

(theme videos) Neuroscience (from iBiology)

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source: iBiology     2017年2月7日

Erik Jorgensen (U. Utah / HHMI) 1: Synaptic transmission 19:18
Erik Jorgensen (U. Utah / HHMI) 2: Recycling synaptic vesicles: Ultrafast endocytosis 35:31
Gregory Petsko (Cornell) 1: Neurodegenerative disease: The Coming Epidemic 20:27
Gregory Petsko (Cornell) 2: Neurodegenerative disease: Parkinson’s disease: How might it be stopped 24:33
Gregory Petsko (Cornell) 3: Neurodegenerative disease: A potential gene therapy for ALS 24:29
Melina Hale (U. Chicago) 1: The Evolution of Neural Circuits & Behaviors: Introduction to Evolution 19:18
Melina Hale (U. Chicago) 2: The Evolution of Neural Circuits & Behaviors: A Startling Example! 27:00
Baldomero “Toto” Olivera (U. Utah, HHMI) 1: Cone Snail Venom Peptides: Venom complexity 38:57
Baldomero “Toto” Olivera (U. Utah, HHMI) 2: Conus Venom Peptides: Generation of peptide diversity 30:32
Baldomero “Toto” Olivera (U. Utah, HHMI) 3: Conus Venom Peptides: Chemical biology to neuroscience 34:02
Steven Reppert (UMass) Part 1: Neurobiology of Monarch Butterfly Migration: Migration Overview 28:10
Steven Reppert (UMass) Part 2: Monarch Butterfly Migration: A Time-Compensated Sun Compass 46:55
William Catterall (U. Washington) Part 1: Electrical Signaling: Life in the Fast Lane 26:51
William Catterall (U. Washington) Part 2: Voltage-gated Na+ Channels at Atomic Resolution 39:43
William Catterall (U. Washington) Part 3: Voltage-gated Calcium Channels 35:54
Jeff Lichtman (Harvard) Part 3: Brain Connectomics? 25:45
Jeff Lichtman (Harvard) Part 2: Neuromuscular Connectomics 38:07
Jeff Lichtman (Harvard) Part 1: Connectomics: seeking neural circuit motifs 46:32
Erich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 3: Genes specialized in vocal learning circuits 16:05
Erich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 2: Motor theory of vocal learning origin 11:43
Erich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 1: Convergent behavior and brain pathways 26:18
Cori Bargmann (Rockefeller) Part 1 : Genes, the brain and behavior 37:56
Cori Bargmann (Rockefeller) Part 2: Cracking the circuits for olfaction 32:26
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa (Johns Hopkins) Part 2: Stem Cells and Brain Tumors 31:19
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa (Johns Hopkins) Part 1: Brain Tumors 44:46
Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 4: How Neural Circuits Learn Time Intervals 36:32
Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 3: Sequence Learning and Memory 24:52
Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 2:Hebb's Postulate Revisited 20:45
Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 1: The Cellular Basis of Learning and Memory 39:14
Catherine Dulac (Harvard Univ) Part 1: Sex and Smell: Chemosensory Detection 5:29
Catherine Dulac (Harvard Univ) Part 2:Molecular Biology of Pheromone Perception 43:43
Catherine Dulac (Harvard Univ) Part 3:Sex-Specificity of Pheromone Responses 30:40
Karel Svoboda (HHMI) Part 2: Plasticity and signaling of single synapses 33:28
Karel Svoboda (HHMI) Part 1: Optical studies of individual synapses 43:25
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 3: The Evolution of Trichromatic Color Vision 44:08
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 2: Human Color Vision and its Variations 44:45
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 1B: Photoreceptors and Image Processing 33:32
Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 1A: Photoreceptors and Image Processing 35:59

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