

Crystallography (2016) by Harry Bhadeshia (University of Cambridge)

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source: bhadeshia123 2    016年10月17日
The defining properties of crystals, anisotropy, Miller indexing of directions and planes, elements of symmetry, rotation axes, mirror planes, screw axes, glide planes.
Associated teaching materials can be found on:

Introduction to Crystallography (2016) - lecture 1 36:49
Crystal structures, point groups (2016) - lecture 2 41:23
Stereographic projections in crystallography (2016) - lecture 3 35:15
Stereographic projections, low symmetry (2016) - lecture 4 40:58
Space groups (2016) - lecture 5 30:00
The reciprocal lattice and diffraction (2016) - lecture 6 52:21
Deformation and Crystallographic texture (2016) - lecture 7 43:13
Interfaces and Orientation Relations (2016) - lecture 8 37:33
Crystallography of martensite (2016) - lecture 9 46:56

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