

Geometry (at CIRM)

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques      2015年8月7日

Paul Turner: A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology - Part I 1:10:14 Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities.
There are already too many introductory articles on Khovanov homology and certainly another is not needed. On the other hand by now - 15 years after the invention of subject - it is quite easy to get lost after having taken those first few steps.
What could be useful is a rough guide to some of the developments over that time and the summer school Quantum Topology at the CIRM in Luminy has provided the ideal opportunity for thinking about what such a guide should look like.
It is quite a risky undertaking because it is all too easy to offend by omission, misrepresentation or other. I have not attempted a complete literature survey and inevitably these notes reflects my personal view, jaundiced as it may often be. My apologies for any offence caused.
I would like to express my warm thanks to Lukas Lewark, Alex Shumakovitch, Liam Watson and Ben Webster.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Geometric and quantum topology in dimension 3" the June 23, 2014 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Paul Turner: A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology - Part II 1:11:43
Paul Turner: A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology - Part III 1:16:36
Paul Turner: A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology - Part IV 1:04:26
Pierre Pansu: Differential forms and the Hölder equivalence problem - Part 1 1:22:00
Arnaud de mesmay: Discrete systolic geometry and decompositions of triangulated surfaces 26:09
Isabelle Gallagher: Some results on global solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations 51:38
Ludovic Rifford: Geometric control and sub-Riemannian geodesics - Part I 1:19:56
John Loftin: Some projective invariants of convex domains coming from [...] 1:14:35
Christian Bär: Characteristic initial value problem for wave equations on manifolds 46:14
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon: Revisiting the question of dependence of spinor fields and Dirac [...] 1:04:33
Anton Alekseev: Logarithms and deformation quantization 1:05:00
Toshitake Kohno: Quantum symmetry of conformal blocks and representations of braid [...] 59:54
Semyon Dyatlov: A microlocal toolbox for hyperbolic dynamics 56:39
Etienne Ghys: My favorite groups 22:43
John Pardon: Totally disconnected groups (not) acting on three-manifolds 53:51
Bert Wiest: Pseudo-Anosov braids are generic 58:25
John Pardon: Virtual fundamental cycles and contact homology 1:01:41
Emmy Murphy: Existence of Liouville structures on cobordisms 1:05:11
Tim Perutz: From categories to curve-counts in mirror symmetry 1:07:36
Jake Solomon: The degenerate special Lagrangian equation 1:06:16
Mohammed Abouzaid: Nearby Lagrangians are simply homotopic 58:56
Kai Cieliebak: On a question by Michele Audin 1:03:08
Sheel Ganatra: The Floer theory of a cotangent bundle, the string topology of the base and... 1:06:22
Nick Sheridan: Counting curves using the Fukaya category 1:11:23
Paul Gauduchon: Almost complex structures on quaternion-Kähler manifolds of positive type 1:02:35
Interview at CIRM: François Lalonde 44:38
Leonid Polterovich: Persistence modules and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms - Part 4 1:02:24
Leonid Polterovich: Persistence modules and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms - Part 1 57:54
Leonid Polterovich: Persistence modules and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms - Part 2 50:56
Leonid Polterovich: Persistence modules and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms - Part 3 59:14
Entretien au CIRM : Jean-Pierre SERRE avec Jean-Louis COLLIOT-THELENE 55:12
Interview Gérard Besson 7:04
Andras Vasy: Microlocal analysis for Kerr-de Sitter black holes 1:01:18
Martina Zähle: Curvature measures of random sets 42:02
Rolf Schneider: Hyperplane tessellations in Euclidean and spherical spaces 39:31

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