

stanfordlawschool (videos of July 2017)

source: stanfordlawschool
6:10 A Big Fix | Closing Remarks Speaker: Sandy Levinson (University of Texas Law School)
Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanford on May 12-13 to discuss potential overhauls to the U.S. Const...
1:00:09 A Big Fix | Fixing the Future Constitution: Student Panel Speakers: Max Alderman (Stanford Law School), Jared Crum (Stanford Law School), James Davidson (Stanford Law School)
Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanford o...
1:18:56 A Big Fix | Fixing Executive Power Speakers: Roman Buhler (Madison Coalition), Will Howell (University of Chicago), Ruth Wedgwood (Johns Hopkins University)
Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanf...  1:26:22 A Big Fix | Fixing Elections Speakers: Russ Feingold (Stanford Law School), Richard Pildes (New York University School of Law), Zephyr Teachout (Fordham University School of Law)
Constitutional scholars from across the countr...
1:04:02 A Big Fix | Fixing Separation of Powers Speakers: Elizabeth Foley (Florida International University College of Law), Sai Prakash (University of Virginia School of Law), Michael Ramsey (University of San Diego School of Law)
1:16:16 A Big Fix | Fixing Rights & Judicial Power Speakers: Laura Donohue (Georgetown Law Center), Jamal Greene (Columbia Law School), Michael Stokes Paulsen (University of St. Thomas School of Law)
Constitutional scholars from across the country...
1:14:30 A Big Fix | Fixing Federalism & Local Government Speakers: Randy Barnett (Georgetown Law Center), Michael Greve (Scalia Law School, George Mason University), Michael Toth (Texas Office of Attorney General)
Constitutional scholars from across the...
1:48:02 A Big Fix | Fixing Equality Speakers: Mary Anne Case (University of Chicago Law School), Jane Schacter (Stanford Law School), George Thomas (Claremont McKenna College), Amy Wax (University of Pennsylvania Law School)
12:30 A Big Fix | Welcome and Introduction Welcome by Liz Magill; Introductory remarks by Michael McConnell
Constitutional scholars from acr

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