

Columbia University (videos of April 2017)

source: Columbia
1:48:30 Brazilian Democracy: Challenges and Perspectives with Dilma Rousseff This program features a discussion by Dilma Rousseff, former President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, on the political and economic challenges facing Brazil. Ms. Rousseff will provide her pe...
1:43:37 Panel Discussion on Philosopher Marshall Berman An evening panel discussion on the legacy and future of the work of Marshall Berman, featuring:

WalterandElizaHall (videos of April 2017)

source: WalterandElizaHall
51:09 Tie J (2017): Tracking bowel cancer in a vial of blood "Tracking bowel cancer in a vial of blood: clinical applications of circulating tumour DNA"
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Wednesday Seminar
22 March 2017
Dr Jeanne Tie
Systems Biology and Persona...
8:00 Discover Novel Brain Disorder Genes with brain coX Dr Saskia Freytag (2017)
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute

École normale supérieure (videos of April 2017)

source: École normale supérieure
1:36:28 CERVEAU : LES DÉCISIONS EN SITUATION D'INCERTITUDE [Comprendre l’origine de la variabilité des décisions humaines en situation d’incertitude]. Prendre une décision nécessite bien souvent de combiner plusieurs sources d’information ambiguës voire mê...
53:38 LES TROUS NOIRS SUPER-MASSIFS [Françoise Combes] "Les trous noirs super-massifs trop gloutons." Toutes les galaxies abritent en leur centre un trou noir super-massif, de masse comprise entre un million et quelques milliards de masses solaires. Il...

Christianity and Ethics by Lynn Mitchell at the U of Houston

# playlist of the 28 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: UHouston    2013年3月7日
RELS 3375/3396
Title: Christianity and Ethics
Professor: Lynn Mitchell
Description: Comparison of ethics from a Christocentric perspective and a philosophical perspective. Relationship between Christian thought and western philosophical traditions with regard to classical and contemporary moral issues and their relation to current political and social issues.

The Bible and Modern Science by Lynn Mitchell at the U of Houston

# playlist of the 29 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: UHouston      2009年1月21日
RELS 3370/3396
Title: The Bible and Modern Science
Professor: Lynn Mitchell
Description: Detailed study of the reciprocal inference of modern science and the interpretation of the Bible. Critical examination of contemporary theories of their relationship.

String Theory (Davide Gaiotto @PSI 2013)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1    2014年10月16日
There is not much on Youtube to help one actually learn string theory, so I thought these lectures (given by Davide Gaiotto of the Perimeter Institute at the 2013-2014 PSI - NOT my videos! All rights, credit, etc. go to the Perimeter Institute, which can be found at the website linked to below) would be a nice addition. All the videos come from, and can be downloaded from in various formats and from previous years, the Perimeter Institute (where these lectures took place) website:
Before attacking these topics, it would be wise have first have familiarity with quantum field theory. Excellent lectures on these topics given by David Tong (of Cambridge) and Francois David at the Perimeter Institute in 2009 and 2011, respectively, can be seen here:
In addition to that, you can check out the wonderful lectures on string theory and M-theory by Leonard Susskind at Stanford:
You can also find lectures from the 2011-2012 PSI review course, given by Freddy Cachazo:
Moreover, there are TONS of books on the subject. I personally suggest the following two for introductions:
The classic textbooks are:
There's also David Tong's notes:
And, lastly, if you are interested in the mathematical perspective on string theory then you can check out the following books:

String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 1 1:02:01 This lecture provides an introduction to perturbative string theory. If you're having trouble seeing the board at any point in the lectures, you can check out this pdf with snapshots of the board -- one shot for each change that occurs: http://pirsa.org/pdf/loadpdf.php?pirs...
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 2 1:08:31
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 3 1:01:03
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 4 1:05:35
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 5 1:13:08
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 6 1:04:57
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 7 59:20
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 8 1:11:28
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 9 57:00
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 10 1:05:50
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 11 56:59
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 12 1:05:42
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 13 1:02:57
String Theory (David Gaiotto) | Lecture 14 1:11:36

String Theory Review (Freddy Cachazo @PSI 2011)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1    2012年11月4日
Lectures by Freddy Cachazo on string theory, which were given at the Perimeter Institute PSI programme in 2011.
There are some excellent lectures given on string theory by Leonard Susskind which can be found over on Stanford's Channel, but I thought a few more wouldn't hurt. These lectures (given by Freddy Cachazo in 2011 - NOT my videos! All rights, credit, etc. go to the Perimeter Institute, which can be found at the website linked to below) suffice until I have to time and mastery of the concepts required to be comfortable making my own videos on the topics, which are my primary area of research. All the videos come from, and can be downloaded from in various formats and from previous years, the Perimeter Institute (where these lectures took place) website:
Before attacking these topics, it would be wise have first have familiarity with quantum field theory. Excellent lectures on these topics given by David Tong (of Cambridge) and Francois David at the Perimeter Institute in 2009 and 2011, respectively, can be seen here:
The aforementioned lectures by Leo Susskind can be found here:

String Theory (Review) | Lecture 1 1:16:14 This lecture provides a historical introduction to the topic and illustrates why one would be interested in pursuing string theory in the first place.
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 2 1:10:57
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 3 1:10:41
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 4 1:07:38
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 5 1:21:23
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 6 1:12:45
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 7 1:13:00
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 8 1:07:06
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 9 1:10:48
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 10 1:13:07
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 11 1:20:03
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 12 1:13:39
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 13 1:24:57
String Theory (Review) | Lecture 14 1:17:38

Strings 2012

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1     2013年2月3日
This playlist consists of various lectures from the Strings 2012 conference. The Strings conference is the largest annual meeting of string theorists, and includes the biggest names in the subject giving talks on advancements made in essentially every aspect of the theory. Anyone who is interested in the subject should be quite interested in these talks! (I'm hoping to actually attend the conference this year in Seoul... but we'll see...)
The lectures can be found, viewed, and downloaded from free from the website for the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, which was the venue for the conference in 2012). In particular, there are many more lectures which do not appear in this playlist (these are merely the lectures I personally find most interesting). Their website can be found here:

David Gross: Outlook and Vision (Strings 2012) 23:39 This is the talk given by the distinguished theoretical physicist David Gross at Strings 2012. This talk is on the outlook and vision for the future of string theory. David Gross is a professor at UC Santa Barbara who is renowned for his fundamental contributions to theoretical physics including his development (with J.A. Harvey, E. Martinec, and R. Rohm, who make up the so-called Princeton string quartet) of the heterotic string, and his 2004 Nobel Prize winning discovery of asymptotic freedom (with F. Wilczek and independently discovered by D. Politzer)- a critically important concept in quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
Nathan Seiberg, Chern-Simons Contact Terms (String 2012) 32:35
Juan Maldacena, Constraining Theories with Higher Spin Symmetry (Strings 2012) 37:06
Barton Zwiebach, Glimpses of Double Field Theory Geometry (Strings 2012) 32:07
Edward Witten, Superstring Perturbation Theory Revisited (Strings 2012) 38:39
Gary Horowitz, Why General Relativity is Like a High Temperature Superconductor (Strings 2012) 30:52
Jonathan Heckman, Covariant Non-Commutative Geometry from String Theory (Strings 2012) 29:28
Shamit Kachru, New Horizons in Finite Density Field Theory and String Theory (Strings 2012) 37:51
Mirjam Cvetič, Non-perturbative Effects in F-theory Compactifications (Strings 2012) 37:22
Costas Kounnas, Non-singular Superstring Cosmologies (Strings 2012) 27:07
Gabriele Veneziano, Opening Lecture II (Strings 2012) 36:21
Alejandra Castro, Path Integrals in 3D Gravity (Strings 2012) 27:24
Andrew Strominger, Progress in dS/CFT (Strings 2012) 39:56
Alexander Polyakov, Quantum Instability of the de Sitter Space (Strings 2012) 35:46
Cumrun Vafa, Topological Strings and Their Diverse Applications (Strings 2012) 1:02:15
John Schwarz, Opening Lecture I (Strings 2012) 27:25
Zohar Komargodski, Comments on the Renormalization Group and Diverse Applications (Strings 2012) 28:22
Hermann Nicolai, Alternative Approaches to Quantum Gravity: A Brief Survey (Strings 2012) 1:04:11

Strings 2014

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1    2014年8月8日
Videos from the 2014 Strings conference, held at Princeton University in June 2014. The workshop page (with videos, as well as slides for every video) can be found here:
Go check it out: there is a lot of cool stuff to find on there. Finally, I was planning on uploading many more that I found interesting, but they can be found on someone else's channel, so I'll simply link to that channel -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1jsSfjt8MPRqK254HV1i9Q

The Black Hole Interior in AdS/CFT (Kyriakos Papadodimas @ Strings 2014) 30:30 Kyriakos Papadodimas' talk from the 2014 Strings conference, held at Princeton University in June 2014.
A Cardy-like Formula in Four Dimensions (Zohar Komargodski @ Strings 2014) 26:01
The Entropy of a Hole in Spacetime (Jan de Boer @ Strings 2014) 29:24

String Theory and Generalized Geometries

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1    2013年3月12日
I decided to upload something leaning more towards mathematics, as that is where my interests lie. These are the lectures from the 5-Day Workshop on "String Theory and Generalized Geometry" held at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) in December of 2012. More information on the workshop, as well as additional videos, can be found/downloaded from the workshop's website, shown below:

Li-Sheng Tseng, Lefschetz Maps and Symplectic Compactifications 1:00:41 This is Li-Sheng Tseng's lecture on Lefschetz maps and symplectic compactifications from the 5-Day Workshop on String Theory and Generalized Geometry held at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) in December of 2012. Tseng will also be giving a 45-minute talk at the 6th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians coming up in July -- you should check it out if you are in the Taipei area at the time. http://iccm.tims.ntu.edu.tw/#Home
Eric Sharpe, Abelian GLSM's, Gerbes, nc Resolutions, and Homological Projective Duality 1:09:25
Rafael Torres, Generalized Complex Structures of Different Type 52:38
Philip Candelas, An Abundance of Elliptic K3 Fibrations 47:29
Sheldon Katz, Log Calabi-Yau Spaces and a New Weak Coupling Limit of F-Theory 1:09:43
Daniel Waldram, “Hypermultiplet Structures” and Moment Maps for Generalised Diffeomorphisms 1:01:35
Washington Taylor, Global Aspects of F-theory and Elliptically Fibered Calabi Yau Manifolds 1:09:56
Ilarion Melnikov, (0,2) Moduli 1:08:28
Savdeep Sethi, Target Spaces from Chiral Gauge Theory 1:10:08
Nick Halmagyi, BPS AdS4 Black Holes 1:09:24
Joshua Lapan, Two Dimensional Gauge Theories and Gromov Witten Invariants 1:09:47
Ruben Minasian, Higher Derivative Couplings and the B-field 1:06:50

Big Think (videos of April 2017)

source: Big Think
5:42 Do Our Senses Reveal the World—Or Do They Obscure It? | Beau Lotto We know the world exists, we just don’t know what it actually looks like—and it's likely that we never will, says neuroscientist Beau Lotto. Humans can only access reality, whatever it may be, thro...
4:44 Your Brain Tells You Time Is Real — But Is It Lying to You? | Dean Buonomano If you're here to indulge in some mind-bending talk about time travel, neuroscientist Dean Buonomano is about to break some hearts. He doesn't think it's plausible—but if it were, there is one hypo...
4:32 You Don't Need a Lot of Money or Business Classes to Start a Company | Sara Blakely What's the difference between a successful entrepreneur and everyone else? People who build an empire from a product or idea are the ones who take themselves off auto-pilot and ask: is there a bett...
3:36 Faith Is Absurd—Let’s Embrace the Comedy in That | Adam Mansbach With something as sensitive as faith, humor isn't just a handy way to bring people of various religions together, it's an essential tool for social cooperation. Adam Mansbach finds plenty to laugh ...
5:36 Quadruple Amputee Kyle Maynard Is a Photographer, Wrestler, and Inspiration Machine Life advice is awesome under one condition only: when it's being given by someone who has truly lived. That's Kyle Maynard defined. At 26 years old, Maynard became the first quadruple amputee to as...
1:53 Bill Nye Explains the Scientific Method and His Greatest Accomplishment in Life Bill Nye has many feathers in his cap — he's the CEO of The Planetary Society, has a brand-new Netflix show, flew on Air Force One with President Obama, has at least six honorary doctorate degrees ...
7:48 Artificial Intelligence Should Be a Good Kick in the Groin | MIT's Michael Schrage What if AI stood for 'Augmented Introspection' as well as 'Artificial Intelligence'? We've been given a precious do-over opportunity in this emergent time of AI technology, where we can choose to r...
3:36 Brain Training to Beat Procrastination with the World's Easiest Learning Technique | Barbara Oakley Learning is not always easy, and there may be a biological reasons for that. Engineering professor Barbara Oakley teaches the world's largest online open class, commonly referred to as MOOCs. So yo...
5:26 Facebook May Not Want to Beat Fake News | Katherine Maher Wikipedia has come a long, long way. Back when teachers and education institutions were banning it as an information source for students, did anyone think that by 2017 "the encyclopedia that anyone...
2:12 Religion Can Be Dangerous without a Sense of Humor | Dave Barry How can each religion be right and have conflicting beliefs? That, says Dave Barry, is why a sense of humor is crucial for religions to peacefully co-exist. Being able to laugh a little at our own ...
5:09 America's LGBTQ Community: Eye-opening Facts and Statistics | Bennett Singer How many young Americans identify as 100% heterosexual? Where do LGBTQ people live? In what countries is same-sex activity punishable by prison or death? These are all things the stats can tell you...
2:23 The Universe Doesn’t Give a Damn about Us | Theoretical Physicist Lawrence Krauss on Optimism The universe doesn't care about you, and the future is miserable. So begins theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss' guide to optimism. Optimism? You heard us right. We may never find meaning or purp...
3:25 Bill Nye: Will Robots Take Everyone's Job? There are two schools of thought about job automation: one rejects the idea as robots "stealing" human jobs, while the other cannot wait to put its feet up and tuck into some Proust — finally, free...
4:49 Nobody Can Have It All, but You Can Learn to Cope | "New Yorker" Writer Ariel Levy "The thinking that you can have every single thing you want in life is not the thinking of a feminist," says Ariel Levy, "it's the thinking of a toddler." According to Levy, Western culture isn't t...
6:29 The Truth about Success That Nobody Is Telling You | Former Equinox President Sarah Robb O'Hagan What do successful people have in common? They're not satisfied with success. After winning an Olympic gold medal, or filling one the nation's top offices "they would then say, 'Okay, I’m restless ...
4:37 Defund the NEA and PBS? That's Criminal. | Tribeca Film Festival Co-founder Jane Rosenthal The arts reflect what a country is, says Jane Rosenthal — so what kind of country is the US if it cuts funding to its arts communities? The NEA and PBS are two organizations on the chopping block u...
5:38 Want to Be More Empathetic? Start Reading Books by Minorities | Gene Luen Yang Fiction is so much more than a vehicle for entertainment. Graphic novelist Gene Luen Yang believes "own-voice" stories, told by people from within those communities, have immense power to show us t...
5:09 Optimists Decide the Future | "Wired" Founder Kevin Kelly The news certainly doesn't portray it this way, but every year the world becomes a better place, says Kevin Kelly. There is currently an imbalance in our optimism and pessimism levels, because we f...
3:50 Carl Sagan Changed My Life: Bill Nye on Chuck Berry, Kids' Love of Science, and Voyager Spacecraft When Bill Nye was studying engineering at Cornell University, he took astronomy under none other than Carl Sagan. In the past, Nye has said that Sagan gave his lectures just as he presented the ico...
5:30 How Online Advertising Is Tricking Your Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs | Tristan Harris The attention economy has always existed—penny papers competed with each other the same way streaming services do now—but today we feel it so much more because our devices are no longer plugged int...
4:17 Donald Trump: The World's First TV President | Adam Mansbach Until now, the relationship of the President of the United States to the TV had been predictable. The President made news, and satirists made fun of the President. The President did not watch the s...
4:18 Quantum Mechanics, Onions, and a Theory of Everything | Astrophysicist Lawrence Krauss It’s no surprise that understanding highly abstract mathematics can be challenging, says theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss. The organ of your body that does the understanding — the brain — is l...
4:40 Politics Is Based On a Fundamental Lie, says “Cynical Libertarian” Dave Barry If you think lies are funny, you might be a cynic. If you’re a cynical libertarian, you might be Dave Barry. As a humorist at the Miami Herald for more than 20 years, Barry kept a close watch on st...
4:51 The History of "B*tch" | Merriam-Webster Lexicographer Kory Stamper Language is an evolving animal. That's why the world needs lexicographers, to update dictionaries so they reflect the language of the time. This paper trail leaves a fascinating historical record, ...
4:08 China Spends Billions of Dollars Copying Western Art and Architecture. Why? | Gish Jen In 2012, the southern Chinese province of Guangdong spent $940 million constructing a complete replica of Austria's most picturesque town, the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Hallstatt. Did the rest o...
3:27 Your Mind Is So Powerful It Creates Your Reality: What Isaac Lidsky Learned by Going Blind at Age 25 If Isaac Lidsky had not gone blind by the age of 25, would he have graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude, or clerked for two Supreme Court Justices, or created a technology company wort...
3:41 Bill Nye on Conspiracy Theorists: NASA's Moon Landing, Vaccines, Astrology, and Tarot Cards Denial comes in all flavors. Some think the moon landing was staged, some think Tupac is alive, and others reject vaccines. If the United States learnt anything in the 2016 election, it's that soci...
4:22 Shaving Your "Bikini Region" While Driving, and Other Florida Stories | Humorist Dave Berry There's a place Americans feel they can do anything, and it's not Las Vegas. Car crashes, sex acts, Walmart, stuffed animals: where else but Florida could these four things be part of the same narr...
4:17 Poker Rule #1: To Win, Don't Privilege Your Gut Instincts | Poker Champ Liv Boeree Want to win at poker? First, understand how your mind works. In Thinking, Fast and Slow, Nobel-Prize winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman explains the mind’s two thinking systems: System 1 which “i...
4:23 It Would Not Be Cool If AI Were Conscious — It Would Be Dumb | Daniel Dennett If consciousness is ours to give, should we give it to AI? This is the question on the mind of the very sentient Daniel Dennett. The emerging trend in AI and AGI is to humanize our robot creations:...

(اردو / in Urdu) Mobile and Pervasive Computing (VU of PAkistan)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: vu     2012年6月29日
CS710 Mobile and Pervasive Computing

(اردو / in Urdu) Object Oriented Database Management System (VU of Pakistan)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: vu    2012年4月23日
CS713 Object Oriented DataBase Management Systems

(اردو / in Urdu) Introduction To Programing (C++) [VU of Pakistan]

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: vu    2012年6月7日
CS201 Introduction to Programing

(اردو / in Urdu) Software Project Management (VU of Pakistan)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: vu    2008年9月9日
CS615 Software Project Management

(2016下-商專) 日文 (二)--吳致秀 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道    2017年3月1日
更多日文(二)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(2016下-商專) 憲法--彭堅汶 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道      2017年3月1日
更多憲法(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(2016下-商專) 生涯規劃--石雅惠 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道    2017年3月1日
更多生涯規劃(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(בעברית / in Hebrew) אבני פינה - צפונות ים המלח (Secrets of the Dead Sea)

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem    2015年3月10日
פרופ' עודד נבון ופרופ' מוטי שטיין
מספר קורס 70120
תשע"ה, סמסטר ב'