016年10月5日
Ramazan Yetgin 2017 KPSS Tarih Konu Anlatım Videoları
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.bhkitabevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocam

1) Tarih Dersine Giriş ve Öğrenci Bilgilendirmesi 25:01
2) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Siyasi Tarihi - I 36:34
3) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Siyasi Tarihi - II 40:34
4) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Siyasi Tarihi - III 27:03
5) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Siyasi Tarihi -IV 41:45
6) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Siyasi Tarihi -V 25:02
7) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi Kültür ve Medeniyeti - I  35:14
8) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi Kültür ve Medeniyeti - II 48:05
9) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi Kültür ve Medeniyeti - III 34:13
10) İlk Müslüman Türk Devletleri Siyasi Tarihi - I 43:44
11) İlk Müslüman Türk Devletleri Siyasi Tarihi - II 39:30
12) Mısır'da Kurulan Türk İslam Devletleri 29:38
13) Anadolu'da Kurulan İlk Türk İslam Devletleri 18:13
14) Orta Çağ ve Yakın Doğu'da Kurulan Diğer Türk Devletleri 22:53
15) İlk Müslüman Türk Devletleri Kültür ve Medeniyeti - I 35:43
16) İlk Müslüman Türk Devletleri Kültür ve Medeniyeti - II 40:59
17) İlk Müslüman Türk Devletleri Kültür ve Medeniyeti - III 37:34
18) İlk Müslüman Türk Devletleri Bilim İnsanları  29:14
19) İlk Müslüman Türk Devletleri Yazı, Dil ve Edebiyat 21:24
20) Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti Siyasi Tarihi - I  28:27
21) Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti Siyasi Tarihi - II 25:08
22) Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - I 32:46
23) Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - II 25:21
24) Bilim ve Teknoloji Tarihi - I 44:18
25) Bilim ve Teknoloji Tarihi - II 37:53
26) Bilim ve Teknoloji Tarihi - III  39:34
27) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - I  39:08
28) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - II 44:19
29) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - III 41:29
30) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - IV 51:51
31) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - V 1:01:50
32) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - VI 47:34
33) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - VII 58:50
34) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - VIII 41:07
35) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - IX 31:11
36) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - X 34:28
37) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - XI 46:31
38) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Medeniyeti - XII  15:37
39) Osmanlı Devleti Kuruluş Dönemi - I  38:05
40) Osmanlı Devleti Kuruluş Dönemi - II 37:07
41) Osmanlı Devleti Kuruluş Dönemi - III 38:09
42) Osmanlı Devleti Kuruluş Dönemi - IV 23:42
43) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi - I 52:41
44) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi - II 51:26
45) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi - III 1:01:55
46) Osmanlı Devleti Duraklama Dönemi 17 Y.Y. - I 42:45
47) Osmanlı Devleti Duraklama Dönemi 17 Y.Y. - II 1:12:50
48) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi - 18 Y.Y. 57:00
49) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi - 18 Y.Y. Islahatları  1:02:04
50) XIX. yy.da Osmanlı Devleti ( Dağılma Dönemi ) - I 1:04:37
51) XIX. yy.da Osmanlı Devleti ( Dağılma Dönemi ) - II 47:17
52) XIX. yy.da Osmanlı Devleti ( Dağılma Dönemi ) - III  37:44
53) XIX. yy.da Osmanlı Devleti ( Dağılma Dönemi ) - IV 39:58
54) XIX. yy.da Osmanlı Devleti ( Dağılma Dönemi ) - V 25:40
55) XIX. yy.da Osmanlı Devleti ( Dağılma Dönemi ) - VI 32:25
56) XIX. yy.da Osmanlı Devleti ( Dağılma Dönemi ) - VII 37:33
57) Osmanlı Devleti'nde Basın Yayın Hareketleri  24:03
58) Osmanlı Devleti'ni Dağılmaktan Kurtarma Fikirleri 18:35
59) Trablusgarp Savaşı  47:03
60) I. ve II. Balkan Savaşı  43:35
61) I. Dünya Savaşı  34:29
62) I. Dünya Savaşı-Kafkasya Cephesi 27:59
63) I. Dünya Savaşı- Kanal ve Çanakkale Cepheleri 42:36
64) I. Dünya Savaşı- Irak, Hicaz ve Yemen Cepheleri 34:34
65) I.Dünya Savaşında Gizli Antlaşmalar, Wilson İlkeleri ve Savaşın Sonu 29:07
66) Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması ve İlk İşgaller 1:04:48
67) Zararlı ve Yararlı Cemiyetler 38:04
68) Kurtuluş Savaşı Hazırlık Dönemi -I 1:10:43
69) Kurtuluş Savaşı Hazırlık Dönemi -II 40:19
70) Kurtuluş Savaşı Hazırlık Dönemi -III 39:46
71) Kurtuluş Savaşı Hazırlık Dönemi -IV 41:11
72) I. TBMM Dönemi -I 46:12
73) I. TBMM' ye Karşı Çıkan Ayaklanmalar  24:53
74) Sevr Barış Antlaşması 26:00
75) Kurtuluş Savaşı Muharebeler Dönemi Doğu Cephesi 37:49
76) Kurtuluş Savaşı Muharebeler Dönemi Batı Cephesi -I 26:10
77) Kurtuluş Savaşı Muharebeler Dönemi Batı Cephesi -II 20:16
78) Kurtuluş Savaşı Muharebeler Dönemi Batı Cephesi -III 41:13
79) Kurtuluş Savaşı Muharebeler Dönemi Batı Cephesi -IV 43:33
80) Saltanatın Kaldırılması ve Lozan Barış Antlaşması 43:31
81) Atatürk'ün Hayatı 36:29
82) Atatürk Dönemi İç Politika  43:57
83) Cumhuriyet Dönemi Kültür ve Medeniyeti 53:50
84) Atatürk İlke ve İnkılapları - I 46:37
85) Atatürk İlke ve İnkılapları - II 34:35
86) Atatürk İlke ve İnkılapları - III 27:15
87) Atatürk Dönemi Türk Dış Politikası  26:06
88) Atatürk Dönemi Dış Politika - II 36:01
89) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi ( XX.Yüzyılın Başlarında Dünya ( - I -) 54:37
90) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi ( XX.Yüzyılın Başlarında Dünya ( - II -) 42:18
91) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi ( XX. Yüzyılın Başlarında Dünya - III - ) 27:26
92) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi ( II. Dünya Savaşı- I - ) 44:47
93) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi ( II. Dünya Savaşı- II - ) 23:11
94) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi - Soğuk Savaş Dönemi - I 1:05:30
95) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi - Soğuk Savaş Dönemi - II 37:29
96) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi - Yumuşama Dönemi - I 49:17
97) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi - Yumuşama Dönemi - II 56:38
98) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi - Yumuşama Dönemi - III 19:34
99) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi - Küreselleşen Dünya - I  37:08
100) Çağdaş Türk ve Dünya Tarihi - Küreselleşen Dünya - II 39:59

Geometry (at CIRM)

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques      2015年8月7日

Paul Turner: A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology - Part I 1:10:14 Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities.
There are already too many introductory articles on Khovanov homology and certainly another is not needed. On the other hand by now - 15 years after the invention of subject - it is quite easy to get lost after having taken those first few steps.
What could be useful is a rough guide to some of the developments over that time and the summer school Quantum Topology at the CIRM in Luminy has provided the ideal opportunity for thinking about what such a guide should look like.
It is quite a risky undertaking because it is all too easy to offend by omission, misrepresentation or other. I have not attempted a complete literature survey and inevitably these notes reflects my personal view, jaundiced as it may often be. My apologies for any offence caused.
I would like to express my warm thanks to Lukas Lewark, Alex Shumakovitch, Liam Watson and Ben Webster.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Geometric and quantum topology in dimension 3" the June 23, 2014 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Paul Turner: A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology - Part II 1:11:43
Paul Turner: A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology - Part III 1:16:36
Paul Turner: A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology - Part IV 1:04:26
Pierre Pansu: Differential forms and the Hölder equivalence problem - Part 1 1:22:00
Arnaud de mesmay: Discrete systolic geometry and decompositions of triangulated surfaces 26:09
Isabelle Gallagher: Some results on global solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations 51:38
Ludovic Rifford: Geometric control and sub-Riemannian geodesics - Part I 1:19:56
John Loftin: Some projective invariants of convex domains coming from [...] 1:14:35
Christian Bär: Characteristic initial value problem for wave equations on manifolds 46:14
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon: Revisiting the question of dependence of spinor fields and Dirac [...] 1:04:33
Anton Alekseev: Logarithms and deformation quantization 1:05:00
Toshitake Kohno: Quantum symmetry of conformal blocks and representations of braid [...] 59:54
Semyon Dyatlov: A microlocal toolbox for hyperbolic dynamics 56:39
Etienne Ghys: My favorite groups 22:43
John Pardon: Totally disconnected groups (not) acting on three-manifolds 53:51
Bert Wiest: Pseudo-Anosov braids are generic 58:25
John Pardon: Virtual fundamental cycles and contact homology 1:01:41
Emmy Murphy: Existence of Liouville structures on cobordisms 1:05:11
Tim Perutz: From categories to curve-counts in mirror symmetry 1:07:36
Jake Solomon: The degenerate special Lagrangian equation 1:06:16
Mohammed Abouzaid: Nearby Lagrangians are simply homotopic 58:56
Kai Cieliebak: On a question by Michele Audin 1:03:08
Sheel Ganatra: The Floer theory of a cotangent bundle, the string topology of the base and... 1:06:22
Nick Sheridan: Counting curves using the Fukaya category 1:11:23
Paul Gauduchon: Almost complex structures on quaternion-Kähler manifolds of positive type 1:02:35
Interview at CIRM: François Lalonde 44:38
Leonid Polterovich: Persistence modules and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms - Part 4 1:02:24
Leonid Polterovich: Persistence modules and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms - Part 1 57:54
Leonid Polterovich: Persistence modules and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms - Part 2 50:56
Leonid Polterovich: Persistence modules and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms - Part 3 59:14
Entretien au CIRM : Jean-Pierre SERRE avec Jean-Louis COLLIOT-THELENE 55:12
Interview Gérard Besson 7:04
Andras Vasy: Microlocal analysis for Kerr-de Sitter black holes 1:01:18
Martina Zähle: Curvature measures of random sets 42:02
Rolf Schneider: Hyperplane tessellations in Euclidean and spherical spaces 39:31