

T1-2015 : Disordered systems, random spatial processes and some applications

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source: Institut Henri Poincaré       2015年2月19日
T1-2015 : Disordered systems, random spatial processes and some applications
The trimester aims at bringing together scientists working on the following three topical areas, with strong common cultural roots and wide research interest intersections:
- probabilistic methods on random spatial processes, for instance on growth models, percolation, coalescence, non-equilibrium phase transitions.
- statistical mechanics of interacting particle systems, especially disordered models like spin glasses, diluted systems, directed and pinned polymers.
- “complex systems” approached with mathematical and physical methods, in particular agent based models applied to socio-economic problems, inverse problems, multi-fractal models.
The program, anchored around those three main topics and subtopics, will be built on a school, three one-week workshops, various mini-symposia, research group meetings and three open lectures for a wide public audience.

Workshop 1 - M. Fedele “Interacting Models in Social Sciences and Health Screening Campaigns” 50:52
Imitation and social pressure are usually observed in the aggregate behavior of populations, and they are responsible for the appearance of trends, herd effects, discontinuities and crashes. To account for these phenomena, interactions networks must be included in the modeling of social systems, and measured from data. We present a recent analysis on an extensive dataset from adhesion to cancer screening campaigns, where a modeling, based on statistical mechanics and multi-species mean field spin models, allows for a quantitive estimate of average interaction effects through an inverse problem and leads to a forecast of effective social policies to enhance participation.
Public lecture 1 - Jean-Philippe Bouchaud “Crises économiques et financières : un point de vue... 1:12:43
Courses - F. Guerra “Equilibrium and off equilibrium properties of ferromagnetic...” 2:01:21
Public Lecture 2 - Andrea Cavagna “The seventh Starling: the Wonders of Collective Animal... 1:16:54
Courses - Chuck Newman “Riemann Hypothesis and Statistical Mechanics” 1:42:55
Public Lecture 3 - Frank den Hollander “Comment mieux comprendre le comportement... 1:10:14
Courses - T. Sasamoto “The one-dimensional KPZ equation... 1:47:16
Courses - R. SUN "Brownian web, Brownian net, and their universality" 1:00:22
Courses - E. PRESUTTI "Phase transitions in systems with spatially non homogeneous interactions” 1:00:22
Courses - G. JONA LASINIO “Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory” 1:35:32
Courses - A. Kupiainen “Quantum Field Theory for Probabilists” 1:35:32

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