

String Theory and Generalized Geometries

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source: LeonhardEuler1    2013年3月12日
I decided to upload something leaning more towards mathematics, as that is where my interests lie. These are the lectures from the 5-Day Workshop on "String Theory and Generalized Geometry" held at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) in December of 2012. More information on the workshop, as well as additional videos, can be found/downloaded from the workshop's website, shown below:

Li-Sheng Tseng, Lefschetz Maps and Symplectic Compactifications 1:00:41 This is Li-Sheng Tseng's lecture on Lefschetz maps and symplectic compactifications from the 5-Day Workshop on String Theory and Generalized Geometry held at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) in December of 2012. Tseng will also be giving a 45-minute talk at the 6th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians coming up in July -- you should check it out if you are in the Taipei area at the time. http://iccm.tims.ntu.edu.tw/#Home
Eric Sharpe, Abelian GLSM's, Gerbes, nc Resolutions, and Homological Projective Duality 1:09:25
Rafael Torres, Generalized Complex Structures of Different Type 52:38
Philip Candelas, An Abundance of Elliptic K3 Fibrations 47:29
Sheldon Katz, Log Calabi-Yau Spaces and a New Weak Coupling Limit of F-Theory 1:09:43
Daniel Waldram, “Hypermultiplet Structures” and Moment Maps for Generalised Diffeomorphisms 1:01:35
Washington Taylor, Global Aspects of F-theory and Elliptically Fibered Calabi Yau Manifolds 1:09:56
Ilarion Melnikov, (0,2) Moduli 1:08:28
Savdeep Sethi, Target Spaces from Chiral Gauge Theory 1:10:08
Nick Halmagyi, BPS AdS4 Black Holes 1:09:24
Joshua Lapan, Two Dimensional Gauge Theories and Gromov Witten Invariants 1:09:47
Ruben Minasian, Higher Derivative Couplings and the B-field 1:06:50

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