

Introduction to Philosophical Ethics by Richard Brown

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: Richard Brown    2011年9月2日
Videos for my online introduction to ethics course
::UPDATE:: I have edited the closed captions and they are now accurate!
For a listing of the videos go here: http://onlinephilosophyclass.wordpres...

What is Philosophy? 1:08:13
Philosophical Ethics 22:50
Ethical Relativism 1:17:34
Socrates & the Socratic Turn 1:13:04
Aristotelian Virtue Ethics 1:24:30
Egoism 53:57
Free Will & Moral Responsibility 27:46
Kantian Deontology 1 58:50
Kantian Deontology 2 1:04:54
Utilitarianism and its Discontents 1:16:58

Philosophy of Mind by Richard Brown at LaGuardia Community College

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: Richard Brown     2014年3月8日
Videos for my online/hybrid Philosophy of Mind course at LaGuardia Community College
::UPDATE:: I have now edited the Closed Captions so the transcript is now accurate

Introduction to the Philosophical Study of the Mind 40:58 (I apologize for the poor audio quality. I hope to fix it in future videos, and maybe someday will try to fix it on this one)
Intentionality and Thought 1:10:22
Sensation and Perception 1:24:16
Consciousness 53:03
Understanding the Mind? Intentionality, Perception, and Consciousness 1:21:49
The Mind-Body Problem 1:16:50
Epiphenomenalism and the Causal Closure of the Physical 54:33
The Mind-Brain Identity Theory 1:04:50
Functionalism 1:05:00
Contemporary Dualism 1:29:17
Artificial Intelligence and the Computational Theory of Mind 39:48
Consciousness and the Technological Singularity 1:06:03

openmichigan (videos of May 2017)

source: openmichigan
17:03 "It's All About the Patient" In this video, Medical Student Rana Kaber, interviews Dr. Bartlett about his distinguished career as a surgeon and innovator (e.g., inventing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), pioneering ...
8:04 "The Study of Bipolar Disorder is the Study of Humanity" Prologue: "I personally love engaging and working with people that have bipolar disorder. I think it's one of the most rewarding fields of medicine to study, and I feel incredibly privileged to stu...
6:45 Cancer Ally: Improving Patient Care with Mobile Apps Prologue: Cancer Ally, is a suite of mobile apps developed by Dr. Michael Sabel, Chief of Surgical Oncology to help patients navigate the complexities of multidisciplinary cancer care.
In this vid...

bhadeshia123 (videos of May 2017)

source: bhadeshia123
0:49 Steel tower These pieces of steel are valued samples for experiments by Apparao Chintha, but they look beautiful and we had a bit of fun in the coffee room after opening the parcel that arrived from Tata Steel...
0:51 Beer made in an electric arc furnace At an Association of Iron and Steel (AIST) meeting in Nashville, where a British company manufacturing carbon had this exhibit. The arc struck at giant carbon electrodes form the heat source for me...
48:29 Machine learning in materials science Harry Bhadeshia's talk at the Oxford University, a joint meeting of the Artificial Intelligence Society and the 3D Printing Society. The talk was held at the Mathematical Institute in Oxford on the...

Universität Innsbruck (videos of May 2017)

source: Universität Innsbruck
4:10 Chemie: Suche nach neuen Stoffen Hubert Huppertz ist Festkörperchemiker und forscht an der Universität Innsbruck an neuen Verbindungen und Stoffen. Sein Spezialgebiet: extrem hoher Druck, wie er tief im Inneren der Erde vorkommt, ...
33:46 Margret Aul - (Sexuelle) Belästigung an der Universität In diesem Vortrag gilt es vorerst zu klären, wann kann/muss von (sexueller) Belästigung gesprochen werden. Was können mögliche Folgen für die Betroffenen sein? Wie kann ich mich wehren, schützen? W...
33:28 Sabine Engel - (Sexuelle) Belästigung an der Universität In diesem Vortrag gilt es vorerst zu klären, wann kann/muss von (sexueller) Belästigung gesprochen werden. Was können mögliche Folgen für die Betroffenen sein? Wie kann ich mich wehren, schützen? W...
3:44 Biologie: Pollenwarndienst Der Flug der Pollen bereitet vor allem AllergikerInnen keine Freude. Notburga Oeggl-Wahlmüller vom Institut für Botanik an der Uni Innsbruck betreut den seit 40 Jahren bestehenden Tiroler Pollenwar...
43:14 Quantum Gases at Very Large Scattering Length (Part II) – Rudolf Grimm Lecture (4/6) presented on April 10, 2017 at the one-day school preceding the conference "From Few to Many: Exploring Quantum Systems one at a Time" in Obergurgl, Austria.
46:42 From Micro to Macro (Part I) - Frédéric Chevy Lecture (5/6) presented on April 10, 2017 at the one-day school preceding the conference "From Few to Many: Exploring Quantum Systems one at a Time" in Obergurgl, Austria.
39:54 Quantum Gases at Very Large Scattering Length (Part I) – Rudolf Grimm Lecture (3/6) presented on April 10, 2017 at the one-day school preceding the conference "From Few to Many: Exploring Quantum Systems one at a Time" in Obergurgl, Austria.
35:55 From Micro to Macro (Part II) - Frédéric Chevy Lecture (6/6) presented on April 10, 2017 at the one-day school preceding the conference "From Few to Many: Exploring Quantum Systems one at a Time" in Obergurgl, Austria.
48:56 Microscopic Picture of Harmonically Trapped Bose and Fermi Gases (Part I) – Doerte Blume Lecture (1/6) presented on April 10, 2017 at the one-day school preceding the conference "From Few to Many: Exploring Quantum Systems one at a Time" in Obergurgl, Austria.
32:30 Microscopic Picture of Harmonically Trapped Bose and Fermi Gases (Part II) – Doerte Blume Lecture (2/6) presented on April 10, 2017 at the one-day school preceding the conference "From Few to Many: Exploring Quantum Systems one at a Time" in Obergurgl, Austria.
1:09:33 Kurt Scharr - Zerrissene Loyalitäten Österreichische Geschichte am Rande? Das politische Wesen der Habsburgermonarchie des 19. Jahrhunderts versuchte über die Formulierung eines ‚Österreichischen Staatsgedankens‘ dem zeitgenös- sisch scheinbar so erfolgreichen Konzept de...
3:21 Milch: Weiterbildung für Sennereien Die komplexe Produktion von Käse erfordert eine ständige Anpassung an neue Technologien. Mitarbeiterinnen von neun Sennereien erhalten in einem von der Österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellsc...

Institut Henri Poincaré (videos of May 2017)

source: Institut Henri Poincaré
1:21:13 Les plantes font-elles des mathématiques ? - CEB T2 2017 - S.Douady - Public Lecture 2 Public lecture by Stephane Douady (Paris Diderot, LMSC & CNRS), 17/05/2017
Les plantes font-elles des mathématiques (bien avant nous) ?
Les plantes ont à première vue des formes trop variées et co...
0:46 La recherche mathématique se prend au jeu - du 27 au 30 mai 2017 Venez découvrir notre stand au salon de la culture et des jeux mathématiques 2017 et partager les mathématiques en s'amusant !
1:12:55 Univers Convergents 2017 - Séance 4/6 - Real Real de Kiyoshi Kurosawa (Japon - 2013 - 2h07) avec
Takeru Satô, Haruka Ayase et Jô Odagiri.
Séance du 25 avril 2017
Un débat en présence de :
Lucie Hertz-Pannier, pédiatre et radiologue imageri...
1:01:17 SHM - 12/05/17 - L’élargissement de l’enseignement de la cosmographie (...) - Catherine Radtka Assumer ou contourner la technicité mathématique dans les apprentissages de la cosmographie
(séance préparée par Catherine Radtka et Norbert Verdier)
14 h -16h : - Colette Le Lay (Centre François...
56:24 SHM - 12/05/17 - La cosmographie dans l'enseignement secondaire (...) - Colette Le Lay Assumer ou contourner la technicité mathématique dans les apprentissages de la cosmographie
(séance préparée par Catherine Radtka et Norbert Verdier)
14 h -16h : - Colette Le Lay (Centre François...
1:28:48 Math Park - 13/05/2017 - DOMINIQUE PICARD, QUELQUES PARADIGMES MATHÉMATIQUES (...) Les données arrivent maintenant, on le sait, de façon massive. C'est le phénomène du Big Data qui pose des défis de tous ordres au monde moderne, au point que certains tenants de la « rationalité p...
1:24:00 UVDE | Les algorithmes peuvent-ils manipuler la société ? - Dominique Cardon - 10/05/17 Toute l'équipe #UVDE est ravie de vous retrouver pour la quatrième session de l'année 2017 ! Cette fois-ci, c'est l'Institut Henri Poincaré qui nous accueille, et nous les en remercions.
Nous rece...
1:23:20 Stochastic Resetting - CEB T2 2017 - Evans - 3/3 Martin Evans (Edinburgh) - 12/05/2017
Stochastic Resetting
We consider resetting a stochastic process by returning to the initial condition with a fixed rate. Resetting is a simple way of genera...
2:19:25 Meet-up sur l’intelligence artificielle - 11/05/17 Un évènement organisé par Paris Learning Machine
Avec Dominique Cardon, Pierre Saurel et Cédric Villani, le jeudi 11 mai à 19h00 à l'IHP
/!\ Cynthia Fleury annoncée au début de la vidéo n'a pas p...
1:20:48 Stochastic Resetting - CEB T2 2017 - Evans - 2/3 Martin Evans (Edinburgh) - 10/05/2017
Stochastic Resetting
We consider resetting a stochastic process by returning to the initial condition with a fixed rate. Resetting is a simple way of genera...
1:29:17 Stochastic Resetting - CEB T2 2017 - Evans - 1/3 Martin Evans (Edinburgh) - 09/05/2017
Stochastic Resetting
We consider resetting a stochastic process by returning to the initial condition with a fixed rate. Resetting is a simple way of genera...
1:02:09 Theory of synchronization - CEB T2 2017 - Pikovsky - 3/3 Arkady Pikovsky (Univ. Potsdam) - 21/04/17
Theory of synchronization
1) Basics
- oscillators, phase and amplitudes
- isochrons and phase response curve
- phase dynamics under small forcing
- ...
48:10 Simulations numériques en temps long - CEB T2 2017 - G.Vilmart - Public Lecture 1 Public lecture by G. Vilmart (Univ. de Genève), 26/04/2017
Simulations numériques en temps long : des atômes aux étoiles
L'évolution à long terme du système solaire et le comportement de la matièr...
1:25:42 Theory of synchronization - CEB T2 2017 - Pikovsky - 2/3 Arkady Pikovsky (Univ. Potsdam) - 18/04/17
Theory of synchronization
1) Basics
- oscillators, phase and amplitudes
- isochrons and phase response curve
- phase dynamics under small forcing
- ...
1:25:19 Theory of synchronization - CEB T2 2017 - Pikovsky - 1/3 Arkady Pikovsky (Univ. Potsdam) - 18/04/17
Theory of synchronization
1) Basics

(اردو / in Urdu) The Quran Majeed (2013, VU of Pakistan)

# playlist of the 30 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu     2013年2月19日
Complete Quran Majeed with visuals specially created by the Virtual University of Pakistan. A must watch.

(اردو / in Urdu) Urdu (2011, VU of Pakistan)

# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu    2011年10月21日
URD101 Urdu

(اردو / in Urdu) Classroom Assessment (2014, VU of Pakistan)

# playlist of the 160 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu     2014年12月18日
EDU405 - Classroom Assessment
Lecture 1: Purpose and Basic terms of Concept of Assessment

(اردو / in Urdu) Child Development (2012, VU of Pakistan)

# playlist of the 44 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu     2012年4月17日
EDU303 Child Development