

Universität Göttingen (videos of April & May 2017)

source: Universität Göttingen
44:42 Reisen mit der Postkutsche in Gedichten von Lichtenberg, Goethe und Heine Prof. Dr. Rudolf Drux, Köln: „Wir staken da in Sachsen | Im Dreck bis an die Achsen“ – Reisen mit der Postkutsche in Gedichten von Lichtenberg, Goethe und Heine. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen ...
1:01:18 Lichtenbergs ökologische Globalisierungsphantasien Prof. Dr. Heinrich Detering, Göttingen: „wenn man irgend wohlfeiles Material erfände die Stickluft der Atmosphäre zu zersetzen“ – Lichtenbergs ökologische Globalisierungsphantasien. Vortrag im Rahm...
52:54 Was passieren kann, wenn ein Aufklärer Gleichnisse erzählt Dr. Stefan Weigert, Universität York: „wozu nüzten dan die Fabeln“ – Was passieren kann, wenn ein Aufklärer Gleichnisse erzählt. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ringvorlesung "G. C. Lichtenberg ...
50:59 Lichtenbergs Sprachdenken Prof. Dr. Alfred Nordmann, Universität Darmstadt: „wo … jeder Schnitzer gegen die Wahrheit auch ein
Grammaticalischer wäre“ – Lichtenbergs Sprachdenken. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ringvorle...
5:16 How to apply for a Bachelor programme (non EU) – U Göttingen In this tutorial video, we will walk you through the application process for the first semester of a BACHELOR study programme at the University of Göttingen. This procedure is valid for applicants ...
4:22 Tutorial: Bewerbung für Bachelor Studiengänge (Nicht EU-Studierende) – Universität Göttingen Dieses Tutorial erklärt den Bewerbungsprozess zum ersten Fachsemester eines BACHELOR-Studiengangs der Universität Göttingen für Bewerberinnen und Bewerber außerhalb der Europäischen Union und der E...
47:51 Der leidende Professor. Lichtenberg zwischen Korporation und Publikum Prof. Dr. Marian Füssel, Universität Göttingen: „Sie schwänzen aber schon fleißig“ – Der leidende Professor. Lichtenberg zwischen Korporation und Publikum. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ringvo...
12:58 Einführung in die Ringvorlesung Prof. Dr. Ulrich Joost, Universität Darmstadt: „… auf dauernden Ruhm und Unsterblichkeit Anspruch machen.“ – Einführung in die öffentliche Ringvorlesung "G. C. Lichtenberg - Schriftsteller, Physike...
2:36 Xu - A day in the life of an international student Meet Xu Geng, one of 4000 international students studying at the University of Göttingen, Germany. Xu comes from China and is enrolled in a Master's programme in English Philology and Economy. This...
5:45 Erdwärme - Energieprojekt mit Zukunft Warum braucht die Universität Göttingen Erdwärme? Was ist der Vorteil dieser Energiequelle? In welche Tiefen müssen Geologen vordringen, um diese Energie nutzen zu können, und wie schauen sie überh...
51:05 Institutionalisierbarkeit religiöser Bildung im Mittelalter Prof. Dr. Gert Melville, Professor für Mittelalterliche Geschichte an der Technischen Universität Dresden und Direktor der dortigen Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte, geht der Fra...
9:27 Kontrollierte Energieumwandlung auf atomarer Ebene Wer natürlich vorkommende Energiequellen wie das Sonnenlicht nutzen möchte, muss das Licht zunächst einfangen und entweder in Form von elektrischer Leistung an das Verbundnetz abgeben oder speiche...

BBVA Foundation (videos of May 2017)

source: BBVA Foundation
1:22 Salvatore Sciarrino, 2011 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Contemporary Music The award goes to Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino for renewing the possibilities of vocal and instrumental music and for the singularity of his sound materials.
1:32 Ciro de Quadros, 2011 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Cooperation Development The award goes to Brazilian epidemiologist Ciro de Quadros for leading efforts to eliminate polio and measles from the western hemisphere and being one of the most important scientists in the eradi...
1:36 Angus Deaton, 2011 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economy British economist Angus Deaton is granted the award for his fundamental contributions to the theory of consumption and savings, and the measurement of economic wellbeing. Deaton, a professor at Pri...
1:40 Daniel Janzen, 2011 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology U.S. biologist Daniel H. Janzen takes the award for his pioneering work in tropical ecology and his contributions to the conservation of endangered topical ecosystems throughout the world, drawing ...
1:07:10 Lecture: "Big Data for Social Good: modeling epidemics and migrations from a telco perspective" Lecture: "Big Data for Social Good: modeling epidemics and migrations from a telco perspective"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 03/04/2017
Speaker: Enrique Frías
Telefónica I+D (Spain)
50:18 Lecture: "Long-term development of expectation of life amon medical doctors" Lecture: "Long-term development of expectation of life amon medical doctors"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 27/03/2017
Speaker: Frans van Poppel
Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic...
14:07 Catherine Heymans: "In ten years we’ll see a major breakthrough in the understanding of dark matter" Interview with Catherine Heymans, rofessor of Astrophysics at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), who visited the BBVA Foundation on May 8 for the lecture “Seeing the Invisible: The Dark ...
47:07 Lecture by Prof. Catherine Heymans from the University of Edimburgh, United Kingdom 08/05/2017
2017 Series of Lectures on Astrophysics and Cosmology: Science of the cosmos, science in the cosmos
Lecture: "Seeing the Invisible: The Dark Side of the Universe"
Speaker: Prof. Catherin...
2:22:44 "Historical occupational classification and stratification schemes: HISCO, HISCAM and HISCLASS" Lecture: "Historical occupational classification and stratification schemes: HISCO, HISCAM and HISCLASS"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 22/03/2017
Speaker: Richard Zijdeman
18:17 Timothy Besley: "Trump is successful because he speaks the language of the dinner table in politics" Interview with Timothy Besley, School Professor of Economics and Political Science and W Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics at the London School of Economics, and Board Member of the N...
1:10:00 Lecture: "Remeasuring ageing: are the 40s really the new 30s?" Lecture: "Remeasuring ageing: are the 40s really the new 30s?"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 21/03/2017

Berkley Center (videos of May 2017)

source: Berkley Center
1:38:59 Sixteenth Building Bridges Seminar: Power—Divine and Human For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2qUhxz9
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
May 8, 2017 | The sixteenth Building Bridges Semina...
1:40:18 Towards a New Economy: Justice, Culture, and the Social Market - How Culture Shapes Economy For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2pUitn6
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
April 7, 2017 | Pope Francis and the Holy See are a...
1:31:09 Towards a New Economy: Justice, Culture, and the Social Market - How Economy Shapes Culture For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2pUitn6
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
April 7, 2017 | Pope Francis and the Holy See are a...
1:31:12 Towards a New Economy: Justice, Culture, and the Social Market - Social Justice & Market Regulation For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2pUitn6
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
April 7, 2017 | Pope Francis and the Holy See are a...
1:28:03 Towards a New Economy: Justice, Culture, and the Social Market - Welcome & Keynote For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2pUitn6
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
April 7, 2017 | Pope Francis and the Holy See are a...

Cambridge University (videos of May 2017)

source: Cambridge University
3:22 How Sherpas have evolved ‘superhuman’ energy efficiency Sherpas have evolved to become superhuman mountain climbers, extremely efficient at producing the energy to power their bodies even when oxygen is scarce, suggests new research published today in t...
7:50 Unravelling and re-imagining the UK’s relationship with the EU A new report on public attitudes to the future relationship between the UK and the EU, carried out by researchers from the University of Cambridge, reveals a “striking degree of consensus” that ful...
9:58 A Brush With History 120 years after the first Cairo Genizah manuscripts were brought to Cambridge University Library, A Brush with History explores the painstaking process of conserving them– separating out individual...
1:31 My Room, Your Room with Katharine Whitehorn and Lydia Woodward from CAM 80 Katharine Whitehorn returns to Newnham to meet social scientist, Lydia Woodward. Together they discuss innocence, experience and the ‘Newnhamite’ spirit. To read the full interview, look out for CA...

American Society for Microbiology (videos of May 2017)

source: American Society for Microbiology
5:10 Microbial Succession and Flavor Production in Kefir - mSystems® Traditional fermented foods represent relatively low-complexity microbial environments that can be used as model microbial communities to understand how microbes interact in natural environments. O...
2:45 Microbiota, Are You Sick? - mSystems® The human microbiota correlates closely with the health status of its host. This article analyzes the microbial composition of several subjects under different conditions over time spans that range...
51:51 Emerging Microbial Threats at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface by James Hughes, MD Emerging infections pose challenges for microbiologists, physicians, veterinarians, and public health professionals. This lecture by James Hughes, MD, Professor of Medicine, Emory University School...
2:57 Microbiology Career Profiles – Market Specialist at Pacific Biosciences with Melissa Smith, PhD Melissa Smith works with customers to implement deep sequencing technology so they can address different scientific questions. Learn more about what she does, how she got to her position, and what ...

發音概論--賴郁雯 / 交大


source: NCTU OCW    2017年5月10日
The purpose of this course is to provide students with in-depth introduction on the articulation mechanism in human speech. Three main modules covered in the class are 1) Fundamentals of Articulation 2) Software 3) Enact Accent. Lectures of Articulatory Phonetics will equip student will important knowledge on the field. They will then have hand-on training on tools which greatly facilitate articulatory/acoustic analysis of speech. The students’ performance will be evaluated based on a clip (with distinct accent) they choose to enact.
授課教師:外國語文學系 賴郁雯老師
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

Lec01 課程介紹與導論 33:47
Lec02 Articulatory Phonetics 1:06:08
Lec03 Praat 15:13
Lec04 Phonetic Transcription 1:12:07
Lec05 IPA Mahjong 7:14
Lec06 IPA Rule 4:10
Lec07 Place and manner of articulation of consonants and vowels 52:05
Lec08 Basic acoustics 52:32
Lec09 Syllables and Suprasegmentals 1:05:48
Lec10 講題:"話療"和醫療 (1/2) 55:02
Lec11 講題:"話療"和醫療 (2/2) 42:01
Lec12 Physiology of the vocal apparatus (1/2) 14:29
Lec13 Physiology of the vocal apparatus (2/2) 43:11
Lec14 Automatic Speech Recognition 58:06
Lec15 Praat ─ 進階版 1:06:29
Lec16 報告:發音矯正-1 8:45
Lec17 報告:發音矯正-2 8:15
Lec18 報告:發音矯正-3 7:25
Lec19 報告:發音矯正-4 6:22

(اردو / in Urdu) Fundamentals Of Auditing (VU of Pakistan)

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu     2012年5月16日
ACC311 Fundamentals Of Auditing

(اردو / in Urdu) Advertising and Promotion (VU of Pakistan)

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu    2008年12月6日
MKT621 Advertising promotion

(اردو / in Urdu) Financial Accounting (VU of Pakistan)

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu     2011年11月21日
MGT101 Financial Accounting

(اردو / in Urdu & English) Business Communication (VU of Pakistan)

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu     2012年4月6日
ENG301 Business Communication