

importance announcement (02/22)

I'm working on modifying (re-editing) the headings and textual contents of some videos (this might last for at least several days). As usual, new posts will be out around 00:00 Taipei time from every Tuesday to every Saturday. If you constantly received a lot of old video entries from your subscription mails lately, please simply ignore them (sorry for the inconvenience). 

(theme videos) Neuroscience (from iBiology)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: iBiology     2017年2月7日

Erik Jorgensen (U. Utah / HHMI) 1: Synaptic transmission 19:18
Erik Jorgensen (U. Utah / HHMI) 2: Recycling synaptic vesicles: Ultrafast endocytosis 35:31
Gregory Petsko (Cornell) 1: Neurodegenerative disease: The Coming Epidemic 20:27
Gregory Petsko (Cornell) 2: Neurodegenerative disease: Parkinson’s disease: How might it be stopped 24:33
Gregory Petsko (Cornell) 3: Neurodegenerative disease: A potential gene therapy for ALS 24:29
Melina Hale (U. Chicago) 1: The Evolution of Neural Circuits & Behaviors: Introduction to Evolution 19:18
Melina Hale (U. Chicago) 2: The Evolution of Neural Circuits & Behaviors: A Startling Example! 27:00
Baldomero “Toto” Olivera (U. Utah, HHMI) 1: Cone Snail Venom Peptides: Venom complexity 38:57
Baldomero “Toto” Olivera (U. Utah, HHMI) 2: Conus Venom Peptides: Generation of peptide diversity 30:32
Baldomero “Toto” Olivera (U. Utah, HHMI) 3: Conus Venom Peptides: Chemical biology to neuroscience 34:02
Steven Reppert (UMass) Part 1: Neurobiology of Monarch Butterfly Migration: Migration Overview 28:10
Steven Reppert (UMass) Part 2: Monarch Butterfly Migration: A Time-Compensated Sun Compass 46:55
William Catterall (U. Washington) Part 1: Electrical Signaling: Life in the Fast Lane 26:51
William Catterall (U. Washington) Part 2: Voltage-gated Na+ Channels at Atomic Resolution 39:43
William Catterall (U. Washington) Part 3: Voltage-gated Calcium Channels 35:54
Jeff Lichtman (Harvard) Part 3: Brain Connectomics? 25:45
Jeff Lichtman (Harvard) Part 2: Neuromuscular Connectomics 38:07
Jeff Lichtman (Harvard) Part 1: Connectomics: seeking neural circuit motifs 46:32
Erich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 3: Genes specialized in vocal learning circuits 16:05
Erich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 2: Motor theory of vocal learning origin 11:43
Erich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 1: Convergent behavior and brain pathways 26:18
Cori Bargmann (Rockefeller) Part 1 : Genes, the brain and behavior 37:56
Cori Bargmann (Rockefeller) Part 2: Cracking the circuits for olfaction 32:26
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa (Johns Hopkins) Part 2: Stem Cells and Brain Tumors 31:19
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa (Johns Hopkins) Part 1: Brain Tumors 44:46
Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 4: How Neural Circuits Learn Time Intervals 36:32
Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 3: Sequence Learning and Memory 24:52
Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 2:Hebb's Postulate Revisited 20:45
Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 1: The Cellular Basis of Learning and Memory 39:14
Catherine Dulac (Harvard Univ) Part 1: Sex and Smell: Chemosensory Detection 5:29
Catherine Dulac (Harvard Univ) Part 2:Molecular Biology of Pheromone Perception 43:43
Catherine Dulac (Harvard Univ) Part 3:Sex-Specificity of Pheromone Responses 30:40
Karel Svoboda (HHMI) Part 2: Plasticity and signaling of single synapses 33:28
Karel Svoboda (HHMI) Part 1: Optical studies of individual synapses 43:25
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 3: The Evolution of Trichromatic Color Vision 44:08
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 2: Human Color Vision and its Variations 44:45
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 1B: Photoreceptors and Image Processing 33:32
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 1A: Photoreceptors and Image Processing 35:59

(theme videos) Human Disease (from iBiology)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: iBiology 
These are research talks on human disease, also available on our site at: https://www.ibiology.org/research-tal...

Mohit Jolly (Rice U.): Circulating tumor cell cluster: A model for cancer metastasis 33:35
Daniela Robles-Espinoza (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute): Hunting for the Genes Behind Skin Cancer 30:21
John Schell (U. Utah): Getting Fuel to the Cell’s Engine: The Importance of Metabolism in Disease 30:50
Elizabeth Blackburn (UCSF) Part 3: Stress, Telomeres and Telomerase in Humans 45:58
J. Michael Bishop (UCSF) Part 3: The cancer genome and therapeutics 40:55
J. Michael Bishop (UCSF) Part 2: The cancer genome: Challenge and promise 43:33
J. Michael Bishop (UCSF) Part 1: Forging a genetic paradigm for cancer 28:37
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa (Johns Hopkins) Part 2: Stem Cells and Brain Tumors 31:19
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa (Johns Hopkins) Part 1: Brain Tumors 44:46
Mary Beckerle (University of Utah) Part 1: Adhesion, Signaling and Cancer 36:04
Mary Beckerle (University of Utah) Part 2: Discovery and Characterization 50:55
Mary Beckerle (University of Utah) Part 3: Focal Adhesions as Stress Sensors 30:57
Brian Druker (OHSU) Part 1: Imatinib (Gleevec): A Targeted Cancer Therapy 33:55
Brian Druker (OHSU) Part 2: Imatinib Resistance and Other Diseases Targeted by Imatinib 25:13
Brian Druker (OHSU) Part 3: Extending the Imatinib Paradigm 22:10
Don Ganem (Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research) Part 3: KSHV Latency and KS Pathogenesis 31:42
Don Ganem (Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research) Part 4: Is KSHV Latency the Whole story? 27:53
Don Ganem (Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research) Part 2: The Virus 23:44
Don Ganem (Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research) Part 1: Kaposis Sarcoma: The Disease 23:08
Elizabeth Blackburn (UCSF) Part 2: Telomeres and Telomerase in Human Stem Cells and in Cancer 26:58
Elizabeth Blackburn (UCSF) Part 1: The Roles of Telomeres and Telomerase 48:28
Robert Lefkowitz (Duke University) Part 2 Beta-arrestins 51:39
Robert Lefkowitz (Duke University) Part 1 Seven Transmembrane Receptors 55:15

Classical and Quantum Information (2016-17, US-India Advanced Studies Institute)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences     2016年12月26日
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/INFOASI
26 December 2016 to 07 January 2017
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Information theory and computational complexity have emerged as central concepts in the study of biological and physical systems, in both the classical and quantum realm. The low-energy landscape of classical and quantum systems can be characterized in terms of constraint satisfaction problems, with the physical behavior of these theories – for example, glassy behavior – governed by the computational complexity of such problems. Information theory also provides a language for laying the foundations of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, and plays a central role in understanding the emergence of a small number of useful parameters in models of physical and biological phenomena.
This school, organized jointly by the ICTS and Brandeis University, will cover a variety of forefront research topics in physics and biology, in which information and computation play a central role:
• Thermodynamics of information processing
• Coding and computation in statistical mechanics
• Quantum information in extended systems
• Information geometry and ”sloppy” models
Inspired by the history of the renormalization group, the goal is to provide an interdisciplinary survey of the uses of information theory in physics and biology, in order to seed future conceptual breakthroughs in our understanding of complex physical and biological systems. The school will consist of a set of pedagogical lectures by prominent researchers in statistical physics, biological physics, and quantum information theory. These will be supplemented with tutorials led by the organizers and structured around worked problems and selected readings of key papers. The pedagogical activities will be followed up with seminars by the lecturers on current research.
The school is intended for advanced graduate students, post-docs and other junior researchers
CONTACT US: infoasi@icts.res.in

Thermodynamics of Information by Juan MR Parrondo (Lecture 1) 1:33:34
Information processing and thermodynamics in biophysical control.. by S Vaikuntanathan (Lecture 1) 1:15:34
Information processing and thermodynamics in biophysical control... by S Vaikuntanathan (Lecture 2) 1:27:35
Thermodynamics of Information by Juan MR Parrondo (Lecture 2) 1:29:36
Information processing and thermodynamics in biophysical control.. by S Vaikuntanathan (Lecture 3) 1:26:23
From information theory to learning via Statistical Physics: Introduction: by Florent Krzakala 1:32:42
Journey trough statistical physics of constraint satisfaction.. by Lenka Zdeborova 1:32:51
Thermodynamics of Information by Juan MR Parrondo (Lecture 4) 1:23:42
Journey trough statistical physics of constraint satisfaction and inference by Lenka Zdeborova 1:32:17
From information theory to learning via Statistical Physics by Florent Krzakala 1:32:30
Journey trough statistical physics of constraint satisfaction and inference... by Lenka Zdeborova 1:32:51
From information theory to learning via Statistical Physics: From statistical by Florent Krzakala 1:33:03
Sloppiness and Parameter Identifiability, Information Geometry by Mark Transtrum 1:30:54
Why do simple models work? Partial answers from information geometry (Lecture 1) by Ben Machta 1:32:48
Computational Differential Geometry, Optimization Algorithms by Mark Transtrum 1:28:55
What is quantum mechanics? A minimal formulation (Seminar) by Pierre Hohenberg 1:19:46
Information Theory Meets Quantum Physics: The magic of wave dynamics by Apoorva Patel 1:28:49
Why are simpler models better? Bayesian priors and Occam's razor.. by Ben Machta 1:32:10
Applications of MBAM, Information Topology (Lecture 3) by Mark Transtrum 1:33:46
Entanglement entropy, quantum field theory, and holography by Matthew Headrick 1:34:58
Geometric bounds for dissipation (Lecture 3) by Ben Machta 1:23:46
Entanglement entropy, quantum field theory, and holography by Matthew Headrick 1:31:49
Introduction to Quantum Entaglement by Albion Lawrence 1:32:22
Entanglement entropy, quantum field theory, and holography by Matthew Headrick 1:29:57


# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences   2016年4月18日

General Relativity: Beyond insight and elegance to observations and astronomy by Bala Iyer 1:12:14 2015 is the centenary year of the creation of General Relativity, Einstein's relativistic theory of gravitation. General Relativity is not only the epitome of mathematical elegance and conceptual insight, but more importantly observational success leading on to discoveries unravelling the universe we live in. The major successes of the first hundred years will be highlighted and the prospects of what is to come will be indicated. The first detection of gravitational waves by detectors like Advanced LIGO and Virgo is imminent and the routine detection of Gravitational Waves by a global network including LIGO-India in the coming decade will inaugurate Gravitational Wave Astronomy with transformative implications for astrophysics, cosmology and eventually fundamental physics.
LIGO-India: Beyond Gravitational Wave Detection to Gravitational Wave Astronomy by Bala Iyer 1:07:33
Einstein's General Relativity: From Insight to Inspiration by Bala Iyer 1:10:54
Einstein's legacy, and the search for gravitational waves by Bruce Allen 1:23:25
String Theory and the Search for Quantum Spacetime by Rajesh Gopakumar 1:15:31
Black Holes, Waves of Gravity, and other Warped Ideas of Dr. Einstein by Clifford M Will 1:52:43
When LIGO heard the two black holes talking by Chandrakant Mishra 1:28:03
The End of Space-time and Beyond by Spenta R. Wadia 2:18:17

Introduction to classical and quantum integrable systems (2017) by Leon Takhtajan

source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年1月17日
Date: 16, 17, 18 January 2017
Venue: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Campus, Bangalore
Abstract: Integrable (or exactly solvable) examples play a fundamental role in mathematics and theoretical physics. The notion of complete integrability in Hamiltonian mechanics goes back to classic work of Jacobi, Hamilton, Liouville and Poisson. For the famous problem of solving equations of motion of a spinning top - a rigid body with a fixed point in a constant gravitational field - the integrable cases were discovered by Euler, Lagrange and Sofia Kovalevskaya. The notion of integrability extends to the Hamiltonian systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom and to the quantum systems. In these lectures we review the classic examples and show, in case of the one-dimensional Heisenberg spin chain, how classical integrability bases on the r-matrix formalism naturally leads to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and other ingredients of quantum integrability. We will also discuss some new development originated from physics.

Introduction to classical and quantum integrable systems by Leon Takhtajan 1:35:53
Introduction to classical and quantum integrable systems by Leon Takhtajan 1:39:46
Introduction to classical and quantum integrable systems by Leon Takhtajan 1:22:29

Extragalactic Relativistic Jets: Cause and Effect (2015, ICTS Bangalore)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences     2015年11月13日
PROGRAM LINK: www.icts.res.in/program/ERG2015
DATES: Monday 12 Oct, 2015 - Tuesday 20 Oct, 2015
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are the luminous centers of galaxies that are believed to be powered by accretion of matter on to supermassive black holes. Bipolar outflows or jets that are launched from the accretion-disk black hole systems carry away angular momentum and impact the surrounding matter both inside and outside the host galaxies. Given the current computational power, AGN have become a test bed for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. AGN are sites of coalescing supermassive black holes, which are one of the primary science drivers of gravitational wave astronomy.
AGN jet astrophysics is at an important and exciting junction in time with the availability of ever-more sensitive multi-wavelength data and increased computing power. This program will bring leading experts working on various aspects of AGN jet physics from around the world to Bangalore. The program will prove to be an invaluable opportunity for boosting AGN studies in India in time for India's participation in upcoming mega projects like SKA, TMT, LIGO-India, and ASTROSAT.
Pedagogical lectures will be delivered on the first two days on topics related to the advanced-level talks that will take place later in the program. Talks highlighting the latest results on AGN Jets and Outflows from new observatories like the ALMA, NuSTAR, and Fermi-GST among others, will be presented on days 3-7. An evening talk by Dr. Bernard Fanaroff will take place on day 5. Tutorials on Introduction to CASA software for ALMA, EVLA, GMRT radio data-reduction, and NuSTARDAS software for NuSTAR X-ray data-reduction, will be held on the final two days of the program.
This program is organized in partnership with the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore.
Roger Blandford (Stanford University), Garret Cotter (University of Oxford), C. H. Ishwara-Chandra (NCRA-TIFR), Ajit Kembhavi (IUCAA), Gopal-Krishna (Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences), Robert Laing (ESO), Christopher O’Dea (University of Manitoba), Anthony Readhead (California Institute of Technology), Prajval Shastri (IIA), Ashok Singal (PRL)
ORGANIZERS: C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, Ajit Kembhavi, Preeti Kharb (Convener), Dharam Vir Lal, Anthony Readhead and C. S. Stalin

Welcome Address by Rajesh Gopakumar (Director, ICTS) 11:03
The Fanaroff-Riley Dichotomy in AGN Jets and Their Emission-line Regions by Prajval Shastri 1:15:16
AGN Feedback by Prateek Sharma 1:04:57
Winds from AGN: A multi-wavelength Perspective by R. Srianand 1:04:25
Supermassive Black Holes & Jet Formation: Theory, Observations & Simulations by A. Mangalam 1:13:39
Introduction to VLBI Studies of Blazars by Denise Gabuzda 1:09:17
High-energy Emission from Blazars by Bindu Rani 1:29:52
Welcome Address by Spenta Wadia (Founding Director, ICTS) 19:46
Introductory Talk of the Jets meeting by Robert Laing 56:24
Low-Excitation & High-Excitation Radio Galaxies: by Martin Hardcastle 32:48
Using Fundamental Plane to constrain Jet Physics by Payaswini Saikia 18:24
Gamma-ray emitting NLSy1 galaxies by C. S. Stalin 19:42
A QPO in the optical polarization of PKS 2155-304 by N. Pekeur 20:40
Helical Magnetic Fields Associated with AGN Jets by Denise Gabuzda 37:50
A Spectral Index Study of the Jets in MOJAVE by Talvikki Hovatta 51:13
Radio Jets in Seyfert Galaxies with VLBI and FERMI by M. Orienti 34:54
Theoretical Study of the Effects of Magnetic Field Geometry on the... 17:25
The Jet in the Galactic Center: Future Role of mm-VLBI by H. Falcke 37:42
Blazar jets: insights from radio and gamma-ray light curves by Rodrigo Reeves 20:39
Jet Formation and Propagation in FSRQs and BL Lacs by Will Potter 37:47
Short time flux variation of AGNs using NuSTAR by Priyanka Rani 16:33
Constraining Jet Emission Mechanisms with FERMI by Eileen Meyer 28:14
Nature of Multiband Outbursts of Fermi Blazars by Ritaban Chatterjee 16:33
High Energy Flares of Blazars by Vaidehi Paliya 14:24
Probing Magnetic Fields in Blazar Jets from a Radio/Optical Polarization Study by B. Wills 27:35
Extreme flaring activity in S50716+714 in 2014 by Bindu Rani 16:01
On the spectral curvature of 1ES1011+496 by Atreyee Sinha 8:06
Uncorrelated Multi-wavelength Variability of 3C279 by Debbijoy Bhattacharya 11:51
Summary Talk of the Day & Discussion 15:16
Jets from Magnetically Arrested Disks by A. Tchekhovskoy 37:41
The Magnetohydrodynamic Model of the M87 Jet by Masa Nakamura 26:41
Study of the radio spectral properties of 4C 35.06 by K. G. Biju 13:12
Relativistically Beamed Jets and the Blazar Divide by Prajval Shastri 14:00
Jet Deceleration in Radio Galaxies and the FR Dichotomy by M. Perucho 30:24
X-ray Imaging of a Complete Sample of FR II Quasar Jets by H. Marshall 17:02
On X-ray Emission Process from the radio/optical Knots of ... 15:33
[private video]
[private video]
Measuring and Modelling Blazar Variability by P. Wiita 21:02
On AGN outflows based on their associate absorber systems by H Chand 13:43
Summary Talk of the day & Discussion 24:22
Public lecture: Astronomy, Big Data and Human Capital Development by Bernard Fanaroff 1:23:44
Key Radio Unification Steps Before 1980 and Some Related Recent Radio Observations by A. Readhead 31:10
The Jets in the Galactic microquasar by K. Blundell 38:00
Kiloparsec-scale Radio Jets from Spiral Galaxies by J. Bagchi 34:30
Can jets showing bends or wiggles be relativistic? by A. Singal 17:06
3D precessing jet simulations for radio galaxy Hydra A by M. Nawaz 16:06
Jet-mode AGN Feedback with LOFAR by Laura Birzan 28:43
Cold Gas and AGN Jet Feedback in Cluster Cores by Deovrat Prasad 13:08
Connection between BCGs and cluster dynamics by Ruta Kale 18:14
Molecular Outflows in AGN: Role of ALMA by Katey Alatalo 34:22
Jet Feedback on the Hosts of Radio Galaxies by Lauranne Lanz 16:24
[private video]
AGN Jet-ISM interaction in early galaxie by Dipanjan Mukherjee 38:59
AGN Jets in distant dusty galaxies by 14:39
Summary Talk of the Jets Meeting by R. Blandford 51:22
After Dinner Speech by Bernard Fanaroff 7:21
Bernard Fanaroff slide 19 0:28

Biodiversity and the Meaning of Human Existence - E.O. Wilson Series (2014)

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source: Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment    2014年4月29日
Biodiversity and the Meaning of Human Existence given by E.O. Wilson to the Nicholas School of the Environment. February 3 - 14, 2014.

Session 1A 54:05
Session 1B 59:55
Session 2A 1:05:49
Session 2B 52:25
Session 3A 1:02:18
Session 3B 53:57
Session 4A 1:03:05
Session 4B 53:55
Session 5A 1:00:01
Session 5B 53:39

(בעברית / in Hebrew) אינפי 1מ'

# click the upper-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: Technion    2015年10月12日

01 - הקדמה 1:03:39
02 - קבוצות של מספרים, הוכחות מתמטיות36:09
03 - ערך מוחלט, קטעים וסביבות, קבוצות חסומות54:30
04 - סופרמום ואינפימום47:51
05 - גבול של סדרה 58:02
06 - גבול של סדרה - המשך 39:53
07 - משפטי גבולות 52:57
08 - משפטי גבולות - המשך 49:34
09 - עוד משפטי גבולות 56:56
10 - עוד משפטי גבולות - המשך 40:41
11 - גבול במובן הרחב 59:02
12 - מבחני המנה והשורש, סדרות מונוטוניות 43:46
13 - סדרות מונוטוניות - המשך 57:33
14 - הלמה של קנטור, תתי סדרות 45:04
15 - גבולות חלקיים, משפט בולצאנו ויירשטראס 51:28
16 - מסקנות מבולצאנו ויירשטראס, גבול עליון ותחתון 55:28
17 - סדרות קושי 45:37
18 - כיסויים והלמה של היינה בורל 50:08
19 - העשרה - המספרים הממשיים 50:16
20 - העשרה - המספרים הממשיים - המשך 52:50
21 - חזקות ממשיות 50:03
22 - חזקות ממשיות - המשך 36:55
23 - טופולוגיה של הישר הממשי 56:30
24 - טופולוגיה של הישר הממשי - המשך 40:51
25 - העשרה - קבוצת קנטור 1:18:53
26 - פונקציות 54:46
27 - פונקציות - המשך 45:50
28 - גבול של פונקציה 45:48
29 - גבול של פונקציה - המשך 52:55
30 - משפטי גבולות 52:24
31 - משפטי גבולות - המשך 49:58
32 - גבולות חד צדדיים 1:07:13
33 - גבולות במובן הרחב, תנאי קושי 37:41
34 - רציפות 1:05:25
35 - משפט ערך הביניים 36:09
36 - משפט ויירשטראס 56:19
37 - רציפות במידה שווה 43:37
38 - הנגזרת 52:46
39 - כללי גזירה 43:33
40 - כלל השרשרת 53:14
41 - נגזרת של פונקציה הפוכה 43:55
42 - משפטי גזירות 55:49
43 - משפטי גזירות - המשך 44:14
44 - משפט דרבו 54:08
45 - נגזרת חסומה ורציפות במ"ש 45:03
46 - כלל לופיטל 54:33
47 - כלל לופיטל - המשך 44:04
48 - משפט טיילור 1:00:57
49 - משפט טיילור - המשך 42:38
50 - שימושים של משפט טיילור 49:27
51 - השארית במשפט טיילור 48:41
52 - העשרה - עוד על השארית ויחידות פולינום טיילור 44:44
53 - מיון נקודות חשודות כקיצון 49:26
54 - קמירות, קעירות ונקודות פיתול 44:12
55 - אסימפטוטות וחקירת פונקציה מלאה 41:09
56 - למת המיתרים ומשפטי קמירות 59:07

(בעברית / in Hebrew) אינפי 2מ' - אביב צנזור (Calculus 2m by Dr. Aviv censor?)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Technion    2016年6月28日
אינפי 2מ' - אביב צנזור
זהו הקורס 104032 - חשבון אינפיניטסימלי 2מ', של הטכניון. מרצה ד"ר אביב צנזור.
לצפייה בקורסים נוספים של הטכניון-

1 - האינטגרל הלא מסוים 1:01:14
2 - האינטגרל הלא מסוים - המשך 29:42
3 - האינטגרל הלא מסוים - המשך 56:52
4 - האינטגרל הלא מסוים - המשך 38:35
5 - האינטגרל המסוים 1:03:51
6 - האינטגרל המסוים - המשך 34:36
7 - האינטגרל המסוים - המשך 1:01:24 
8 - האינטגרל המסוים - המשך 32:52
9 - האינטגרל המסוים - המשך 1:04:56
10 - המשפט היסודי 33:41
11 - המשפט היסודי - המשך 1:05:44
12 - שימושים של האינטגרל המסוים 37:42
13 - אינטגרלים מוכללים 53:49
14 - אינטגרלים מוכללים - המשך 46:48
15 - אינטגרלים מוכללים - המשך 46:08
16 - אינטגרלים מוכללים - המשך 48:09
17 - טורים 54:13
18 - טורים - המשך 48:04
19 - טורים - המשך 49:38
20 - טורים - המשך 51:39
21 - סדרות של פונקציות והתכנסות במ"ש 1:01:27
22 - סדרות של פונקציות והתכנסות במ"ש - המשך 38:32
23 - סדרות של פונקציות והתכנסות במ"ש - המשך 1:02:32
24 - טורים של פונקציות 41:29
25 - טורי חזקות 57:27
26 - טורי חזקות - המשך 43:29
27 - טורי חזקות - המשך 1:00:02
28 - טורי חזקות - המשך 38:26
29 - פונקציות במספר משתנים 1:07:27
30 - פונקציות במספר משתנים - המשך 35:16
31 - גבולות 47:22
32 - גבולות - המשך 52:05
33 - רציפות 52:24
34 - גזירות 43:29
35 - גזירות - המשך 1:03:19
36 - נגזרות מכוונות וגרדיאנט 36:21
37 - נגזרות חלקיות מסדר גבוה, כלל השרשרת 56:46
38 - אינטגרל פרמטרי 44:06
39 - אינטגרל פרמטרי - המשך 54:30
40 - אינטגרלים נשנים ומשפט פוביני 44:40
41 - אינטגרלים כפולים 52:54
42 - אינטגרלים כפולים - המשך 40:58
43 - חישוב אינטגרלים כפולים 52:39
44 - חישוב אינטגרלים כפולים - המשך 44:40
45 - החלפת משתנים 59:57
46 - החלפת משתנים - המשך 42:14
47 - היעקוביאן 56:21
48 - היעקוביאן - המשך 35:19
49 - אינטגרלים כפולים מוכללים 1:04:16
50 - אינטגרלים כפולים מוכללים - המשך 33:58
51 - שיעור חזרה 55:23
52 - שיעור חזרה - המשך 38:29

(theme videos) Plant Biology (from iBiology)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: iBiology    2016年10月12日

Eric Hamilton (Washington U.): Pollen’s pressure problem: Relieving sexual tension through evolution 19:07
Luis Herrera-Estrella (Langebio) Spanish Part 1: Plant nutrition and sustainable agriculture 31:58
Luis Herrera-Estrella (Langebio) Part 3: An environmentally friendly phosphorus fertilization system 24:50
Luis Herrera-Estrella (Langebio) Part 2: Phosphorus: an essential plant nutrient 36:30
Luis Herrera-Estrella (Langebio) Part 1: Plant nutrition and sustainable agriculture 34:08
Elliot Meyerowitz (Caltech, HHMI) 3: Plant development: Physical force as a signaling mechanism 33:30
Elliot Meyerowitz (Caltech, HHMI) 2: Plant development: Modeling Arabidopsis phyllotaxis 28:38
Elliot Meyerowitz (Caltech , HHMI) 1: Why we need to understand plant development 30:15
Richard Amasino (U. Wisconsin-Madison, HHMI) 2: Vernalization: how winter cold promotes flowering 39:36
Richard Amasino (U. Wisconsin-Madison, HHMI) 1: How plants “know” when to flower 25:27
Dominique Bergmann (Stanford U / HHMI) 3: Stomata and global climate cycles 23:52
Dominique Bergmann (Stanford U / HHMI) 2: Stomata as a model for stem cells 34:27
Dominique Bergmann (Stanford U / HHMI) 1: Key issues in plant development 34:44
Pamela Ronald (UC Davis) Part 2: Engineering Resistance to Infection and Tolerance to Stresses 39:46
Sharon Long (Stanford) Part 1: Cooperation between bacteria and plants for protein nutrition 18:50
Susan Wessler (UC Riverside) Part 2: How transposable elements amplify throughout genomes 1:15:02
Susan Wessler (UC Riverside) Part 1: Introduction to transposable elements 38:13
Sharon Long (Stanford) Part 3: Plant genes and cell response in nitrogen-fixing symbiosis 1:02:58
Sharon Long (Stanford) Part 2: Function and regulation of Sinorhizobium nodulation genes 58:38
Pamela Ronald (UC Davis) Part 1: Sustainable agriculture 25:05
Chris Somerville (Energy Biosciences Institute, UC Berkeley/LBNL) Part 1: The Argument for Biofuels 33:33
Chris Somerville (Energy Biosciences Institute, UC Berkeley/LBNL) Part 2: Cellulosic Biofuels 48:16
Roger Beachy (Danforth Center) Part 2: Genetic Engineering for Virus Resistance in Plants 1:02:12
Roger Beachy (Danforth Center) Part 1: Biology of Plant Virus Infection 28:02
[private video]

Tom Kalinske: Building Gaming and Entertainment Companies

source: Stanford    2017年1月11日
Tom Kalinske is the former CEO of Mattel, Matchbox and Sega of America, where he was responsible for the launch of the Genesis console, growing the company for $72 million to more than $1.5 billion. Currently, Tom serves as the Chairman of Global Education Learning, a company dedicated to children’s education in China, as well as a Venture Partner at Alsop Louie Partners.
In this fireside chat, Tom discusses his career in toys and gaming, with a special focus on his time at Sega of America during the height of the console wars. As an experienced venture capitalist, Tom outlines the keys to success in the current toys and games market, explaining how the industry has shifted in response to the digital revolution.
MS&E 476 Course Description: We often discuss how technology is reinvented and disrupted, but there is also a good amount of change occurring within the venture capital industry. Within the past several decades there have been new entrants, from incubators to angels to different models of venture capital.
The course explores changes in the venture capital industry: from the rise of Sand Hill Road and investing in the dot-com bubble, to incubators and accelerators, equity crowdfunding platform, and different models of venture capital today. Through lectures, guest speakers and interviews, the course explores how companies are funded, grown, and scaled, hearing from individuals who have been at the forefront of the industry as investors, technologists and entrepreneurs.

Koons, Temkin and Kandel: An Artist's Creative Process in Action

source: Columbia    2017年1月26日
On Thursday, January 26, 2017, the New York Historical Society hosts an exclusive conversation between American Artist and Zuckerman Institute's first artist-in-residence, Jeff Koons and Ann Temkin, The Marie-Josée and Henry Kravis Chief Curator of Painting and Sculpture at the MoMA as they discuss Jeff Koons' creative process in art and interest in neuroscience. This conversation will be moderated by Nobel Laureate, Eric Kandel.
By Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute

Lego’s Boost Kit Turns Your Bricks Into Robots | WIRED UK

source: WIRED UK     2017年1月24日
At CES 2017, one of the coolest things WIRED spotted was Lego’s unveiling of Boost, a clever kit that introduces programming and tech to the bricks you grew up with.
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Lego’s Boost Kit Turns Your Bricks Into Robots | WIRED UK

The Purposeful Company: a healthy prescription for UK plc? (LSE Events)

source: London School of Economics and Political Science   2017年1月26日
This extremely timely report, coming at a time when Parliament and the Government are actively considering radical changes to UK company law, makes some important suggestions for the future structure and regulation of the UK’s largest companies.
This presentation will be followed by a panel discussion to debate some of the Report’s recommendations, as well as other topical issues, including:
- The requirement for companies to have a publicly declared “purpose” which informs their behavior
- Increasing the voice of stakeholders in company decision-making
- Protecting boards from hostile takeovers
- Increased stewardship duties for shareholders
- Increasing diversity on boards
Ian Burger is Head of corporate governance at Newton Investment Management.
Clare Chapman is Non-executive Director and Member of the BIC Governing Board.
Will Hutton (@williamnhutton) is a political economist, writer and co-founder of the Big Innovation Centre.
David Kershaw is Professor of Law at LSE Law.
Colin Mayer is the Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.
Simon Witney is an LSE Law PhD candidate.
LSE Law (@lselaw) is an integral part of the School's mission, plays a major role in policy debates & in the education of lawyers and law teachers from around the world.
Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEUKplc

Mathematics & the Metaphysicians (Bertrand Russell)

source: Philosophical Overdose    2017年1月23日
A Bertrand Russell essay from LibriVox, read by Landon D. C. Elkind.

Philosophy without what? (Ana-Sara Malmgren)

source: SchAdvStudy    2013年3月6日
22-02-13 Institute of Philosophy
Dr Ana-Sara Malmgren (Stanford) -- Philosophy without what?
Knowledge and Intuitions - A one-day conference with papers on Professor Herman Cappelen's recent publication, Philosophy without Intuitions (OUP, 2012), with Professor Brain Weatherson (Michigan), Dr Ana-Sara Malmgren (Stanford), Professor Jonathan Weinberg (Arizona) and Professor Mark Richard (Harvard), with responses from the author.