

SchAdvStudy_U of London (videos of March 2017)

source: SchAdvStudy
1:06:55 Rethinking the History of Science and Knowledge in Latin America 26-01-2016 Institute of Latin American Studies
Institute: http://ilas.sas.ac.uk/ Professor Marcos Cueto (FI...
1:01:19 The future of the jury in criminal trials - the problem of jury directions 21-11-2016 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Institute: http://ials.sas.ac.uk/ Justice Mark Wein...
36:03 Turning your Research into an exhibition 08-03-17 School of Advanced Study
http://www.sas.ac.uk/ Professor Kiera Vaclavik
(Queen Mary, University of London)
Drawing on my experience curating 'T...
1:09:29 Lachmann today: The debate on the method of textual criticism 25-11-2016 Warburg Institute
Institute: http://www.warburg.sas.ac.uk/ Lachmann today: The debate on the method of textual criticism and its consequences for the history of a...
1:21:30 L’Oulipo et la Seconde Guerre mondiale - Meeting with Jacques Roubaud and Olivier Salon 16-09-2016 Institute of Modern Languages Research
Institute: http://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/  Colloque international
L’Oulipo et la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Rencontre avec ...
1:05:38 L’Oulipo et la Seconde Guerre mondiale - Perec : une oeuvre en construction 16-09-2016 Institute of Modern Languages Research
Institute: http://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/ Colloque international
L’Oulipo et la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Perec : une oeu...
48:58 L’Oulipo et la Seconde Guerre mondiale - Aubrey Gabel and Marc Laprand 16-09-2016 Institute of Modern Languages Research
Institute: http://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/ Colloque international
L’Oulipo et la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Les racines de ...
41:21 L’Oulipo et la Seconde Guerre : de l’implicite des fondateurs aux oulipiens d’aujourd’hui 16-09-2016 Institute of Modern Languages Research
Institute: http://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/

Science Gallery Dublin (videos of March 2017)

source: Science Gallery Dublin
51:46 Linda Doyle A series of lunchtime talks from the creative minds at the forefront of Irish culture, science and the arts.
The unique individuals featured in the First Up series believed in an idea and did eve...
1:00:49 FIRST UP: GRAHAM MCLAREN AND NEIL MURRAY A series of lunchtime talks from the creative minds at the forefront of Irish culture, science and the arts.
The unique individuals featured in the First Up series believed in an idea and did ever...
55:34 FIRST UP: SINÉAD BURKE A series of lunchtime talks from the creative minds at the forefront of Irish culture, science and the arts.
The unique individuals featured in the First Up series believed in an idea and did ever...
1:05:02 ROBOTS ON FILM: THE RISE OF REALISTIC AI From Ex Machina to Terminator, artificial intelligence, ‘synths’ and robots have invaded our cinemas. But how far from reality is the depiction on the silver screen? Join us for a free lunchtime di...
4:31 Exploring AUTOMATION at HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY  How much automation is too much? Explore the exhibits at HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY that look at what we should give up to machines.
In an automated world, will it be time to put humans out to pasture?...
1:01 HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY at Science Gallery Dublin in 50 seconds In an automated world, will it be time to put humans out to pasture? Are we hurtling together towards a leisure-time utopia or robot-tended human zoos? HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY at Science Gallery at T...
1:53 Exploring THE FUTURE OF EMPLOYMENT at HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY Exploring the exhibits at HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY that deal with the future of employment.
In an automated world, will it be time to put humans out to pasture? Are we hurtling together towards a lei...
3:45 Exploring COCREATIVITY at HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY Exploring the exhibits at HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY that look at how artificial intelligence can help with the creative process.
In an automated world, will it be time to put humans out to pasture? Ar...
3:36 Exploring ROBOTS LIKE US at HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY Exploring the exhibits at HUMANS NEED NOT APPLY that look at how we project ourselves and human characteristics onto robots and machines.
In an automated world, will it be time to put humans out t...
4:02 Exploring EVERYDAY EXPERIENCES at DESIGN AND VIOLENCE Exploring the exhibits at DESIGN AND VIOLENCE that deal with design and violence in the everyday.
What happens when creativity, art and engineering collide with power, pain and politics?
We have...
4:18 Exploring DIY DESIGN at DESIGN AND VIOLENCE Exploring the exhibits at DESIGN AND VIOLENCE that deal with authoritative and DIY design.
What happens when creativity, art and engineering collide with power, pain and politics?
We have a tend...
3:14 Exploring CODE at DESIGN AND VIOLENCE Exploring the exhibits at DESIGN AND VIOLENCE that deal with code.
What happens when creativity, art and engineering collide with power, pain and politics?
We have a tendency to view design as a...
3:18 Exploring APPEARANCES at DESIGN AND VIOLENCE Exploring the exhibits at DESIGN AND VIOLENCE that deal with appearances.
What happens when creativity, art and engineering collide with power, pain and politics?

(בעברית / in Hebrew) "מהי מתמטיקה("What is Mathematics)

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem    2013年3月6日 
"מהי מתמטיקה-היכרות באמצעות דוגמאות"
תוכנית "אבני פינה
ד"ר יונתן ברויאר
תיאור הקורס:
הקורס יטפל באופן המובן לקהל רחב של לא-מתמטיקאים בכמה רעיונות עליהם מבוססת המתמטיקה מאז ימי היוונים והמצרים הקדמונים. נעסוק בנושאים כגון: המספרים השלמים ותכונותיהם הבסיסיות, האם אפשר להגדיר במדוייק מהם המספרים השלמים ...3,2,1, מהי הוכחה מתמטית, מהו מספר אינסופי כיצד כעך וכוס קפה יכולים להיות זהים באם ואשר שני קוים ישרים נחתכים רק בנקודה אחת. ועוד. הידע המתמטי הנדרש לקורס הוא מינימלי, אך על התלמידים להיות נכונים להתמודדות עם רעיונות מופשטים.

What is mathematics- Introduction through example
The course will deal and combine the following topics:
Numbers: irrational numbers, imaginary numbers, different representations of numbers, prime numbers and their properties.
Shapes: Geometry from two dimensions to many dimensions.
Infinity: The concept of infinity. The paradox of motion. How to add up infinitly many numbers.
Riddles: Mathematical puzzles and riddles.
Models: Mathematical models as the gate to science.
Probability: The mathematics of luck.
Games: mathematical games and the theory of games. Mathematics in social sciences.

Smart materials and surfaces - BP ICAM seminar

source: bhadeshia123    2017年3月7日
Professor Ivan Parkin of University College London gives a BP-ICAM seminar on designing surfaces that are "self cleaning" or hydrophobic (repel water) or hydrophilic (water loving), antimicrobial etc.
This video is a part of a series of British Petroleum's International Centre for Advanced Materials

Bainite by Harry Bhadeshia at POSCO in South Korea

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: bhadeshia123     2011年5月1日
Microstructure of Bainite
Here we explore the known features of bainite in steels, which in subsequent lectures are explained in terms of the atomic mechanism by which bainite forms. The bainite reaction on a time--temperature transformation diagram, in the context of all the other transformations that occur in steels; the microstructure of upper and lower bainite; the carbides that form during the bainite reaction; the sub--unit of bainite; the behaviour of substitutional solutes such as Mn, Si, Cr during the bainite reaction; the behaviour of interstitial solutes such as carbon or nitrogen during the bainite reaction; the shape deformation due to bainite; plastic relaxation.
More information on http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/phase-trans/
and corresponding slides on http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/phase-trans/...

POSCO Lectures on Bainite - Part 1 42:09
POSCO Lectures on Bainite - Part 2 50:53
POSCO Lectures on Bainite - Part 3 56:12
POSCO lectures on bainite - part 4 37:13
Physical Metallurgy of Steels - Part 4 47:02
Design of Novel Bainitic Steels 1:01:58
Martensite and Bainite: Bain Correspondence 0:30
Martensite and Bainite: Bain Correspondence 0:14
Superbainite at the Science Museum 0:51
Ballistic tests on nanostructured bainite armour Ballistic testing of armour  1:55
Carbon atoms at a line defect in nanostructured bainite 0:04
2015 Van Horn Distinguished Lectures: 3 1:08:49
Machining of a resulphurised bainitic steel 1:40
Bainite at Institut franco-allemand de recherche pour la défense 53:30
Why martensite and bainite grow as thin plates 8:50

Crystallography (2013) by Harry Bhadeshia at POSTECH, Republic of Korea

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: bhadeshia123      2013年3月5日
Lectures by Professor H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia at POSTECH, Republic of Korea
A complete course in crystallography. Associated materials such as lecture notes, books, and much more can be found on: http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/phase-trans/teaching.html

Crystallography 1 (2013) Introduction 56:03
Crystallography 2 (2013) Structures 56:06
Crystallography 3 (2013) Interstitials 51:54
Crystallography 4 (2013) Stereograms 45:34
Crystallography 5 (2013) Stereograms 39:53
Crystallography 6 (2013) Space Groups 41:03
Crystallography 7 (2013) Reciprocal Lattice 1:00:57
Crystallography 8, Deformation, Texture 2013 47:03
Crystallography 9, Interfaces (2013) 45:14
Crystallography 10, Metric tensor (2013) 49:36
Crystallography 11, Affine deformations 2013 47:21
Crystallography 12, Affine deformations, 2013 42:34
Crystallography 13, TRIP and TWIP steels (2013) 54:28
Crystallography 14, Displacive transformations (2013) 47:06
Crystallography 15, Complete Martensite (2013) 44:14
Lithium niobate 3:12
Stereogram and Wulff Net - 3 0:08
Stereogram and Wulff Net - 2 0:06
Stereogram and Wulff Net - 1 0:05
Development of Rolling Texture 0:21
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 0:49
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 0:43
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 0:40
Crystal structure of alpha-plutonium 0:42
Crystal structure of alpha-plutonium 0:46
Crystal structure of beta-plutonium 1:07
Crystallographic unit cell of tellurium 0:57
Crystallographic unit cell of tellurium 0:53
Point group symmetry of truncated cube, part 4 0:21
Crystallography: Triclinic lattice 0:26
Orthorhombic-F lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:15
Tetragonal-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices. 0:21
Rhomobohedral lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices. 0:32
Orthorhombic-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices. 0:24
Rhomobohedral lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices. 0:13
Tetragonal-I lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices. 0:19
Orthorhombic-C lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:16
Orthorhombic-I lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:17
Monoclinic-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:17
Monoclinic-C lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:23
Hexagonal lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:15
Arrangement of atoms in ferrite (a form of iron) 0:21
Cubic-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:12
Cubic-F lattice 0:22
Cubic-I lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:18
Point group symmetry of truncated cube, part 3 0:21
Point group symmetry of truncated cube, part 2 0:21
Point group symmetry of truncated cube, part 1 0:21
Epsomite crystal rotated about vertical axis 0:24
Point group symmetry of epsomite crystal 0:50
Unit cell of cuprite (Cu_2O) 1:22
The unit cell of cuprite (Cu_2O) 0:22
Cycling inside the synchrotron at Grenoble 0:31
Reconstructive and Displacive Transformations: Part V 1:58
Weiss Zone Rule 1:24
The structure of caffeine 0:06
Crystal structure of solid bromine 1:51
Hematite - Fe_2O_3, an oxide of iron 2:19
Taiwan Lectures: Introduction to Crystallography, Part 3 26:02
Taiwan Lectures: Introduction to Crystallography, Part 2 27:32
Taiwan Lectures: Introduction to Crystallography, Part 1 27:32
Calculation of Crystallographic Texture due to Displacive Transformations in Steels 23:42
Grain Boundary Engineering, Part 5 1:00:29
Grain Boundary Engineering, Part 4 1:01:32
Grain Boundary Engineering, Part 3 59:23
Grain Boundary Engineering, Part 2 1:01:14
Grain Boundary Engineering, Part I 55:30
Crystallographic Structure of Interfaces 52:07
Mathematical Crystallography: the Correspondence Matrix 41:10
Similarity Transformations and Homogeneous Deformations 37:55
The Metric Tensor in Crystallography 52:20
Martensitic transformations in steels 48:08
Crystallography of Martensite 1:02:33
The structure of interfaces between crystals 30:57
Deformation Texture: Cyrstallography 34:07
The Reciprocal Lattice in Crystallography 58:53
Space Groups in Crystallography 52:09
Point Groups in Crystallography 36:37
Stereographic Projections in Crystallography 49:39
Crystallography: Triclinic lattice 0:26
the crystal structure of zinc sulphide (cubic-F form) 0:16
Hexagonal lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices 0:15
the crystal structure of gamma prime, nickel based superalloys 0:22
the crystal structure of gamma double-prime, nickel superalloys 0:30
the crystal structure of carbon in its graphite form 0:23
Carbon atom in tetrahedral interstice in ferrite in steel 0:36
The crystal structure of carbon in its diamond form 0:16
the crystal structure of gamma in nickel based superalloys 0:16
Arrangement of atoms in ferrite (a form of iron) 0:21
Crystallography: the crystal structure of flourite CaF_2 0:10
Cementite in steels: crystallography 0:57
Bainite and Widmanstatten ferrite in steels 43:29
Crystallography: Unit cell of cementite (Fe_3C) 0:41

University of California Television (UCTV) [videos of March 2017]

source: University of California Television (UCTV)
22:03 Zika Virus Epidemiology and Congenital Zika (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Yvonne (Bonnie) Maldonado, MD, Stanford University Series: "Developmental Disabilities 2017 Update" [Show ID: 32196]
31:49 When Listening is Complicated (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Ruti Regan, Inclusion Speaker and Trainer. Series: "Developmental Disabilities 2017 Update" [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 32191]
32:47 Quality in Home and Community Based Services to Support Community Living (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Ari Ne’eman, CEO, MySupport Series: "Developmental Disabilities 2017 Update" [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 32193]
18:53 The Pediatric Approach to Infants Born with Zika and their Families (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Leslie Rubin, MD. Morehouse School of Medicine. Series: "Developmental Disabilities 2017 Update" [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 32195]
22:22 Zika Virus in Pregnancy (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Kristen Salmeen, MD. Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, UCSF
Series: "Developmental Disabilities 2017 Update" [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 3...
31:34 Supported Decision Making Civil Liberties and Alternatives to Guardianship (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Susan P. Mizner, JD. Disabilities Counsel, ACLU. Series: "Developmental Disabilities 2017 Update" [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 32192]
59:45 Update on California’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Systems and Services (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Sheldon Dent, California Department of Developmental Services and Eric Zigman, Golden Gate Research Center. Series: "Developmental Disabilities 2017 Update" [Profession...
45:11 A Canary in the Coal Mine: Muslims in Trump’s America (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) For 15 years, Edina Lekovic has served as a leading voice on American Muslims and an inter-community builder between diverse faith traditions. She explores the way in w...
58:42 Data Science Technology and Medicine - Exploring Ethics (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Todd P. Coleman of the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering discusses multi-disciplinary efforts to develop noninvasive tools to monitor health status. He shares n...
57:01 Expanded Hitchcock: Vertigo (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Film preservationist James Katz and Tom Pollock, former Executive Vice President of MCA and Chairman of Universal Pictures, discuss the restoration of "Vertigo" with Ch...
59:53 In the Shadow of White Mountain (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) The University of California's White Mountain Research Station provides science unprecedented access to unique environments, environments where life exists at the edge ...
57:43 Is There a Post-Place Politics? (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) John Agnew, UCLA distinguished professor of geography, has spent his scholarly career examining the politics of place. In this lecture he asks if there is such a thing a...
50:28 Marketing in a Global Age Featuring Aimeé Lapic (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Global marketing expert Aimeé Lapic sits down with UC Davis Professor Kimberly Elsback to explore the insights she has learned as a senior-level executive at Banana Rep...
0:36 UCTV April 2017 (What's Next for NAFTA; Toxic Environment; STEAM Education) (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) UCTV This Month: Leaders from industry, academia, and journalism analyze the future of NAFTA; Discover advances and challenges to prevent, diagnose and treat toxic expo...
59:40 New Administration New Policy? How Changes in Washington Could Impact Israelis and Palestinians (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) The political atmosphere of the Middle East may change with the new administration. David Makovsky Ziegler, Distinguished Fellow and Director of the Project on the Midd...
1:26:50 Toxins in Your Everyday Environment (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) There are toxins throughout our environment that can cause significant harm. Dr. Timur Durrani explores important concepts in toxicology along with common toxins. He al...
57:55 An Election Like No Other and What Lies Ahead with Former US Senator Barbara Boxer (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Barbara Boxer, the longtime US Senator from California and author of "The Art of Tough: Fearlessly Facing Politics and Life," speaks on her biggest battles in Congress,...
1:19:12 The Toxicology Detective: How The Laboratory Solves Unknown Cases (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Find out how a toxicologist is like a detective when trying to find the toxin causing harm to a patient. Alan Wu is Chief of Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology at San Fr...
45:34 The Imperatives of Binational Security Cooperation (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Alan Bersin, a former Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security, and others warn against the destruction of confidence between the US and Mexico and call on all parties...
1:31:35 Music From the Middle of Life: Rossini Beethoven Berio - La Jolla Symphony and Chorus (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Conductor Steven Schick and the La Jolla Symphony & Chorus perform music composed in mid-life, a time when the exuberance of youth begins to transform into the reflecti...
29:48 The View from Mexico: Senator Armando Rios Piter (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Mexican Senator Armando Piter describes the alarm in Mexico about hostile actions toward immigrants in the United States and predicts this will lead to a decline in the...
27:38 The Impact of a New Cross-Border Tax Regime Regime (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Customs and tax attorneys from the US and Mexico explain how some proposed increases in cross border taxes and border adjustment taxes will affect trade in North Americ...
41:50 The Implications of New Political Realities: What Lies Ahead for the North American Partnership (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Elisabeth Malkin of The New York Times asks panelists to explain the value of NAFTA to union members and maquiladora workers as both have not seen the wage increases th...
45:16 Mexican and Canadian Diplomacy Towards the US: The Non-NAFTA Scenario (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Veteran diplomats describe what’s at stake for Canada, the US and Mexico as the three countries commit to preserving their alliances in the wake of the America First rh...
21:50 Mexico's Lines in the Sand with Juan Carlos Baker Mexico's Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Juan Carlos Baker, Mexico’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, outlines Mexico’s response to President Trump’s call to renegotiate NAFTA. While acknowledging that Trump...
1:44 What is Addiction? (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Psychiatry specialist Dr. Jeffrey DeVido highlights the defining features of substance use disorder, also known as addiction. Watch the Whole Show: https://www.youtube....
4:21 Vision for the Future and Next Steps (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. John Stobo, Executive Vice President, UC Health Series: "Quality Improvement and Health Care Reform" [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 32070]
15:53 Changing the Culture: How Do We Come Together as a Health System? (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Moderator: Dr. John Stobo, Executive Vice President, UC Health. Panelists: Dr. Howard Federoff, Mark Laret, Johnese Spisso. Series: "Quality Improvement and Health Care...
32:27 ​Big Data: Using Data to Drive Quality - A Scientific Approach to Improve Outcomes and Reduce Costs (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Moderator: Dr. Sam Hawgood, Chancellor, UCSF. Panelists: Dr. Atul Butte, Dr. Michael Hogarth, Dr. Lucila Ohno-Machado, Dr. Michael Pfeffer Series: "Quality Improvement ...
30:22 Quality: Do We Know It When We See It? (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Moderator: Dr. Peter Pronovost, Sr. Vice President for Patient Safety and Quality, Director of the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality, Johns Hopkins Med...
43:30 Role of Academic Medical Centers in the National Quality Agenda (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. Peter Pronovost, Sr. Vice President for Patient Safety and Quality, Director of the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality, Johns Hopkins Medicine. Seri...
36:57 Employers’ View of Academic Medical Centers and Quality (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) David Lansky, President and CEO Pacific Business Group on Health Series: "Quality Improvement and Health Care Reform" [4/2017] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medic...
46:18 Center for Health Quality and Innovation Update (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Karyn DiGiorgio, Executive Director, Center for Health Quality and Innovation
Moderator: Dr. Robert Wachter, Professor and Chair of the Dept. of Medicine, UCSF Health. ...
11:53 Center for Health Quality and Innovation - 2017 Update (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. John Stobo, Executive Vice President, UC Health. Series: "Quality Improvement and Health Care Reform" [Show ID: 32062]
27:43 The Imperfections of NAFTA: Economic Dualities in North American Markets (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Harley Shaiken of UC Berkeley joins Jaana Remes of the McKinsey Global Institute, Gerardo Esqivel of COLMEX and Dudley Althaus of the Wall Street Journal for a discussi...
27:13 North American Competitiveness Outlook Without NAFTA (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Gordon Hanson of UC San Diego presents data showing the anticipated financial losses to Canada, Mexico and the US if NAFTA is scrapped; Lindsay Oldenski of Georgetown U...
1:43 Nature's Impact on the Seriously Ill Patient (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Rev. Denah Joseph, Chaplain and Associate Director UCSF Palliative Care Service, reflects on the positive effects of connecting the seriously ill patient with nature. W...
44:28 Asthma and Allergies in Urban Schools and Community Environments - LeNoir/Hamburger Lecture 2017 (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Wanda Phipatanakul, MD, discusses how unique exposures in the environment (such as mouse allergens at home or school) contribute to increased cases of asthma. Series: ...
59:48 NAFTA in Retrospective (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) In the first of a nine-part series exploring the future of the North American economy, analysts from California, Arizona and Mexico look back on the factors that led to...
2:28 On the Way to a Safe and Abundant Food Supply (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) With an ever growing population some high-tech approaches for sustainable agriculture are being tested. Join Kristen Simoes as she explores the world of crops and agric...
1:43 Helping an Addict Decide to Change (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Psychiatry specialist Dr. Jeffrey DeVido discusses proven methods that help addicts decide to change. Dr DeVido emphasizes using an empathic approach in order to open u...
54:15 Saturday Science at Scripps Research: The Nuts and Bolts of Building Molecules with Keary Engle (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) From the medicines that we take in the morning, to the plastic chairs that we sit on during afternoon class, we are constantly interacting with structurally complex org...
56:10 Follow Your Gut: Microbiomes and Aging with Rob Knight - Research on Aging (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) Rob Knight explores the unseen microbial world that exists literally right under our noses — and everywhere else on (and in) our bodies. He discusses the important influ...
17:38 High Notes: The Case for Music Education (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Students, administrators and academic researchers demonstrate the value of learning music in school as they show improvements in English and Math test scores, class att...
1:18:36 Berkeley Lab's Science at the Theater - 5 Big Questions (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) From simulating supernovae to growing food in our cities, Berkeley Lab scientists dive into the big questions that drive their research. Come hear Judy Campisi, Kai Vet...
1:18:32 Science at the Theater - 5 Big Questions (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Every discovery and invention starts with a question. From wave energy to dark energy, find out how Berkeley Lab scientists dive into the big questions that drive their...
3:01 What is Alzheimer's Disease? (Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) Craig Wingate of the Alzheimer's Association provides clues to differentiate typical aging with Alzhemer's. When we can make that distinction we can focus on being resil...