

Introduction to Philosophical Ethics by Richard Brown

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: Richard Brown    2011年9月2日
Videos for my online introduction to ethics course
::UPDATE:: I have edited the closed captions and they are now accurate!
For a listing of the videos go here: http://onlinephilosophyclass.wordpres...

What is Philosophy? 1:08:13
Philosophical Ethics 22:50
Ethical Relativism 1:17:34
Socrates & the Socratic Turn 1:13:04
Aristotelian Virtue Ethics 1:24:30
Egoism 53:57
Free Will & Moral Responsibility 27:46
Kantian Deontology 1 58:50
Kantian Deontology 2 1:04:54
Utilitarianism and its Discontents 1:16:58

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