

History of Neuroscience (by Society for Neuroscience)

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source: Society for Neuroscience    2012年7月5日
The Society for Neuroscience recorded history before it could be lost. Get ready for the weekly #NeuroHistVid. This is SfN's autobiography series, "The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography," detailing the lives and discoveries of eminent senior neuroscientists.

Viktor Hamburger 58:00 Society for Neuroscience archival interview with the late German neuroscientist and embryologist Viktor Hamburger. The interview took place Dec. 5-6, 1994. This video is part of the Society for Neuroscience's autobiography series, "The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography," detailing the lives and discoveries of eminent senior neuroscientists. More: http://www.sfn.org/about/history-of-n...
Vernon Mountcastle 55:02
Torsten Wiesel 1:00:10
Sydney Brenner 56:02
Gunther Stent 54:24
Louis Sokoloff 57:31
Robert Galambos 57:04
Rita Levi-Montalcini 57:34
Michael I. Posner 59:19
Peter Marler 57:14
Nicole Le Douarin 59:15
Mortimer Mishkin 53:53
Maxwell Cowan 58:10
Masakazu Konishi 59:31
Seymour Kety 1:02:01
Eric Kandel 1:02:34
Herbert Jasper 55:34
Paul Greengard 58:04
Gerald Fischbach 58:50
Francis Crick 58:42
Edward Kravitz 58:32
Gerald Edelman 58:31
William Dement 56:40
David Hubel 55:09
Theodore Bullock 56:46
Brenda Milner 55:28
Seymour Benzer 59:42
Horace Barlow 58:31
Julius Axelrod 56:05
Arvid Carlsson 59:24
Viktor Hamburger 9:41

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