

Universiteit van Nederland (videos of February 2017)

source: Universiteit van Nederland
15:40 VOEDING: Waarom kun je van rood vlees en rode wijn kanker krijgen? Een glas rode wijn per dag is goed voor je gezondheid, toch? Maar rood vlees dan weer niet, of valt het toch wel mee? Hoe weten we eigenlijk of dat wat we eten wel of niet goed voor ons is? Ellen K...
14:54 VOEDING: Hoe voorkomen we dat jij vanavond weer een hele zak chips leeg eet? Oké, nog één handje dan. En opeens is die zak chips die net nog halfvol was, helemaal leeg. Hoe kan dat nou? Waar komt die onbedwingbare behoefte nou vandaan om zo'n zak chips (of chocoladereep, oo...
14:31 VOEDING: Waarom vind jij een vegetariër soms zo irritant? Stel: je staat op een feestje en er komt een schaal met borrelhapjes aan. En nét als jij in je bitterbal wilt happen, hoor je vanaf links "Nee dankje, ik eet geen vlees, dat vind ik zó zielig voor ...
14:07 VOEDING: Wanneer mag een bedrijf beweren dat hagelslag supergoed voor je is? Stel, je bent chocoladerepenfabrikant en je weet dat cacao gezonde effecten op de gezondheid heeft. Mag je dan op je chocoladereep zetten dat-ie goed voor je is? Alie de Boer (Maastricht Universit...
12:39 VOEDING: Eten we straks insecten als borrelnootjes? "Kan iemand mij de schaal met sprinkhanen doorgeven?" Volgens Catriona Lakemond (Wageningen University) duurt het niet lang voordat deze zin op feestjes en partijen te horen valt. Want insecten zij...
12:59 ISLAM: Waarom hebben soennieten en sji'ieten minder hekel aan elkaar dan je denkt? In het nieuws hoor je het vaak als het gaat om conflicten in Syrië of Irak: "de soennieten en sji'ieten staan lijnrecht tegenover elkaar." Maar hoe zit dat dan precies? Zijn het echt eeuwenoude vij...
13:19 ISLAM: Waarom waren Europeanen een eeuw geleden verliefd op de Islam? De discussies van vandaag de dag rondom islam zijn voor het merendeel niet positief. Maar wist jij dat Europa zo'n 100 jaar geleden enorm gefascineerd was door de islam? Inclusief buikdansclubs en ...
15:18 LEREN LEREN: Wat moet je de dag voor je tentamen doen behalve leren? Neuropsycholoog Jérôme Gijselaers (OU) neemt in dit college je agenda over en vertelt je tot op het uur nauwkeurig wat je het beste kunt doen op de dag vóór je tentamen. En nee, dat is niet alleen ...
14:21 ISLAM: Hoe wordt muziek gebruikt om het imago van de Islam te verbeteren? Voor haar onderzoek over de relatie tussen muziek en geloof reisde Nina ter Laan (Universiteit Utrecht) af naar Marokko. Hier zag ze hoe muziek samenhangt met politieke denkbeelden over een ‘radica...
12:16 ISLAM: Waarom kun je als moslim niet zomaar een huis kopen? Waarom heeft maar 14% van de Nederlanders van Marokkaanse afkomst een hypotheek? Juist, omdat het afsluiten van zo'n hypotheek niet mag van de Koran. Die zegt: je mag geen geld over geld betalen; r...
14:37 ISLAM: Waarom bepaalt Mohammed hoe jij je tanden moet poetsen? Hoewel de profeet Mohammed in de zevende eeuw overleed, leven tot op de dag van vandaag miljoenen moslims wereldwijd met bepaalde gebruiken uit zijn leven. Dat zit 'm in alledaagse dingen zoals voe...
14:31 TOPSPORT: Waarom moeten we – op de spelregels na – alle regels in de topsport afschaffen? In de beginjaren van de topsport hadden sporters genoeg aan een paar spelregels en een scheidsrechter. Meer was niet nodig. Inmiddels is de betaalde sport uitgegroeid tot een gigantische business m...
13:25 TOPSPORT: Hoe voorkom je als sporter dat je overtraind raakt? Als professioneel zwemster weet Rieneke Terink (Wageningen University) als geen ander hoe je op je gezondheid moet passen bij het beoefenen van topsport. En in haar onderzoek gebruikt ze die inform...
14:50 TOPSPORT: Hoe kun je als sporter het beste de wind trotseren? Hoe kunnen we ervoor zorgen dat sporters nóg harder gaan dan ze al kunnen? Het antwoord ligt, zoals vaak, bij de wetenschap. Dankzij de stromingsleer kunnen we aerodynamische pakken maken voor scha...
14:44 TOPSPORT: Hoe bepaal je voor elke schaatser wat zijn of haar ideale techniek is? Waarom gaan sommige schaatsers nou zo ont-zet-tend hard? Spoiler: het heeft niet alléén met kracht te maken. Eline van der Kruk (TU Delft) vertelt in dit college hoe ze schaatsers met behulp van co...
15:17 TOPSPORT: Hoe hard moet je een kind aanpakken om er een topsporter van te maken? Beelden van huilende Chinese kinderen in een turnzaal of verhalen van Russische sporters die met ijzeren hand worden opgeleid. Beide landen halen ontzettend veel medailles op de Olympische Spelen, ...
15:31 KUNSTGEHEIMEN: Hoe maak je een perfecte kopie van een Rembrandt? Kun je met een 3D-printer een perfecte kopie van een wereldberoemd schilderij maken? Zo perfect dat zelfs professionele kunstkenners echt niet meer van nep kunnen onderscheiden? Dat hoor je van Wil...
14:37 KUNSTGEHEIMEN: Is een eeuwenoud schilderij na restauratie weer zo goed als nieuw? Wist je dat het restaureren van een schilderij vroeger met aardappel of witlof werd gedaan? Een werk uit de 17e eeuw heeft meerdere levens achter de rug en is door allerlei mensen en op allerlei ma...
15:29 KUNSTGEHEIMEN: Wat zit er verborgen onder wereldberoemde schilderijen? Als je een schilderij laagje voor laagje ontleedt, kom je allerlei schatten tegen. Joris Dik (TU Delft) laat zien hoe je met behulp van röntgenstralen zelfs dwars door een doek heen kunt kijken. En...

History of Neuroscience (by Society for Neuroscience)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Society for Neuroscience    2012年7月5日
The Society for Neuroscience recorded history before it could be lost. Get ready for the weekly #NeuroHistVid. This is SfN's autobiography series, "The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography," detailing the lives and discoveries of eminent senior neuroscientists.

Viktor Hamburger 58:00 Society for Neuroscience archival interview with the late German neuroscientist and embryologist Viktor Hamburger. The interview took place Dec. 5-6, 1994. This video is part of the Society for Neuroscience's autobiography series, "The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography," detailing the lives and discoveries of eminent senior neuroscientists. More: http://www.sfn.org/about/history-of-n...
Vernon Mountcastle 55:02
Torsten Wiesel 1:00:10
Sydney Brenner 56:02
Gunther Stent 54:24
Louis Sokoloff 57:31
Robert Galambos 57:04
Rita Levi-Montalcini 57:34
Michael I. Posner 59:19
Peter Marler 57:14
Nicole Le Douarin 59:15
Mortimer Mishkin 53:53
Maxwell Cowan 58:10
Masakazu Konishi 59:31
Seymour Kety 1:02:01
Eric Kandel 1:02:34
Herbert Jasper 55:34
Paul Greengard 58:04
Gerald Fischbach 58:50
Francis Crick 58:42
Edward Kravitz 58:32
Gerald Edelman 58:31
William Dement 56:40
David Hubel 55:09
Theodore Bullock 56:46
Brenda Milner 55:28
Seymour Benzer 59:42
Horace Barlow 58:31
Julius Axelrod 56:05
Arvid Carlsson 59:24
Viktor Hamburger 9:41

Microbial Chemistry (2012) by ? at DTU

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: DTUdk     2012年2月9日
In the playlist you'll find lectures recorded during the semester (F12) from the course 27412 Microbial Chemistry

Chromatographic Separation #1 38:00
Chromatographic separation; Chapters: 0:00 - Introduction; 01:00 - Poll 1; 06:00 - Part 1 Chromatographic separation; 06:30 - Lecture introduction; 08:00 - Functional group chemistry; 12:45 - Orthogonal separation; 14:00 - Exploiting functionalities; 15:30 - Chromatography; 21:00 - SEM of Kinetex; 22:30 - Separation based on polarity; 24:45 - Functional groups affect polarity; 27:00 - pH can affect polarity; 32:15 - Types of chromatography; 36.45 - Exercise;
Chromatographic Separation #2 34:16
Chromatographic Separation #3 13:30
Chromatographic Separation #4 39:28
Chromatographic Separation #5 12:20
Biosynthesis of polyketide natural products 42:02
Exercises 21:02
More reactions involved in polyketide biosynthesis 45:16
Mass spectrometry 46:38
LC-MS 44:31
Detectors other than MS 36:38

Innovation in Product Development (2012) by Thomas J. Howard at DTU

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: DTUdk    2012年1月31日
42629 Innovation in Product Development
In this playlist you'll find lectures recorded during the semester (F12) from the course 42629 Innovation in Product Development

01-1/4: Introduction to the course, deliverables, process and the people involved 28:40
01-2/4: Introduction to the Venture Cup and Support Services and group forming 47:10
01-3/4: Introduction to Innovation 40:55
01-4/4: Introduction to the Innovation process 40:51
02-1/5: Open Vs Closed Innovation 43:55
02-2/5: Crowdsourcing 22:17
02-3/5: Product/Service Systems 17:54
02-4/5: Product/Service Orientation 22:09
02-5/5: Open Design 27:45
03-1/4: Integrated Product Development 32:28
03-2/4: Integrated Product Development 30:58
03-3/4: Integrated Product Development 29:05
03-4/4: Integrated Product Development 29:21
04-1/4: Creativity and problem solving 31:33
04-2/4: The creative brain 1 43:29
04-3/4: The creative brain 2 41:17
04-4/4: Fixation & creativity sum-up 41:14
05-1/4: Customer Research, Market & Forecasting 27:37
05-2/4: Insights 37:08
05-3/4: Value Proposition and Market 54:50
05-4/4: Forecasting 25:59
06-1/3: Writing a Business Plan 41:46
06-2/3: Marketing Strategy 34:53
06-3/3: Business Model/System 55:06
07-1/4: Midterm Presentations Part 1 1:05:51
07-2/4: Midterm Presentations Part 2 48:12
07-3/4: Midterm Presentations Part 3 47:41
07-4/4: Midterm Presentations Part 4 1:00:57
07-4/4: Midterm Presentations Part 4 1:00:57
08-1/4: OroClean 41:00
08-2/4: Black Silicon Solar 36:19
08-3/4: Podio 47:36
08-4/4: Better Place 47:15
09-4/4: Patentable invention 25:10
09-2/4: Patentability of inventions 41:10
09-1/4: Intellectual Property 35:51
12-1/4: Protovation 33:49
12-2/4: Market Testing 24:28
12-3/4: Additive Manufacturing 34:52
12-4/4: Rapid Prototyping Facilities 28:44
11-4/4: Væksthus 32:13
11-3/4: The Team 40:13
11-2/4: Funding Sources And Strategies 53:36
11-1/4: Funding, Organizational Structures and Teams 45:29

Theory, Practice, and Standardization of Eye-tracking Technology

source: GoogleTechTalks    2017年3月23日
A Google TechTalk, 3/16/17, presented by Dixon Cleveland
ABSTRACT: Eye-tracking (ET) has become a key means of user interaction and tool to peek into human intention. In this talk, I will cover the theory behind common approaches to ET, the difficulties of effective ET (i.e., why haven't we seen $10 ET everywhere), and the standardization work done by a consortium of industrial and academic partners.

Pierre Alféri. Life Lines. 2016

source: European Graduate School Video Lectures    2017年3月16日
http://www.egs.edu Pierre Alféri, Professor of Poetry at The European Graduate School / EGS. Saas-Fee Switzerland. August 8 2016.
Pierre Alféri is a French novelist, poet, and essayist currently based in Paris. In addition to being a professor of poetry at The European Graduate School / EGS, Alféri teaches at art schools in Lyon, L' École des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, and in Paris, L'École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris and L'École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Alféri earned a degree in philosophy at the University of Paris and published his thesis on William of Ockham (Guillaume d'Ockham le singulier) in 1989. Two years later Alféri published another philosophical essay on questions of language and literature, Chercher une phrase (1991), although he chose not to pursue an academic career in philosophy. Rather, his interest in language and philosophy led him to poetry, in which he has become one of the leading innovative French poets working today and has since published several books of poetry, including: Les Allures naturelles (1991), Le Chemin familier du poisson combatif (1992), Kub Or (1994), Sentimentale journée (1997), La Voie des airs (2004) as well as the novels Fmn (1994) and Le cinéma des familles (1999), and Les Jumelles (2009).
In several works, Alféri experiments with language formulas and reflexive writing without falling into the trap of empty lyricism. At the same time, he does not want to abandon the idea of composing a poem with a certain distance. For Alféri, prose is not a genre, nor is it the opposite of poetry. Instead, in his writing, all categories merge and stretch to compose a form that is constantly reinvented and connected to the surrounding world, while maintaining a critical distance. Alféri's verse tends to be short and irregular, often using fast cuts and breaks, as if to signify the difficulty of achievement and the refusal to be chained up.
In one of his widely praised collections of poems, Kub Or (translated into English as Oxo by Cole Swensen), Alféri uses the concept of the bouillon cube, with each poem two-dimensionally reflecting a side of the cube. The book consists of seven poems; each poem is made up of seven lines, and each line is composed of seven syllables. Being not only a propitiatory number, a good omen, and a number of daily life, the number seven also challenges the dominant prosody in French poetry, and the use of even-numbered syllabic lines. This asymmetric meter produces cuts, surprises, and overlaps, as each poem describes an aspect of modern Paris in seven short lines. With their interest in the minutiae of modern life, these poems often focus on the media—cinema, TV, advertising—as well as the artifacts of low and high culture. Pierre Alféri takes the reader on a journey through the streets, commercial life, politics, and music of modern life, and examines to what extent the figures of the past inhabit the consciousness of the present. As a poet, he is not alienated, but always prepared to engage actively with the variety of experiences he encounters. Conversely, this engagement is expected from the reader as well—if the poems are bouillon cubes, the mind of the reader is the boiling water needed to dissolve them and fully taste modern life.

Public Lectures 2016

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Architecture, Design & Planning    2016年4月11日

Sydney Ideas Talk | Somaesthetics and Design - Professor Shusterman 1:08:16
Somaesthetics is a new interdisciplinary field of research dedicated to the study and cultivation of the soma (the living, sentient, purposive body) as our medium of sensory perception (aesthesis) and action.
This Thursday Night Lecture explores the application of somaesthetics to the fields of art and design, focusing particularly on architecture and on human-computer interactive design.
Professor Richard Shusterman is the Dorothy F Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities and Director of the Center for Body, Mind, and Culture at Florida Atlantic University. His major authored books include Thinking through the Body; Body Consciousness; Surface and Depth; Performing Live; Practicing Philosophy; and Pragmatist Aesthetics (now published in fifteen languages).
Shusterman received his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University and has held academic appointments in France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, China, and Japan. The French government honored him as a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques for his contributions to culture.
Building Truly Affordable Housing: Successful Examples from the USA 1:05:19
[private video]
Professor Paul Emmons | Mirror of Design, Embodiment in Architectural Drawing 1:08:59
Associate Professor Perry Kulper | Strange Attractors 1:37:43
Democratising Design - Making New Futures by Breaking Old Rules 1:11:17

(italiano / in Italian) Antiche Civiltà Del Mediterraneo by Luciana Jacobelli / UniNettuno

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Ryo Saeba     2017年2月22日
Antiche Civiltà Del Mediterraneo (Ancient Civilizations Of The Mediterranean)

43:44 01 Il mondo classico e i suoi antecedenti
42:09 02 Il Mare degli antichi
41:04 03 Atlantide da Platone a Santorini. Mito, storia e archeologia - I
41:11 04 Atlantide da Platone a Santorini. Mito, storia e archeologia II
42:36 05 La civiltà minoico - micenea: Creta Thera e la civilità minoica
42:06 06 La civiltà minoico - micenea: Micene e la civiltà micenea
38:50 07 Da Micene alla Polis
44:06 08 La guerra di Troia: mito, storia e archeologia
39:42 09 La civiltà fenicia
10 40:06 10 La civiltà punica
11 40:21 11 I siti fenici e punici in Sardegna I
12 40:16 12 I siti fenici e punici in Sardegna II
13 41:15 13 Tra Oriente e Occidente:
14 38:09 14 La nascita del diritto
15 38:48 15 La polis
16 40:16 16 La donna nel mondo greco
17 41:01 17 Il teatro
18 40:12 18 Il santuario e la divinazione
19 41:54 19 I riti di passaggio
20 40:41 20 I miti greci in Sicilia
21 42:43 21 La colonizzazione greca della Sicilia
22 41:06 22 Siracusa: storia e cultura
23 40:02 23 Siracusa: i monumenti
24 40:03 24 Mito, folclore e turismo: la festa di S. Lucia a Siracusa
25 39:25 25 Roma: elementi di storia sociale e costituzionale
26 37:20 26 I romani e la pena di morte
27 37:44 27 La condizione della donna a Roma
28 39:18 28 Pompei: storia e cultura
29 37:46 29 Un giorno a Pompei: la vita pubblica
30 35:53 30 Le donne e l’amore a Pompei
31 37:25 31 I gladiatori a Pompei
32 39:28 32 Le terme. Le terme suburbane di Pompei
33 43:58 33 La romanizzazione del Mediterraneo
34 43:01 34 Viaggi e turismo nel mondo greco-romano
35 42:11 35 Tecnologia, archeologia e turismo
36 37:15 01 Il commercio e le attività commerciali
37 39:20 02 Un Giorno A Pompei: La Vita Privata

(italiano / in Italian) Analisi e Progettazione Reti Territoriali Per Il Turismo by Nicolò Costa / UniNettuno

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Ryo Saeba     2015年8月16日
Analisi e Progettazione Reti Territoriali Per Il Turismo (Analysis and Design Territorial Networks For Tourism)

(italiano / in Italian) Chimica (Chemistry) by Anna Maria Manotti / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Ryo Saeba    2012年11月8日
UniNettuno - Chimica
Fornire le conoscenze fondamentali sulla struttura atomica e molecolare della materia al fine di interpretare le proprietà chimico-fisiche e le trasformazioni di materiali di interesse tecnologico-applicativo.
Particelle fondamentali dell'atomo. Fondamenti di stechiometria chimica.
Struttura elettronica degli atomi e proprietà periodiche degli elementi.
Legame chimico: ionico, covalente, covalente-polare, metallico. Interazioni di van der Waals e legami di idrogeno.
Classificazione e nomenclatura dei principali composti inorganici. Principali tipi di reazioni chimiche.
Stati di aggregazione della materia; relazione fra struttura e proprietà.
Fondamenti di termodinamica chimica.
Equilibri omogenei ed eterogenei; sistemi polifasici e passaggi di stato. Equilibri in soluzione.
Sistemi elettrochimici. Stechiometria dei processi elettrochimici. Fenomeni di corrosione.
Cinetica chimica.
Elementi di chimica organica.

01 - Struttura atomica: particelle fondamentali dell'atomo 44:28
02 - Struttura Atomica, Spettri atomici e teoria quantica 43:29
03 - Struttura atomica: meccanica quantistica e numeri quantici 40:57
04 - Struttura atomica: strutture elettroniche degli atomi polielettronici 42:42
05 - Struttura atomica: proprietà periodiche. 42:27
06 - Legame chimico: legame ionico e legame covalente (teoria VB) 41:28
07 - Legame chimico: regola dell'ottetto 42:59
08 - Geometria molecolare 43:30
09 - Forze di legame intermolecolari 41:55
10 - Legame metallico. Conduttori. Isolanti. Semiconduttori 42:49
11 - Nomenclatura dei composti inorganici 42:27
12 - Reazioni di salificazione, di scambio e di ossido-riduzione (redox) 42:30
13 - Agenti ossidanti e riducenti più comuni. 43:37
14 - Termochimica: 1¡ principio della termodinamica e calori di reazione 40:20
15 - Termochimica 41:24
16 - Lo stato gassoso 40:29
17 - Lo stato gassoso 43:52
18 - Lo stato liquido 43:44
19 - Lo stato solido 40:35
20 - Lo stato solido: solidi ionici, covalenti, metallici e molecolari. 43:29
21 - Soluzioni: tipi di soluzioni e loro concentrazioni. 40:13
22 - Soluzioni: proprietà colligative 43:41
23 - Cinetica chimica: leggi cinetiche ed influenza delle radiazioni 41:33
24 - Cinetica chimica: influenza della temperatura e dei catalizzatori 43:45
25 - Equilibrio chimico: costanti di equilibrio e loro utilizzo 41:30
26 - Equilibrio chimico: equilibri omogenei ed eterogenei. 43:26
27 - Acidi e basi: loro natura e misura della loro forza 42:55
28 - Acidi e basi: scala di pH e determinazione del pH. 42:47
29 - Elementi di termodinamica 40:37
30 - Elementi di termodinamica 43:30
31 - Elettrochimica: elettrolisi e sue applicazioni. Leggi di Faraday 40:47
32 - Elettrochimica: Pila Daniell e stechiometria dei processi galvanici. 42:48
33 - Elettrochimica 42:24
34 - Applicazioni dei potenziali di elettrodo 40:18
35 - Celle galvaniche di importanza commerciale 41:03
36 - Elementi di chimica organica: idrocarburi alifatici; 43:32
37 - Idrocarburi alifatici 43:57
38 - Gruppi funzionali alcoli, aldeidi, acidi, carbossidici, chetoni, eteri 44:11
39 - Gruppi funzionali esteri, ammine, ammidi. Polimerizzazione 43:45
40 - Polimeri di addizione Proprieta' delle materie plastiche 43:11

(בעברית / in Hebrew) כימיה כמשחק לגו (The Chemistry as a Game of Lego)

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)  

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem    2012年3月22日
כימיה כמשחק לגו
פרופ ששון צחייק
תיאור הקורס:
המונח כימיה מעורר נחיל של מילים כמו זיהום אויר, אסונות כימיים; דברים נוראיים.. במילה אחת תדמית הכימיה היא נמוכה. במהלך ההרצאות, אנסה לעשות תפנית של 180 מעלות ולקחת אתכם למסע שיראה את הפן האוניברסאלי של הכימיה. כימיה היא "החלון" שניתן למין האנושי להציץ לעבר הוויתו החומרית ולתפקד במסגרת מגבלותיה. אנו נשוחח על הקשר הקיים בין "החומר הכימי" לבין אהבה, מין, עצב, התמכרות- כל התכונות הקרויות אנושיות. במהלך הקורס, נלמד לבנות מולקולות מאבני בניין כבמשחק לגו. נלמד על מולקולות החשובות לחיים ואלה אשר משפיעות על חיי היומיום. אנו נלמד איך לחזות את מבניהן התלת מימדי ואת תכונותיהן.
Prof. Sason Shaik 

Current Issues in American Government (Spring 2012) with Brenda Riddick

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2012年5月5日
POL 310 Current Issues in American Government (Spring 2012) with Brenda Riddick

American Institutions (Spring 2016) with Brenda Riddick at California State U

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2016年2月2日
POL101 American Institutions (Spring 2016): 13 week 3 unit course for undergraduate students and people who are interested in government.
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]

Politics, Authority, Power and Citizens: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=30m7s
Politics: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=41m49s
Power: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=43m4s
Politics vs. Economics: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=45m16s
Government: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=47m36s
Capitalism: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=49m28s
Socialism: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=50m
Social Democracy: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=51m5s
Video 2 (Subject/Citizen): https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=51m38s
Authoritarian Systems: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=53m29s
Theocracy: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=54m21s
Global Economy: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=58m3s
Redistribution of Money: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=59m28s
Anarchy: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h1m3s
Democracy: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h2m11s
- (video on democracy) https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=35m48s
Popular Sovereignty: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h2m33s
The Role of the People (Citizens): https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h2m40s
Elite Democracy: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h4m47s
Pluralistic Democracy and Participatory Democracy: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h4m58s
Video 3: American Dream: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h6m11s
5 Minute Break: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h10m15s
Role of the People/Citizens: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h15m21s
Social Contract: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h15m28s
Republic: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h16m43s
Individualism/Collectivism: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h17m41s
Who is an American Citizen?_Native-born/Naturalized: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h19m19s
Immigrants: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h19m48s
Refugees: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h20m40s
Political Culture: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h21m28s
American Cultural Core Values: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h23m50s
Liberals/Conservatives: https://youtu.be/W88latDMQrQ?t=1h24m50s

American Institutions (Spring 2017) with Brenda Riddick at California State U

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2017年1月23日
POL101 American Institutions (Spring 2017) for undergraduate students and people who are interested in government.
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]

Politics of the Middle East (Spring 2014) with Hamoud Salhi at California State University

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV    2014年1月28日
POL342 Politics of the Middle East (Spring 2014): A 14 week 3 unit college course for political science students and people who are interested in the Middle East
Please subscribe

American Institutions (Spring 2015) with Brenda Riddick at California State U

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2015年2月2日
POL101 American Institutions (Spring 2015): A 13 week 3 unit course for undergraduate students and people who are interested in government.

What is Politics: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=4m34s
What is Politics: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=10m14s
Struggle for Power: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=12m10s
Power: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=12m55s
Government: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=14m34s
Rules: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=15m33s
Economics: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=23m51s
Capitalistic Economy: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=24m28s
Range of Governments: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=25m31s
Democracy/Representative: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=32m18s
Citizen: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=38m16s
The Role of the People: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=42m8s
Naturalized Citizen: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=53m44s
Political Culture: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=56m24s
Ideology: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=58m23s
Most Common Ideologies: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h9s
2 Party System: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h56s
Values: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h2m4s
Individualism: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h3m7s
Defining Democracy/Equality: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h5m8s
Conservatives: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h12m30s
Liberals: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h13m4s
Liberatarians: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h15m4s
Comunitarians/Conservatives: https://youtu.be/1Nj4U2htaGA?t=1h15m43s

International Politics (Spring 2013) with Hamoud Salhi at California State University

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV 2013年1月5日
POL335 International Politics (Spring 2013) with Hamoud Salhi

American Institutions (Spring 2014) with Ginger Silvera at California State U

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: csuDHTV    2014年2月3日
POL101 American Institutions (Spring 2014): A 13 week 3 unit course for undergraduate students and people who are interested in government

Should you care about politics? https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=7m2s
Does Everybody Count/Disenfranchised: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=10m55s
What is Government? https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=13m13s
Examples of Public Policy: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=14m1s
Goal of Government: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=18m5s
Political Principals: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=20m49s
Social Contract Theory: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=23m15s
Direct Democracy: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=27m19s
Representative Democracy: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=28m4s
Basic Points of Democracy: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=31m12s
Meaning of Liberty: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=32m27s
Elections: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=37m22s
Political Ideology: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=44m52s
Conservatism: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=45m25s
Liberalism: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=46m5s
Populism: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=46m55s
EB5 https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=57m52s
Counterfeit Goods: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=58m27s
Bill of Rights: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=1h59s
Capital Punishment: https://youtu.be/QU5u4dMCc0I?t=1h16m35s