

發音概論--賴郁雯 / 交大


source: NCTU OCW    2017年5月10日
The purpose of this course is to provide students with in-depth introduction on the articulation mechanism in human speech. Three main modules covered in the class are 1) Fundamentals of Articulation 2) Software 3) Enact Accent. Lectures of Articulatory Phonetics will equip student will important knowledge on the field. They will then have hand-on training on tools which greatly facilitate articulatory/acoustic analysis of speech. The students’ performance will be evaluated based on a clip (with distinct accent) they choose to enact.
授課教師:外國語文學系 賴郁雯老師
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

Lec01 課程介紹與導論 33:47
Lec02 Articulatory Phonetics 1:06:08
Lec03 Praat 15:13
Lec04 Phonetic Transcription 1:12:07
Lec05 IPA Mahjong 7:14
Lec06 IPA Rule 4:10
Lec07 Place and manner of articulation of consonants and vowels 52:05
Lec08 Basic acoustics 52:32
Lec09 Syllables and Suprasegmentals 1:05:48
Lec10 講題:"話療"和醫療 (1/2) 55:02
Lec11 講題:"話療"和醫療 (2/2) 42:01
Lec12 Physiology of the vocal apparatus (1/2) 14:29
Lec13 Physiology of the vocal apparatus (2/2) 43:11
Lec14 Automatic Speech Recognition 58:06
Lec15 Praat ─ 進階版 1:06:29
Lec16 報告:發音矯正-1 8:45
Lec17 報告:發音矯正-2 8:15
Lec18 報告:發音矯正-3 7:25
Lec19 報告:發音矯正-4 6:22

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